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/lit/ - Literature

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5436008 No.5436008 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so i bought a kindle paperwhite and filled it up with all of the books on pic related.

I haven't read a book since primary school

where do i start?

>> No.5436019


Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.5436020

what do you like, scrub?

Catch 22 anyway.

>> No.5436050

i have been on /mu/ and /tv/ for about 2 years, i just wanted to try a different art

>> No.5436061



>> No.5436076

You brain is shit now, thank to these cancer boards.

You cant into literature, son.

Go listen neutral milk hotel or something.

>> No.5436081

Initiate with the Ionians.

>> No.5436085

start with harry potter before you do any of those

>> No.5436088

its not all memes and baneposting, i have 16000 songs on my ipod and none of them are plebcore

>> No.5436094

i have read the whole harry potter series a few times over, basically the only series i read in school

>> No.5436096


>> No.5436100

>neutral milk hotel
>Implying that In the Aeroplane Over the Sea isn't fucking great

>> No.5436102

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.5436107

If you think /mu/ has good taste then you are wrong.

They are a bunch of teenagers who are just learning to play instruments and can't read or understand music at all so they like out there bands that hardly anyone listens to.

/tv/ is filled with teens and early twenty males who know nothing about film and have hardly watched anything pre 1970. 99.99% of them have no idea what a fucking theme or motif is.

>> No.5436113

bad news, son.
all these books in the OP are PLEBCORE.

>> No.5436114


Sometimes (very rarely) there are good threads in both, but it's not worthwile reading the 99% of crap.

>> No.5436118

>all these books in the OP are PLEBCORE.
I hate people like you, who think that something being entry-level makes it pleb. Some of those are some of the most critically acclaimed books of the last century., Plebcore would be YA shit.

>> No.5436119

>judging subjective taste objectively

All I listen to is classical music but don't be that big of a fucking cunt.

>> No.5436125

In what was I wrong?

How can people who have no knowledge of how music is brought together comment on what is "good" or "bad?"

How can people who have not watched films progression and don't read books comment on if a film is "good" or "bad."

>> No.5436130


truly the most elitist board on 4chan
but also with /pol/ as among the most stupid.

Unfortunately I'm quite sure 90% of the posters on /pol/ are just trolls jacking each other off, which makes this board the worst. Objectively speaking of course, because objective statements can be made on this matter.

>> No.5436131

Do you think someone who only reads books from the past ten years can have a valid opinion on literature?

No, exactly.

The same applies to film.

>> No.5436132

>hello i am /mu/ and my feeling hurts, im gonna open a tfw thread ;__;

thats what i read.

>> No.5436136

>but also with /pol/ as among the most stupid.


>> No.5436139

De gustibus non est disputandum

Sure, they're less qualified to make educated opinions, but I don't understand why you people just can't swallow the idea of letting people like what they like. In your method of thought, it makes you a "bad" human.

I similarly despise most non-classical art in the visual medium, but I'm not getting my fucking panties in a knot because some guy thinks a poorly-made sculpture of a human shitting on the floor is a "better" piece of art than Pieta.

>> No.5436143

The worst problem with /tv/ is that it's mostly about tv series and films are totally different.

>> No.5436151

>not starting with the Greeks
You will never trully enjoy this board.

>> No.5436155


I never said people can't like or dislike that stuff.

I said they can't tell other people if it's good or bad.

There's a difference.

>> No.5436159

>not the akkadians

fucking amateurs.

>> No.5436160

Commence with the Chinese.

>> No.5436161

Haha funny joke

>> No.5436163

Mockingbird, Catcher, and Slaughterhouse-Five are the easiest of those. Start with one of them if you're not really sure what level you read at.

Catch-22 and Lolita are the best but also the toughest of those. Work up to them if you don't want to try to start there.

>> No.5436166

proceed with the persians

>> No.5436172

And you can? What makes your opinion more valuable than theirs, that you studied some subject in a cursory manner for a small amount of time (or even a longer amount if you're a liberal arts major in the subject [lol])? So then is your opinion then outweighed by someone with more knowledge on the subject than you? If not, where do you draw the line and why is that line not arbitrary?
Good and bad is not something

>> No.5436182

Why do you keep making stuff up?

I never said my opinion is more valuable.

Those boards should not influence people on what they should listen to or watch because the people who use them have no knowledge on the subject.

>> No.5436193

What knowledge do you, or the vast majority of the people residing in this board, have on writing?

>And you can? Why can you say what is good and bad but they can't, that you studied some subject in a cursory manner for a small amount of time (or even a longer amount if you're a liberal arts major in the subject [lol])? So then is your opinion then outweighed by someone with more knowledge on the subject than you? If not, where do you draw the line and why is that line not arbitrary?
There, fixed. And if your next response is "I never said I, or those more educated than I, were qualified to call something good or bad" then moot should just delete all the boards relating to opinion because we shouldn't be discussing them.

>> No.5436205

Despite the occasional shitposting this board actually talks about books and ideas and the majority who browse it do read often.

This boards culture is full of more artistic and intellectual people due to the board topic unlike boards like /mu/ and /tv/ which are used by the common man.

>> No.5436216

gee ur dumb

I bet most that browse /mu/ listen to music often.
I bet most that browse /tv/ watch tv often.

There is no reason to believe that this board is generally more "intellectual" due to the nature of the subject, unless you give me a reason backed up with the same logic and reason you claim to possess. Discussing philosophical ideas does not make a board any more "intellectual" than discussing music, tv, politics, etc etc. They're both in their basest form subjecting oneself to a work or event and then/or discussing that work or event. Stop being so fucking elitist.

>> No.5436219

I have always considered music to be the most entry-level of the arts.

>> No.5436220

lol butthurt /mu/ browser

>> No.5436222
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Good, you said something so dumb I can Descartes your posts from here on. Good arguing buddy, see you next thread.

>> No.5436231


>> No.5436243

As I went through this list I said to myself:

"read it"
"read it"
"read it"
"haven't read it"
"haven't read it"
"read it"
"read it"
"haven't read it"
"haven't read it"
"read it"
"read it"
"read it"
"read it"
"rea dit"
"red dit"

>> No.5436245

>whining "butthurt" after being rekt
and there goes /lit/ proving that it's no better than the other boards

Looks like my work here is done boys

>> No.5436255

>being this butthurt

>> No.5436260

Start by Mark Twain

>> No.5436299

But he isn't a Greek.

>> No.5436356

/tv/ is one of the worst boards on 3chin

also what kind literature are you interested in?

>> No.5436431

Guise, I'm not a English reader, but I started reading Fahrenheit in English anyway. Is it okay if I have some.difficulties reading it or is my English worse than I thought?

>> No.5436439


>> No.5436459

It is okay
It is not okay; my English is bad?

>> No.5436467

Fahrenheit 451 is usually given to 7th grade students (12 or 13 years old). If you've been actively hearing/listening English for 12 years yet still have trouble, you're probably at a low level. If not, don't sweat it.

>> No.5436505

Meh. Not really. I'm just now trying to read more in English. So I guess I'll just try harder.
the thing that botters me is that, for example, when Montag's wife tried suicide, it took me a long time to realize it. Had to go back and re-read to finally get it

>> No.5436510

Yes as in it isn't as good as you'd hoped.

>> No.5436561

Not OP but same question:
Have read so far:
The Stranger

What next ?

>> No.5436612

something good for a change

>> No.5436620

What elements did you like? What elements did you dislike?

Stoner, Journey to the End of the Night, Pale Fire, The Castle, The Trial if you thoroughly enjoyed every element of each novel, but I very much doubt that that is the case.

>> No.5436625

Based off of nothing but my own personal taste Of Mice and Men, it's the book that got me back into reading

>> No.5436667

I enjoyed the complexity in V, the interwoven threads.
The simplicity of The Stranger, the matter of fact-ness. His philosophical outlook was interesting, nihilism?, existentialism ?
Lolita was wonderful, it was kind of absurd at times and over the top but the narrator was so entertaining.
The increased vocab is a bit of a strain, 400 new words from V & Lolita, but they were worth the effort.

>> No.5436936


>> No.5436942

fuck off man...
Stop being a cunt, the guy is asking to get into lit, help or stfu

>> No.5437874

This is the stock opinion of someone who doesnt visit /mu/, or is seriously intimidated by other people's opinions (on music particularly). Almost every band or album /mu/ most consistently upholds are reasonably well known off the board. For the most part, /mu/ reflects Pitchfork Media's opinions on modern music, which is a pretty well fucking visited music site.

>> No.5437912

>>5436008 imo Slaughterhouse Five is the best of those.
But Fahrenheit451 is an easy start that might get you motivated into reading more in general.

>> No.5437944

All of these books are great reads and accessible, although you might want to read Catch-22 somewhere near the end.

>> No.5437949

>has read three novels out of the starter kit
>gets recommended The Trial


>> No.5437960

>knowing their sphincter from their eardrums
noone bring Joyce into this please

>> No.5437967

He's right in that /mu/ does not really know that much about music

but yeah, you're mostly right

>> No.5437976

I read many of the great books /lit/ recommended, got my body shaped in a way /fit/ recommended, watched the best movies (I guess) from /tv/

However, each time I go to /mu/ I feel intimidated. There's just too much and although I like Neutral Milk Hotel and Radiohead's albums, I always feel like a shit pleb there

>> No.5438004
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>> No.5438013

>watched the best movies (I guess) from /tv/

what movies out of curiosity? every time I go on /tv/ all the threads are shitposting, tv shows and the latest blockbusters

>> No.5438016

ipods are great, what's the problem with them?

>> No.5438020


inb4 Tarkovsky, Lynch, Bergman the list could go on...

>> No.5438035
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>mfw a commoner listens to his peasant bard music near me

>> No.5438049

lol you are the biggest pleb

>> No.5438062

that's cause people talking about music will always come to the same terrible conclusions

>> No.5438082

Yeah, that sort of stuff

>> No.5440042
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, areyoufuckingserious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To Kill a Mockingbird
um, why the fuck is hunger games on that list?

>> No.5440056


>> No.5440185

Don't you fucking dis NMH

>> No.5440189

it's just a meme. no one really likes them

>> No.5440214

i liked them when i was in high school but never for a second did i think it was a contender for great album of all time.

>> No.5440236
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1282330194765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw plebs pretending to be patricians

>> No.5440362

Lmao. You're a fucking retard, neff, that's what you are. Guessing you went in and saw they insulted your fave dadrock band?

>> No.5440395

Alice in Wonderland. It's a kids book but that is what I used to get back into reading.

>> No.5440401

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Great Gatsby
>Fear and Loathing
Into the trash

>> No.5441406
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>> No.5442440

/pol/ is shit because of the Stormfags and shitposting. I myself consider myself a /pol/ack but I only go on certain threads:

>any ideology based thread
>/his/torical pictures thread (wars, etc).
>election threadgames

Any other thread is total clickbait cockfuckery. Especially the "SCOTLAND YES" faggotry which is being slid on it hard right now.

>> No.5442703

Commence with the Hawaiians.

>> No.5442743

is it bad that I've only read 11 of them? that, and I have four unread ones on hand.

>> No.5442745

Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.5442751

Start with David Foster Wallace

>> No.5442753

Get going with the Greeks.

>> No.5442756

Start with the Philistines. Gods hammer for keeping the chosen ones in line.

>> No.5442760

Start with muh dick

>> No.5442761

Get busy with the bible.

>> No.5442833

tbh nmh is worse than weezer
and im considering weezer as a band that only has 2 albums and like 4 more songs.