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File: 81 KB, 480x360, 1394439923989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5485243 No.5485243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the genuine meaning of beauty?

>> No.5485251

Looks more evolved / less simian.

>> No.5485252

theres no meaning to beauty.

>> No.5485261

certainly not your mom

>> No.5485263

thesis: beauty + gives me a boner
antithesis: ugliness + does not give me a boner
thesis: beauty + does not give me a boner

>> No.5485265

All things beautiful are inherently good.

>> No.5485266

You know what would be a beauty? A funny female comedian.

>> No.5485269

What is the meaning to heartburn


Troll thread.

Un thread die now

>> No.5485290


Healthy people look a certain way. People prefer to breed with healthy people. Biology 101. Any other aesthetic preferences have been bred out of us over generations by selective pressure.

People who say 'but I think <ugly thing> is beautiful' are either bullshitting you, or represent a divergent mutation in the part of the brain responsible for sexuality- An insignificant minority.

>> No.5485305

If you were asking what is beauty I could tell you that during the middle ages up to the 1700's the definition of beauty was that which better represents the full potential of the divine creation. Nature was beautiful and mimicking it made a construction beautiful. It then evolved to the idea that our capacity to create new objects strange to the nature is part of that divine power. Furthermore the focus slowly shifted during the second half of the XVIII century towards beauty as an effect of the observer, considering the act of observing as interpreting impulses through our rationality because the enlightment was really into it. This movement, focalized in the Querelle, eventually turned into the aesthetics of shock that populated so heavily in the middle and end of the XX century; but it would be unfair to mention that the original idea of "shocking" was more on the side of "this garden is so calm I could cry" with the british and "this painting is so impressive even though I could fuck it's shit up" on the german side. The french had a nicer middle ground in which they defined beauty as a mixture of feelings equilibrating the power of creation with the understanding of the mind.

But your OP could be solved with a dictionary,

>> No.5485310
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beauty is superior to the good and the true because it illuminates the sense by which we find both, and more.

>> No.5485356

You, I really like you.


>> No.5485359

Mostly bogus.

you can be a perfectly healthy manape hobbit.

but you won't be beautiful.

What makes a person beautiful is stuff like having human body proportions, human facial features, looking like a human and not an ape.

Stanisław Szukalski is a kook in most ways, but he understod very well what features are beautiful.

>> No.5485387
File: 41 KB, 280x350, india-juang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice the very primitive, ape-like features.

>> No.5485392


Well it's not just health, but also features that would be considered as advantages for the offspring. Tallness, for example, is selected because it helps people see further when hunting and avoiding predators.

There's also the concept of genetic compatibility, which is why a man ape hobbit would not be considered beautiful by humans. There's a definite 'sweet spot' of genetic similarity that needs to be there, that genetic ancestors and widely diverged sister species (simians) would not qualify for.

>> No.5485394
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>> No.5485408

this person is beautiful

>> No.5485412

>There's also the concept of genetic compatibility, which is why a man ape hobbit would not be considered beautiful by humans.

This can explain the one way but it cannot explain the other.

Why manape hobbits are attracted to human-looking people just like human-looking people are.

There is something universally beautiful about human features.

>> No.5485415


>> No.5485416

No this person is aesthetically pleasing. If you positioned them in almost any other way they would loose what you find enjoyable about this image

>> No.5485417


can you elaborate on the Germans and their fucking shit up perspective?

>> No.5485419

Those eyes look like mouths.

>> No.5485432

>He had eyes like mouths

sounds like a stephen king description

>> No.5485442

Do you even have a point?

>> No.5485446

>He had a penis like a vagina

>> No.5485467

Yes, those pictures go along with my other posts


>> No.5485469

woops, this isn't my post,


this is


>> No.5485491

>what are western ideals
>what is media
>what is advertising
>what is culture
>what is common sense

>> No.5485495

>what are western ideals


>what is media
>what is advertising
>what is culture
>what is common sense

all irrelevant.

>> No.5485511

Aesthetics is the only truly empty field of philosophy. It's wholly subjective. If you're asking what is sexually attractive, in general it's health and virility. Natural selection only applies in hindsight, however. It explains how and why things are and uses it to predict how things will be in the future. By definition, however, anything that is prevalent has been naturally selected. Survival of the fittest means whatever is alive is fit. Hipsters are more fit than Spartans in this sense.

>> No.5485514

>common sense

You heard it first here guys.

>> No.5485522
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My posts seem to have angered you.

Maybe it is something you don't want to realize?

>> No.5485534
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with added flesh

>> No.5485539


Go on. Start talking about red pills. I fucking dare you.

>> No.5485544

Apparently beauty equals eye fluid.

>> No.5485546

Generally the more human someone is the higher their standard of beauty is.

Maybe this can explain why some people "don't get it".

Most people however, will recognize beauty when they see it.

>> No.5485553
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>more human

>> No.5485555

Sorry, if the truth is politically incorrect. I realize this is a sensitive subject.

>> No.5485557

Benjamin defines the feeling of atraction a work of art generates as its aura, and in The Art in the Times of Mechanical Reproduction he proposes that the aura comes from the feeling of awe generated by something fragile and unique, something reproduced like a photograph can always be repeated, so it loses that uniqueness.
I'm destroying his words, though, you should read that work it's less than a hundred pages long.

>> No.5485561

Yes please do elaborate.

>> No.5485565

Yes, the most simian individuals will fuck anything that moves.

It's not that their concept of beauty is broader, it's that they don't have a concept of beauty.

>> No.5485566

You understand nothing of aesthetics or the topics it touches. Is it the most debatable field of philosophy? Maybe yes. But at the very least it helped mold the current use of visuals as a tool for control, you can't ignore something that big.

>> No.5485570

GTFO Richard Dawkins

>> No.5485572
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All politics aside, most would agree that this is a handsome man.

>> No.5485577
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and that this is not a handsome man.

>> No.5485586


and yet both are white skinned and blonde, so there can be no accusation of "western bias".

>> No.5485587

Human reaction to language and sensory details is worth study on a macro scale as a form of behavioral science or sociology or economics or psychology. But the idea that there is any sort of philosophical justification for true beauty or true sublimity is silly.

>> No.5485601


>Generally the more intelligent someone thinks he is, the more detached he is from his reality, and that makes himself more idealistic about his needs.

>autistic guys actually always go for the most beautiful woman that they know, they can't pick other ones.

>> No.5485616

Anyone who "needs" a woman will go for the one they think is most beautiful if possible.

Detached people won't "need" a woman and won't see the point of settling for less so to speak.

>> No.5485635
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>> No.5485652

Beauty is an objective standard of aesthetics.

>> No.5485690
File: 189 KB, 343x226, india.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These men are considered handsome in India.

notice the human appearance.

and some will still claim that this isn't universal.

>> No.5485704

are you saying the more caucasian someone looks, the more human they are? If that's what you're implying then you have an extreme western bias.

>> No.5485708


Maybe because westerners are right and most Asians are fuck ugly?

>> No.5485712

Something in particular?

If you're interested in aesthetic philosophy you should lurk for a Frankfurt thread since Adorno and Benjamon are the two biggest names of the discipline, like Hume is the go to example of empirism.

>> No.5485713
File: 8 KB, 238x212, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is considered handsome in Japan.

Does he look caucasion?

No, but he does look human.

>> No.5485720

The idea of sublime was left behind in the 1800 and the value of emotions generated by an emotionless creation is as big in the human psyche as ethics or language.

>> No.5485733

You can find the human / manape contrast anywhere on the planet.

It's not a case of "western bias". There's a lot of manapes in Europe too.

>> No.5485736

Saying a man 'looks human' is tautological.

>> No.5485737

Except white men are OBSESSED with asian women and white women seem to LOVE black men. You're also forgetting that europeans colonised 90% of the world, so they're stuck with the european/western beauty standard.
he looks just as human as anyone else.

>> No.5485751

You need to keep your emotions in check. I'm not >>5485708

I'm not here to troll.

>he looks just as human as anyone else.



I've already predefined human traits.

In modern anthropology(a religion) any living hominid is considered a human.

I use a different definition

>> No.5485755

you haven't defined 'human trait's', you're defined caucasian traits, and you clearly have a preference to for pale skin. Though i'm not surprised from someone like you.

>> No.5485765

Pale skin makes the features more visible.

It's only convenient.

>Though i'm not surprised from someone like you.

someone like me? what I you saying I'm count dracula?

>> No.5485776


>Except white men are OBSESSED with asian women

lol bro if we're going to play the minority attraction game then you'll probably find that more white men are into latin chicks than asian women. the cultural differences are too significant between asian women and white guys and you'll find that most white dudes who specifically seek them out are creepy fuckers to begin with.

>> No.5485785
File: 6 KB, 293x172, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a recessive chin considered an ugly trait?

If one inspects these 2 skulls, one will find the answer.


>> No.5485788

No, I'm saying you're quite clearly a racist, which is way you're trying to claim that caucasian define what human is.
most interracial marriages are between white and asians, so don't lie.

>> No.5485796

>I use a different definition
>look maa i rote my own dictionamary


>> No.5485797

The recessive chin isn't a genetic trait...

I understand you're point though.

>> No.5485799


Looks are passed down, there's no ignoring this.

I don't say beauty makes a person a better individual, I'm just being honest about it.

>> No.5485802


I don't think you can define that adequately with words, but you sure can know it.

>> No.5485806

I prefer this approach. It's more honest and less involved with political agendas.

>> No.5485813

>The recessive chin isn't a genetic trait

It can be.

>> No.5485814


>most interracial marriages are between white and asians, so don't lie.

i'm not lying, if you ask the majority of guys what the perfect woman is they'll think of some victoria's secret model type of latin extraction. some brazilian 11/10.

and protip: a lot of men take what they have game enough to get. your marriage point means nothing.

>> No.5485815

More visible for the people used to that skin tone, for someone always around people with really dark skin we'd look all to white to notice anything.

>> No.5485818

I assumed it was because you look as if you had the dawns syndromes.

>> No.5485821

10/10. Fuck it man. You got me. I can't take anymore. I'm broken.

>> No.5485826

>More visible for the people used to that skin tone, for someone always around people with really dark skin we'd look all to white to notice anything.

I don't see how that would make sense. Like if it's dark outside you have a harder time fitting the key into the keyhole.

What the fuck are you talking about, dude?

>> No.5485827

>tfw worse skin than charles bukowski had

>> No.5485828

prove it.

>> No.5485833

>the amount of racists in this thread
holy shit, has stormfront & /pol/ invaded?

>> No.5485838

I knew a guy in highschool with a recessive chin.

We were good friends, so I met with his family.

His sister and his father both had recessive chins.

That's proof enough for me.

>> No.5485847

I have no political agenda with my posts.

I am simply participating in the thread, offering my insights.

>> No.5485846

That's not how synthesis works, dipshit.

>> No.5485850

That's not proof at all. They were all mouth breathers and not fed a tough diet when they were really young, that's the problem

>> No.5485852
File: 10 KB, 304x171, _56774874_abdulrafiq464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not lying
>if you ask
>and protip
>your...point means nothing

Where did you learn your rhetoric? Antarctica?

>> No.5485857

Imagine the sun out in the snow, too much light. A darker face is easier to distinguish in the noon.
But not really. It's not a physical thing, is being used to something. When you see a group of people that share a trait you first identify that comon trait. When you get to know more of them you see the differences. Like people recognizing their dogs even though that's bullshit for me and they all look the same except for the fur.

>> No.5485858

>They were all mouth breathers and not fed a tough diet

And the reason all neanderthals had recessive chins were becaues of their diet?

It's been consistently documented.

>> No.5485861

mouth breathing in no way influences chin position. I've been a mouth breather all my life and I have a jawline like Batman.

>> No.5485863

You need to sit down and read sum Kant, m8.

>inb4 I Kant!

>> No.5485864


Nice quads

Are you actually suggesting that blacks are creatures other than humans?

What about intelligent black people? What about a black person more intelligent than a white person? Are they just the anomalies of their respective races-- a stupid white person, a smart black person? 'Cause lemme tell ya, there are plenty of stupid white people, and there are probably people with a skin color different than yours who are much, much smarter than you, so any biological argument about race and intelligence is facile.

Now, if you want to say that a race's culture is more or less intelligent, that's a different story, m80.

>> No.5485865

Neanderthals had a genetic recessive chin, modern humans don't.
Yes it does, you must have a tough diet as a child then or you grind your teeth.

>> No.5485866

There's little real genetic difference between Caucasians and Latinos anyway.

>> No.5485872

Looks. Some people look more human than others.

>modern humans don't.

Some do.

>> No.5485877


"Your" is a possessive pronoun. "You're" is a contraction that means "you are", no exceptions.

>> No.5485881

Not genetically.
>le your maymay xDDDDDD
what is spell check?

>> No.5485883

your palette expands because of the pressure of your tongue when your like 10-12, just so you know. mouth breathing does have an affect.

>> No.5485887

All this about diet and mouthbreathing sounds like old wives tales.

Yes genetically.

Compare asian/european/african skulls on average.

You will notice the difference.

>> No.5485891

Aesthetics is empty because everybody jumped the Philosophy ship to go work in cultural critical work (psychol, sociol, anthro, mass comm advertising, marketing, actual art, historical analysis, arriving at Buddhist enlightenment).

Beauty is liking what we've seen before over and over, fixating on that which was vaunted or considered culturally important in our formative years. This, I think, delineates Beauty from, say, physical attraction, which has a distinct biochemical process related to it.

Anyway I've contributed to the discourse, packing my shit up and walking away.

>> No.5485892
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OK, sorry, I was reading too far into your post.

Well, I think that you might actually have a good argument there...

But, what of masculine and feminine features? I mean, a woman who looks manly is generally going to be considered unattractive by men.

Do women have a "leg up" from looking like apes or other creatures? Or, are women prone to looking like some other creature from which humans evolved?

>> No.5485896
File: 328 KB, 400x515, 1411576566346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you done having your tantrum?

Many people browsing can learn from your mistake.

>> No.5485899

>Beauty is repetition of what has been previously pleasant to us
How's the 17 century going on? Hope you get over that classicism soon and catch up, mate. Did you know the greeks actually painted their statues? Weird shit.

>> No.5485902

>I mean, a woman who looks manly is generally going to be considered unattractive by men.

Manly describes a lot of traits.

Some "manly" traits are considered ugly on women and others are considering beautiful.

>> No.5485904

Watch this, he also mentions that it sounds like an old wives tail

>> No.5485913

Judging by his face, he's full of shit.


I've heard this about diet before, and I think it might change your looks but only within the given genetic potential.

>> No.5485922

It's not just a diet, it's how you hold your head and more importantly where you position your tongue, your jaw grows around your tongue which is why mouth breather have weak jaw lines and recessive chins.

>> No.5485925

There are some preferences that have noting to do with health, and a lot to do with culture. In some cultures heavy women are considered beautiful, while in others very pail skin or very dark skin are considered the ideal. You are leaving no room for how culture influences how people perceive beauty.

>> No.5485927


Somebody may be able to correct me, but I believe European and Asian people mixed with Neanderthal when they left Africa. The only pure humans would be the people of central Africa.

So what you're looking for is "People that are less human are more beautiful.

You racist anus.

>> No.5485931

>which is why mouth breather have weak jaw lines and recessive chins.

I think genetics play a larger role than stuff like mouth breathing and diet.

>> No.5485939

>but I believe European and Asian people mixed with Neanderthal when they left Africa

If you wanna go by this you can also say that africans are mixed with homo erectus.

An african skull has more in common with a neanderthal than does a european or an asian one.

>> No.5485942

Well then, you're wrong.

>> No.5485945
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as I said previously, a sensitive subject.

>> No.5485952

I can understand why you'd prefer that to be true.

but it just isn't.

Children take after their parents, more than they take after their diet.

Give a child from Norway and a child from Zimbawbe the same diet.

They still won't look similar.

>> No.5485961

Real neat. Lotta pussy. Smallpox is fun. Fewer people, reasonable property taxes, am living comfortably. Met Frank Bacon the other day, fucker tried to give me a handy on the parapet 'cause I started reading The Order of Things aloud in public to fuck with everybody.

>> No.5485972

Just wait a couple of years and you'll start seeing some really sick architecture stuff, trust me on this one.
And if you can don't invest on french military attacks on Spanish territory in America, instead go to the british and insist on using economic measures.

>> No.5485974

They haven't different skull shapes though, their chins wouldn't be recessive if fed a tough diet.

>> No.5485984
File: 207 KB, 900x900, not fucking diet dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They haven't different skull shapes though,

Yes they do.

>their chins wouldn't be recessive if fed a tough diet.

Wishful thinking.

>> No.5486003

I meant they have different skull shapes, and yes it is the diet.

>> No.5486010

>I meant they have different skull shapes,

Which also means different jaw and chin shape.

Part of your skull.

>and yes it is the diet.

The diet can have an effect, but the genes have a much larger effect on the SKULL SHAPE.

jesus dude.

>> No.5486017

>Skull shapes
>This late 19th century racism

Tippity-top kek. What else is there, muh IQ gap? You mean a gap smaller than the gap between an average man's IQ today versus an average man's IQ in the 1920s? If that IQ gap can be accounted for by a change in resources, can the gap between blacks and whites also have similar roots?

>> No.5486020

Nope, they haven't different features, but none of them have a recessive chin.
Yes genes have greater affect on the skull shapes, but diet decides the chin and jaw.

>> No.5486039

>Yes genes have greater affect on the skull shapes, but diet decides the chin and jaw.


Diet can have an effect on your skull shape.

Genes have a much more significant effect.

There's a political agenda being pushed here in the nature/nurture debate. Culture radicals(marxists) want you to believe that nurture is the only thing that matters.

Just because it's not politically correct doesn't mean it's unscientific.

I don't give a shit about IQ, this thread is about beauty.

>> No.5486056

Yes genes have a more significant effect but diet decides the jaw and chin. I'm not pushing an agenda but remain ignorant if it keeps you happy.

>> No.5486058
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>> No.5486063

Why don't we just spell it neandertal? Is there any other case in english where a th is pronounced as a t?

>> No.5486070


>there are no differences in skull structure between races because that's racist

haha what

>> No.5486073

The idea that race is anything more than a linguistic construct is racist.

>> No.5486075

>Yes genes have a more significant effect but diet decides the jaw and chin

Diet has an effect. It's not the only thing that determines jaw and chin shape.

You can feed a monkey the same diet as a human, they won't grow the shame jaw and chin.

You are pushing an agenda, you're just doing it unknowingly.


I'm not going to deny that the dark skinned girl on the left looks more human and beautiful than the pale skinned girl on the right.

>> No.5486088

but the one on the right is fat and not wearing any make-up and the other isn't exactly a common sight.

It's not a fair comparison.

>> No.5486093


While we're at it, we might as well get rid of all biological classification: phylum, class, order - they're all just linguistic constructs, and therefore discriminatory.

>> No.5486098

I didn't say a monkey would grow a different jaw and chin, but human jaws and chins are impacted by diet, unlike monkeys.

>> No.5486099

Actually, belief in race is more feelings than facts. It relies on rationalist self-evidence rather than actual evidence. The overwhelming consensus among biologists is that race is not supported by genotypic or phenotypic prevalence in populations.

>> No.5486112


[citation needed]

>> No.5486114

There are genetic differences between humans too.

I know a mulatto kid who's been living in Denmark, eating more or less the same diet as other danish kids.

Like his father(who's black) his chin is recessive.

Now if you look at African skulls, it(a recessive chin) is a common feature.

>> No.5486122

It just had to develope into a stupid discussion on raysiiism.

There's no way to talk about beauty without offending someone who'll throw a tantrum and bait other people into the very interesting raysiism debate.

Why people are raaysiiists isn't that relevant to what traits are beautiful.

fucking manapes.

>> No.5486149

You guys are all retarded. Completely incapable of thought.

>> No.5486167

Maybe if you were smarter, you'd be able to come up with an insult that actually fit.

No one in this thread is retarded or incapable of thought.

>> No.5486187

>objectifying beauty

I browse /a/ some times to shitpost on waifu threads.

I explain to them that their waifus aren't 2D. Really, their waifus are 3D because they are hand drawn images. Obviously, when an artists hand draws something, particles are broken of his or her writing utensil.

They can't argue against that. Then they claim that their waifus are are concepts in their mind and therefore not 3D. I explain to them that concepts are really chemicals, admittedly complex ones, that interact with each other in the brain.

Then they ask what my point is.

I tell them that their waifus are on the same level of importance as real three dimensional women. I then make the point that they don't just fall in love with a single image of an anime character. They fall in love with the concept of the character who goes though some kind of events. I explain to them why they are delusional and how real women go through many of the themed events that their waifus go through.

Why would one fall in love with a woman or a man with just a glance? Not even the shallow, delusional people of /a/ do that. The concept of somethings beauty is seen by what it has gone through, not by just a physical presence. I think mountain are beautiful because of what it had to go though to be in the state that it is. I think knowing the events that an object, or in this case, a person has went though, is what makes something loveable.

>> No.5486195

Jokes on you. I didn't even read this thread. Also, it's easier just to say everyone's retarded and can't think. I still feel superior and don't waste any time making my criticism specific. I call it no frills blanket bashing.

>> No.5486197

>humanizing waifufags in order to debunk them
Wow I would have never considered that.

>> No.5486198

I need to proofread more.

>> No.5486199
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>artists hand draws something


>> No.5486207

>I explain to them why they are delusional and how real women go through many of the themed events that their waifus go through.

3d women are nothing like anime girls.

that's like comparing a bar skank to the virgin mary.

one is a living breathing being, the other is an ideal made by men.

>Why would one fall in love with a woman or a man with just a glance?

because romance is superficial.

>> No.5486209

So the must stick that plastic writing utensil into their urethra, right?

Even when it is saved on a computer, electrons that are stored have three dimensions.

>> No.5486212

cool story bro.

>> No.5486223

I agree, it is stupid to compare an anime girl to a real girl, but I do it so that they may see a fault in one of their fundamentals.

I disagree with your statement of romance. True romance not only needs a physical attraction, but also a mental and spiritual attraction.

If you are a bearer of fedoras then you may exempt the spiritual attraction.

>> No.5486230

Stop consuming so much Western media

>> No.5486242


are you implying that one cannot be intellectually superficial

>> No.5486244

>True romance

Please. This is some made up hollywood shit.


>also a mental and spiritual attraction.

It will help people get along. but there is often more mental and "spiritual" attraction between a guy and his male friends than between a guy and his girlfriend.

>> No.5486284

You could be right there. I'm only speaking from my own experiences. The same can be said about you.

Our experiences in life are all superficial because we don't represent a large percentage of what is. Seven billion people supposedly live on this planet. Each of their experiences are unique.


>Hollywood shit
Hollywood is the origin of love at first sight. Let's say in the Wild West, a boy and a girl who are both 15 years old fall in love. They may only fall in love because of availability due to a low population, but they both know what each has went through and they both know that they want to lead successful lives. They will support each others goals, therefore true love is made.

Now if a boy from a rural area falls in love with a city girl passing through on a stagecoach, the chances are he is only interested in her body. She may seem refined to him, but in reality, the event in her life to be in the same area he is in, are much different then from a girl who lived in the same area all of her life.

You didn't even have to mention it, I gave you full permission.

>getting along

Pfft, getting along is what allows humans to exist.

That's another problem that I see with a woman not being the best friend of a man when they are engaged. That should be the ultimate friendship. One should be able to tell his wife what is on his mind and vice versa. That is something that is from Hollywood too, soap operas where women talk about their husbands behind their backs, or guys sitting at a bar bitching about their wives.

>> No.5486786
File: 859 KB, 1538x429, abos vs humans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5486791
File: 516 KB, 652x400, human vs nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5486798

that's a good one because marky mark is a huge nigger.

>> No.5486848

The girl on the left is a babe, yes. While the girl on the right is disgusting.
The reason whitey is the best looking race isn't because they're ALL beautiful, stupid. Its because they can be appealing to absolutely everyone.

The black girl in this pic is very attractive, but she is about as attractive as the negro can get. Compare her with the peak of say, Danish beauty and she will pale in comparison.

This is without even going into detail on how she has many white features. The lipstick is of a white person's colouring. She has straightened her hair. Her head doesn't share that curious "ape" shape of a purely bred negro.

>> No.5486860

the girl on the left has a lot of fucking white in her

nice try though

>> No.5486873

the very concept of beauty is a social construct (disregard what efremov thought), at least to a certain degree, since the white race conquered all the world it imposed its concept of beauty on all the other races, it's why japanese now paint their color blond, if blacks were the most powerful race we would curl our hair and tried to have as much negro features in our image as possible

>> No.5486874
File: 116 KB, 800x1032, zoe saldana - 25-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All politics aside, most would agree that this is a beautiful girl.

>> No.5486879

>The reason whitey is the best looking race isn't because they're ALL beautiful, stupid. Its because they can be appealing to absolutely everyone.

Asian girls are the best looking. Particularly South East Asian.

>> No.5486881

why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.5486882
File: 7 KB, 251x220, 1349012909917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A" for effort /pol/

>> No.5486890
File: 133 KB, 957x1300, portrait-african-woman-3336087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoe saldana is dominican / puerto rican, not black

again, nice try

let's post some actual african women ITT instead of trying to pass off latinas and half-white half-black women as black

>> No.5486897
File: 29 KB, 418x547, moon people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian girls are the best looking. Particularly South East Asian.

haha, oh wow!

>> No.5486904

You're a fetishist, your opinion is irrelevant.

Look at the statues of Ancient Greek men who were considered beautiful, then look at a picture of Jim Morrison. They're damn near identical.

Beauty is only a social construct only so far as people are willing to lie. In a few hundred years people will be looking back at photographs of Adele and thinking "Fuck, people in 2014 all loved fat chicks? Weird."

>> No.5486913
File: 27 KB, 345x337, reddit white knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A" for effort Reddit

>> No.5486923
File: 106 KB, 500x689, style-icon-yolandi-visser-die--large-msg-134063956349-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's post some actual african women ITT

>> No.5486930

>I found one bad picture of a Northern Cambodian/southern Laotian hill tribe girl that deviates too far from my western ideals, and I'll pretend that this is every single Asian girl.

>> No.5486935

>I relentlessly obsess over the moon people because I imagine them to be subservient and just like the girls in my Korean cartoons and I like that because no white woman would ever come within five feet of me

>> No.5486939

note that both greeks and jim morrison were white.
efremov (sorry for quoting a probably obscure for you author but he had some good ideas about the subject) claimed beauty as expediency, i don't think he was right completely but he was probably right partially, expediency may be the basis of beauty... but the expediency is different for different races who originally lived in completely different climate, so our very basis of beauty is different from that of negroes

>> No.5486941

>born in africa = african racial descent

I guess since I was born Saudi that makes me a sandnigger


>> No.5486944

why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.5486948

also despite how it sounds i don't contradict myself in those posts!

the beauty is a social construct but it may have deeper roots and one race can impose its concepts of beauty on another one too

>> No.5486951

why haven't you killed yourself yet