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/lit/ - Literature

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545850 No.545850 [Reply] [Original]

Graphic Novels..Y/N?

>> No.545855

Put ma dick in your mouth, how about that for a graphic novel?

>> No.545856


>> No.545861
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i wanna see you try

>> No.545860



>> No.545863

no nudity, just bare skin

>> No.545872
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>bare skin
>no nudity

>> No.545875
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>> No.545878

What are you doing here, Amanda Palmer? You should be singing and playing the piano, not on some internet board.

Also, N.

>> No.545879


ugly fuck.

>> No.545912


>> No.546168



>> No.546552


>> No.546557


>> No.546563


Both, or neither.

Some graphic novels are actually novels with pictures used to help aid in telling the story, and have some good literary merit.

But most of what people call "graphic novels" aren't novels at all, they're just collections of several issues of a comic book, which would belong in /co/.

>> No.546574


You know nothing.

Go and read Asterios Polyp and find out how horribly idiotic your comment is.

In any case, my answer to OP is.... Y.

>> No.546580
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Why would I waste my time with a graphic novel?

>> No.546585


Why would you waste your time with a film or a book or a television program or a play or a poem or a song or a picture or a...?

>> No.546590
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>> No.546591
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OP here. Any recommendations? My friend got me the walking dead series for my birthday and I REALLY liked them

>> No.546592

I'd fuck her in the ass, if you know what I mean.

>> No.546595
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who is this bitch and why do i see her everywhere

and wats wrong with her eyebrows

>> No.546597


>> No.546596


A Contract With God.

>> No.546598

fuck your graphic novels, I want comics.

>> No.546599


Amanda Palmer insane but talented musician. Engaged to Neil Gaiman if you care...

>> No.546600


>> No.546606

amanda palmer is hairy

>> No.546607
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as the only /co/mrade in this thread allow me to clarify. if it's /co/ related and you can post it in /co/, it's probably not /lit/ related. if /lit/ don't want it, i'm sure /co/ will be happy to embrace your thread idea

>> No.546609

Neil Gaiman got divorced? Guess he couldn't keep his dick in check.

>> No.546616
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>> No.546617

But they will only suggest shit like Generic Titty Adventures 4: Revival of Grimdark.

Not to mention they call everything hipster trash, think Chowder is better than Paprika and that Kenshiro and Kamen Rider are villains.

>> No.546620

"comic books"

>> No.546621
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>> No.546622

So when did /lit become /b? Also GN's are awesome.

>> No.546624

His wife was a scientologist

>> No.546626
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no way

>> No.546632

Yep. In fact, Gaiman's father was a big shot in the scientology church.
I think one/both of his daughters are too

>> No.546634


>> No.546636

holy shit. neil's not one, is he?

>> No.546640

I don't think so. He was raised mostly by jewish ideals, and considers himself an open minded person. You can see that in his comics and books.
But he never talked about it as far as i know, plus, it didn't seem like he had a good relation with his father.

>> No.546655


Walking Dead is AWESOME.

Also, at the risk of haters:

Daniel Clowes works.
Fun Home
Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth
Asterios Polyp
Y: The Last Man

>> No.546670
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Thanks! I will look into these.

>> No.546672

I'd distinguish between Comics and Graphic Novels thusly -
Comics = Anything written in the sequential art medium as monthly chapters of an on-going serise and collections thereof (called Trade Paperbacks). These can be anything from "Generic Superhero"-Man monthly to anthologies like 2000AD.

Graphic Novels = Anything written in the sequential Art medium as a long-form stand alone peice (even if chapters of it had been published originally in seperate parts, the way Dickens used to do his novels). This could be things like The Crow, Black Hole and Watchmen, even though they were originally published in chapters.

Anyway, its all good as long as everyone knows what you're talking about, and "Comics" covers just about everything.

Good Stuff;
Anything by Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Grant Morrison or Will Eisner. Joe Sacco's stuff is very interesting, Chris Ware has a very formal take on the medium and isn't for everyone but I generally like his stuff.

I could go on reccomending stuff all day but I have no idea what would suit you, it really all depends what you're after.

>> No.546674

Serious question.

Why do graphic novels always seem to trend towards bleak, sad, semi-autobiographical themes?

>> No.546681

Because that's the definition of the term?

>> No.546684

Thanks for the input. I was just looking for a few GN's that looked interesting I am not after anything particular right now.

>> No.546685

Bone is pretty awesome too, if the list gets too sinister for you

>> No.546699


This article offers an interesting reason.


tl;dr: Because most of 'em grew up in a shitty family as an outcast.

>> No.546700

Thanks! Bone looks really interesting.

>> No.546709
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oh please. like everyone on /co/ has the same opinion. also NOBODY knows more about comics on 4chan than /co/. go to /co/ and try if you still don't like it try another forum. personaly I think it's great.

>> No.546715

I think its a reaction to the progressive infantilisation of the medium in large parts of the western world. for various reasons, mostly relating to the great Moral Panic over comic books in the 1950s (which wasn't limited to America, it carried over into Britain, Ireland and Australia too), comics have been stuck in a sort of weird childish half-life. Could you imagine if over 90% of all films that came out were Westerns? thats about the proportion of Superhero comics > Everything Else that gets published in the english speaking world.

Anyway, to get over that and the associated "Just for kids" stigma attached to the medium, many of the more serious artists tried to take on wieghtier themes than you'd get in the average issue of Spiderman, so a lot of them looked to their own lives and experiences to make earthier and more realistic stories with a bit of emotional depth. Will Eisner (the Daddy of the GN) wrote about the Jewish immigrant communities in New York that he grew up around, Art Speigleman wrote about his fathers experiences in the Holocaust and so on.

>> No.546718

Pic = Kim Deal


>> No.546722

don't know if you'd consider The Maxx a graphic novel, but the mtv cartoon of it was awesome

>> No.546723

I went there, i used to be a /co/mrade. But it just seems that if you're not a part of the hivemind you'll just get flamed.
Also, too much /d/

>> No.546728

The comic was a GN

>> No.546735

Harvey Pekar wrote about his daily life and R. Crumb wrote about his own nuerosis. Women writers had their own axe to grind since they had been pretty much left out of comics publishing since forever. Persepolis is another good example.

Anyway, what it boils down to is that its a reaction to the boys-own adolescent wish fulfilment fantasies that make up about 90% of the rest of the medium.

>> No.546733
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>too much /d/
ah shit. it does my head in aswell

>> No.546740
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Cerebus is kind of the Russian epic of graphic novels.

For the /lit/-minded it also has references and cameos from Wilde, Mailer, Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Stein. Pic related: It's Oscar Wilde on his deathbed.

>> No.546741


>> No.546745
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Amanda Palmer.

>> No.546750

i would insert my penis into her moist fuckhole

>> No.546751
File: 96 KB, 600x930, going-home-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Fitzgerald in a re-envisionment of a scene from The Beautiful and Damned.

>> No.546760

Cerebus is worth reading just to see how progressively mentally unhinged the author gets as it goes on. It starts off as a funny Discworld-esque piss-take of Conan The Barbarian, along the way the author goes through a nasty divorce and a nervous breakdown, becomes pompously Anti-Feminist and by the time it finished a few years ago it was like the fucking Time Cube.

It is in fact pretty epic.

>> No.546763

anyone know the name of these comics or who makes them?

>> No.546764

I'm part of the camp that believes there is no difference between a graphic novel and a comic book and that the distinction is only made so that intellectuals don't have to feel self conscious about reading comic books.

Aside from that I love comic books. They've only been around for a very short period when compared to novels and poetry so there is still a lot of advancements to be made in narrative. I like I Kill Giants, it's short and sweet and I always walk away from it smiling and feeling hopeful about everything. The art is good and probably the best example of Western quasi-manga art style. Persepolis is good, I like the sparse, simplistic art drawings and she does a good job of keeping the narration child like so that it feels like it's the child telling the story rather than the adult telling the child's story which is a mistake a lot of people make.

>> No.546770
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Kate Beaton

>> No.546772
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Truth. Here's a pic from the end where he's talking to Woody Allen (channeling Fellini) about an evil female sub-deity that exists inside god and is manifest in all parts of the torah. Post-modern might be an applicable term...

>> No.546780

thank you!

>> No.546781


Here's the site


>> No.546782
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>> No.546785


How many volumes are there in total?

>> No.546788
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>> No.546800
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16 or 17, depending on how what degree of a completist you are.

>> No.547467
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More literary than most novels: http://www.cortomaltese.com/

>> No.547479

j f NLT VSU I qXMQYP S fSKudG aI fO z Ui X U MF D mymY DBO IOC Ry n xBj V C U st WcT U Za qx W Z y FNohNjPGs z Yg u MV B s KY K FZ l Z gkjr eW bA a jBYO bVX i Sp v j Q a DAtA C P kEiBugDm R F B qZuf m DIn V MUl I gaA sD cYy T p U.