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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.66 MB, 3264x1836, 20140924_181343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5481392 No.5481392 [Reply] [Original]

Just received my 20 dollar meme book. What do?

>> No.5481397

Whoever designed the cover deserves a medal, looks great.

>> No.5481400

Why is it so wide and flat. It looks terrible. Like a textbook.

>> No.5481401

open it half way
shit on it
post pics

>> No.5481405

Check out the new one.

>> No.5481410


>> No.5481413

I want one.

But seriously, has anybody actually read this?

>> No.5481415

Parts of it. I myself have read up to and including chapter three.

I don't think it's possible to read the whole thing without receiving some kind of brain damage.

>> No.5481416
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x1836, 20140924_182038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I don't even go on /lit/ or read that much.

>> No.5481418

THIS is THE bee chapter

>> No.5481424


Is that the "value color" version? Post pics, I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it

>> No.5481435
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x1836, 20140924_182611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the regular black and white. It's actually really good quality though.

>> No.5481446

Bookstore quality

>> No.5481529

Anyone else get a copy of this? I'm strongly considering it, but the lulu store seems somewhat sketchy.

>> No.5481536

It's not sketchy.

>> No.5481566
File: 27 KB, 456x537, 1377875009644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 dollar
Oh my.

>> No.5481615

Well, you convinced me.

>> No.5481622

It's just small

>> No.5481628

costs differ per country

>> No.5481637

500 pages bro

>> No.5481710

I'm surprised I haven't seen any colour copies yet, it's been two weeks since someone ordered one.

>> No.5481740

Hello /lit/.

I'm quite new here but I'm a published offer and I'm well known in the literature circuit in New York City. I introduced your "board" to colleagues of mine and we have all purchased a book to discuss in our next meeting at the hotel we frequent.

I can't wait to receive mine and if my friends and I enjoy it we'd like to get to know you all a bit better.

>> No.5481749

sounds great pal

i'll be right here

>> No.5481750

>the "board' is a collection of three smelly hipsters

>> No.5481768

>published offer


>> No.5481775

fucking kekd

>published offer

>> No.5481778

Yeah, mine came a week or so ago.

I wish someone would buy a hardback full color OG first edition fasces

>> No.5481781

It would cost >$100

>> No.5481782

>published offer

sure buddy

>> No.5481806

>I don't think it's possible to read the whole thing without receiving some kind of brain damage.

This is true.
That's what makes it great.

>> No.5481920

It's like $25

>> No.5483950

quality bait

>> No.5486201

Post chapter 5

>> No.5486232

Oh so its like if James Joyce was living in the 2010s as an autistic 4channer. Genius

>> No.5486272

this, was gonna cop but not anymore

>> No.5486313

It's about 15x21cm, same size as my Stephen King book of short stories

>> No.5486345
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, 20140925_185531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that bad

>> No.5486364
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>> No.5486379
File: 1.52 MB, 250x250, 1404036558396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in their right mind would actually buy this?

Oh, wait. The literary and philosophy geniuses of /lit/ would.

>mfw someone is actually going to make a decent sum from this

>> No.5486389

>quantity over quality

>> No.5486390

Why do people worry so much with the idea that some anon may win 50cents per variant sold which he'll only be able to take away after it reaches $20 or some other number if it works like google adds and not about every single thing they buy all the time?

>> No.5486413

Holy crap I didn't know you could buy it.

>> No.5486422

>/lit/ gay, and the /pol/tards

>> No.5486425

Yeah bro, there's been a thread up for weeks

>> No.5486433

I know, but I never looked to the links. I thought those were a joke.
Who is getting all the shekels?

>> No.5486468

From past threads it seems that lulu is the only one who profits

>> No.5486478

>implying anyone has ever set a book's price based on quality

>> No.5486629

Im from Argentina and want this


>> No.5486633

kill yourself

>> No.5486639

If you go to the other thread the luluanon posted the PDF used in the book

>> No.5486642

PDFs are for faggots only, sorry

>> No.5486656

then convert it to epub retard

>> No.5486667

but thats for traps

>> No.5486669

then do it on .tex faggot

>> No.5486682
File: 152 KB, 500x636, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading on a screen is for weeaboos, okay?

Plus, I want a physical copy before all the global praising begins

>> No.5486689


>> No.5486696

I wont look good reading it m8

>> No.5486797

pedile plata a tu vieja

>> No.5487160

my country has no store either, just picked the closest one and paid for the cheapest shipping (it will default you out of mail, just be sure to manually choose it)

>> No.5487165

Read it because it is surprisingly good.

>> No.5487174

Fuck, three mate churrasco in the same thread.
I'm just gonna print it and do that cheap plasting binding thing they do at college and pretend it's requiered reading for something.

>> No.5487176

Anillado, ni idea como se dice en inglés.

If you happen to order it from lulu remember that the [aduana] shouldn't have any issues with books, even if it doesn't have a real isbn.

>> No.5487186

Technically the fasces cover does have an ISBN

>> No.5487215
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1399241850905s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should have made Laurie Penny a minor character. You know she's been here, has posted here, writes articles about online misogyny and forum culture, has a surprisingly large audience, and is very easily riled.

A few pages directly shitting on Penny and mocking her brand of feminism and she wouldn't have been able to resist. All it would take is one tweet about the book, and you would have seen at least fifty tweets, three New Statesman articles, and maybe one Guardian article, with her frothing at the mouth in rage and indirectly intriguing tens of thousands of people.

>> No.5487235
File: 363 KB, 754x1000, 0b05c20ec5ffec4aa8f163d983df1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically I'm a man, but that hasn't stopped that many guys so far.

>> No.5487262

This. It's so obviously.

>> No.5487629

man i have my mom's credit card i usually order books from bookdepository they are cheap customs cant do shit about it i am dubious about ordering this
i know im gonna get a nice laugh but man i wont be able to keep a straight face when reading this on the train

>> No.5487630

fuck off penny

>> No.5488357

That will fuck up all the zany formatting.

>> No.5488374


>> No.5488395

I also received mine today, haven´t picked it up from Coop yet thou.

>> No.5488405

Finally, i can say i am published!

>> No.5488406

How swedish of you.

>> No.5488410
File: 182 KB, 728x1024, 728px-Ilya_Repin_-_Sadko_-_Google_Art_Project_levels_adjustment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8.9 - The Rise of the Kikes

“Hey guys, what’s up?” murmured Darry as he entered the Bar known as “Boy Pussy Club Bar”, where he had always felt more at home than in the arms of his Dear Mama.
“Fuck what?” a man shouted at the back, but Darry couldn’t hear him over the sound of the Velvet Underground’s “Oh Sweet Nuthin” that Neil Gaiman (a well known homosensual) always put on for some fucking reason in like every book fucking hell Neil what’s the deal with you and the Underground, I mean not that specific song but the VU are all up in your mediocre books. Just why?
“Oh by the way, do you know Tao Lin? Can you introduce me? This is not nonsense, though,” Darry asked the well known homosexu-all. Tao Lin inhaled tryptamines at the bottom of the Club Bar every night, so naturally he was there this night, as in any night, stashed tightly under several severe World Wrestling Federation labor violations.

the fuck am I reading.jpg

>> No.5488420



>> No.5488452

>the fuck am I reading.jpg
Sounds like a Markov Chain generator.

>> No.5488480

I'm reporting this book for obscenity and racism.

>> No.5488484

It's about five different narrative/thematic threads crashed together into one. Other parts of the book have them too but separated or in different combinations.

>> No.5488682
File: 68 KB, 243x227, Knowing German.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for memes
faint kek

>> No.5488685

lulu won't give a shit it's one of their bestsellers

>> No.5488694

There is no point in reading it now because you can just read shitposts on /lit/ for the same effect

I will save it for when I'm old and 4chan is no more for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.5488723
File: 758 KB, 957x753, 1380155425893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is the only fragment of 4chan culture that survives The Event

>> No.5488762

>implying The Event will even happen

>> No.5488822


what's The Event?

>> No.5488830

Probably some retarded "happening" shit from /pol/, don't humor them.

>> No.5488832

>implying it hasn't already

>> No.5488835
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, jejejenum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not knowing of The Event

>> No.5488852
File: 269 KB, 659x1398, 2014-09-26 11.42.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempted to buy this shit with dat discount

>> No.5488884

honestly tempted to buy the book just for the cover

>> No.5488957

it was a joke you little shit

>> No.5488989

I used a coupon code to get it even cheaper

>> No.5488991

And why do you explain it?

>> No.5489287

is it the same text as this one?

>> No.5489580

Who gets the money?
Do they deserve it?

>> No.5489585

lulu.com and no they don't deserve it

>> No.5489594

pls share

>> No.5489610

Why is /lit/ handing its neet money to people who don't deserve it so they can own a physical meme?

>> No.5489627

Becuase this board has a lot of retards

>> No.5490419

Is it?

>> No.5490932

I was drunk and saw this thread so I finally bought it I am poor will I be sad?

>> No.5490954

You will have a lot of reading ahead of you

>> No.5490968

It's an earlier version, from the 7th. Some things after that date were cut, some were added; nobody knows what.

>> No.5491008

I have never bought a book before and I don't have the funds right now to buy this so can some /lit/ gay buy it for me.

>> No.5491021

>never bought a book before
how fucking old are you?

>> No.5491032


>> No.5491041

I know every single of these feels

>> No.5491046

Cum on TLoTiaT
Post pics

>> No.5491050

Cum on it and post pics

>> No.5491104

Is the abbreviation supposed to remind me of Lolita?

>> No.5491112


>> No.5491144

give us an update and let us know when you get it.

>> No.5491150

Who's the fucking faggot making money off of it?

>> No.5491153

is this a meme now?

>> No.5491171

Anyone get the value color edition? Just ordered one. I hope it's kawaii.

>> No.5491173

So... what is this?

I've only been on /lit/ for a month now.

>> No.5491179

Three weeks ago /lit/ self-published a book

that's the gist of it

>> No.5491198


A novel was written in a Google Doc by a group of Herac/lit/us scholars and you can get a copy printed by lulu. Pictures of a few pages are in this thread.