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5433098 No.5433098 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I am an english major

>> No.5433140

I was too and I have a decent job. Just lie on your CV.

>> No.5433146

What do you do, anon

>> No.5433236
File: 191 KB, 1248x1284, 1397787739340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that happy face on the cv


>> No.5433269

>Mfw I have 2 Liberal arts Degrees (BAS in History and AsC. In General Studies) and am now going for Industrial Electronics.
>STEM Master Race
>$25+ an hour
$170,000 a year
No whip cream in my Latté please.

>> No.5433282

>tfw I am a mechanical engineering major

My parents talked me into it. It's a lot of work and I can feel myself changing. Everyone that is in my classes is basically illiterate. I have no friends.

I have made a terrible mistake.

>> No.5433286


How did you bridge that gap and why would you put whipped dream on a latte?

>> No.5433293

>and I can feel myself changing


>> No.5433294

Switch majors now or regret it forever.

>> No.5433318


>tfw med-student

feels good knowing that I will never be unemployed ever. But it feels bad that I probably won't have much time to consume and create art as I wanted.

>> No.5433331

Because I wanted to learn how to build and fix things. I've always been able to think and now I want to "do". Plus I'm switching brain Hemispheres so win win. The Latté reference,that was a joke. You know the aspiring writer who majored in English and is now a Batista who is working on his novel as his big break.

>> No.5433338

>*Brain Hemispheres
Sorry on my phone

>> No.5433348

>25+ an hour

How much is the +?

>> No.5433356

Well I wanted to be an art major, and I haven't really drawn or painted anything since I started school. I don't have time to read, and if I do I'm normally worried about whether or not I'm wasting time when I could be studying. If I don't study a lot I'll flunk out faster than shit because I'm at a really competitive school known for engineering. Everyone around me is constantly geeking about about some shit. I just want to talk to someone about life and people and art and the world. Here, if you say something even remotely abstract or ambiguous they look at you like you're and idiot and just kind of let it go in one ear and out the other. They're the kind of people that think art is a hobby and that art is about how well something resembles its subject in real life.

I got into this school, despite being kind of weak in math (compared to all these kids) on the idea that I was some creative, young, new mind who would bring a normal guy into the engineering world and help get rid of some of the stereotypes. At least that's what I think, there's no way I should have gotten in otherwise. I just wanted to make something and my parents scared the shit out of me when I mentioned I might want to go to a liberal arts school.

I don't know, I don't really care about money as long as I can live, but I don't want to end up having to work for a bank or some shit, I want to make things and at least with engineering you know what you're getting into. But I'm definitely considering it.

>> No.5433358


>switching brain hemispheres

That's not how that works, you know that right?

>> No.5433359

Depends on where you work. But Electrical Technitians and Engineers make bank.

>> No.5433365

>I wanted to learn how to build and fix things.

You couldn't do that without college?

>Plus I'm switching brain hemispheres

You do know that whole brain hemisphere thing is a myth, right?

>> No.5433372

Yes I do, we use both constantly. I was casually and not Technically speaking

>> No.5433375


lol gonna have to work on your math faggot, 25 an hour puts you nowhere near 170k a year.

>> No.5433383

Damn phone

>> No.5433384

I kind of wish I were. All my reading feels superficial because I don't do close reading, write essays on it and don't get to discuss it with other intelligent peers (lel as if /lit/ could fill that void).

>> No.5433390


>tfw my father was a doctor
>lost his license over a bullshit lawsuit within the first 4 years of his career

lol now he teaches high school biology making like 40k a year still paying off med school debt from 25 years ago. anything can happen anon, don't get cocky

>> No.5433395

Didn't see the plus did you? You know what that means, oh I forgot you major in humanities because math is hard.

>> No.5433406


>> No.5433435

>>lost his license over a bullshit lawsuit within the first 4 years of his career

that's really serious, and usually a result of gross-negligence.

>teaches high school

what a weird choice, he could've done a masters/phd and gone into medical research....

>> No.5433458


I won't get the debts cause I'm not an amerifag though.

And I don't know about losing your license over a "bullshit" lawsuit. Do you know what happened? I'd like to know, to avoid doing the same in the first 4 years of my practice.

>> No.5433463

>I'd like to know, to avoid doing the same in the first 4 years of my practice.

You gotta do something seriously stupid, like being drunk/high on the job and also screwing up an operation, or giving patently retarded advice.


>> No.5433484


That's what I want to believe.

>> No.5433518


>tfw did a philosophy degree because I "love" the subject

Pro-tip: Don't get degrees that are financially useless no matter how much you think you like the subject.

a) 4 years isn't enough to scratch the surface of any subject
b) you can get a library card and learn all you want for free, this is a life long pursuit, 4 years out of 60+ means absolutely nothing.
c) just because you like English or Philosophy doesn't mean you'll like the Degrees associated with them
d) courses in the Humanities are basically "GPA boosters" for STEM majors, the courses are stupidly easy and non-rigorous which leads to boredom and feelings of futility...

>> No.5433605

ITT: people who will never achieve anything in their lives because they're terrified of not having money, and people who spend half of their lives doing something they can just about endure only to spend the other half poorly because they have no sense of culture or taste

>> No.5433611


Define "achieve something" please.

>> No.5433618

That's not just an ITT, that's been the trend of this board for years now.

>> No.5433635

You didn't do a philosophy degree.

>> No.5433661

No category of people in that post is achieving anything. The implication seems to be that achievement doesn't exist as such.

>> No.5433678
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>You didn't do a philosophy degree.

Wish I didn't...but I did.

>> No.5433703

You should have networked.
Get a teaching degree or something.

>> No.5433740

>Get a teaching degree or something.

Get a STEM degree instead.

>> No.5433745

What a dumb faggot, amirite, >>5433740 ?

>> No.5433753

>that fucking CV photo

my sides + feels

>> No.5433785

>muh money
no thanks

>> No.5433786

Not everyone can be a full-time writer anon. If you want it enough then enduring whatever else happens will make the reward seem more worthwhile. Living cheaply and risking long-term financial security in the hope of "making it" in a field where money is sparse is not that romantic when you're actually working six shifts a week in a pub and barely making rent at the age of 25. The feelings of anxiety and so on often negate the creativity that your spare time allows you anyway. Not being a downer or square, just relating my own experiences.

>> No.5433797

"Humanities degrees teaches you to hate the money they prevent you from making"

-some dead-ass nigga

>> No.5433808

>muh money

Money is a bonus. STEM leads to actually interesting jobs that require continuous development and mastery.

Humanities degrees typically lead to cubicle jobs in a call center, or serving coffee at starbucks...or teaching elementary school shit.
A way to waste your potential and life away.

>> No.5433821

>interesting jobs that require continuous development and mastery.

That delusion tho. Most STEM "jobs" can and will be automated. They're also jobs anybody willing to learn boring formulas can perform. STEMfags are basically parts of the machine, while glorious NEET humanities majors are the thinking, feeling ghost in that machine.

>> No.5433822


>> No.5433843
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You may be mad....but.....

>> No.5433865
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STEM leads to careers.
Humanities leads to jobs.

>> No.5433881

>tfw you realise that going towards the when we try to feel so close to the then for me soon after the beginning.

>> No.5433906
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> Living cheaply and risking long-term financial security in the hope of "making it" in a field where money is sparse is not that romantic when you're actually working six shifts a week in a pub and barely making rent at the age of 25. The feelings of anxiety and so on often negate the creativity that your spare time allows you anyway
I agree that this is of course the unavoidable and debilitating economic reality most of us are faced. However, Long-term financial security is not going to alleviate that anxiety. This sort of anxiety comes from mundane living; and the only way to overcome that is to surround yourself with people whose taste and company you enjoy and who challenge you. an environment and culture you appreciate, and so on, general experiences that develop you as an individual In order to be able to do any of these things. Otherwise you are going to have the same anxiety (or worse, you'll be in such a state of mundane narcosis you won't even have the ability to be anxious) whether you are working in a pub or a laboratory.

>> No.5433948


This is wrong.
Look at Kafka or Aurelius.

>> No.5433973

Damn. I just declared my major in philosophy. This hits hard. I feel the same fucking way about the courses- they're high school, even worse, kindergarten level. they're just so the people can namedrop or say they have diverse interests or whatever in their med school applications.

What do you wish you had majored in instead? I mean, I'm just not talented in any STEM areas, and then in the areas I am interested and talented in, my talents aren't being challenged or even really tried.

>> No.5433997

Exceptions to a general rule, and a rule that would probably be more productive for the majority that practiced it than that of the emulation of either Kafka or Aurelius, although Aurelius is admirable in many respects.

>> No.5434079

Or Joshua Ferris, or DeLillo, or the rest of the majority of writers whose parents didn't support their hobby and had to work while writing

>> No.5434141

I graduated with a double major in english and philosophy from a tier 1 university last year.

Currently make 50k as a software consultant, I'm content

>> No.5434167

>What do you wish you had majored in instead?

I started off in Engineering. I dropped it after 1 year because I was young and wanted to follow my "passion" and didn't care about "money"...

Thought I would be a Philosophy Prof, but after finishing my Phil degree I was pretty disenchanted with academic philosophy overall.

I wish I had stayed in Engineering and just got a minor in philosophy or taken a few courses to satisfy my interest...In hindsight I don't know what I was thinking completing a full degree in Philosophy.

My Engineering friends all seem to be doing really interesting work now and getting paid ridiculous money for it...Maybe it's just a case of "the grass is greener on the other side" but from what they've been telling me their jobs are awesome. One guy is doing 3D modeling for an animation companies, worked on Pacific Rim actually.
Another guy had all his tuition paid for by his company, they paid him to move to Germany with his GF, gave him a car, rent paid for, he makes like 120k/yr doing chemical engineering for some oil company and he got the job before he even graduated...And he's not stuck in one place, half is job is traveling from site to site meeting people, the other half is doing some sort of analysis work.

Meanwhile I'm in a call center editing training manuals for a finance company. The money is fine, but the job is boring as hell, no satisfaction, very repetitive, no challenge...sitting in a cubicle all day.

That's the real problem I think a lot of Humanities degrees have, they don't lead to dynamic careers that involve responsibility, challenge, etc...They lead to small time jobs, that require small time effort and little skill. The money is simply a reflection of this.

You said you don't feel talented for STEM I don't believe that. I think the average person can become skilled in basically any profession if they put in the time and effort. I'd suggest doing something STEM related, and if you like art do something involving graphic design/modelling...sound engineering if you like music, etc.

Do something technical that can lead to a career not just a job.

>> No.5434207
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>mfw I wrote a wall of text by accident
>mfw all those spelling and grammar errors

>> No.5434223

It was an informative post. Thanks.

>> No.5434304

>I think the average person can become skilled in basically any profession if they put in the time and effort
yeah, maybe everyone has the potential, but the time and effort required to reach that potential certainly isn't equal for everybody.
What was so disenchanting about academic philosophy? Aren't at least any of the higher level phil courses interesting and worthwhile?
Not everyone gets to choose between engineering and philosophy, is all I'm saying. Engineering isn't even an option for some. I've wasted away the past year on intro humanities courses and just about flunked calculus. despite the effort you put in, there's still an intuitive understand required, for really every subject. I have to either stick with philosophy or switch into some kind of humanities niche that has good career potential.

>> No.5434307


You've just described almost all Americans; a trend which is spreading to Europe now too.

>> No.5434315
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>Humanities degrees don't lead to dynamic careers that involve responsibility, challenge, etc...They lead to small time jobs, that require small time effort and little skill. The money is simply a reflection of this.
this is so depressing and so true I want off the ride

>> No.5434322
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>mtfw I am an english major

>> No.5434327

whats your job

>> No.5434331


>> No.5434340

>careers that involve responsibility, challenge, etc
>half his job is traveling from site to site meeting people

>> No.5434355

>they have no sense of culture or taste
this is an empty jab. you don't need either to live life well. we pomo now

>> No.5434356

>being this oblivious

>> No.5434362

Should have majored in Art History.

>> No.5434386
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>> No.5434390

what school

>> No.5434400

>tfw philosophy/maths joint honours

>> No.5434407

forgot to post pic, it's a good feel is the point

>> No.5434423

I majored in English (minored in linguistics, journalism, and history) and graduated in May.

I have no job, but I also have no regrets, as my degree doesn't prevent me from doing anything that I actually want to do.

There's always some work for a shitty little paper or news outlet on craigslist (if you are a journalistically-inclined lit. major).

(I have no job because I'm not really looking at the moment thanks to money I've saved over the years. I could probably find something within a 30-mile radius if I were to look)

>> No.5434431

did you graduate from a good school?

>> No.5434438


>tfw I have no accredited knowledge

>> No.5434450

How do I study STEM without paying for it?

>> No.5434452


>yet have been studying all muh life

>> No.5434464

I went to a New York state school...So I went to an okay school, as far as English is concerned. But none of that really matters. I know English majors who have gotten jobs--in publishing and news, not retail or anything like that--this summer.

>> No.5434475
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>Philosophy major
>mfw working as Philosophy teacher
>career was free

>> No.5434490

teaching future philosophy teachers :3

you should now write a famous book, otherwise majoring in philosophy is useless imo

>> No.5434539



Well done pepe.

>> No.5434546

I may be bad at explaining this as english isn't my first language but the problem with STEM is that it all seems very shallow and repetitive. It's all about having technical knowledge and then being satisfied by using that knowledge to complete a task over and over again. People always use the most exciting examples but there are plenty who do other stuff too. A guy I met in university now works in a factory building car chassis and it sounds incredibly mind numbing.

Another thing is that the whole muh useful stuff doesn't ever consider the wider world. Who are the people who facilitate the pollution and deforestation and ecological damage all around the world? The engineer who builds the device that does nothing but make Happy Meal toys probably gets paid a lot and claims to be useful but is worse for the planet than the philosophy major working in a coffee shop.

>> No.5434556

>Theatre Performance grad
>tfw walking cliche

>> No.5434652

>implying that doing that in the way your company wants doesn't require some sort of responsibility

>> No.5434700

>tfw studying humanities only because it's interesting and I'm only here for the "college experience"
>will probably go to a tech school for a year or 2 after graduating from the university and learn to weld

at least I am artistically inclined, have a couple connections, and you can do some cool shit with welding. Should've majored in sculpture or something if uni's going to be this big of a waste

>> No.5434739

>>half his job is traveling from site to site meeting people

But the people he meets are mostly specialists in other fields: Phd geologists, physicists, statisticians, etc...They basically problem solve together in teams since his job needs expertise in so many subjects, no one can do it all.


>What was so disenchanting about academic philosophy? Aren't at least any of the higher level phil courses interesting and worthwhile?

overall the difficulty and challenge is not there, the only difficulty is in deciphering poorly written texts and coming up with your own rhetoric...so there is little satisfaction with the work, I never really felt like I was even "learning"...if that makes sense.

the scope of Philosophy is also really limited now. If you want to do serious research into the nature of the Universe, big Bang, Time, Logic, reality, you need Physics/Math. If you want to research Consciousness/Mind/Self you need Neurobiology. If you want to do Political Issues (in a useful way, not in the comedic Zizek way) you are better off doing History/Political Science. If you want to do Economics, do economics. It used to be the case that Philosophers could speculate on almost any subject and provide "valuable" insight, but now everything is so specialized that Philosophy isn't refined enough to handle any serious issues except probably Moral/ethical.
Also the essence of philosophy is not present in Academia, in the Socratic or Enlightening sense. Instead what we get is Rhetoric and nothing but Rhetoric.

>. I've wasted away the past year on intro humanities courses and just about flunked calculus. despite the effort you put in, there's still an intuitive understand required, for really every subject

So what? You can use those humanities courses as electives. You passed high-school math, ya? So you can do math. Calculus is taught in high-school in lots of countries, it's nothing crazy...they aren't asking you do fancy proofs, it's all pretty mechanical. The inuition comes later and actually I had a Calculus prof who was a genius (Phd at 22) who said he sucked at Calculus when he started (got Bs) and still doesn't get it intuitively, he specialized in abstract algebra or something.

Anyway, the math that Engineers have to do in undergrad is pretty straight forward.

>humanities niche that has good career potential.

well they can all be used to go to Law school I guess.

>> No.5434747


what exactly are you doing with your life and where do you see yourself working in 10years?

>> No.5434759

>How do I study STEM without paying for it?

Get a high demand degree: Petroleum Engineering, Chem Engineering, Mining, Nuclear, etc

You'll get scouted by a company before you graduate, in some cases they will payoff your tuition if you sign a 2year contract with them. In addition to getting a big salary, and other perks.

>> No.5434803


Find a circle outside of the university that does it.

Make art not your job, but your passion. A job is something that you can do when you are pretty fucked up. Search for something stable you dumbfuck and then start with art

>> No.5434818
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>"Make art not your job, but your passion."

>"A job is something that you can do when you are pretty fucked up."

>> No.5434831

An old friend started a blog about being an unemployed english major. I read some of it and was like: "What did you expect?"

>> No.5434833
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>STEM? No thanks, I prefer Art.

>> No.5434863

>Most STEM "jobs" can and will be automated. They're also jobs anybody willing to learn boring formulas can perform.

Ha. HAHAHAHA! You are delusional if you believe this. The reason STEM is so highly paid is because most people can't do it. As for automation, everything will be automated before STEM gets the treatment. They are the people that design the machines that take your jobs.

>> No.5434866
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>Hey man, spare some change? I'm an English major

>> No.5434876

This. It needs also be mentioned that in the age of the internet, the people you physically surround yourselves by matters very little. It doesn't matter much that you don't have many or no literary friends IRL. Its easy enough to join forums online (like this one). Just look at how many STEM majors and graduates are in this thread.

>> No.5434884

>Fast Eddie
That guy was so well known on Dead tour that people were sharing on my facebook feed when he died.

>> No.5434936

I'm an english major and after i graduated i went to school in the food industry. I currently work at a line cook at a nice, independent restaurant. About half of my paycheck goes to my student loans (or it would, if I actually bothered to pay them)

>> No.5434939

Who history major --> law school masterrace here?

>> No.5434941
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>About half of my paycheck goes to my student loans (or it would, if I actually bothered to pay them)

if you don't pay your loan they'll just garnish your wages/income tax...

Unless you left the country in which case good job. They can't do shit.

>> No.5434956

There's a funny irony here

Humanities/Art majors ideally don't want to work, they don't really care about money, they would rather live a comfortable life practicing their art or engaging in their hobby.

STEMfags want a bit of everything, money, material goods, respect, they want to be challenged and do research/work/etc.

The irony is that only the STEMfags will make enough money to retire early and afford to live the "art lifestyle" free from distractions.
While the Humanities majors are forced to toil for the rest of their lives working low-paying jobs they come to "tolerate".

>> No.5434967


Read before trying to troll, I was supporting the idea of becoming a stable STEMfag, and while working and studying try to be an artfag as a serious hobbie

>> No.5434968

That's why you get a humanities degree then a STEM Degree. Plus you can troll both /lit/ and /sci/

>> No.5434972

>tfw getting both STEM and humanities degrees at the same time
>tfw would never go near /sci/ with a ten-foot pole
what a terrible board

>> No.5434974

>tfw I'm a philosophy/French double major but I wish I worked harder in high school so I could go into STEM

>tfw always jealous of STEMfags

>tfw no gf because the qt 3.14 I love is studying STEM at a top STEM school and I'm at a liberal arts university

>> No.5434976

The funny irony is the amount of prejudices your post assumes.

>> No.5434977
File: 136 KB, 500x375, do u even....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, I was supporting the idea of becoming a stable STEMfag,

>"A job is something that you can do when you are pretty fucked up."

>implying you can do STEMjobs "while fucked up"

>> No.5434978

Both are what and what but /lit/ has more of it's moments.

>> No.5434983


I meant a last resort

>> No.5434986

duuuude if you were in the field you would have a way different outlook, be happy with what you have.

>> No.5434989

>if you don't pay your loan they'll just garnish your wages/income tax...

>> No.5434992
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I think we're all jealous of STEMfags...

>> No.5434994

/lit/ is bad but still redeemable, /sci/ is just a bunch of kids arguing over their IQs

>> No.5434999


>> No.5435002

>tfw I'll make so little money I'll probably have to do ass-to-ass to pay for groceries

>> No.5435003

If you can't beat em' join em. *runs through the streets naked shouting Eureka!*

>> No.5435005

Ass TAH Ass!

>> No.5435006
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Nah. I'm very content with where I'm at/going in life. I wouldn't be happy or excell in a STEM.

>> No.5435011
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Oh, don't get me wrong, I love it, but I have my moments of wondering if I fucked up years ago.

I guess it's mostly fueled by the qt 3.14 issue (though I do attempt to entertain her over long distance with philosophy and she sends me scientific stuff) and the nagging feeling that I could be in a better place if I hadn't fucked up before. Unless it was "meant to be" like this.

>> No.5435016


the shitty thing is knowing you are easily smart enough for stem or medicine but niavely thought majoring in liberal arts was a good idea. Especially since in intro to chem and physics you saw just how retarded a lot of the people you graduated with who are now making bank or in medical school really are even in stem.

>> No.5435017

Esta es!

>> No.5435018


>> No.5435019

Oh, don't I know. Once I started college I realized how much potential I have when I really work hard and give it my all instead of lying around in sweatpants eating Nutella and watching Chinese cartoons.

I'm determined to make the best of what I got and excel at what I'm talented at, but I just can't shake that feel that it could've been so much different and so much better.

But, I excel at my field, so I might as well go with it. And I'm usually much more positive, I'm just having a depressed moment.

>> No.5435021

!Aye Que Pedo. Pinché Cabrón¡

>> No.5435023
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>> No.5435024

el gato in pantalones queso

>> No.5435027

Que Divertido. Esta muy Comico!

>> No.5435029

You can always go to law-school...

>> No.5435034


>> No.5435037

I'm a STEMfag jelly of litfags. Apparently I was a gifted writer when I was younger. My grade school and high school English teachers were all over my d and in mandatory freshman college writing they published one of my essays in the following year's edition of the course text. But then I fell for the STEM craze and never took another writing or English course in my entire school career.

One of my housemates was an English major and used to always complain about his homework assignments for his writing classes. I remember looking at them and thinking that I would actually have had a lot of fun with those assignments. Guess I blew it.

>> No.5435038

>tfw content with being somewhat poor as long as I I'm not stuck with a job I hate
>tfw will be harder to get wife because you will be somewhat poor

>> No.5435042

>People think anything less than being a millionaire is a lot

Your middling $100-200k salary is nothing special.

>> No.5435044

LADF pls.

>> No.5435045

Do any of you who hate that you majored in English actually love literature? Was literature ever a thing you were willing to devote a career to?

I'm not talking about creative writing, because that's a separate major, and you should have realized that from the start.

I'm asking: were you willing to spend most of your life studying literature? Because I see no reason why you majored in it if you weren't wiling to spend time figuring out what to use it for.

>> No.5435046

i started as a stemfag, got a C in org chem my soph year and switched majors to english. I absolutely loved it and excelled at my program. Won a bunch of writing awards and was named graduating senior of the year in my english graduating class of over 100 students. Got accepted into graduate school for english, but had a nervous breakdown at the very end of the year, declined the offer, got a little depressed. Lived off parents money for a while until it ran out. Now I work a shit job for a shitty wage

>> No.5435051
File: 99 KB, 800x533, 140331938218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I'm well acquainted with reality. This is how I became successful.

>> No.5435053


If you're a STEMfag + good at writing you could become a technical writer in your field.

Engineers need good writers to write all sorts of shit for themselves and the public. You actually lucked out, this means you can leverage your skills even more.

God STEMfags have it good.

An English degree doesn't do much for writing anyway, all it takes is one or two courses to get your grammar and efficiency in place.

>> No.5435058

Everybody ends up in the same sized box in a 6ft drop. Unless you want a mausoleum to rot in while the years pass by and your legacy and memory fades from existence.

>> No.5435063

I'm not denying the advantages of a STEM degree relative to the arts, just expressing a bit of regret over the fact that I abandoned writing altogether in the name of practicality.

>> No.5435066


You can still write you know

>> No.5435067


>tfw friend is Mechatronic Engineer
>tfw he gets to play with Robots and Lasers all day
>tfw his house is full of flying robots and gadgets

>tfw he could afford a house when he was 24yrs old

>tfw I did a Humanities degree, tfw boring job, tfw pay is average, tfw future looks dull

At least it's easy I guess...I'm good at taking the easy path in life, I guess I'm "content" if I don't think about it that much

>> No.5435069


good way of putting it, your creative anon if you didn't lift that from somewhere else

>> No.5435070

Why did you do a Humanities degree if you weren't extremely passionate about the field you were in?

>> No.5435074

You can still write you know. Quick! Name a great writer who majored in English. Protip: you can't.

>> No.5435076

>An English degree doesn't do much for writing anyway, all it takes is one or two courses to get your grammar and efficiency in place.

It's just that now four years later when I try to write I feel like I have no idea where to begin. I think having taken more writing related courses in school could have at least gotten the ball rolling.

>> No.5435079


>> No.5435080


being good at writing has nothing to do with being a technical writer. The technical knowledge comes first, and actually working in your field will always pay more than writing about it.

>> No.5435087


See a guideline you dumbfuck, you have internet you know

>> No.5435089

Why do people do this?

Most writers throughout history studied literature in university.

A very large amount of famous and renowned authors have degrees in creative writing and English, ignoring the fact that education past a certain point ago was all about classics. DFW, Pynchon, Fitzgerald, ee cummings, William Vollman. Even many of the shit but popular authors studied English in university - Tom Clancy, Anne Rice, Stephen King and Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.5435096
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Thanks I guess

>> No.5435104

Studied=/= majored in, thanks for proving my point and further revealing /lit/ sucking at reading comprehension.

>> No.5435107

I'm sorry I equated the two, but I specifically named authors who do have degrees in English and Creative Writing.

>Even many of the shit but popular authors studied English in university - Tom Clancy, Anne Rice, Stephen King and Stephanie Meyer.

While I said "studied," I meant that they have degrees in them.

>A very large amount of famous and renowned authors have degrees in creative writing and English.... DFW, Pynchon, Fitzgerald, ee cummings, William Vollman.

And I outright stated these authors have degrees in those fields.

>> No.5435119

I see you brought you A Game LADF. Well played.

>> No.5435122


>> No.5435128

I can list many more, if you need further proof. Just go to the alumni pages for the most renowned universities and look at the "notable people" section under literature. Most of those folks with have degrees in Literature or Writing or Poetry.

Guy Davenport, Margaret Atwood, William S. Burroughs, Thomas Wolfe, Edward Gorey (French language and literature), John Updike..

And that's just Harvard.

I have no idea who that is. I just hate misinformation, and this stupid stereotype that writers don't study what they do.

>> No.5435131

Liberal Arts Defense Force.

>> No.5435150


/pol/ please go

>> No.5435155

>still posting after being proven wrong
>being this much of a STEM drone

>> No.5435163

I am not /pol/ and I'm here to stay.

>> No.5435164
File: 49 KB, 740x312, impostor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw STEMfag
>tfw blowing the fuck out of libtards every damn day

>> No.5435170

tfw im triple majoring in chemistry physics and molecular biology and snagging a minor in math.

i write a shitty little bimonthly column in a free local periodical thats basically me writing 1000 word responses to poetry and philosophy essays/books.

favs in almost no particular order:

#1 DFW
ezra p
w. stevens

so why be an english major? oh and im a jazz drummer, working on piano. tfw youre a post modern renaissance man and you did it all on your own, through your own volition, with not a single fucking person incentivizing anything for you. stay small and enjoy paying for grad school.

i still love you 4chan

>> No.5435179

damn LADF getting BTFO ITT

>> No.5435185

Defending that it exists?

I don't advise that anyone go into it if they aren't extremely passionate. Way too many people who don't give a shit about English will go into the major because of the ease of bullshitting, with no intention of making a viable career from it.

Those that care will excel, which is part of what I wanted to prove with those lists. But that's true of any major - the people who don't care and go into STEM will spend the rest of their lives as lab assistants, low level IT employees, and other dead-end passionless jobs. People who go into English barely even have the low-level jobs available, due to how many choose it. Only the people who care succeed.

>> No.5435190

>discussing with teen in 4chan
>not pathetic at all

>> No.5435191

Jokes on you. I'll make more money using my STEM Degree than your liberal arts degree. I'll be happy what I'm doing. And I'll support you by stopping by the Starbucks you work for. I have humanities degrees and wanted to get a job to support myself and my expensive taste so I went STEM.

>> No.5435192

Anyone who pays for graduate school didn't deserve to go in the first place.

>> No.5435193

you're hitting too close to home anon. I'm majoring in philosophy in a STEM university, where all the humanities courses are jokes. It's incredibly frustrating and humiliating... all my friends are either biotech majors or engineers with (what seem at the moment) these bright futures.

>> No.5435194

>tfw STEMfag
>I lose an argument that I started on the literature section of a chinese cartoon forum
>because I am half-autistic and take 4chan very seriously, I cannot accept my very public and embarrassing defeat
>I decide I will get back at the people who out-argued me by posting reddit memes and pretending that I won my argument
>tfw it just makes me look even stupider

>> No.5435200

project a little harder m8

>> No.5435202


>> No.5435208

There's more than one STEM major on here LADF. So deluded, go write on misogony and xenephobia in Dracula.

>> No.5435223
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>tfw not sure if you have genuine talent in the subject area or if its just because your classes are filled with stemfags who could care less

>> No.5435227

Next year I'm going to college/university. I'll either major on Philosophy or Physics.

Philosophy because it's what interested in, Physics because it's my family encourages me to major at.

I'm seeking advice, what should I do?

>> No.5435229

double major

>> No.5435232


and is there a good reason you wouldnt major in physics and minor in philo? or possibly be a real fucking badass and double major?

>> No.5435246

Double major on two subjects completely different? Wouldn't that be... a bit hard?

>> No.5435250

No it would be glorious you pleb.

>> No.5435256


Physics you dumbass. You don't have the pressure of learning "all" history of philosophy in 5 years, but you really have the pressure of having your ass of your house in a couple of years bitch

>> No.5435265


yes thats why im suggesting a minor if your univ offers it. youll be using two very different parts of your brain, one is going to be shitting out essays and the other problem sets and lab work.

you need to realize that like 80% of your waking time should be school related (assuming youre not working), the other 20% decompressing and recharging your mind to do it again the next day. this is your reason for existence right now, if you arent willing to dedicate your life to it, what the fuck are you doing??

>> No.5435278

when are you supposed to work during school? do people's parents usually pay their rent or something?

>> No.5435282

Ask around /sci/ and read the blogs/forum posts of people who have taken that career path.

>> No.5435329


I like Pepe's jacket where to cop ?

>> No.5435339


Only do Physics if you plan on getting a Masters/Phd. The career prospects for simply having a physics degree aren't very good, not much better than Phil.

Don't Major in Philosophy (read this thread to see why) at worst get a minor in it, at best just do a few courses to satisfy your curiosity.

I'd recommend an applied science not a theoretical science. Instead of Physics do Geophysics or Electrical Engineering. Instead of Chemistry do Chemical Engineering. Instead of Biology do Biomedical Engineering.

Theory sciences aren't good unless you get a Masters/Phd.

Stick to applied sciences, applied math, stats, comp sci or anything in engineering.

A Philosophy degree won't satisfy your philosophical questions, won't clarify anything, won't prepare you for any jobs, won't give you any skills. It will be a VERY nice and relaxing 4 year vacation though. But you will have to pay for it in the end.

>> No.5435356

what about a major in Phil but a minor in Econ?

>> No.5435375

I don't like Economy, I would prefer to get a Law degree afterwards or a Political Sciences minor.

>> No.5435380

what really gets me is the guilt of feeling superior to everyone there. Then the guilt is over come by a wave of apathy after realizing that the stem fags don't care if you're superior to them in what they consider useless esoteric shit.

>> No.5435401

Oh! I know that feel so much

>> No.5435407

>what about a major in Phil but a minor in Econ?

Econ has potential if you supplement it with something like a minor in Math/Stats/Comp sci or accounting and have a high gpa, or if you get a Masters/Phd or study to get a CFA or do some actuarial exams. Again it's very theoretical and hard to apply by itself.

Econ as a minor isn't good at all. I can't see what the point would be other than your own curiosity.
Econ gets you ready for jobs in Finance/Banking/Investing which is a very competitive area.

If I was giving myself advice years ago I would tell myself to look at job sites, indeed.com and see what kind of jobs require what kind of degrees.

Right now degrees in energy/oil & gas and engineering are really hot. a 4 year degree in Mining or Geology or Petrol engineering will set you for life.

If you wanna do the finance/corporate route plan on getting a masters in something analytic, econ, math, stats, financial engineering, or an MBA...etc

If you are afraid of doing hard quantitative work, then plan on going to law school. That's basically the only viable option... A 4 year philosophy degree by itself is pretty worthless even if you minored in math or econ no one would care.

>> No.5435414

>tfw going into library science and don't know where to fit in on this debate

>> No.5435445

I live in one of the major health markets and it's actually pretty tough to get a job,depending on your specialization.

>> No.5435458


come to Canada, huge shortage of doctors here.

>> No.5435762

10/10 pic

>> No.5435766

is this self-deprecating absurdist satire?

>> No.5435843

It IS esoteric shit of very little practical use. Sorry.

>> No.5435858

its not shit

>> No.5435872
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>he thinks 99% of everything isn't shit

>> No.5435889


Dunno, but it's sad as fuck lol

>> No.5435898


Why dont you play with robots and laser all day?

There is seriously nothing stopping you.

>> No.5435932

>"This is my excuse to be a lazy fucking NEET!"
Kill yourself.

>> No.5435949
File: 59 KB, 500x436, aegyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is seriously nothing stopping you.

>Implying I have a STEM degree
>Implying I was trained in operating inertially confined laser fusion reactions using multi-beam threading to an accuracy within 30 mm.

>> No.5436058

Any successful people here? I'm an English major too and I'm thinking that I've made the wrong choice.

>> No.5436060


Do you like to flip burgers?

>> No.5436068

Just working on my master's thesis on computer science.

>still feels like I'm never going to get a good job

>> No.5436077


Fuck you dude. I dont have a stem degree and I have loads of experience using lasers. You can just buy hardware and circuit stuff off the internet and learn how to you it.

>> No.5436084
File: 108 KB, 396x385, 1390278580616[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second year of English degree approaching
>first year was shit, academically and socially
>gonna spend my free time networking / looking for internships / getting a job to save up to pay my student debt
>tfw gonna fuck academia right in it's shitty face

>> No.5436109


well you'd have to earn 81.73 an hour if you worked 40 hour weeks so unless you're a lying bitch I'd say you really undersold yourself by starting at 25+. Stem master race my ass.

> goes on the internet
> lies

>> No.5436141


There are some I'm sure, probably not here on /lit/...it's low-probability though, like winning the lotto.

>> No.5436145


If you're in 2nd year it's not too late to change your life for the better and pick a proper degree.

Just minor in English...
Even "networking" will be hard with such a degree...

>> No.5436169

There's not really such thing as minoring and majoring in England. Besides, I don't think an English degree is so undervalued here. All of the anti-English rhetoric I hear seems to come from 'Murica.

>> No.5436179


i hadn't even heard the anti-english degree sentiment prior to 4chan

>> No.5436224


I'm from Canada and in general humanities degrees don't prepare you for much at all...the jobs are dull and the pay is low.

What's good about English degrees in the UK?

>> No.5436232

I majored in English and now I'm unemployed.

A part of me regrets following my passions instead of something practical, but I doubt I could have graduated if I'd picked something I had no interest in studying.

Maybe I should try getting published. Basically no chance of it happening but there's no reason I can't try.

>> No.5436240

It's STEMfags who shit on humanities degrees. Always with the same condescending attitude.

>> No.5436249

> but I doubt I could have graduated if I'd picked something I had no interest in studying.

An Econ professor for one of my courses said something like:
> "this isn't a very exciting course, in fact its very dry--but if you learn to find it interesting you will certainly enjoy it....I need you all to put some effort into making it interesting for yourself, see how it relates to the bigger questions, see what ramifications it has"

That's really all he said about it and I think there is some truth to it. I think you can develop and nurture "interest". It can become an active endeavor instead of simply passive like waiting for your body to respond to the stimulus....

Anyway it worked for me, I can learn to be interested in all sorts of things now.

>> No.5436253

>It's STEMfags who shit on humanities degrees. Always with the same condescending attitude.

In this thread it seems like more humanities majors are shitting on their own majors...I doubt anyone here is a STEMfag :(

>> No.5436266
File: 551 KB, 500x333, m3hgllCCYN1ro2r6yo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about my shitty employment prospects
>eventually someone asks me what I went to university for
>Say I have a BA in English
>"Well you should have majored in something worthwhile instead of leebrul arts crap herp derp muh bootstraps!"
>Oblivious to the fact that a huge proportion of entry-level business majors are unemployed
>Ignores how STEM specialists have been facing increased unemployment levels in the past decade irrespective of experience
>Point out that my English degree focused on technical writing and I earned additional credentials in business documentation, as well as drafting and petrochemical work because I completed a welding program by the time I was 18
>Explain that being an English major doesn't mean you spent four years sitting on your ass studying three lines of a Shakespeare sonnet
>mfw the speech centre of their neglected brain shuts down and they retreat into their own blubber

And now I just do medical transcription because apparently you can make lots of money for no reason other than all private practice clinicians are lazy.

>Just lie on your CV.

Pretty much this. This is a given for the job market anyway. Business absolutely, positively does not reward honesty or integrity. Lie your ass off. Tell them whatever the fuck they want to hear if you want to get hired. The HR rep asking you questions off of a computer screen is just a doorway to eventual paychecks, nothing more. You don't owe prospective employers jack shit.

>> No.5436280

>no mom, I'm gonna follow my passion
>major in English, minor in History

The jobs I can get are jobs that basically didn't require any college 10years ago, but now require college degrees (in any subject) simply because everyone has a degree now...so employers can be more selective.

It's kind of funny, lots of my co-workers have humanities degrees and we joke about how irrelevant they were. It's just something you need to have on a resume now...but ya the job satisfaction is terrible, wish I had done STEM

>> No.5436284
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But you can go back to University and do whatever STEM you want.

>> No.5436288

You could be a college professor without a degree 10 years ago?

well damn

>> No.5436290
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>a Batista who is working on his novel as his big break.


>> No.5436291


>but ya the job satisfaction is terrible, wish I had done STEM

I can easily find jobs with my English degree + experience, but they aren't interesting or satisfying at all. And the money isn't that fun either it's ok

Sucks when two of my friends are Engineers and another is a doctor. Not in the pay difference/life style but that they actually have some skills and knowledge people find valuable.

>> No.5436303 [DELETED] 

>You could be a college professor without a degree 10 years ago?

"The jobs I can get are jobs that basically didn't require any college 10years ago, but now require college degrees"

Why would you assume I could get a Professorship 10years ago with just a bachelors? How bizarre...

>> No.5436311


This implication makes no sense, re-read the post you are quoting.

>> No.5436317
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>search "philosopher"
>0 Job results


>> No.5436319

Anon, don't lie to us. You know as well as anyone that success in this economy is based entirely on choosing the correct, specific thing that everyone says you should have chosen back when you were in school to piss away tens of thousands of dollars on learning. It's just common sense.

>> No.5436325
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I wish I listened to my parents and not switched majors out of STEM.

But on the flip side I basically had a 4 year vacation in University, courses were a piece of cake...but now I have to pay for it as an adult

>> No.5436326

Can I just do English Literature at University and learn another language in my free time and go to another country and teach English?

Does it pay well?

>> No.5436330
File: 72 KB, 600x755, objectiv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, success is just a matter of MAKING a job if you can't find one! You're just too lazy to contribute to society! Come on boys, youtube exists! That means this generation is just being self-entitled when it talks about not finding a job!

>> No.5436334

>to piss away tens of thousands of dollars on learning.


>> No.5436336


you can teach English in any Asian country with any major (doesn't have to be English). You don't have to know their language, they prefer you only speak English.

You can do the same in some European/South American countries as well. They just pay really really bad.

Go to S.Korea or Japan and they pay ok.

If you want to teach at universities you need a masters.

>> No.5436341

>med student
Your life is over. My folks were physicians. They're degenerates. Get out while you can.

>> No.5436342

Why don't the Asian countries require you to know their dialect?

>> No.5436344

Anon, the good ol' US of A has the best educational system because we make sure administrators can have the six figure salaries they deserve from sure those uppity socialist professors and young people don't end up stealing a bazillion tax dollars a year from hard-working folks that know how to earn their freedoms. I know because Forbes said so. The numbers don't lie.

>> No.5436348

>all these fags doing degrees they dont even enjoy due to societal pressure


>> No.5436349

>Engrish, Philosophy
It's linguistics or nothing

>> No.5436352

>Why don't the Asian countries require you to know their dialect?

Because you're a guest teacher, an assistant to their main teacher, it's supposed to be "English immersion."

They actually tell you to not speak in their language to the kids.

>> No.5436357

Come to the US. Tipping is nuts for bartenders here. Rent won't be a problem

>> No.5436361

>ty based god

I know that feel. Stick it out until upper division, or switch to classics.

>> No.5436378

Don't forget the coaches. Where would our contributions to modern scholarship be if we didn't base most of it around funnelling new draftees into the NFL? In books? That's no way to run a modern society, damn it!

>> No.5436380

Try plumbing instead.

>> No.5436386

this so hard

I was forced into a lecture with my professor and he basically berated me in front of three other students for my grades

>anon you are the worst student I have seen

>pulls up test scores from fucking grade school
>your test scores were top tier and you droped out of Hs with a shitty gpa
>if you think I will let you in this class to half ass a c grade when you have potential for A I will drop you from class
>next essay better look like you tried

>tfw I drop his class and swap professor
>they are close friends and he reked me as well
>had to see a shrink working for school
>tfw I been suppressing anxiety from when I sucked some older kids dick when I was 5 and got caught by my mother

>> No.5436387

>most writers throughout history
>lists murricans

>> No.5436392


>> No.5436394

>If you want to do Economics, do economics.
You mean applied philosophy?

>> No.5436395

/sp/, is that you?
>he does it for freeee

>> No.5436401
File: 29 KB, 300x260, 1366443590257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History/English double major
>Masters in English
>no clear career path
>government job doing policy compliance, $42k/yr...blahh
>5 years experience...future looks bleak

>no real skills to be proud of
>don't even make good money to justify working a dull job

jesus christ, is this what following your passion gets you?

>> No.5436406

>is this what following your passion gets you?

No. You'll eventually commit suicide or die of an overdose yet.

>> No.5436408
File: 488 KB, 579x555, Econ hard science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Econ gets legit at the Masters/Phd level when it's really just a subset of Statistics and Data Analysis.

At the undergrad level it's basically shit because undergrads don't learn high-level math.

>> No.5436410

But that's not your passion.

Going to University and getting a degree wasn't your passion.

Your passion is writing. There's a difference.

>> No.5436420

>Going to University and getting a degree wasn't your passion.

Actually I really enjoy studying, analyzing things, solving problems and debating.

>Your passion is writing.

not really, was never a fan of writing. I love to read and discuss things.

I'm thinking of going to Law school actually...but it's expensive and I have student loan debt up the ass.

>> No.5436421

yea, thats right blame society you weak pieces of shit. you wanna know whos holding you back anons? its that weak piece of shit looking back in the mirror you wake up to every day, thats the real faggot thats holding you back in this life. if yous born in america, even if you were raped and abused as a child, you have more potential to become something than anyone else whos ever been born on this planet since the beginning of mankind to actually live a decent life. but you faggots would rather bitch about it on a message board. jesus fuck.

>> No.5436422

>drop ... Potential ... C .... A
That statement is unprofessional and you would be within your rights to seek redress from the college, or litigate if feeling sadistic. Point that out to them on the spot next time.

>> No.5436429

>tips trilby in a berating manner! but sympathetically
You should be a NEET life coach

>> No.5436430

>getting associates in liberal arts
>taking CAD and drafting
>three classes for CAD certificate and I
already been offered internships by local real estate companies reviewing old home plans
why is humanities so useless to make a living when you are mediocre in the field

>> No.5436445


Motivate me to do a STEM degree. I want to do something I can be proud of and make money

>> No.5436452

Competition amongst minds is subject to the finest distinctions
>you could always write romances by the bucketload $$

>> No.5436457


fuck off faggot

>> No.5436458

So it was never actually a passion and you are just like STEMfags who followed something they were kind of good at and liked.

Nice going, liar.

>> No.5436472


>muh "passion"
>you don't have "true" passion

Ok lol.

Oprah interviewed Cormac McCarthy and asked him straight up if he has a "passion for writing" and if it's the "passion" that keeps him going. He said he has no passion for writing, he simply does it because he enjoys it at times...He said "passion" is too strong a word for him and it doesn't apply.

Anyway I don't have a passion for writing, I just really enjoyed the subjects I was studying and reading and analyzing historical works and fiction in general.

Not sure what your point is though...

>> No.5436474



>> No.5436477

>jesus christ, is this what following your passion gets you?

You claimed it was a passion.

>> No.5436479

>So it was never actually a passion and you are just like STEMfags who followed something they were kind of good at and liked.

This is actually great advice. I started off in STEM because I was good at it and I liked it.

Then I switched to Philosophy because it was my passion. Still regret this decision today.
Passion makes you do stupid and irrational shit

>> No.5436481

Then it wasn't your true passion then.

>> No.5436482

Well, you've just inspired me to spontaneously become a billionaire. And since this is America, I will thus be an unstoppable god among humans. I'd like to thank you, but we all know that would be wrong, because a billionaire has never needed anyone for anything, so fuck off and don't do something like expect me to think of you as human.

>> No.5436488

see this anons? this is what who you shouldnt strive to be.

i can tell yous a weak piece of shit just by the way you post and the cynicism that oozes out.

>> No.5436490


Yep. I guess Academic Philosophy wasn't my passion. I prefer actual Philosophy. It just took me 4 years to figure that out.

Philosophy =/= Academic Philosophy.
What a waste of a degree and time. Oh well.

>> No.5436492

either go balls to the wall in school or dont go at all. if you do something give it your all or fuck off because yous just wasting your time if your gonna half ass shit

>> No.5436495


>Philosophy =/= Academic Philosophy.
>What a waste of a degree and time. Oh well.

That's the gimmick of all Humanities degrees. How they make money.

>> No.5436497

>About to finish my MA in American History in Europe
>Love it, but I know that becoming a lecturer or professor is near impossible
>Have successful international business on the other side
>Would love to aim for a PhD in Murrica
>Applying for Murrica is hard as shit
>However, business is taking over more and more of my time, can't allow myself to study for another 5 years at least

Don't know what to do.

>> No.5436502
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I wanna go balls out, Im gonna buy all the coffee and ritalin there is.

I'm just pissed I missed this September start date...gotta find a program that I can start in January...fuck

>> No.5436506

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of federal government worshipping me. Shouldn't you be standing outside of a welfare office after spending your paycheck on beer and smartphones or something?

>> No.5436508

>>Have successful international business on the other side

what does it involve?
A Phd will take up all your time so it's really either/or. You can't do both.

>> No.5436509

Though I have heard it does get better as it goes along, it still suffers from many of the faults as undergrad economics.

>> No.5436514

discipline op, discipline. fuck motivation. motivation is just temporary state of mind. discipline is whats used to get you through the grind because you know its shit but you know deep down its worth it and that the end game of your efforts will pay off in the end.
every single time discipline will triumph motivation. remember that and and use it to your advantage, and you can not fail.

>> No.5436516

I know.

Selling antique musical instruments (especially pianos and harps) ranging from the 18th to 19th century. I fully restore them, upgrade them and add some some antique parts to them so they become nicer.

>> No.5436519


motivation is for the weak who need convincing and persuading. fuck it

>> No.5436530

Depends what you mean by succesful.

I'm 22 years old, majored in English. Took some shitty jobs for a while, then managed to land myself a job with a start-up company. Earning average graduate wage right now but as the company grows from 8 people to more my salary/role will also grow.

Do I care about that? No, not really. I would swap money for free time any day/

>> No.5436534

Have you read The Pale King?

>> No.5436541

>I would swap money for free time any day

For your sake, I hope you don't live in the united states.

>> No.5436542

>naive and young
>works for a "startup"
>doesn't know how money works
of course he lives in the US

>> No.5436543

>Do I care about that? No, not really. I would swap money for free time any day/

>he values time, yet he gives it away for a shitty "average" wage


>He values time

Yet he won't be able to retire early.
How bizarre!

>he values time

Yet he really doesn't give a shit about his job it seems, where he spends a lot of time.

>> No.5436544


Only a couple pages, didn't really get it.
Why what's the connection?

>> No.5436545

Well then he'll just have to wait until he's dead to have free time like the rest of us.

>> No.5436546

>I would swap money for free time any day/

Yes, because 4chan time is so precious. That's the problem with the internet: too many dumb mofos who value "free time" much too much.

>> No.5436548

>24 years old
>studied English and History
>no jobs for like three months
>moved to Slovenia where my uncle was doing manual work
>met a British guy there who was contracting him
>tells me I could get a job pretty easily out there on accounts of my being able to speak english
>lands me a gig at the british embassy in Ljubljana
>mostly taking calls at first
>piss easy job, work four days a week and work half days a lot of the time
>wage allows me a one-bed apartment near the city centre
>beame friends with an intern studying literature at the university here
>introduced me to his literary friends
>found a qt arts gf who wears a beret unironically
>spent my free time writing and sending off stories to publications bak in bongland

Feels pretty great man. Also Slovenian culture is pretty neat. Still haven't seen Slavoj though

>> No.5436550

There's this scene at the centre which is very much like what your economics proffesor said. I don't want to trick you into reading a 500+ page book but you sound like you'd enjoy it if you did. It's my favourite book, all about overcoming boredom, finding things interesting, the necessity of boring jobs, etc

>> No.5436552


oh weird lol

>> No.5436557

Nope and why?

You wot m9? I'm giving my time away for financial security, living in Edinburgh aint cheap pal.

But it is, and not only that but coming home from work tired out affects my ability to shitpost.

>> No.5436560


didn't need to speak Slovenian?

>> No.5436564

Read the speech here if you wish:


>> No.5436567

Nope. I mostly deal with English people living here phoning about visa issues and sho on. I've been learning the basics at a night school once a week and I can order food etc at the supermarket.

>> No.5436570
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>> No.5436572


fuck i'm jelly. Ljubljana is awesome.

>> No.5436574


lot's of STEMfags here actually, most of us are alright and see the value of the humanities but there's always the vocal minority and trolls.

>> No.5436582

Binghamton? Stony Brook? I went to both of them... go SUNY!

>> No.5436588
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My first year history tutor's degree was in mathematics. He said history is pretty much only goo for learning how to think critically, and as long as you play up that aspect of it in interviews you can basically get employed anywhere.

>> No.5436610


>> No.5436619




>> No.5436622

> he's a phil major

>> No.5436627






>> No.5436644
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>> No.5436663
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>Was declared child prodigy in art and speak 4 languages by the age of 6
>Have dyscalculia though
>Somehow I am pretty ok at biology
>Wanted to become biologist because I love animals and science in general. Can comprehend some scientific concepts but can't do any algebra or geometry for shit.
>My mathematical skills are too shitty (I'm only ok at statistics) and my physics grades were so bad that I couldn't even get in
>Complete humanities degree, love the fuck out of History since childhood anyway
>Family is sick rich anyway, will take over their company soon

I feel guilty and I don't feel any glory but fuck me, why should I refuse any golden opportunity.

>> No.5436670

>>Was declared child prodigy in art and speak 4 languages by the age of 6

>child prodigy
>in art


>> No.5436682
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>>Have dyscalculia though

If you had chinese immigrant parents you would be a math genius. trust me.

I had "dyscalculia" growing up, and they beat it out of me. Everyone thought I was naturally gifted at math...

>> No.5436696

Well there was this thing more or less. Like drawing naturalistic cats waving flags of various countries at the age of 3 and had my tiny exhibition in Cali when I was 9. I mainly painted surrealistic portraits.

>tfw I stopped drawing by the age of 13 and I now sometimes (very rarely) draw anime shit for some pocket money

>> No.5436719

My mom is Asian and she nearly killed me whenever I brought a shitty grade in maths. I had a private tutor for 8 hours a week after class so I could get good grades but when I was in high school, man, what the fuck, my grades in maths are just so shitty. I did extremely well everywhere except in maths and physics.
I could never do it. I just suck at maths.
I wish I could do something STEM-related, that was my god damn dream, but now I'm writing a thesis on history of biology so I guess it's alright.

>> No.5436765

>tfw BSc but too stupid for grad school
wtf do you do with a BSc man

>> No.5436773


What's it in? If its Chem, Bio or Physics you're pretty much fucked. Best you can do is maybe be a lab-monkey moving beakers around.

If it's geology/geophysics/earth science you could get a job on the oil field and make some good $$money$$

>> No.5436779

physics ; ;

>> No.5436788


if you have a strong GPA you can apply for finance analyst/junior trader type jobs.

Do a CFA exam to show you are interested in finance shit.

Or you can teach yourself to code and become a programmer...

>> No.5437063

don't think that humanities students who browse /lit/ compose a very representative sample of all humanities students

>> No.5437193

> Licentiate in Humanities
>Modern and Classical Languages
>Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics
>Applied English and German
>Intepreting at conferences or courts 15 hours per week
>Free time for reading what you like
>lots of money
>lots of money

>> No.5437269
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>mfw this thread gets this many replies and my other based ones don't

>> No.5437718

CS Major here. Physics majors try to shame me calling me a sell out for studying something just because it will make me money.

And I laugh at them all the way to the bank.

Working at Linkedin as an intern between Junior and Senior year: $44 and hour easy