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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.27 MB, 3895x2554, tundra2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5486288 No.5486288 [Reply] [Original]

Work has finally finished on the long-awaited original French cover for the book, as seen here. That's right, the Pynchon one, now in 13mb of goodness.

Will anything become of the Miami sequel?

Is organising a non-anonymous writing team the worst idea /lit/ has ever thought of?

Where do we go from here?

Pictured French edition!

previous editions (same text) are also here for a slice of /lit/ history

Fasces/tundra (standard b&w)

Fasce/tundra cover (colour, value quality)

French cover (standard b&w)

French cover (colour, value quality)

Pink/green cover (colour)

Fasces hardcover (b&w)

>> No.5486305

I really hope nothing comes of the Miami sequel.

>> No.5486314

Fuuuuck, I copped the original fasces one but now I want this cover too

>> No.5486322

I'd like a chance to work in something like this since I missed it, but the miami version felt as if someone wanted anons to write a book for him.

>> No.5486333

Well I made the cover of it as a joke but then people decided it was a great idea.

>> No.5486342

all tragedies are misunderstood jokes

>> No.5486405


>> No.5486415

I also missed out on the original run (stolen computer) so I'd probably participate in a sequel. But I haven't read any of TLoTiaT yet. Is there any coherent plot? Or even characters? Who edited it? I would think it would up like Finnegans Wake but with memes.

>> No.5486426

who of you faggots are selling this shit?

>> No.5486436

I am

>> No.5486441

No, I am

>> No.5486448

>listed in Gay and Lesbian

>> No.5486464

I normally don't participate in this kind of autistic 4chan faggotry but I kind of want to purchase this book. Like with real money.

>> No.5486467

Don't worry anon, nobody will ever know

it'll be our little secret

>> No.5486483

Me too. Too bad I live in south america.

>> No.5486491

You can't buy it in South America? Or is the shipping cazy?

>> No.5486534

Same here. I'd actually show this to people.

>> No.5486535

Hmm so I was thinking, what if one of us actually becomes an important writer and this becomes part of his/her oeuvre? English professors a century from now will be picking it apart trying to figure out which parts of this shitheap they were responsible for.

>> No.5486538

>tfw french is such a beautiful fucking language.

So glad I took some french classes during undergrad. Damn.
>tfw I wish I studied french literature sometimes.

Is there anyway I can study mathematics + french lit? Damn...

>> No.5486543

Oh, it's not actually in French; it's just what people called the cover.

>> No.5486545

Shipping is crazy.
Yeah, I want to read that shit in my uni.

>> No.5486553

I know it isn't. I'm well aware of the project and I lambasted it a week or two ago when someone made a thread about it, calling it a waste of potential. That being said, seeing this cover makes me reminisce about my undergraduate days when I was in my french classes.

Fuck, do I miss french.
>tfw I feel more of a connection to french rather than spanish, the language I'm "supposed" to know because muh culture.
That being said, proper Spanish is amazing; Dominican spanish is eh at best.

>> No.5486557

Here's the PDF used for the current lulu in A5, maybe you'll be able to find a printer down there.


>> No.5486641

thanks mang

>> No.5486665

Boy that looks garbage as fuck

>> No.5486675

For the last few weeks people have been using the Fasces cover, seen

>> No.5486704

all the covers are faeces

>> No.5486710


>> No.5487147

it ain't that baaaaad

>> No.5487221
File: 6 KB, 250x166, 1389907448082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey asshats, use the code GETIT15 before making the purchase.

>> No.5487260

Anyone have an epub of this?

>> No.5487451
File: 16 KB, 230x300, 1388548337603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnnnnnnn the shipping price to southern America is ridiculous; anyone knows a SA-based site like lulu, or a workaround to this?

>> No.5487460

Can't you just google
>self publishing Chile
or wherever you're from

>> No.5487463

What is this fucking book about?

>> No.5487465

/lit/ and everything

>> No.5487480

Boy, code's bullfuck.

>> No.5487484

What? Where the fuck do you live in SA? Supposedly it's quite easy to get it made, if you visit Peru, Bolivia or the like...


>> No.5487487

I bet I'll have the only copy in NZ

>> No.5487533

same here, goddamn

>> No.5487543
File: 290 KB, 1000x1439, legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5487549

Thanks to whoever finally made the real French cover. Will be ordering soon.

>> No.5487562

Argentina. Can't find a place that works "on demand" as lulu does, most here start at 50/100 copies.
I'll keep on looking though, will let you know other SAers if I happen to find anything worth it.

>> No.5487567

No problem, it's nice to see someone liked it.

>> No.5487915

Can this cover be had in color?

>> No.5487934

All covers are in colour, only the text is b&w

>> No.5487937

Yeah I know. Can I get op's cover with the colored text?

>> No.5487938

Who is making money off of this?

>> No.5487939

like clockwork

>> No.5487943

Fuck off.

>> No.5487944

No? I don't? But I'm being serious, it's way to overprized to be just the printing cost.

>> No.5487949

Nobody is making any money whatsoever.

Lulu is taking everything.

>> No.5487950

Anon once posted a picture showing $0.00USD in revenue but I'm not sure where to find it in the archive

>> No.5487981

Is the alternate French cover available? I prefer it myself.

>> No.5487992

it is, see OP under the title of 'french cover' (4th/5th link)

>> No.5487995 [DELETED] 

We should make a prequel

>> No.5487998

please stop

>> No.5488004
File: 376 KB, 650x427, 1411676673146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not quite the same one.

>> No.5490667

Nice meme

>> No.5490707

This cover was never published

>> No.5490808
File: 11 KB, 451x36, Screen Shot 2014-09-27 at 02.00.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered the hardcover b&w

can't wait to show mum

>> No.5490810

Bring it to bookclub

>> No.5491604

Oh good, sexy cover is finally in production

>> No.5491638

This seems really interesting. How did you guys collaborate on it? I mean, did you use any collaborative writing tools?

>> No.5491656

Yes, your mom. We all used her.

>> No.5491662

Just google docs

>> No.5492175

ded book
ded thred

>> No.5492193

arguably the gayest thing this board has ever done

>> No.5492209

I know you hate being here anon, but try to look on the bright side of things

>> No.5493502
File: 188 KB, 600x804, 5ARPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a mistake on the French cover - the spine is in Italian and the word 'possible' needs to be fixed on the back cover.

>> No.5493519

>Mistaking Italian with Spanish
>Not getting the joke

>> No.5493522

"A picture is worth a thousand words."
One second of standard film is 24 pictures, thus 24,000 words.
A standard, 100 minute film, then, is 24,000x60x100 words.
144,000,000 words.

Will we do this, /lit/?
Will we write a movie?
Do we, as a collective, have the balls to write 144 million words?

>> No.5493528

Is it deliberate?

>> No.5493533

Title in French, spine in Spanish, back in English. I'd say so.

>> No.5493573

Fuck no

>> No.5493623

>>5486288 Stop making threads for the unfinished version.
It's been 16 days and you're still posting the same crap over and over again.

>> No.5494327

That would be approx the length of 288 Infinite Jests.

I don't think we could do it in less than a year. But it's not impossible. It would, however, be impossible to print in one volume.

>> No.5495049

>unfinished version
>"latest" version has who knows how many cuts
Buttflustered johnny-come-late detected

>> No.5495059

Just got my copy now, good quality m8

>> No.5495734

>tfw nobody outside of 4chan will ever know this exists

>> No.5495744

Ordered my meme book today. How long will it take to arrive?

>actually bragged to me senile old mum that I got published in a "collection of modern literary quotes"

>> No.5495746

Some guy sent mails to every magazine and group he could bring up including the newyorker and jezebel.

>> No.5495758

so like maybe two volumes

>> No.5495766

depends where you live

>> No.5495777


>> No.5495781

Man, I hope we get a reply

>> No.5495808

>inb4 reactionary posters

>> No.5495811

thats a fucking nice cover

can I get english version link pleasE?

is some one shilling this garabage? who the fuck gets the bill, who the fuck gets the royalty check?

>> No.5495830

All the links are up there bro, and the 'french version' is in english

Lulu gets the money

>> No.5495912
File: 1.07 MB, 5700x3750, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Updated version with my rendition of the original french cover (I can't into photoshop).

The text is from a recent edition of the online document, for people who made late contributions after 1st ed.

>> No.5495919

by the way, it's hardcover and still cheap as fuck.

>> No.5495925

I haven't bought a hardcover since I really needed a latin dictionary more than a decade ago.

>> No.5495931

Oh my god, this is legit a masterpiece

On some New Sincerity shit this might be the best book I have read all my life

Somebody with LaTeX skills make it publishable holy fuck

>> No.5495933

We're finally published authors. We did it, anon. We made it.

>> No.5495939

looks pretty fucking bland m8

>> No.5495940

>self published
You share the honors with Demolition-D and >>5495018

>> No.5495942

ur mum's bl& m8

honestly i just wanted a version with some new edits in it. fuck the cover.

>> No.5495946

OK OK sorry for not seing the links, for whatever reason I though you thick fucks actually translated the book into french

which would actually be incredible, regardless who the fuck is getting the money

lulu gets all the money? I don't feel like paying money so you silly goys can spend it on student loans and spin bikes

>> No.5495959

lulu gets all the money. No jews involved. Promise.

>> No.5496034

I really want one but this is gonna be a bitch to ship to my shitty part of the globe.


>> No.5496042

>self published
i certainly did not publish it.

>> No.5496119
File: 194 KB, 500x334, power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5496145

filipinos are the niggest asians

>> No.5496522

that's not very nice

>> No.5496802

> Work has finally finished on the long-awaited original French cover
> not written by someone who actually knows french


>> No.5496812

can someome tell me what this is about?
Just a memebook produced by our edgy trips?

>> No.5496815

Nah man, 30 or so anons; no trips

>> No.5496817

It's a long collection of memes set down in various fonts and sizes.

It's an embarrassment, actually.

>> No.5496819

why do you liars claim it was written by 2000 people/

>> No.5496820

>edition publice
>pour cr volum
>sugène nicole
well played anon, well played, your typos will be remembered throughout the time and will enlighten millions of people.

>> No.5496822


That's what I was thinking yesterday. I believe that's better anyway, as 4chan is inherently prone to do that kind of bright things. A great epitome this book is.

>> No.5496825

So after actually looking through the book there are some nice pieces of poetry in there. What if one of us compiled a collection of /lit/'s OC poetry to on Lulu? We could also get /p/ to contribute with some photos?

>> No.5496827

Lulu the only store that sells it?
in Europe and would like to see if there's any cheap option available

>> No.5496830

why do you want a printed version? its pdf is free

>> No.5496832


>> No.5496843

2 pages in and already laughing like a retard

>> No.5496851

There are multiple European stores and they print locally

>> No.5497059

I'm honestly surprised that there are people on /lit/ who don't know about this book

We've had a thread every day for, what, 3-4 weeks?

>> No.5497088


>> No.5497225

In all seriousness who's finished it?

>> No.5497272

Well I've technically looked at every page

>> No.5497667

Where my colour at

>> No.5497704

>Frech cover
>Spine in Spanish
>And then back to English


>> No.5497708


>> No.5497795

You can just convert it from the PDF.

>> No.5497802

French version a shit. It has text running over the fascis. Pig disgusting.

>> No.5497971

How about we make a book of selected Poetry works. Then at least we will have a half serious release.

>> No.5498038

if you want to make something set up a site and make a thread but just suggesting in threads is at most going to get a couple of people who agree with you and then click off and go to another thread

>> No.5498184

The spine's wrong.

It should be "El Legado del Totalitarianismo en una Tundra"

>> No.5498220

Why doesn't Pynchon's face have a clear outline?

>> No.5498852

I don't know where you got that first page.
Some corrections:
>Edition publiée sous la direction
>Avec pour ce volume, la collaboration
>sugène => eugène ?
Also why did you put these people's names if your book hasn't been published by them?

>> No.5500644

how is a book by 4chan not in a free, online document?

>> No.5500668

The PDF has been posted so many times, I guess it should've been in the OP though

it's only the paperback itself that costs anything

>> No.5501285

SOMEONE has to have their colour version by now

>> No.5501292

>implying the fasces cover is horrible

>> No.5501309

how many have you guys sold already?
and most importantly, where is it going?

>> No.5501331

if it sold any copies, it's too many

right from the sap's hands into some guy's pockets

>> No.5501334

>if it sold any copies, it's too many
it did. some people have already posted pictures of their copies

>> No.5501355

>I never get screwed with anything I buy
>Some anon found a way to get money with the price tag that offers no gain
so many weird ideas

>> No.5501361

Can we put our work in the second one? How do we do it exactly without having people delete what we submit. I submitted shit for the first but it got deleted by another collaborator.

>> No.5501369



>> No.5501373

It's inevitable, if you really care that much save your contributions on a separate file and put them back in by the time everyone's past caring

>> No.5501426

What would you consider to be low/medium/high sales for this board?

>> No.5501465

What version is it?

>> No.5501468

not the lulu one, a later version with unknown edits and cuts

>> No.5501472

I think we should focus on new content. Not rehashing shit from Tundra.

>> No.5501482

>the only thing I contributed to this book is the blurb on the back
>and my typo is immortalized forever

>> No.5501483


>> No.5501488

80+ for high sales, considering all editions

>> No.5501496

Honestly? 90-95% of the purchases are from one edition

>> No.5501498

It's easier when there's already a structure built. It would be easier to repeat the experience if there were some semblance of general goal, I think.

>> No.5501501

If I see more lizardman shit I'm going to copy past the entire bible into the doc

>> No.5501508

There's something forming. It's about flash and glitz and glam and excess. It's colorful and poetic and retro. This book will be its own thing. Just needs a bit of tinkering.

>> No.5501517
File: 79 KB, 767x624, a few days ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something from a few days ago.

Proptip: nobody's snagged the first print of this thread's latest edition

>> No.5501524

>that dip

>> No.5501525




>> No.5501537

wow nice job 77 copies wonder how high its today
might grab a colorized copy myself

>> No.5501542

I didn't think that many people would buy it. If we break 100 will it officially be a cult novel?

>> No.5501546

Honestly we could really sell a lot more than this if we just got a little publicity

books a lot worse than ours sell a lot more

>> No.5501547

>>books a lot worse than ours
I seriously doubt that

>> No.5501553

look at the rest of lulu's bestseller lineup you boob

>> No.5501558

the book hasn't even arrived yet and i'm already experiencing major buyer's regret. i would just watch people contribute to it, i didn't even add anything

>> No.5501568

add to the sequel you silly billy

>> No.5501575

I think we need to wait at the very least a month or two until things calm down and do a new project. I don't see the point in trying to get in the shadow of Tundra.

>> No.5501584

It's up to Joseph Stallion. Where he goes, I go.

>> No.5501591
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying (as in spending real currency for) 300 pages of shitposting that's available online for free

>> No.5501596

it has a real perty cover

>> No.5501599

/p/ has shit photos so no

>> No.5501611

Definitely has some shelf presence.

>> No.5501652

500 pages m8

>> No.5501684

Oh la la.

>Now even MORE shitposting!
>66% pages MORE of the exact same crap you sage and hide!

Oh boy!

>> No.5501706

I'm actually thinking about buying, but I'm holding out for a good edition

>> No.5501718

What exactly is a 'good' edition? There's no more text coming out.

Paperback, hardcover, colour; what more do you want?

>> No.5501732

Bring it up in poetry threads after a few hundred posts and they'll tell you if they want to or not.
Try to do new things, don't get too tied to this one thing people did.

>> No.5501823

Why would I need this in colour?

>> No.5501881

Some text has colour but I don't think it makes much of a difference

>> No.5502362

there are 70 people on this board?

>> No.5503489
File: 106 KB, 1146x566, cover par excelente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quote on this cover.

>> No.5504047
File: 22 KB, 623x596, ss+(2014-09-29+at+01.01.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else thinking how this has a bad format?
For instance, I'm reading the PDF and at the end of page 41 there's this gray block of text and I assume has been censored, I think it should, all of it, stay on page 41 and not continue half of it on page 42.
For more clarity, see this image.

>> No.5504076
File: 1018 KB, 193x211, teach me teach me how to dougie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5504084

>tfw NEET
>tfw showed this to my mom (sfw parts)
>tfw she sort of looked at it for a few seconds without taking it from my hand and smiled without opening her mouth and then carried on with her chores

Feelsbadman, like when my younger sister called my new Death Grips LP "cute".

>> No.5504107

Wait, is some cunt profiting from this???

>> No.5504109

yeah, one Christopher Poole

>> No.5504448


>> No.5505602

Ok, I'm buying this.
Colour, B&W or Hardcover?

>> No.5505818

thinken about this, all books have different page sizes
which one has the correct format ?

>> No.5505971

Go with b&w

>> No.5506033
File: 47 KB, 1029x449, snapshot11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I did it. $15 for a meme book written by anonymous retards on an anime site. Buyer's regret was instantaneous.

At least I got 15% off. Coupon code is VEGGIE15 and it expires today.

>> No.5506050

I had the same "buyer's regret". Just praise it everywhere and you'll feel better about yourself.

>> No.5506143

24 american dollars for the book thanks /lit/

>> No.5506264

You spent $15 on that shit? Nigga you dumb. It's available free on the internet.

>> No.5506785


>> No.5507144

Well now I'll have something to read on the loo

>> No.5507889

>yfw Patrician UKfags carrying hardcovers

>> No.5508082
File: 30 KB, 300x300, repave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slip it into the back corner shelf of your university library's 6th floor
>goes unnoticed for 60 years before being rediscovered by a burnt out grad student
>has the most wtf moment before realizing he is not alone in his academic weirdness
>his people once had a home...and it was called

>> No.5508092

>self publishing

>> No.5508105

There needs to be one in fiction and another one in history.

>> No.5508153

and other in Children's :3

>> No.5508210

Fuck. Do I get the color version with the Tundra cover, or the color version with this cover?

>> No.5508221

Honestly I'd rather a black and white with either cover

>> No.5508238


Gotta read that Cement Garden, m8.

It's right up your alley.

also Antigone

>> No.5508250

What are the major differences? I figured the color version would be better for the greentext actually being green.

I mean, hell, I have the full-color House of Leaves. May as well get another meme book in color.

>> No.5508280

>Tao Lin cried “My soul is a pathway of dead occasions ending at the growth point of a living actuality, which in turn will soon die.”
Bravo anon.
Also kek'd at "sum-yung-guy smoothie." Am I a mong for finding this book funny?

>> No.5508297

The b&w version is a higher-quality book in terms of its construction

the colour one is value-quality, compared to standard

>> No.5508330

Value-quality meaning inferior binding, or mass-market quality, or what?

Actually, the b/w one seems cheaper in price, so I may as well get that one anyway

>> No.5508343

The binding looks to be the same, but honestly I've only got a standard-line so I've got nothing to compare to.

>> No.5508356

Well I'll just go with the b/w then. It may be more worthwhile to just flush a twenty dollar bill down the toilet, but whatever

>> No.5508772

>tfw Moot doesn't care

>> No.5508778

6 of one, half-dozen of the other.

>> No.5508823


He cares for naught.