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/lit/ - Literature

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5448012 No.5448012 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/

so after finishing A Song of Ice and Fire, I am considering starting Wheel of Time

keeping in mind that the only serious fantasy series I've read so far as a whole are asoiaf and everything tolkien wrote, how does wot compare?

>> No.5448018

Why not read a book written for grown ups?

>> No.5448038

enlighten me anon

>> No.5448046

Malazan Book of the Fallen :^)

>> No.5448067

Non fantasy, there are a lot of places to start, the Greeks (a meme with some truth), Pynchon's V., or Tolstoy's anna karenina

>> No.5448078

Warning: This tripfag is known on /sci/ for being an extremely immature (possibly underaged) and belligerent shitposter.

>> No.5448085


>the Greeks
i was forcefed greeks in high school

not my cup of tea

>anna karenina
read it

i want to read some fantasy, easy reading to calm my head

>This tripfag is known on /sci/

i don't even lurk /sci/ though. and if my trip bothers you, i'll remove it. has no point here anyway

>> No.5448091

>not my cup of tea
How the fuck would you know?

>> No.5448096

cause the plot summary sounded like a story i wouldn't be interested in

>> No.5448109

>reading for the plot
Maybe fantasy if for you

>> No.5448111


oh god can i get a few good recommendations/opinions without autism? is this too much to ask of 4chan?

>> No.5448117

Well he knows he doesn't like anything with any sort of quality.

>> No.5448119

dude V. has a superb plot what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.5448120

No wonder /sci/ think your underage

>> No.5448126

I know it does, but it really shines in regards to it's themes

>> No.5448127

>It describes the exploits of a discharged U.S. Navy sailor named Benny Profane, his reconnection in New York with a group of pseudo-bohemian artists and hangers-on known as the Whole Sick Crew

doesn't sound superb to me

>> No.5448131

I'm not talking to you, pleb

>> No.5448141

ok autists, carry on your circlejerk

>> No.5448154

Are you trolling? Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.5448155

Ignore the faggots, they're always here.

WoT starts strong, gets super fucking draggy and boring in the middle, and I didn't read the last three books because of this.

That said the first six books or so are a fun read. YMMV. They don't compare to ASoIaF or Tolkien.

You might also enjoy The Dresden Files.

>> No.5448169

This is a literature board, not a books board, please just go to goodreads

>> No.5448194
File: 2.84 MB, 525x295, 1402968059887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you realize George R R Martin is a better writer than Hemmingway

>> No.5448203

Not sure if srs (not that Hemingway is good, Martin is just terrible)

>> No.5448400


>> No.5448722

People like this actually exist?

>oh god can i get a few good recommendations/opinions without autism? is this too much to ask of 4chan?
>without autism? 4chan?

>> No.5448908
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1398240379187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This suggestion destroys my sides every time, it's like someone suggesting Starship Troopers.

>> No.5449012
File: 17 KB, 500x327, shruggediduggedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game of Thrones

Why is it that everytime they start fucking or showing tits on the show it's accompanied by some history lesson?

I have watched one season and a few episodes now and out of several sex scenes there was literally only one, or maybe two that actually pushed the plot forward. Every other time it was used to introduce some boring as fuck piece of background knowledge that effectively has no real impact on the story.

Is it the same in the book?
Do they think they can't sell that lame ass fluff to people otherwise?

>> No.5449023

what do you mean? what the hell is starship troopers?

>> No.5449038

a guy who was in the military but didn't serve in any war is nostalgic about the experience and writes a book about the military being good.

>> No.5449052

I just don't see the connection to MBOTF

>> No.5449076


The connection being that someone asked for a book written for 'grown ups'. Malazan is drenched with adolescent hormones throughout, hence the humor of the suggestion. Starship Troopers being another suggestion that would elicit said chuckle.

>> No.5449635

I'm currently reading the series, OP. On the fourth book so far as we speak. The prose can be flowery at times while others times being rather bland. Jordan doesn't seem to have much of a personality with his prose. The characters are pretty 2 dimensional in my opinion, and the most interesting character out of the bunch, our hero and main protagonist, Rand, starts to become less prevalent as the series goes on. For example, in the 3rd book, he hardly ever shows up, but when he does, it's pretty darn coolio. Mat's pretty cool to read about, as well. He's really annoying in the first couple of books, but he redeems himself pretty quickly around the 3rd book. From what I've read of reviews, things pick up all the way to book 6 and then lose momentum after that. Then they pick up around Knife of Dreams and are pretty good to the end.

Of course, Sanderson's often dull prose doesn't make up for Jordan's more rich descriptions, but eh, it's a series you read for the enjoyment of the journey and the immersion. This ain't no Brothers Karamazov, as someone once put it to me. The world is rich with lore. The cultures are diverse. The history is expanded upon, and the series is packed up the anus with foreshadowing. Jesus christ, half of the narrative is foreshadowing. I don't know if I'd say that's a good thing, but they certainly make things interesting. The series starts off lighthearted but can get surprisingly dark at times, even pretty darn creepy. Jordan isn't flat out gritty like Martin is, but it's enough to satisfy your morbid desires.

Overall, I'm enjoying it, but it's a slow read for me. Hard for me to plow through it like I would with A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.5449684

It's a fun time about half the time OP. There's some great characters, but a some point it becomes a harem fan-fic of the first 3 books, and then descends into a longwinded description of completely irrelevant shit for like 6 books. There is at least one interesting story at all times, but it's usually a wait between good chapters.All of that said I read it after ASOIAF and enjoyed it over all, up until the Sanderson books, but that's probably just because I'm older now and don't have much of a taste for fantasy anymore.

>> No.5452052

They stopped doing excessive sex scenes after S1.
They were a tool to get people to watch GoT, and the sex was toned down very much.

>> No.5452066

Op, do me and yourself a favor, then thank me - or /lit/ in general - later.

Read these:

King of Elfland's Daughter
The Worm Ouroboros
The Broken Sword

>> No.5452201

>no mention of the black company


>> No.5453096

Motherfuckers do you even into Book of the New Sun and the rest of the Solar Cycle?

>> No.5453191

you suggest book of the new sun to somebody who read a song of ice and fire?

>> No.5453219


That manner of thinking is what gets us in these situations. How can you expect anyone to know great fantasy if they've not read any?

Were you pulled out of your mother with the implicit knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff?

>> No.5453304

OP, go read Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R Donaldson.
Makes ASOIAF and WoT look like clumsily written childrens stories.
As long as you can handle the least likable protagonist ever written in the fantasy genre.