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/lit/ - Literature

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5474427 No.5474427 [Reply] [Original]

going through a rough breakup and want to read something


>> No.5474436

Rough how? I recently had a break up, as well. I've read Catch 22, and I'm well into The Iliad now.

>> No.5474437


>> No.5474441

it was a long relationship and we'd been living in different places for a while and just growing apart
i guess that kind of made it harder because there wasn't a fight or anything and all of a sudden we hated each other
we just sort of both realized it wasn't going to work anymore

>> No.5474442

sticky, read it.

>> No.5474456

Damn. What are your typical tastes? Genre Fiction, Russian Lit, etc? Would you be interested in trying something out of your typical stuff?

>> No.5474468

Yeah, I've read Anna Karenina and Crime and Punishment and loved them both.
I like Murakami and Delillo a lot too.
I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.5474474

I might suggest Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's up-beat, and very funny

>> No.5474552
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>> No.5475761
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>the year is 2070
>writing my thesis on famous author from early 2010's
>Start doing extensive research
>luckily there is an archive of famous authors internet posts
>find his facebook, youtube and twitter, nothing good
>stumble on what I can only describe as posts from a siamese claymation discussion board called /lit/
>all the author ever says is "read the sticky" and repeatedly calls other users "faggot" and "pleb"
>mfw the author even in death continues to be useless to the discussion board

>> No.5475794

>going through a rough breakup and want to read something
Gulag Archipelago

>> No.5475805

If you hate her, read something like The Girls, by Montherlant. If you love her, read some pity literature like White Nights.

>> No.5475924

The Left Hand of Darkness. Find out how much easier things would be if there were just one gender, no men or women. Not really any easier.

>> No.5475938
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