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/lit/ - Literature

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5453450 No.5453450 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Thomas Pynchon has yet to win and will never, ever win a Nobel Prize in Literature.

>> No.5453462

Why would he win a Nobel Prize? He never wrote anything of value and he's only worshipped by a very "special" audience of teenagers. Even Harry Potter has more literary merit and is more likely to win the prize.

>> No.5453463
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>Nobel prize

>> No.5453465
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>Nobel Prize

>> No.5453467
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>Nobel prize

>> No.5453469

>yfw they give it to ashbery as the next american author because he's gay
pls he deserves it

>> No.5453470

Well, it appears he's not that great at turning up at these sorts of things. I don't think he even gives many interviews to news outlets, leading them to describe him as a 'recluse.' Face it, you'd have to be kinda nuts not to want to get involved with the (oedipa)mass media and the Nobel committee douchebags.

>> No.5453476

Neither had Joyce or Proust, your point being?

>> No.5453482


>> No.5453492


>Face it, you'd have to be kinda nuts not to

You've a very shallow set of priorities.

>> No.5453495
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>> No.5453539

He did win, they just didn't give it to him. The committee all said yes, and the bureaucrats who wanted some other jerk dick to win (probably due to some personal investment) and they refused to obey, and no prize was given. Pynchon won.

>> No.5453545

>worshipped by a very "special" audience of teenagers.
Never gone to collage face

>> No.5453548

Implying that the only way to enjoy Pynchon is if you're college educated, you naive fuccboi.

>> No.5453555

No, but most people in college have read him (at least TCoL49

>> No.5453563

nice trips

Most people.

But that doesn't necessarily make him a good author.

It saddens me that when a newfag comes to this board and asks for recommendations, that all the fuccbois recommend Pynchon.

>> No.5453565


>> No.5453568
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>> No.5453573

I never claimed he was a good author (though he is) you raging faggot

>> No.5453579

Then what's the point of bringing up college kids?

I was defending that anon who said that only edgy teen faggots read Pynchon. He's right, you know. You edgy teen faggot.

>> No.5453582

>Toni Morrison has won a Nobel and Pynchon, McCarthy, Roth, and DeLillo never will
le scowling bloom face

>> No.5453600

What the fuck do you read zeeburg, and how do you explain all the published essays on Pynchon?

>> No.5453604

>What the fuck do you read zeeburg
>implying he reads

>> No.5453618

1.underage pls go

>> No.5453621

>implying that I am a faggot

>worshipped by a very "special" audience of teenagers.
>Never gone to collage face

Pynchon has yet to win a nobel prize in literature. That's my point, faggot.

Try harder.

>> No.5453645

>Pynchon has yet to win a nobel prize in literature. That's my point, faggot.

I'm calling it you're a troll. Filtered.

>> No.5453657


He won by the votes, the people who owned the prize didn't give it to him because they didn't agree.

The ignorant rich fags probably invested in another book company or something.

The committee that voted were synonymous in giving the prize to Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow.

There was no Prize for Literature that year because the Committee refused to back down.

He won.

>> No.5453662

>most people in college

no the fuck the most people in college have not fucking read pynchon

most of them haven't read a single book of literature that wasn't some sci-fi faggot bullshit the tier of anime mangas or ya, or erotica.

dumb fuck

>> No.5453663 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5453679

Ok, sweetie. You can browse /b/ for a few minutes, but then I'm coming to tuck you in.

>> No.5453681

Your right, I meant most humanities majors (most professors consider TCoL49 quintessential postmodern)

>> No.5453689

newfag, pls

>> No.5453691

>post modern

wonder when people are going to stop pretending that is an actual thing

>> No.5453694

There you go. I have only had one undergrad go "Ah, Pynchon!" when they saw me reading. Unfortunately she was a self-harming lesbian and there is little chance of me producing master race children with her.

>> No.5453698


Why the fuck is this board advocate Pynchon so much? I just don't get it.

>> No.5453702

youd have to be a pretty fucking obtuse individual to not be able to answer that question.

or be a retarded faggot.

or both.

>> No.5453704

>Why the fuck is this board advocate Pynchon so much? I just don't get it.
People that haven't read him rarely do

>> No.5453707

>I can't stop shit posting

>> No.5453717 [DELETED] 


>implying that I haven't read 45 of the BE

>b-but r-read V

Fuck that. If he was as good as you say, then I wouldn't have to keep reading more of his works to be impressed.

Are you faggots even trying?

>> No.5453719

because he's american

>> No.5453720

well now youre not even trying

>> No.5453724

>I literally cannot stop shitposting

>> No.5453729

How can you not be impressed by V.? The man had such a command of language and theme at only age 26.

>> No.5453730

>pynchon fuccbois feel so inclined to defend him

>> No.5453732

Literally his worst books, still pretty great though, you just have terrible taste; I can also tell you don't read by the sheer amount of time you spend here.

>> No.5453737

>plz help shit posts control me

>> No.5453740

>implying that I don't get adequate sleep
>implying that I don't read throughout the day between classes and before I go to bed

I just finished reading Love in the Time of Cholera last night, not that that matters.

>> No.5453747

>let me mention something that doesn't matter

pretty much the theme of your life, no? Pretty much all you contribute? All that your exist in?
A whole big conglomeration of shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.5453748
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>implying Krasznahorkai isn't better than all of them anyway

>> No.5453756

>implying that everything I do is completely useless and that I don't contribute to society

>mfw you're a NEET who posts on 4chin

>> No.5453759

>implying you would have time for this shit if you were awake 24 hours a day

>> No.5453765
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>mfw you project this hard

>> No.5453766

>let me project my situation on you so I feel better about myself

>> No.5453767


>all this /b/ tier shitposting

Even if you're acting like a loser ironically you're still a loser.

>> No.5453769

is miranda a goddess

>> No.5453771
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>implying that I'm not your favorite tripfaggot

>> No.5453783


>> No.5453803

Tell me how to do that for the love of god

>> No.5453808

serious question: Is Zeeburg one person or do people put that as their code name when they want to "troll"?

>> No.5453812

Morrison is great though.

>> No.5453815
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Dude, you are thinking of the Pulitzer for Fiction. The Nobel Prize for Lit has been awarded every year since WWII.
>goddamn it, /lit/, for not picking up on that

This post reeks of tryhard. Let me throw something out there. You are right in that Pynchon may not win the Nobel Prize, but not because of anything to do with Pynchon. If the Nobel Committee EVER awards another prize to a white American male (or any US-born writer), it will be Pynchon. Tell me any other American that will win it before him, and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

You can "mfw" and shitpost till your fingers break, but you will never manage to understand that the world is bigger and more complicated than your shitty opinions on the work of an author you probably haven't read. Go spend some time on /pol/ maybe, or better yet, away from your computer.

>> No.5453816

both, faggot

>> No.5453823

Why are all these people filtering zeeburg? he gets cranky when no one pays him attention.

>> No.5453826
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>> No.5453874

Pynchon is fucking great lol what the fuck?

Why is everyone trying to paint him as some obscurantist 2deep4u faggot. He's a great writer on every level. So yeah, he's got genius stuff to say, but his stories are hilarious/heartbreaking/serious/ and goofy (in a way that no one but Pynchon pulls off).

>> No.5453892

We all know this, zeeburg is just a stupid faggot.

>> No.5453899

I didn't even see the trip. I shoulda known.

>> No.5453995

So glad he uses a trip. This board is so much better with Zee and Butterfly filtered.

>> No.5454007


God damnit, faggots. It seems like 'non ya'll can't handle the bantz. Ya'llz a bunch of bitch niggaz.

That's your opinion subjective opinion, faggot. It's not definitive.

>> No.5454011

fuck meee

>> No.5454032


Out you cancerous leftist.
The world isn't made out of your "feelings"

>> No.5454042 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5454055

You're a strange character. I bet you make lots of self-disparaging jokes that people don't laugh at.

It's because they pity you.

>> No.5454116

thats what I imagine him as too, except 16 years old with bad skin, a jew-fro, and shares memes on facebook, mainly the walls of his crush

>> No.5454137


I bet he find this post eerily on target but he'd never admit as much.

>> No.5454301

Most people in college don't read. They get a book assigned to them, and they read the sparknotes on it.

>> No.5454414

Well, I heard that not even Shakespeare has won a nobel prize and he is really big in the literary circles.

>> No.5454426

Recent college grad. Can confirm being the only one of 5 ppl in my class to read class mat and other self directed reading.

>> No.5454747

>Tell me any other American that will win it before him, and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

McCarthy. Im honestly interested in hearing your argument.

>> No.5454757


Pynchon arguably revolutionized the literary scene. Cormac an amazing writer but he's just that in a sea of of amazing writers.

The Nobel Prize isn't 100% literary, well how can it be anyway? If you're curious about it, though, because I think that was the main reason behind your injunction, I personally like Pynchon better.

>> No.5454776

>Pynchon arguably revolutionized the literary scene.

Go on.

>> No.5454777

>The Nobel Prize isn't 100% literary
In fact, I'd say the literature prize political, favoring "left" leaning writers - lots of winners are terrible writers, but politically active in "the left", like Coetzee, Jelinek, Pamuk, Müller, Yan

>> No.5454803


I've thought for a while, here's what I've got.

He's the first big thing to happen after the Beats. He rebooted the fictional antihero. He's mystical and charismatic, which sentiment is present also in is work. He influenced an entire generation of writers. He has notably amazing plot and very idiosyncratic prose that's still echoed.

>> No.5454812

>He's the first big thing to happen after the Beats. He rebooted the fictional antihero. He's mystical and charismatic, which sentiment is present also in is work. He influenced an entire generation of writers. He has notably amazing plot and very idiosyncratic prose that's still echoed.

I agree with most of that, but somehow I still think McCarthy would be up for it before Pynchon.

>> No.5454905

Are you incapable of reading, sonny?

>> No.5454927

>most professors consider

You don't know what most professors "consider", check your delusions at the door faggot.

>> No.5454965


Sorry, I forgot about this thread. Would you like to elaborate on that?

>> No.5455494

>implying he would accept it

>> No.5455503

Ashbery is the best poet, and they dont' give the award to enough poets. I'm always hoping for Anne Carson to win, but they chose a different Canadian woman last time.

>> No.5455516

According to Harold Bloom, she only wrote one good book.

>> No.5455518

>Tell me any other American that will win it before him, and I'll tell you why you're wrong.
Why not John Ashbery?

>> No.5455524

That's because he's dead, and they don't give posthumous awards.

>> No.5455526

I like Coetzee

>> No.5455637

Morrison is better than all of them put together.

Harold Bloom is literally an assclown. Literally.

>> No.5455650

She isn't that great, and also, what is an assclown?

>> No.5455662

>She isn't that great,
I never said she was, only that she's better then the laundry list of deadbeat tryhards the OP ran off.

>> No.5455666

Bloom is a shit critic.

>> No.5455667


>> No.5455673

From what I've read of Thomas Pynchon and Philip Roth, I think they're better than her.

>> No.5455680

Is that what an ass clown is?

>> No.5455684

Morrison's writings are so mediocre, that almost everybody is better than her.

>> No.5455691

>From what I've read of Thomas Pynchon and Philip Roth, I think they're better than her.
Get better taste, Pynchon can't string together a coherent paragraph and Roth's whole career is literally founded upon him exploiting 'le degenerate jew' blackface.

>> No.5455716

>an author who never valued writing awards never won a particular writing award
What, oh no...

>> No.5455722
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>Pynchon can't string together a coherent paragraph
Are you funning us right now?

>> No.5455800

Neither Proust, Tolstoy, Joyce or Borges.
Tolkien was considered though...

>> No.5455804


>> No.5455829

Um... good job at coming up with exactly the worst reasons to dislike those authors, lol.

>> No.5455840

iirc nobel prize in literature was awarded once to a secretary of nobel prize award commission who wrote some poetry, it's complete bs almost like nobel peace prize

>> No.5455852

> I'm a hipster who pretends to like eating shit, claiming it's because shit has an "earthy" and "distinctive" flavor, unlike your regular pleb foods.

>> No.5455871

That's what you'd like to think.

>> No.5456054


I also was the only one to read the Pycnhon assigned the summer after that semester because Jesus Christ i have things I have to do.

>> No.5456368

lol learn to read bro

>> No.5456856

If Pynchon posted in a critique thread, he'd be shot down in flames. People on here think Pynchon is great because of the Pynchon brand. Yes, he's a great writer - the greatest of all America's post-war novelists - but very few people on /lit/ can give corroborated reasons why. They see the name and call it great.

>> No.5457030

"Jeremy will take her like the Angel itself, in his joyless weasel-worded come-along, and Roger will be forgotten, an amusing maniac, but with no place in the rationalized power-ritual that will be the coming peace. She will take her husband's orders, she will become a domestic bureaucrat, a junior partner, and remember Roger, if at all, as a mistake thank God she didn't make…. Oh, he feels a raving fit coming on—how the bloody hell can he survive without her? She is the British warm that protects his stooping shoulders, and the wintering sparrow he holds inside his hands. She is his deepest innocence in spaces of bough and hay before wishes were given a separate name to warn that they might not come true, and his lithe Parisian daughter of joy, beneath the eternal mirror, forswearing perfumes, capeskin to the armpits, all that is too easy, for his impoverishment and more worthy love.
You go from dream to dream inside me. You have passage to my last shabby corner, and there, among the debris, you've found life. I'm no longer sure which of all the words, images, dreams or ghosts are 'yours' and which are 'mine.' It's past sorting out. We're both being someone new now, someone incredible….”

>> No.5457096

Now, if you were at all smart, you'd have posted that in a critique thread and altered the names to obscure a reverse Google search. Watch people fluster themselves into thinking it's either brilliant or purple 2deep4u nonsensical shite.

>> No.5457184

If you have a copy of GR (the ones with the original paging and shit, I think most copies have it) open up to page 177. Its Roger's passage on the War and his love of Jessica and a lot more.

>> No.5457198

go away moron

>> No.5457202

>altered the names to obscure a reverse Google search.
Wouldn't work.

>> No.5457205

Obviously different people are going to have different opinions on it. Plenty here hate Pynchon, as evidenced by this very thread.

>> No.5457209

I'm not gonna read this thread
I like Thomas Pynchon
me me.
He's probably my favorite writer.

>> No.5457563


>> No.5457587

he doesn't have a trip so you can't filter him, you fucking moron

>> No.5457618

I'm pretty sure Pynchon is okay with this, so I don't see why I shouldn't be okay with it as well.

(I think he deserves it).

>> No.5457648


you can filter namefags you fucking neanderthal