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File: 38 KB, 211x319, epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5457834 No.5457834 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking cigarettes Epicurean?

>> No.5457883

Is spending your time on an anonymous imageboard everyday Epicurean?

>> No.5457922

was Epicurus Epicurean?

>> No.5457943

Are you kidding? The amount of pain this site gives me sometimes is absurd.

>> No.5457951

I think Tupac is Epicurean
>tfw picturing tupac rolling

>> No.5457962

What's the difference between hedonism and 'epicureanism'?

>> No.5457974

>mistaking greek philosophy school names for their modern common everyday meanings

>> No.5457982

Hedonism sounds dirty.

>> No.5458021

Hedonism is pure decadence and depravity while Epicureanism is all about them higher pleasures.

>> No.5458023


Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure / indulgence; in Epicureanism, the "pleasure" aimed at is primarily the freedom of both body and spirit from pain or disturbance.

Put crudely, a good hedonist might spend the night eating and drinking to excess, even if they know they may feel rotten in the morning; the good Epicurean will recognize that the physical pleasures so enjoyed come with a cost and will see that the ultimate good is better served by moderation.

>> No.5458041

But the smart hedonist will know how whether the pain of indulging in excessive eating and drinking will be worth the pain of the next day, and depending on his judgment won't do it.

>> No.5458052


>> No.5458060

Reasonable Hedonism is Epicureanism.

>> No.5458069

Right, which should leave the OP with his answer. That smoking is a pleasure that isn't worth the risks

>> No.5458105

>smoking is a pleasure that isn't worth the risks
Arbitrary nonsense

>> No.5458113

Where does it say that hedonism is short-sighted epicureanism?
Every definition of hedonism makes it sound like epicureanism as defined here.

>> No.5458125


no definitely not, it's like the opposite of epicurean, anything addictive is a big no, causes you more suffering than pleasure, but more than that, the amount of pleasure you get is counteracted even in the present by your nasty breath, waste of money, coughing, etc

>> No.5458136


Whereas the true Epicurean almost certainly wouldn't do it in either case, because even if one extreme (pain or illness from overindulgence) is balanced by another (pleasure of indulgence), the body and spirit / soul are still disturbed. The Epicurean aims at "ataraxia" (calmness, tranquility), to which extremes of pleasure are as inimical as those of pain.

>> No.5458144


Epicureanism is a subset of hedonism, with "pleasure" defined in a very specific way.

>> No.5458180

I don't get it, isn't death eudomania?
epicurianists should just kill themsevles BOOM you avoid all pain

fuckin busta ass philosophy smh

>> No.5458240

Why would we give up all the pleasures of this one life we have to live?

Cancer and emphysema? Glib objection.

>> No.5458261


It is totally arbitrary to assign lesser importance to certain pleasures and comforts and greater importance to certain detrimental effects.

>> No.5458262

not particularly attached to that article by the way just picked one on the topic to illustrate the example

>> No.5458265

>Why would we give up all the pleasures of this one life we have to live?

Because a dead person can't feel pain - and that includes 'missing out' (i.e. being deprived) of all the good in life.

IMagine a epicurist just shoot the cunt in the back of his thought dome can't be bad for the motherfucker he gone

>> No.5458317

The addictive highs of smoking are not worth the risks of slow agonizing death by cancer and emphysema.
What? Is this about getting fat?


>> No.5458320

I personally don't like his views. He seems to tell you what to do instead of just writing it and making it convincing.

>> No.5458343
File: 38 KB, 850x400, Qu-lucretius-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He show you a great way to live in harmony with the world around you.

Try Lucretius. He makes the case more poetically. I'm not sure what the better translation is.

>> No.5458373

>I'm going to talk to that girl and then ask her out for coffee because damn she fine
>I won't talk to that woman because she might not like me or it might be painful or uncomfortable, I think I'll go back home and browse da chans, no pain there no matter how mean people are. Pleasuse4life

>> No.5458416

>What? Is this about getting fat?
No. Sitting down is the worst possible position for your body to spend prolonged periods of time in. It fucks with your posture obviously, but also internal organs. All in all it takes years off your life.
The comfort of sitting on your ass is not worth the the guarantee of a substantially shorter lifespan.


you're a faggot
Who is harmed by their own death? Who exists to contemplate and lament the pleasures they have given up? Who gets to regret killing themselves?

>> No.5458469


Smoking cigarettes is the least Epicurean thing I can think of. Epicurianism is all about achieving a state of tranquility in which you can cultivate yourself in order to experience of the simple pleasures finely, and cultivate some of the finer ones. The result is you live a life completely free of pain, full of ease and enjoyment. Smoking is addictive, disease-inducing, and sense-deadening.

>> No.5458480

A person who is in the state Epicurean seek to achieve isn't feeling pain either, but they are feeling pleasure. This state is more desirable, provided you grand the Epicurean premise that pain is an intrinsic bad and pleasure is an intrinsic good. Epicureans don't have a problem with death, though. They would probably tell you to kill yourself if you couldn't achieve the peace you needed.

>> No.5459007

How do I stop? ;_;

>> No.5459075

Maintain your appearance and hygiene
Carry a flask to drink before hand

>> No.5459123

I more or less see it as a form of generated waste or excess typical of Bataille's general economy. it's sensuosly pleasurable insofar as the taste of the smoke, the actual somatic practices involved of putting the cigarette to the mouth etc, but it's also aesthetic in its connotations. Of course by all rights there is no particularly good reason to smoke any more than there is to drink etc, there are god knows how many viable equivalents that don't harm the body.

really the only problem with smoking or drinking is when one gets thoroughly addicted to them, such that one is not deriving any heightened pleasure from them (instead you're just experiencing them as mundane consumption), and such that one is partaking of these substances in situations or times that are not formative in an aesthetic experience of any kind (i.e. banal everyday smoking and drinking).

>> No.5459125
