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545360 No.545360 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/.

I need to have Let the Right One In read by tomorrow. I have about 200 pages left to read, but I'm getting tired. I also have the film on my computer with English subtitles.

If I watch the film tonight instead of finishing the book, will I have at least a comparable amount of comprehension of the characters developments the story's plot as someone who read the entire book?

I definitely plan to finish the book, maybe reread the whole thing from the beginning a bit slower, but I need to know this story by the morning.

What do you guys think, stay up a few extra hours to read it, or watch the film version?

>> No.545365

stay up

>> No.545367

Any particular reason?

>> No.545373


It's what I would do. You may pick something up that you wouldn't with the movie, which may be worth something. And there is just something about finishing a book, no matter how late at night, that feels refreshing.

Anyhow, how is the book?

>> No.545380

I like the book a lot. It's one of the few books that I've read that's actually made me feel something. The gross parts in particular...

>> No.545384

I really just wish I knew Swedish so I could read the untranslated version.

>> No.545385


I'm making my library order it as we speak. I would finish it tonight, but that is just a personal opinion. Do whatever you're most comfortable with.

>> No.545386

Stay up.

The film takes away from a lot of the book. Think about it, the book is about 470 pages. The movie is about two hours. You are losing a lot of information in the transition from book to film.

>> No.545388

Watch the movie and look up the book and movie articles on wikipedia to check for differences.

>> No.545393

I knew I should finish it, but the lazy side of me was screaming at me to watch the movie and go to sleep. I'll finish it though. Maybe i'll watch it tomorrow.

>> No.545455

Make sure you have the theatrical subtitles.
The subtitles on the American DVD release are dumbed down and it's just really boring to watch.


>> No.546777

The movie cuts out tons of shit. Especially zombies.

>> No.546784

What kind of class are you taking where they make you read a goddamn vampire book. wtf