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/lit/ - Literature

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5487157 No.5487157 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even such a thing?

>> No.5487240


Think of life as an essay you're trying to write, you're trying to come up with a thesis.. Experience is your primary source.
Literature is your secondary source.

>> No.5487254

the lit lifestyle is working a shitty job because you wasted your education on an english degree. but that book you're writing might make you famoose.

>> No.5487268

No money. A lot of problems. Fucked up minds. Depressions, addictions, inabilities-

>> No.5487290

A narcissistic fantasy for hipsters. If you want to be a writer lead an interesting life, not a "literary" one.

>> No.5487305

Psychedelic drugs -> adventure -> depression -> suicide -> immortalization -> second coming -> sexy alien wife on mars -> second death when mars is destroyed

>> No.5487357

Sit in chair.
Read with every spare moment of life.
Copious amounts of psuedoamph/amph/modafinil/nootropics/supplements etc.
Engage yourself in the most "interesting" situations you can come across.
Lie in your bed because you can't get up for days on end.
Every other moment dedicated to writing.

Sounds delicious where do I sign up?

>> No.5487360


Sounds like my life. Like a lot. Only exception: I stil do some daily exercise.

>> No.5487362
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Working as an editor at an indie publishing house, attending literature conferences in your specialization and presenting papers, spending most of your free time reading and most of your money on books.

Very comfortable and book-filled life.

>> No.5487372


>all those nyrb

would cop so many oh lawd

>> No.5487386
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*-*...Like I said where do I sign up?

>> No.5487391

cool, congrats anon

>> No.5487403

You'll have to be ridiculously self-motivated. Or have an advanced degree in literature and be mildly self-motivated.

>> No.5487431
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Not sure if I can make it though. I'm getting to the point where time is not exactly on my side.

I do use amphs and other nootropics to increasae productivity, and read ungodly amounts, but I get the feeling I started too late. Well as long as I have nothing better to do, why not cast myself into an act of rife with the pungent airs of futility just to make it interesting.

>> No.5487488

How old are you that you think you started late? I didn't begin reading seriously till I was 20, and I'm one of the more well-read people in my graduate program now. It doesn't take too long to catch up, especially if you're as devoted as you seem to be.

>> No.5487504

Be poor and die young, max 35 years when you pass.

>> No.5487508

22 I seriously began reading at around 18, but that was to make up for a largely deficient childhood. I do appreciate the perceived increase in memory/organization/self-restraint/overall cognitive capacities that this age does bestow upon you, but my psychological condition is pretty much grounded on an inferiority complex that I've kind of harbored. Its kept me motivated in recent years, might want to keep it around for a bit longer, so long culling of neurons in my dopaminergic pathways remain unnoticeable in my subjective experiences. ((Painfully Neurotic right?))

But its really awesome that you do what you do. Do you have any words of wisdom that you can bestow?

>> No.5488536
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Never wear your black fedora with jeans.
You are so pompous you make me cringe every single time I read you.

>> No.5488579
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Yes, it's cultivating a leisurely bohemian lifestyle. The specifics can differ, but you musn't hold a job or have many obligations and literature must play some role in your life.

>> No.5488580
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I know.

>> No.5488602

There are plenty of literary jobs you can hold.

>> No.5488625

The literary style is whatever superficial pretense popular writers of the day have convinced other writers around them to be the means by which one becomes, or is, a writer.

Alcoholism, smoking, and struggling through poverty are not prerequisites nor indications of harboring talent, but there are plenty of people who think picking up a glass of whisky will somehow bring them closer to unlocking some untapped potential.

Writing well makes a writer. The literary lifestyle is just a fashionable by-product promulgated by persons who, if literature weren't their choice of entertainment, would just have easily become duped into another advertised lifestyle.

>> No.5488828

Eh a lot of it is just a persistent insecurity. Without it I'm rather pathetic, so I have to come across as pompous or something like that. Fact that I haven't been able to get rid of it, means that I am all the more contemptible. Of course in this life there is only to be or not to be.

Thanks for your time.