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/lit/ - Literature

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5443844 No.5443844 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread?

>> No.5443852

It's always the people who have less than a bookcase of books who start these threads.

>> No.5443868
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posting some i've saved

>> No.5443877
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Not much yet.

>> No.5443889

>stacking books

Enjoy your slanted spines.

>> No.5443900
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I can't even make out the titles.

>> No.5444350
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>> No.5444359
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Why do you care if they do or don't?

Just a thread about books, you passive-aggressive dumbass.

>> No.5444371

you took the b8

>> No.5444443

Because a pile of >50 books isn't really worth showing off.

None of the thread starters have collections that are unique, or show any level of acquired taste. It's just a pile of books from whatever top 100 list they began reading off of. It's fine that they read, and I encourage the reading. I just don't see the need to show off what is basically the physical version of a top books list.

I post my own in these threads all the time, so I'm not against them. Just funny how the starters are almost always people who got into reading last month.

>> No.5444450

>I get my book recommendations from 4chan

>> No.5444453
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>P&V translation of Anna Karenina

>> No.5444458

Please tell me you're baiting.

>> No.5444727

I didn't know One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was that big.

>> No.5444815
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>> No.5444822
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These covers get me moist.

>> No.5444826

Needs more Lermontov, Pushkin and Turgenev.

>> No.5444827

they're proud. >:(

>> No.5444831

man dude you really like your russians

>> No.5444834

Where's A Hero of Our Time?

>> No.5444893

You guys recommend some good stuff, thanks.

>> No.5444925

I'm too shy to post mine.

It's an amalgamation of my personality, and what if /lit/ made fun? It would hurt me.

>> No.5444951


who cares. be your own person. Maybe somebody here will like them. Dont let fags enable your low self esteem. Dont base you person on an imageboard comprised of elitist cunts. Most people here dont even read, they just like pretending to read literature in a library to pick up chicks. You are not lit.

>> No.5444965

>tfw just bought a farewell to arms
>lost copy of for whom the bells toll from library
>now stuck with two hemingway novels

>> No.5445020

>inb4 "u took the b8"

>> No.5445024
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forgot pic

>> No.5445030

mason an dicks-on is the best book there. the rest is dumbass4chanmemetrash

>> No.5445035
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The rest of my books are in s blue backpack in my closet.

>> No.5445049

Gross post.

>> No.5445074

i have like 3 milk crates in the basement full of books and records. I dont even own a record player though, which seems to be a waste.

>> No.5445098

u r a faglord

>> No.5445241

that's a really small collection
do you use the library or something?

>> No.5445259

you are a cool dude

>> No.5445266
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I've got another layer behind

>> No.5445269

>P&V hate train
You people are awful

>> No.5445279


I am genuinely impressed. Best shelf on this board so far

>> No.5445302

>that middle book

>> No.5445305

Are you new to bookshelf threads or something?

>> No.5445311
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>> No.5445321

>sound and the fury
>gravity's rainbow
>a farewell to arms
>one flew over the cuckoo's nest
>mentioned by 4chan at all

>> No.5445322

>loving the russians this much
>not learning russian
IDK, maybe you have a life.

>> No.5445350
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>> No.5445361

>bathroom reader

ayyyyyyy mate how ya goin

>> No.5445362

What's with all the little kid stuff?

>> No.5445366

>implying that such as thing as 'little kid stuff' exists

stop being so spooked anon

>> No.5445389
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It's what I got so far, have a few other "literature" but they're shit (To Kill A Mockingbird-esque).

Let's get the YA and Weaboo shit out of the way.

>> No.5445393
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nvm other shots are shit
Only book you can't see in here is Death of Ivan Ilyich I think.

>> No.5445397

Get more Japanese lit, anon.

>> No.5445399 [DELETED] 
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>female authors

>> No.5445410

Got any recs? I have a few on my list to get:
No Longer Human
The Setting Sun
During the Rain & Flowers in the Shade
and a few others.

How's Mishima? I actually don't have any Mishima on my list. Also how's Naomi/I Am A Cat/Bacchan? The latter two seem potentially a tad childish and the former seems like typical par for the course man is depressed -> has sex with older woman -> continues being depressed kinda stuff.

>> No.5445417

Your choice of translations pisses me off.

>> No.5445423

The Tale of Genji

>> No.5445426
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It's not mine, Anon. Just one I saved. Here's some more of his/her shelf.

I'm fond of Barnes & Noble classics paperbacks myself.

>> No.5445434

What made you interested in the Kafu Nagai? That's a strange deviation from the usual Japanese authors popular on here.

I am a Cat isn't childish at all. Botchan could be called that, but it's enjoyable. If you liked Kokoro, Soseki's works like Sanshiro, The Miner and Grass on the Wayside are probably going to be more to your taste.

Didn't see any other Tanizaki on your shelf, but he has a special place in early Japanese literature. There's going to be sex and fetishization in all of his works. And Naomi isn't an older woman, she's significantly younger - it's a lot more a "Lolita" type thing.

>> No.5445475

Elaborate if you please. A lot of the translated books I have I just got cause they were $.99-$2.50 or what have you, I do cursory searches on the translations but when the best translations are like $10+ I have to make sacrifices.

Never had problems with them though.

>> No.5445514
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Pls don't bully. I don't know if you can see the titles, but most of my books aren't in english anyway so whatever.

>> No.5445518
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>> No.5445529

Nothing in particular, except for maybe the fact that he is a sort of deviation from regular Japanese authors. I just heard that his stuff was really solid. If it wasn't so hard to find/expensive, I'd have During the Rain & Flowers in the Shade by now.

I'll keep your comments in mind, thanks a ton./

>> No.5445544

>jap lit
into the trash

>> No.5445553

You don't have a problem with most translations of popular authors until you read a better one, especially concerning the Russian greats. I'd suggest doing some comparison researches on different translations of your favorites, some of them are like night and day.

>> No.5445554

He's not really too different, as far as the entire gamut of modern Japanese literature. Tanizaki is a lot more "deviant" from regular modern stuff. Where'd you hear that his "stuff was really solid," if I can ask?

There's also a chart on the wiki for Japanese literature, if you didn't know.

>> No.5445592

Nigga do you even Murasaki or Mishima?

>> No.5445594

Your Murakamis aren't correctly placed.

>> No.5445603

In what way?

>> No.5445617

alphabetically, anon

>> No.5445627

nice but tao lin belongs in the trash

>> No.5445631

Yeah, I know :/
I'll definitely look into comparing them and when I have the disposable funds I'll buy some good translations. As far as most go, if there's a pevear and volokhonsky translation it's probably the best one right? Also how do you feel about the Burgin/O'Connor Master and Margarita over the P/V one?

The owner of my local used bookstore is actually really well-read in "good" literature, and he recommended it to me when I asked him about good Jap lit.

>> No.5445633
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>Posting bookshelves in languages other than english

Not even once


>> No.5445640
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>> No.5445656

Aw, that's neat. None of the used bookstores here are staffed by people who read what I read.

>> No.5445665

What do they read?

I've never had the courage to go inside a used book store and just order my used books online.

>> No.5445680

Yeah, it's really cool to have someone to talk to about books face-to-face, if not just for the social aspect of it.

He reads all kinds of classic stuff. Probably likes Russian lit the most which is partially why I have more Russian lit than anything else as well.

I'd recommend just biting the bullet and going there. Worst case scenario there're books there that you don't care to buy new online and you can get an awesome deal on (or if you're a stingy fgt like me forgo getting "the best" translation to buy good books cheap), better case you meet some cool people to discuss books with.

>> No.5445684

Oh, I answered his question for you. My bad, I'm a self-important fuck.

>> No.5445686

Romance and mysteries and science fiction at two of them. The one where I'm at now is overly into "local" authors, who mostly write self-published romance and mystery and historical garbage.

I don't buy stuff from them, mostly online for me too. I still wanted to try it out, in hopes of getting someone cool like that other anon.

>> No.5445725

Looks like we have similar tastes.

I can't see Oblomov on your shelves - if you haven't read it, I can't recommend it strongly enough. It's the only book I've ever read which has moved me to tears.

>> No.5445729
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Looks like my file failed to upload.

>> No.5445732

>shifted all my reading to an eReader ages ago
>no book rows to show off my patrician taste and feel pseudo-intellctual over
The worst feeling

>> No.5445741

Couldn't have been all that patrician if everything you want to read is available as an ebook.

>> No.5445773

oooooo rekt

>> No.5445793
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summerfriend e-reader plens btfo yet again

>> No.5445814

Bwahaha! Go back from whence you came, hipster!

>> No.5445823

What is hipster about any of that?

I didn't say no one should read top 100 lists. I said that it's just not interesting to see shown off. Which, of course, doesn't preclude anyone from doing it. It's just kinda boring.

>> No.5445829

"I just don't see the need to show off what is basically the physical version of a top books list."

And why should top books be any less valuable than other books?

>> No.5445832

Just out of curiosity, I'd like to see yours. Will you post it again?

>> No.5445835

They're not less valuable as actual works.

It's just not interesting to look at the same set of 100 or so books over and over. Do you not feel the same?

>> No.5445840
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>> No.5445847

This photo is astounding every time I see it

>> No.5445856
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ok this is the last time i post it on /lit/ i swear

>> No.5445859

Do you not have them in any kind of order there?

>> No.5445860
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>> No.5445861

It's all weird there too. Lem on three separate shelves!

>> No.5445862
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i am not an organised man

>> No.5445864
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>> No.5445866
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>> No.5445867

I understand you like change; I do too, but you probably have some books that were once top books. But according to your reasoning, you won't buy an interesting book if it's too popular?

>> No.5445874

No.. not sure where you're getting that. I'm saying it's not worth showing off, not that it's not worth buying. I have plenty of classics in my collection, just as I assume most everyone should. I buy more all the time, and I also buy everything else that interests me.

The point seemed pretty obvious in my first post.

>a pile of >50 books isn't really worth showing off
>from whatever top 100 list they began reading off of
>none... are unique, or show any level of acquired taste

That has nothing to do with the quality of the works or whether I buy them or not. Owning a handful of popular, great works is just not something that needs "showing off." At that level, it should be a standard.

I really didn't care much more about this than my first irreverent comment.

>> No.5445878

Have you read all these?

>> No.5445896

what are the three red morocco books on the left, second row down?

>> No.5445897

honestly i've probably only read about 70% of them. i am terrible for going into charity shops and buying fucking everything that looks interesting and then never getting around to reading it all

>> No.5446027

The Three Musketeers.

>> No.5446939
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>> No.5446945


>> No.5446986
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>> No.5447049
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I'm a minimalist. I only keep a few well loved books out of sight. Everything else that I could not borrow from the library, or get in digital format is purchased and later donated to the library. Not everyone likes to have huge piles of books all over the place.

>> No.5447177

I have a neat Christmas-present-core self
if there anyone interested in seeing it I will post

>> No.5447261

dude someone stole your television

what on earth is that thing hanging on the door? it looks like some medieval close combat weapon

>> No.5447266

that picture is amazing. my girlfriend would kill to live in that room

>> No.5447443

P&V are perfectly serviceable translators, but they are not the best, regardless of what their marketing campaign would lead you to believe.

The problem being a lot of their works feel "transliterated" as opposed to translated. This is a problem when you have a novel with an idiosyncratic tone like TBK.

In terms of the "Important" Russian novels that P&V have translated, the better translations are:

- Anna Karenina: A & L Maude
- War and Peace: Maude or Edmonds
- Crime and Punishment: Coulson
- The Karamazov Brothers: Avsey
- The Idiot: Avsey
- Notes from Underground: [spoilers]Garnett[/spoilers]

>> No.5447512
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>> No.5447515

>keeping books
Why? Get a wood burning stove and use books you've read as fuel, there's nothing more satisfying.

>> No.5447521
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>> No.5447524


>I just deleted all my fedora tipping reaction images
>this is the greatest time in all of history to post a fedora tip image

*tips it*

>> No.5447533
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There's a lot missing though, as I didn't want to collect everything lying around in the house.

Additionally, I've read a lot of Dostojevski, Kafka and like ten novellas on my Kindle.

Still, I'm going to buy them to put them up my bookshell. Does that make me shallow?

>> No.5447532

These covers make me moist.

>> No.5447534




>> No.5447535

what if you need to read it again

>> No.5447537 [DELETED] 
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#gamergate [12]

-GamerGate discussion is taking place at /b/ on the chan linked at the image-

If you don't know what is going on, ALL gamergate threads are being purged from /v/ and /pol/. Almost instantly, it´s insane and scary.
We can't discuss gamergate anymore on 4chan. There are other chans people are trying to move the discussion to, but they will all repeat 4chan's history: they all have mods who will begin banning what they don't like at some point.

Mchan ( m sterchan.org, it´s name is censored here) has allowed us to break that mod powertripping cycle by having new ideas on how to handle moderation. On mchan, mods cannot delete posts nor ban people. Instead, moderation is done by flagging On Topic and Off topic threads on each board. It is a chan created primarily to allow freedom of speech. People don't have to fear mods anymore.

Because it is so unique, mchan is only 5 months old but is already the second fastest english speaking chan, only behind 4chan. This is a viable, real alternative to 4chan because it´s already working as one for many people.
There is no other site on the internet designed to allow Freedom of speech, with coded features to support that. Mchan is unique and doing the world a favor by attempting to save the internet from censorship, which now has even stricken 4chan.

>> No.5447539
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If thread is still up when I get home I will post most of my personal library.

>> No.5447558

put your money where your mouth is. Not that guy but I'm curious to see these patrician books you can't get digitally

>> No.5447570

>someone stole your TV
no, I stole someone's big bookshelf, or rather, the whole room, but they took back the TV.
That thing is a wooden hand-made mace, it isn't an actual weapon.

>> No.5447606

i like the fact that the german translation of The Idiot actually sounds like something an actual idiot would say in English

>> No.5447642

Varför har du kvar dina barnböcker?

>> No.5447667

2/5. It's time to go to bed, anon.

>> No.5447699
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What is wrong with not wanting to have too much shit?

>> No.5447700

i hate when someone asks me this

it comes across so rudely

>> No.5447706
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These rooms.

>> No.5447732
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>> No.5447740
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>> No.5447744

Syftar du på Harry? Varför inte, kanske ger dom till något brorsbarnbarn eller något i framtiden.

>> No.5447815
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Alright brodudes here's pic 1starting with some boxes.

>> No.5447824
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The complete library of oratory

>> No.5447842
File: 1.23 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20140917_160430_513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two faded green books are the complete works of Charles Dickens. Vol 1 and 2

>> No.5447860
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Section 1 of bookcase 1

>> No.5447869
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Section 2 bookcase 1

>> No.5447877
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Sec. 3 BC 1. Enjoy dump call me a pleb. All that good stuff

>> No.5447894

What's that boxset of Signet Classics in the back?

>> No.5447913
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>> No.5447922
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Sec.4 BC 1

>> No.5447924
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Last section bookcase 1

>> No.5447952
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Sec. 1 BC 2

>> No.5447960
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Sec. 2 BC 2

>> No.5447965
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Final section BC 2

>> No.5447992
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Now for my 4 most prized books. History textbook 1871

>> No.5448005
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Inside said book

>> No.5448014

>I'm a virgin

>> No.5448024
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History of Tennessee 1923

>> No.5448027
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Mark Twain complete works Vol. 2

>> No.5448032
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>> No.5448033


wow dude thats so amazing!

u must b so proud

>> No.5448044
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And finally Twain complete works volume 3 or 4

>> No.5448050

Well I'm studying to be a history teacher so. Yes I am

>> No.5448061

fuck off

>> No.5448070

why cant people rotate the picures so the titles are horizontal

>> No.5448080

Because they are lazy scum. It's the fucking most important thing when posting your shelf but they can't spend less than 5 seconds on a rotation before posting.

>> No.5448110

Library books aren't horizontal so if you can't read vertical how do you know which book it is?

>> No.5448121

>those penciled-over letters
Even in the 1800s kids fuck with their textbooks in school.

>> No.5448233

nice I'm reading Iron Kingdom right now.

>> No.5448267
File: 21 KB, 155x183, Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5448321

i still have my goosebumps too

>> No.5448350

Turn your fucking head

>> No.5448369


>> No.5448379

Sure, I can give you some of my list of those I'm planing on making digital. Let me know if you find ebooks for them if you plan to search to prove me wrong.

>The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob
>One Thousand and One Second Stories by Inagaki Taruho
>The House Spirit and Other Stories by Kanoko Okamoto
>Lives of the Gods by Alberto Saviniowak
>Flametti, or the Dandyism of the Poor by Hugo Ball
>The Leg of Lamb: Its Life and Works by Benjamin Peret
>Opium and Other Stories by Geza Csath
>Zenobia by Gellu Naum
>The Bedbug and Selected Poetry by Vladimir Mayakovsky
>Fair Dalliance: Fifteen Stories by Yoshiyuki Junnosuke
>The Modern Fable by Nishiwaki Junzaburo
>More One Minute Stories by Istvan Orkeny
>Selected Prose of Alexei Remizov
>Amazing Tales Vol. 1 & 2 by Ling Mengchu
>Selected Writings by Mikhail Kuzmin
>Nervous People and Other Satires by Mikhail Zoshchenko

>> No.5448385

Lives of the Gods by Alberto Saviniowak

-wak, not sure where that came from. Alberto Savinio, the little brother of Giorgio de Chirico.

>> No.5448426

have you got any other Schwob? The book of Monelle is lovely but I can't find anything else by him in english

>> No.5448449
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I'm gonna go ahead and dump my favourite shelves.


>> No.5448459
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>> No.5448461
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Just Imaginary Lives, which is what made me interested in him.


Combine that with the pic and there's the .mobi I have.

>Marcel Schwob (1867-1905) was one of the key symbolist writers, standing in French literature alongside such names as Stephane Mallarme, Octave Mirbeau, Andre Gide, Leon Bloy, Jules Renard, Remy de Gourmont, and Alfred Jarry. His best-known works are Double Heart (1891), The King In The Gold Mask (1892), and Imaginary Lives (1896). Imaginary Lives contains twenty-two mythopoeic literary portraits of figures from ancient history, art history, and the history of crime and punishment. From demi-gods, sorcerers, incendiaries, wantons and philosophers of the ancient world, to the "poet of hate" Cecco Angiolieri and the painter Paolo Uccello, through to the pirates William Kidd and Major Stede-Bonnet, and finally Burke and Hare, the serial killers; Schwob presents a vivid array of characters who display all that is macabre, deviant and magnificently terrifying in human beings and in life. In Imaginary Lives, Schwob has created a "secret" masterpiece that joins other biographical glossaries such as Jorge Luis Borges' A Universal History Of Infamy and Alfonso Reyes' Real And Imagined Portraits in the pantheon of classic speculative fiction, of which Schwob's book is the dark progenitor. Livid with decadent imagery, Imaginary Lives resonates loudly today with its themes of temporality, myth, violence and sexuality, and stands as a major work of the fin-de-siecle.

>> No.5448469
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>> No.5448480
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>> No.5448484
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>> No.5448492
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>> No.5448498
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oh it gets better

>> No.5448500

are they not in any kind of order?

>> No.5448520
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they probably should be but I don't really have the motivation to do it. I'm only posting a small slice of my book collection and it would take days.
not to mention if you look closely at most of the pictures you'll see that the shelves are doubled up (there is a row of books snuggled behind the visible row) to save space.
it never really bothered me that much anyway.

>> No.5448525
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>> No.5448530

How small a slice are you posting? Even though you have seventeen pictures, it seems like it's averaging out to ten or so books per picture.

>> No.5448531
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wow this sure is a fun way to spend an evening

>> No.5448548
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I'm showing my funny shelves and my favourites. I'd say I'm posting about a quarter of my collection - so not so small a slice really. I do own an awful lot of dross though

>> No.5448556
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



this here is one of my most prized collections.

>> No.5448567
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this here is nostalgia shelf

>> No.5448573
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5448576

So probably 800 or so books overall? C'mon, you can get down and organize that much.

I have a lot of dross too (some overlap with you, like Niffeneggger). I organize it so that all that gets its own shelf of shame.

>> No.5448603
File: 1.28 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



yeah my ex gf got me that cos she loved it so much.... haha dumped that bitch two years later, for reasons totally unrelated to the fact that she had bought me a copy of the time traveller's wife

also I got the numbering wrong with these two obvs :

>> No.5448607
File: 1.28 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awh shit I already uploaded that pic

(16/17) awh man my counting is way off

>> No.5448611
File: 1.09 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140917_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out I'd done that too.

I guess I'm just not a very organised person.

last pic

>> No.5448633
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1536, my books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own 8 books
on the right: my favourite ones
on the left: some boring books maybe i will read someday

>> No.5448643

top class post m8

>> No.5448648

>introducing post modernism

fucking lol

>> No.5449118

There are a ton of handwritten notes in that book. And several dozen names

>> No.5449230

And you don't?

>> No.5449896
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>> No.5449899
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>> No.5449933

i have those goofass movie cover copies of LOTR too

>> No.5449980

Yeah, they were the only paperback copies you could find for a while there

>> No.5450102

thats some strange organization

>> No.5450110
File: 2.38 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to post before but apparently didn't work.
to summarize: preparing for whirlwind of hate; just started reading again; Clearly enjoying Jack Vance to the max

>> No.5450115
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls judge

the blown out book is origin of species

>> No.5450120

instant 10/10

>> No.5450129

I tried to organize it more aesthetically than alphabetically. Except for the paperbacks

>> No.5450154
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A nice-sized bookshelf thread and so far no Infi—welp, nevermind.

>> No.5450159


theres a third shelf with reference that i didnt put in the pic. mostly textbooks, a few dictionaries, MDAU. i have a hardon for dfw. postmodernism in general really.

would love some recommendations. its hard to find anyone that reads the shit i do, outside of the lit professors i never see because im a science major.

>> No.5450168

Honestly seems like a scattering of books bought by someone who had to get them for college classes or maybe also just bought books random internet strangers told them were must read. Ayn Rand is awful. I've meant a good number of people who like her bullshit, but I've never meant anyone I respected. Too many people claim to like her view on objectivity and not economic, but don't understand that bullshit is related. There is so much there that says you have no thoughts or perspective. Mandatory reading like Infinite Jest or random well known Philosophers like Dostoevsky. Don Dellio is cool, but it's overplayed and just seems like part of a collection to make you look deep. There's no perspective or sincerity. It's like you're trying to achieve some classist level of bullshit, and it comes off as profoundly stupid.

>> No.5450171

It's a subpar collection, but you seem like an interesting sincere dude

>> No.5450173

The average person would think that Underworld has something to do with the film.

Nobody shares your view of his bookcase outside of this small board.

>> No.5450175

fucking autist holy shit

>> No.5450176

The only computer science book you need is Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos. If you have a job where you actually have to fiddle with CSS all day I feel sorry for you, but I take some comfort in knowing that you can escape into George RR Martin's rape fantasies.

>> No.5450178

Seem like person who actually reads and not poser. So much Steven King! He's not that great ..at all.. but everyone I meet who reads his stuff is pretty down to earth and not drowning in pretension. My girlfriend reads most everything he writes too. You also have smart and interesting stuff in there, although it all is a little too modern and seems like a couple were forced buys for classes. Overall I think you have an ideal kind of collection. You seem interested in the world and in literature in a genuine way.

>> No.5450180


i havent taken any lit classes, i bought all this out of personal interest. im a stem kid. you owe it to yourself as a conscious being to read the fountainhead. say what you will about rand and her philosophy, the fountainhead is one of the most relevant novels about modern man and what it means to be a creative individual.

>infinite jest as mandatory reading
ive met one other person whose read it out of their own volition; ive convinced two people to read it and they did and loved it. you overestimate the general population.

>> No.5450181

Is that true? I never come to this board, but stumbled here drunk tonight. I'm pretty sure the posters shitty taste is pretty transparent to people with half a brain.

>> No.5450184


>ask for judgment
>you get eviscerated
>f-f-fucking autist

>> No.5450185

Your post is so transparent it's like a newborn fish.

Just stop.

>> No.5450189

>you owe it to yourself as a conscious being to read the fountainhead.
Wow no. It's not that interesting. at. all.
>ive met one other person whose read it out of their own volition (you said in regards to infinite jest)
Are you joking? ..seriously every kid who thinks they are deep reads it..who do you talk to?

>> No.5450191

Not even the poster but that is a terrible metaphor

>> No.5450194

I am neither witty nor a very good writer. It was just the first transparent thing that came into my head.

-Stephen Merchant

>> No.5450205

but you apparently a pretentious twat

>> No.5450229

Thanks! Yeah, there's a lot of King on there. I got into him after I read the Shining and loved it. Most of his other stuff is pretty hit or miss, but he's very imaginative, and that keeps me coming back.
A few of them were bought for classes (namely, the Invisible Man. The Bluest Eye, the Woman Warrior, the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and A Tale for the Time Being, and the Soloist), but if I kept them, it's usually because I enjoyed them or found them thought provoking enough to keep around.
I am pretty interested in literature, but have never really gotten beyond it just being a hobby. I don't really know anyone else I can discuss it with, so I just kind of keep to myself and try to find things I like.

>> No.5450232

It was a simile

>> No.5450237

You were just trashed by >>5450232
Leave this board forever.

>> No.5450239


oh wow

>> No.5450243

I'm not him but it still was a simile. Fish aren't born, they hatch. I wouldn't say that bullshit.

>> No.5450254

/lit/ in it's dumbest form

>> No.5450255

i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pan!

>> No.5450304

>you overestimate the general population
so it seems like his judgement of your character was accurate, you asshole

>> No.5450322
File: 1.77 MB, 842x936, bookstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just started to read again, and I just started coming here like 1 month ago

>> No.5450330

A random assortment of ten books

>> No.5450332

So in summary if you have a bunch of books that happen to be discussed frequently on /lit/ you're an insincere poser morally decrepit piece of shit and if you have a huge collection of stephen king and miscellaneous fantasy and sci-fi stuff you're a cool down to earth guy who does no wrong and would make a great friend

>> No.5450338 [DELETED] 

it's not random, they're sort of assorted by area laying on their side. I figured it would make a more stable stack if I put the larger books at the bottom. It's worked well so far. I think I'm onto something.

>> No.5450340

it's not random, they're sort of assorted by area laying on their side. I figured it would make a more stable stack if I put the larger books at the bottom. It's worked well so far. I think I'm onto something.

>> No.5450347

Kind of. Of course there are multiple ways to say what you just wrote. Could also say that if your interests seems to stem out of a genuine curiosity and not caught up in seeming cool but just out of real intellect you will be considered down to earth. And if you just buy lot of books whose philosophies don't mesh together but a a "must read" blog listicle would have listed for a college educated crowd of overprivledged bros you're kind of a moron.

>> No.5450348

lol at least it's a redeemable response, my point was just why post ten books in a thread like this

>> No.5450351

Go back to school and learn to count, there are at least 11.

>> No.5450353

The lengths you're going to to justify mocking people actually reading the books that are discussed here are pathetic, just so you know.

>> No.5450361


idk man... why not?

I was just taking part of a thread I saw.

>> No.5450366

>thread to judge people's collection
>judged someone's collection

>> No.5450371

because it's arrogant?

>> No.5450381


haha, what? I just had to double check the definition of arrogance, and it's the same as I remember it. Would you please elaborate a little here. How is that arrogant?

>> No.5450392

Because this is a thread to share a collection. You don't have a collection you have ten random books, but you are still overindulgent about yourself as a subject and think you should share a stack of ten books. You think your subjectivity is more important than it is. It's arrogant.

>> No.5450397

>Miss the point
>Go back to being a miserable faggot who's only purpose is "NO LOL"

Not at all surprised

>> No.5450402

Moist covers! That's horrible! Humidity destroys books!

>> No.5450413

>make a vague assertion not addressing the content of what I said
>Fabricate a stawman out of my post not following any logical path
What a cool guy

>> No.5450416


I'm not arrogant. Those books are my collection. There's only 11 of them, but they're the only 11 books I have. I don't see why you even see fit to reply to me about how many books are in my collection. It seems off topic. There wasn't a rule about you must have >X amount of books to ride this thread. If you don't have any comments directly related to the books I posted why even bother? I just don't get why you're being so malicious to me. Just tell me I have shit taste and move on, broh.

>> No.5450422

You must have loads of friends buddy

>> No.5450424

Wow are you stupid and pointless. At least you're always contrarian, you petulant fucking faggot.

>> No.5450425

But you don't have any taste, it's just arrogant to post at all when you don't have a collection, since you know that's the entire point of the thread.
I find your arrogance offensive as well
Why are you confused that someone would judge you in a thread dedicated to judging someone's collection? Grow up.

>> No.5450430

Doesn't mean someone who disagrees with you

>> No.5450431


>> No.5450440

>Literally defending autistically insulting someone for reading some books we talk about and praising a stephen king fan

do you just respond to each post individually hoping to "win" no how much you have to pretend you weren't here for the whole exchange? Are you actually this fucking stupid? Is this your pathetic life? I'm going to sleep.

>> No.5450441
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>> No.5450448

When people post nonsensical garbage I feel compelled to say "Hey that's nonsensical garbage". Yeah. Sorry you couldn't get any last words in that don't amount to name calling.

>> No.5450452

>implying you are not responding just as much as the other poster

>> No.5450460

Well, at least you actually read IJ

>> No.5450468

>>that other guy who deleted his post

>>that other guy who deleted his post

Wow, you guys will really will just jump any opportunity to put others down, just to inflate your own egos a bit.

my only gripe is that he solely commented about how many books I posted, and nothing more. If you read any of my posts you would know that. Oh well it doesn't really matter, but please post your collection, or link to it, so I can gather some insight on what might have aided in transforming you into a cunt(assuming at one point you weren't)

>> No.5450480



>> No.5450505

I haven't deleted any of my posts what? Are you just assuming everyone who disagrees with you is the same poster?

>> No.5450573
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>> No.5450576

i didn't even know it was possible to delete posts

who cares anyway? we're anons

>> No.5450586
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Hail Sagan

>> No.5450603
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>> No.5450608
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>> No.5450609
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Really tried but found it tough. Have a problem.

>> No.5451261

>tfw nobody rates your obviously superior book collection

>> No.5451588

unless you're the person who deleted his post, you should have no reason to think I was talking to you.

>> No.5451602

Except for the part where it was a direct reply.

>> No.5452309
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>> No.5452324
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I don't know why the fuck that one posted sideways

>> No.5452339

It keeps saying that my last picture is too large but the bottom shelf is just a bunch of HST, Vonnegut, other assorted high school-core

>> No.5452367
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/co/ up in this bitch

>> No.5452371
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Dose lit read some /co/ materials

>> No.5452372

I'm so sorry

>> No.5452387


I'm so sorry

>> No.5452396

loooooool, thx for the hearty laugh

>> No.5452399



>> No.5452417

Which do you like better; Death on The Installment Plan, or Journey to the End of the Night?

>> No.5452470
File: 1.32 MB, 2560x1920, 20140917_192837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beginning, started reading over the summer. Not pictured, catcher in the rye and fellowship of the ring. Once I finish a few more classics I'll delve deeper.
Some pretty nice bookshelves in the thread.

>> No.5452472

Lone Wolf and Cub, excellent!

>> No.5453372

Actually haven't gotten around to Death on the Installment Plan yet, but I really love Journey. I just finished Ada earlier today (which was also fantastic) so I think I might go start it right now.

>> No.5453423

so can you lucid dream or what?

>> No.5453424


yeah you have some good shit there but i very much doubt you are able to handle that hegel, i doubt that it's anything more than window dressing for you right now.

i also made the mistake of buying it when i was just getting into philosophy and man do i wish i didn't. nowhere near ready even still. probably won't still be for a decade to come. i was such a presumptuous retard.

>> No.5453437

>I get all of my recommendations from /lit/

>> No.5453443


>I can't hate on the books themselves so I'll hate on possible influences

You estrogenqueens will cry about anything.

>> No.5454360 [DELETED] 

>bringing this thread back from the dead

You're probably gone, but I had to take a CSS class and just wanted a better resource than my "teacher." Had a C# class and I bought that before starting for a bit of insight. Then the next year I had to switch to C++ which fucked me up. In the process of a Comp Sci degree, so that's why I have those, though I never even read half of each book. I'll check that book out though, I have continuing C++ classes. (Also haven't cracked a GRRM book yet, I just enjoy the series. pleb, I know.)
Thanks, anon.

>> No.5454374

>bringing this thread back from the dead

You're probably gone, but I had to take a CSS class and just wanted a better resource than my "teacher." Had a C# class and I bought that before starting for a bit of insight. Then the next year I had to switch to C++ which fucked me up. In the process of a Comp Sci degree, so that's why I have those, though I never even read half of each book. I'll check that book out though, I have continuing C++ classes. (Also haven't cracked a GRRM book yet, I just enjoy the tv series. pleb, I know.)
Thanks, anon. (Forgot an entire drawer full of books, but oh well. More Vance and SF.)

>> No.5454411

I'm sorry that your CS program is so focused on specific technologies - especially ones as cumbersome as CSS and C++ - rather than on actual problem solving skills and more academic computer science topics. Kleinberg himself said that in his CS program they never taught you a programming language, that was just something extra you were expected to learn on your own. I promise you if you are able to read and understand Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos and you can solve all of the exercises (none of which have anything to do with programming) you can easily get a job at any of the top tech companies in the world.

>> No.5454472

Yeah my friend gave it to me because he didn't understand it. Haven't tried it myself yet.
What makes you say that other than GR and the Joyce?

>> No.5454477

le nabokov epic pedobear /b/ meme

>> No.5454503
File: 2.21 MB, 2649x1490, 2014-09-18 23.36.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current to read list

>> No.5454512


>must display books and notes in foreground as perfectly nonchalant as possible yet in a way that will convey that I'm busy and interesting

your post is like the lit equivalent of a female facebook wall photo. we get it. you read shit.

>> No.5454521

Care to translate the titles of the Jap books for us?

Also, how long did it take you to learn Jap well enough to read novels? I've been interested for a while but it seems like quite the chore just to get more out of a few hobbies.

>> No.5454523

>Fear and Loathing
>Notes from Underground
>All those Greek Myths

Best one here

>> No.5454531

That doesn't look half-bad, but why have the tv on the ground and not on some kind of table at least?
It'd feel weird staring downwards and you'd probably get some kind of neck-condition over the years.

Sometimes people overdo it with their minimalism, it literally becomes too much.

>> No.5454532

those cloth/leatherbound ones look gorgeous, especially because they look like someone actually read them.

>> No.5454537

almost all - except maybe 2, but especially the bottom shelf - look untouched...

>> No.5454541

this is a board about literature, god forbid someone shows his most prized books here

>> No.5454553

>Blackest Night
>Ware of the Green Lanterns
>Deadpool Corps
>Deadpool Team-Up

that's some seriously bad comics m8

>> No.5454554

>desperately trying to prove patrician knowledge of translation
>hasn't read the originals
>determines shit based on /lit/ flavor of the month

>> No.5454562

how did you manage to let those books fly? is that a trick or did you glue them to the shelves or did you let them fall down and take the photo in mid-air?

>> No.5454566

>keeping firewood indoors
You either bought some sanitary bullshit from a store or your house is infested with bugs. Either way, cut it yourself and stack it on your porch or in basement, you filthy fucking hippy.

>> No.5454580


I already have the feeling that I'm not going to understand it but I'll definitely give it a try. You seem like a smart dude, as much as I can read that through text on an imageboard. Brofist for the advice, I'll make of it what I can.

>> No.5454582
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, 0919140025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post a pic in this thread after I finished reorganizing my bookshelf but my phone is so crappy that it took like 6 separate pictures to get all the books and you still can't read what most of the books are.

I'm not going to post the rest because the quality is so low, but /lit/, please enjoy A-E of the fiction section of my newly reorganized shelf.

>> No.5454583

there's some top class /co/-stuff in that collection (all that Judge Dredd) but some other stuff feels like wasted money.
that absolute superman - for tomorrow for example

>Kiss Kompendium

what the hell, did anyone actually buy those comics? Are you a fan?

mother of... wow. there's easily $4000 in those 2 shelves.

>> No.5454584

I fucking hope this is bait

>> No.5454604

is it autistic that i sort by publisher

>> No.5454611


>> No.5454641

cool mate, cool cool cool
which translation of master and margarita is that?

>> No.5454643

lol how long did it take you to set up your disheveled workstation?

>> No.5454663
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't post in these threads, but my shelf is fucking heaving since this year. This is about 1/3 of my collection. A good chunk is shit I'll never read again so I'm thinking of flogging a lot of it (not least the Tao Lin). Do you guys hoard or do you sell your backlog somewhere?

>> No.5454664

Man, Penguin Classics is like the standard for books nowadays and it looks nice and all but at the same time something about it makes me feel ill and I don't know why.

>> No.5454694

Burgin/O'Connor. How does it compare to the others, do you think?

>> No.5454769

I give the stuff I know I wont read again to the library. But TAIPEITAOLIN belongs in the trash.

>> No.5454771

Bill Hicks wrote a book?

>> No.5454779
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>> No.5454782
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>> No.5454783
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20140917_223843140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5454787
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20140917_223948602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5454809
File: 35 KB, 500x500, burbery-chav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>books in some chinese ching chong language

u havin a fukin laugh m8?

>> No.5455194

Also notice they're library books

>> No.5455306


>> No.5455309

>all that genre fiction

>> No.5456402
File: 88 KB, 1080x383, IMG_5988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1- YA 2- SelfHelp 3- History and Politics 4- Bigraphies

>> No.5456407
File: 56 KB, 1080x294, IMG_5988 copy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5456410
File: 54 KB, 1080x307, IMG_5988 copy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything else