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/lit/ - Literature

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545862 No.545862 [Reply] [Original]

An honest question /lit/.

What is poetry?

>> No.545866

Anything that isn't prose.

>> No.545898


I don't you should define anything by what it is not.

>> No.545902

Poetry rhymes, prose doesn't.

>> No.545904
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What choice do we have?

>> No.545905

OP here.

I am a fan of rhythmic and rhyming poetry. Loose written or "unbounded" poetry doesn't always appeal to me. Sometimes I even consider not to call it poetry at all, since it's just freely written text.

As a writer myself, it becomes a dilemma.

>> No.545907

Originally poetry was narration where the actual phrasing was important (as opposed to prose narrative such as fairy tales, jokes, yarns). It was in verse so people could be able to remember it. With the arrival of writing and printing this clear distinction has disappeared, but still I think it's fair to say that poetry is interested mainly in form and language, prose in content and story.