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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 564 KB, 1788x1171, pale-king-clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5486281 No.5486281 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished The Pale King. I work in the accounting field and this book hit the nail on the head about so many things.
Anyone on /lit/ in the accounting/finance world?

>> No.5486308

i just rented it from the library. the first 25 pages are boring. I started to skim, and there was no where to stop skimming so I keep skimming

>> No.5486325


some say, he's still skimming to this day.

>> No.5486337
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>> No.5486350

I'm studying accounting right now and I'm on here all the time. I mainly lurk though, for obvious reasons.

...back to lurking.

>> No.5486355


Why did this make me cackle so laughlingly gleefully?

>> No.5486356
File: 66 KB, 679x427, 1288190568714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.5486369

The reasons are not so obvious to me. Please elaborate.

Community college accounting major master-race reporting

>> No.5486818

whats that cut page supposed to be
i seed 5 to 12 so its gotta be something

>> No.5487188

everything's a nail when you're a hammer


sort of

>> No.5487228

Just got my Master in Accounting; currently studying for CPA exam. Coincidentally, I started coming here right after I graduated. I am mostly what this guy >>5486350 said.

>> No.5487256

So I am this >>5486350 guy, and basically I just don't feel qualified to post. Reading lit./phil. is a great hobby, but I haven't properly studied any of it. I don't want to reveal that I am a pleb.

Very nice. Which state (or non-US country) are you looking to become a CPA in? It's good to see there are a couple other accountants here.

>> No.5487272

Texas. I have to say I am much more comfortable with numbers than words (written/spoken).

>> No.5487276

if you're just honest about what you've read and don't make assumptions about what you haven't you're already a better poster than most of /lit/

I'd rather /lit/ become overrun by open-minded "plebs" than stay dominated by self-styled patricians who only bother to learn enough about other books to shitpost about them

>> No.5487764

I dropped out of accountancy after I found the first year to be the most boring thing I had ever done and couldn't face it being the thing I had to do for my career. The Pale King seemed terrifyingly authentic and confirmed everything I suspected. I'm currently NEET and never ever regret my decision.

>> No.5487793

I'm probably the most unqualified (shit)poster on /lit/, no one is going to insult you for lack of knowledge here and if they do its all anonymous.

>> No.5487803
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, canieverlooklikehim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5487810

nice meme

>> No.5487903

Sup OP.

I'm not in account or anything but Pale King is probably my favourite book. Didn't take the time to "get it" at first but so glad I did eventually.

>> No.5487919


Most "patricians" on /lit/ are just the equivalent of /mu/'s "/mu/-core" fanboys

>> No.5487933

OP here, glad to see some accountants (future accountants) on lit
IRL pretty much no one in the field reads anything

If you haven't read TPK I'd highly recommend it

>> No.5487948

What parts of it did you enjoy most/least?

Personally, I didn't really take to the history of that one girl (Meredith, or the other one?) where her mother's boyfriend or whatever chases them down and hits their car over the road, and has to lie there feigning being dead as her mother's blood drops on her face. Thought that was kinda lame.

The Good People story (Lane and his girl by the lake) is probably my favourite short story, I've read it approx. 10 times.

>> No.5487955

I liked the Cusk sections (the guy who couldn't stop sweating) and the long chapter in the middle about the 'wastoid' guy. The 'As The World Turns' part.

>> No.5487971

Yeah the wastoid part was great, especially that quote about how he and his father were both saying "whatever" to their lives or whatever but in totally opposite ways (his father working a job he hated I think and he just squandering his abilities)

Yeah the sweating was pretty cool.

You should check out link related: http://conversationalreading.com/is-this-what-the-pale-king-should-have-looked-like/

It's about how DFW id some readings of various parts of the book (the too-nice kid) and how he edited it over and over for like six years until he died.

There's a google doc link in there comparing how his stuff looked originally and how it looked when he an hero'd