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/lit/ - Literature

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544085 No.544085 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what are you doing with your life? What is the sum of your ambitions?

>> No.544205

I think I'm going to reread this. Thanks, man.

>> No.544219

ambition? not much of one really.

I wanna retire from a job where I get no notarity or public credit for my actions, however I make a plenty of money to not be wanting. I don't have to be rich in the slightest, just not worried about finances.

Then I will spend my retired years fishing and reading. I don't even care if I ever have a family, I just wanna take it easy and cruise through my life.

>> No.544225

/lit/ - talk about yourself

>> No.544222

Finished undergrad
Get into medschool
Residency on surgery
Fellowship on osteopathic surgery
Pay off debts
Live the life

>> No.544234

Want to find happiness.
Want to find someplace I feel I belong.
Want to travel.
Want people to wake up.

>> No.544236


>> No.544245

I want to make a living writing. I am willing to write shit to do that if it gives me to freedom to work on the important stuff that I will never publish.

>> No.544246

- medschool
- doctors without borders
- write books, spread a logical understanding of the world, improve the plight of humanity, undermine statism
- wife, kids, yacht

>> No.544248

OP, what are your ambitions?

>> No.544254

-practice music
-play shows
-get signed
-play more shows
-make something that sounds nice
-kill self

-med school
-pay off debts
-and whatever

>> No.544298

second. I'm already homeless...now I need to work on the wandering part...

>> No.544302

I'd like to teach English. I don't care where, and I don't care to whom. I just want to teach English.

>> No.544306

I want to get paid to sit around and talk bullshit about books all day. I'm making progress on that.

>> No.544314

To get the hell out of this town
To live in the city
Study astrophysics and philosophy
To meet people I am better suited for
To work abroad, or to at least live in the country again...a different country

>> No.544336

To read all the books on my "Books to Read" list

>> No.544345

I want to travel around the world.

Yeap. That I want.

>> No.544362

Same brah.
Although I really hate teenagers, and the way the world's going now, I'm probably going to hate them more as time goes on. Maybe I'll teach at a college.

>> No.544371

ITT: people realize their ambitions won't be able to define them, since other people have already accomplished them.

>> No.544382
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OP here, im a freshmen at college, so Im going to finish college where Im going for teaching, animal behavior, and literature. Im working on travel plans for when Im at out college, so ill be backpacking the world for the next 10-15 when im out of college. making me about 32-38 when I get back. Get a job teaching at a school, and use my experience and logical understanding to inspire and (to which I believe) make the world somewhat better.
I want to teach people to follow and listen to their heart, and to use their imagination to dream like nobody has ever before. To find the beauty in every single thing about our world. I want to inspire people as much as I can for the rest of my life, and I feel I can only do that with experience, and a healthy balance between Courage, Power, and Wisdom.(Yes I like Zelda, and apply this to my own personal philosophy, we all do something similar).
I want to have my kids in my 40's, and once they are born I will sacrifice most of my elderly life raising them, and once they can fend for themselves, continue my work inspiring people to follow their heart and seek understanding, and when I im to old to leave my house and my body becomes weak, ill spend the remaining years of my life making art, playing music, being there for my kids, and writing books.
All in my personal gigantic library, housing everything Ive collected over my travels.

>> No.544383

Go to undergrad school and major in biology, get into medschool, and become doctor. I'm a little uncertain which kind of doctor I'd like to be, though.

>> No.544392


>> No.544398


>38 with no work experience

Be careful about that.

>Have kids in your 40s

Be careful about that too. The chances of birth defects are pretty high at that age.

Don't want to rain on your parade, just sayin'.

>> No.544402

"So what makes you think you're qualified to be a teacher?"
"Well I just spent 15 years wandering around Europe."
"Get the fuck out."

>> No.544405


Have you done any classroom observations yet? I did my first at a middle school, thinking the kids would get on my nerves to no end, but I found that the more disrespectful and obnoxious they got, the more I wanted to teach to them.

It was weird.

>> No.544410

Glory shall be mine!

>> No.544417
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Im pretty sure when someone looks at my resume, and see's that ive traveled the world, and have a degree( Im also fluent 4 languages,working on my 5th), they would be interested.

About the birth defects, I guess only time will tell.

I guess I just have a strong inner child, and use my inner child heart to fuel my dreams, is that so wrong?

>> No.544424


No matter how you slice it, 10 years of experience at the job will be much more interesting than 10 years traveling Europe.

>> No.544441

Read your other post, and it sounds like you have some fantastic plans. I hope you've got follow through as well.

I'm still in high school myself, so I haven't done any observations. It's not so much the rudeness, it's more that I worry about how interested in lit kids will be as time goes on. I know that 95% of the kids in my english classes have doodled/drooled/ through all 4 years. They don't care about English.

But your attitude sounds like a good one. Maybe I'll think of myself as a rehabilitator, haha!

>> No.544455


>it's more that I worry about how interested in lit kids will be as time goes on. I know that 95% of the kids in my english classes have doodled/drooled/ through all 4 years.

Yeah, that's a legitimate concern.

>> No.544548
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Enlightened ruler who emerges from years in isolation and mediatation to remake world society into the one state

lackluster and all-too-human grot who reads shitty books of grandious proportion

>> No.544579

Dream: Live a life of knight-errantry and chivalry, traveling the world with my faithful squire.

Reality: See above.

>> No.544590
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fuck you, Don Quixote.
fuck you.

(but do tell the juicy details)

>> No.544596

I still can't find meaning in my life and am currently just going through all the motions. I have no real ambitions except to be a decent person.

>> No.544625

Who is this?

>> No.544628

Have a week left of my job
Going to law school

3 years from now I hope to be makin dat money.

>> No.544629

Become an influential writer.
Wake people up from their delusions and selfishness.
Can earn enough money to do some real good in the world.
Get over my travel anxiety so I can travel the world.
Write, direct, and design something in its entirety (a movie, a musical, etc)
Create a painting that is essentially my soul on canvas.
Find someone I can actually connect with and love.
Find enlightenment on my deathbed.

Teaching still 30 years in the future because I have a mortgage to pay. Never found enough time to write, paint, or create music to a point of completion.

>> No.544634
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Dream: Write my five book series about a knight and his son; write a series about a mechanic living on Yggdrasil. Teach a class at a college about science fiction or fantasy.

Reality: I'm writing my five book series while starving in a one room apartment and working my way through school to get an English degree.

Both my dream and reality are good stuff, actually, because I am enjoying both.

>> No.544638

Aiming a bit high there, champ.

>> No.544687

>wants to wake people up from their delusions and selfishess
>is clearly deluded and selfish

>> No.544691

quiet,you. I don't see you with any amazing dreams, now do I?

>> No.544694

"wants to wake people up from their delusions and selfishess"
please die

>> No.544701

only the greatest philosopher-king to ever roam atlantis

>> No.544697

This. smug story bro

>> No.544700

-make an album or two that sounds nice

>> No.544703

Ambition: Finish translating that book
Be a good drawing artist
Complete the plot of that story
Apply ideas of resilient communities in a somewhat extreme way in order to create more meaningful communities (or just contribute to that)

>> No.544711

Dream: Perform the single biggest bank heist in history, wait for the statute of limitations to kick in then brag about it on national television, preferably while wearing a smoking jacket and a fez.

Reality: Probably just another office drone like my dad.

>> No.544713

Dream: have sex

Reality: jack off

>> No.544727

I find it astounding how many douche bags are in /lit/. When it was created I thought I could find a more mature and friendlier board than even /co/, but I was mistaken. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.544731

Fuck, drink, and smoke until I eventually jump from a tall building to splat on the concrete.

>> No.544748

-Find place to live with friends and job to pay for it.
-Get old
-Die content

>> No.544763

jerk off into a cup
drink it
an hero

>> No.544769

>board about comics and cartoons

>> No.544774

Obtain a friend.

>> No.544778
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-Undergrad Film Student.txt
-Make a few festival worthy shorts
-Teach college film/lit classes by age 30
-Kill myself at age 50.
-Have an interesting but true wiki page.

>> No.544781
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Nobel laureate economist Friedrich August von Hayek

He wrote stuff like this:

To understand our civilization, one must appreciate that order resulted not from human design or intention, but spontaneously: it arose from unintentionally conforming to certain traditional and largely moral practices, many of which men tend to dislike, whose significance they usually fail to understand, whose validity they cannot prove, and which have nonetheless fairly rapidly spread by means of an evolutionary selection — the comparative increase of population and wealth — of those groups that happened to follow them. The unwitting, reluctant, even painful adoption of these practices kept these groups together, increased their access to valuable information of all sorts, and enabled them to be ‘fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.’ This process is perhaps the least appreciated facet of human evolution.

>> No.544791

please list douche bags first. I wanna see if I fall in the category

>> No.544800

What about smaller dreams?
I want to plant some daffodils in front of a cemetery.
I want to see an empty beach at night.
I want to sing with a choir in a hospice.
I plan to write a single joke per year in a book, then give my book to an orphanage.
These I plan to do just before I die.

>> No.544819
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Ill be your friend.

>> No.544825
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>> No.544846


Hey, I like that.

>> No.544849


>> No.544850
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>> No.544852

I had a list like that laying around somewhere.

All I remember is 1) attend a wild Indian wedding, 2) spend a night looking through a telescope and 3) find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.

Reality: become a teacher, maybe get married.

>> No.544860

- Want to be a pro artist (fine arts)
- Get a PhD in Physics and History
- Learn French and Russian, maybe Japanese
- Study Computer Engineering (I'm in my first year)
- Help in telecommunications research / develop a way to minimize the amount of interfaces needed to get into the net (since I watched Serial Experiments Lain this has been my dream :3)
- Publish a collection of short stories.

I have so much work to do, but I'll manage. I have a lot of time.

>> No.544866

move to amsterdam and get strung out
leave for india and have a spiritual awakening
write novelettes and sell them to the beautiful people
be interviewed for interview magazine
stay with my girlfriend
raise a kid (maybe)

>> No.544888


>> No.544978


>licks to center


>> No.545007

Shit, you should have made that a spoiler.

>> No.545013

This is a lot better than /b/.

>> No.545014


>> No.545022
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Go to college become rich and own a mansion on a island, hire some servants and come up with a batshit insane killing ritual that resurrects some witch.

Well, half of this is true.

>> No.545032


we are the e/lit/e... even if half our members are also /b/rothers

>> No.545093
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To become another hand pushing an underground Anarchist movement to fruition. A glorious revolution.

Probably suicide.

>> No.545102

Dropped out of high school because I was making more money than god and didn't see the point (yes, it was illegal but nothing that anyone cared about back then: warez/phreakign).

Eventually the easy money well dried up (read: I got busted when people started caring) Luckily charges got dropped and I got a few jobs here and there, didn't much like the 9 to 5.
During this I met up with a girl who lived, far, far away. Said girl came and visited me for 2 weeks and never left. After 8 years of shit and medium tier jobs for both of us we decided to move back to where she was from (US).

Got a few IT jobs, based on my skillz and lying through my teeth about previous jobs. Got bored with that, moved half across the country and bought a boat. Living on boat now. Typically work for a year or so and then fuck off to the carib and south america for as long as the money lasts. Been doing that for about 7 years now.

Not terribly unhappy with how things turned out. Road less traveled man, feels good.

>> No.545217

Finish my Philosophy degree and maybe go onto Neurosciences, maybe i wont, maybe i will get trained as a sailor and travel the world as a whaler in a Japanese ship (a la Gordon Pym or Ismael), maybe i'll joing the foreign legion or maybe just be a get a licence to be a boat capitain.

>> No.545227

forget the glory, if you want it to happen. I'm saying this as a comrade.

>> No.545231

dont. fucking. do . the . french foreign legion. just read into it seriously for 15 minutes and you'll know why.

>> No.545240

I'm going to be a teacher, live an Epicurean life in a decent apartment and read books.

>> No.545242

the anarchist movement still exists? I lol'd, you must be in your 20's or still in high-school, right?

people naturally form groups, and with groups forms society. Anarchy is like taking an axe and shoving humanity back to the stone age

>> No.545246

I'm inclined to guess you just got trolled.

>> No.545260

I think you misunderstood: I don't want any glory.

Hurf durf.

>> No.545266

I really wish I was everything, but since that's impossible, I'll be happy to just be anything at all.

Still, trying to figure out what... When I read I'm sure I could write, and when I listen I'm sure I could make noise, and when I'm my father I'm sure I could be put numbers together, and when I'm watching television I'm sure I could hauck running shoes.

There's one thing though that's clear, there needs to be atleast a riot in my life.
I need to loot and shout all day one day, you know?

>> No.545268

Be a petroleum engineer.

>> No.545274
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whats the matter? too DEEP for you?

>> No.545295

Alright that was all bullshit.
Really I just want to be Jesus.

>> No.545308

now there's an anon with no ambition. For shame