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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 250x392, Harry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5467866 No.5467866 [Reply] [Original]

It's been 17 years now. God, time flies.

>> No.5467872

He is going to get run over by that train.

>> No.5467875

>tfw 2001 was 20 years ago

>> No.5467878

What are time flies?

>> No.5467880

I never rode it. Eat dick nerd.

>> No.5467881

for fuck's sake, man

>> No.5467884

>this is a terrific book
10/10 perfect review

>> No.5467917

A friend of mine couldn't get the books because his mother went to a church where the preacher used to rant on how that book was pretty much the satanic bible.

>> No.5467980

-The picture is inaccurate.
It would be impossible for the signica 9&3/4 to be so close to the train, it will fall if the train start moving.

-Also, is not allowed to people be in front of the train even if it's not moving.

-The night magicaly appeard inside the station

-The picture of Harry doesn't look like Daniel Radcliffe at all. The guy who made this didn't knew what he was doing

-No Hermione as a main character and a pic of emma watson

+At least it was a short book. The writer should make a sequel.

>> No.5468029
File: 23 KB, 298x475, MAGIC AND ADVENTURE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the depressing as fuck original run of "adult" covers?

>> No.5468169 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 218x350, Yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5468202
File: 136 KB, 415x640, 4724128707_a38e03879d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PS is the most depressing of the bunch, but CS was almost there. But this one was plain weird.

>> No.5468248

post the others

>> No.5468276

What the fuck is that.
How does someone take something as magical as Harry fucking Potter and turn it into "A train billowing toxic smoke into the grey air of a tragic and colorless world.."

>> No.5468284

This makes me wonder, how much can the book cover effect the mood of a book/ how you interpret the text?

>> No.5468318


>being from the future
>choosing to browse 4chan

>> No.5468348


Maybe /pol/ was right about the course of history, and he wanted see the sages in action.

>> No.5468414

I would love an authentic copy like that.
im serious

>> No.5468418

does pol actually make predictions about the world

>> No.5468439


Not beyond hysterical claims about Muslims taking over Europe at some point in the near or maybe distant future.

>> No.5468446


>implying that's a hysterical claim

>> No.5468469


You're right, absurd is probably a better word.

>> No.5468475

16% of France supports the ISIS, you don't find that alarming?

>> No.5468487


Mohammed is the most popular boy's name in Britain now.

>> No.5468545


I do, the issue was /pol/ believing Muslim immigrants to Europe are going to form Eurabia and subject non-Muslims to dhimmitude, which is an absurd claim.


Muhammad is an extremely popular muslim name, so even if Muslims aren't growing much faster than non-Muslims, a greater percentage of Muslim babies would have that name than other groups would gravitate to a particular name in similar proportions, like say Narendra for Hindus or Isaac for white British.

>> No.5468554

>I do, the issue was /pol/ believing Muslim immigrants to Europe are going to form Eurabia and subject non-Muslims to dhimmitude, which is an absurd claim.
Maybe today. But at the rate they reproduce and immigrate, it might be different in a hundred years

>> No.5468592
File: 3 KB, 250x250, ishiggydiggyminimalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I'm glad I found someone with taste as shit as yours, Anon. I was beginning to wonder if I was a pleb when it came to artistic design, but now I rest easy assured that there are mouth-breathers like you who walk among us.

>> No.5468644 [DELETED] 

I feel so sad and depressed when I learnt that happened was all in Harry's head, a sort of fantasy to cope with his depressing life.

>> No.5468659

I felt so sad and depressed when I learnt that everything that happened in the series was all just a fantasy created by Harry in his head because he went mad.

>> No.5468661

In a hundred years the descendant of current immigrants will have turned full Yuropoor, and we might as well have ascended to posthumanity/being dust in the ground. Who cares, honestly ?

>> No.5468674

Anyone here had anything published? You rarely get to choose your covers; it's just some asshole who hasn't read the work but was given vague directions like 'there's a dragon that the main guy is fighting at a competition; draw that' (which results in the guy taking dragon+competition and picturing Asia).

>> No.5469389
File: 321 KB, 750x282, you dun it nao arry porrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only the first four books got those.

>> No.5470379
File: 20 KB, 500x500, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The xbox 360 is 10 years old

>> No.5471303

I really dig this one actually.

>> No.5471322

Fuck. I remember getting it on release.

>> No.5471408
File: 7 KB, 625x582, sad bebop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Famicom came out in Japan 35 years ago

>> No.5471434

:\ I still have it....it got red ring a month after the extended warranty....goddamn Bill

>> No.5471449
File: 380 KB, 628x480, sachiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw time seems to move so fast you're forced to ask yourself if you're living your life to your foulest

>> No.5471467

>Blue Monday came out in 1983

we are now about as far away from the release of Blue Monday as Blue Monday was from the Korean War or the start of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

Blue Monday still sounds fucking awesome

>> No.5471506

The birth of Cleopatra is chronologically closer to the moon flights than when the Great Pyramids were built

>> No.5471513


>> No.5471518
File: 599 KB, 716x741, 5765_371792979599359_1781263521_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young Adult Fiction

>> No.5471522
File: 941 KB, 2560x1600, Creative_Wallpaper_Flying_pyramids_035386_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
