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543461 No.543461 [Reply] [Original]

Beginning prewriting for my final screenplay (full 120 page feature length film) in my screenwriting class. Suggestions for story?

Pic unrelated but purtee

>> No.543493

A documentary about the walrus.

>> No.543489

sci-fi dystopia, or black-and-white expimental piece


>> No.543497

A black and white sci-fi mockumentary about walruses in the future.

>> No.543499
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>> No.543495

rom com

>> No.543502


>> No.543503



>> No.543504

I've done a sci-fi dystopia before...they're pretty fun. What do you suggest specifically? Also, no walruses.

>> No.543506



>> No.543507


Why not? Did you know they are nature's most majestic animal?

>> No.543515

Oh of course, but I've already written 4 screenplays on walruses and I'm ready to move on.

>> No.543526
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I don't like a writer who can't commit to the Walrus Challenge, your previous walruswriting experience will only stand you in better stead.

>> No.543529

Do a movie that chronicles the war between a tribe of walruses and a tribe of elephant seals.

>> No.543532
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sheeet, I love this thread.

OP, I don't farm out cool ideas to just anybody. But this thread is win, take a rough outline for a cool short story that can be adapted into a screenplay

"Setting: cyberpunk. Theme:family drama/surreal story

lower class family tries to keep-it-together and live the american dream while the world grows increasingly orwellian. fungus infections begin to take over the kitchen while father retreats into virtual reality and mother becomes compulsive lier. peaks when Son dies of a drug overdose and comes back from the dead to inhabit the mushroom jungle in the kitchen. Sister ventures inside to discover a gigantic eye and that demons have posessed her brother. Kills brother with a kitchen knife and is then accused of homicide while father and mother begin to worship th jungle. In a penitenturary, sister notices that the fungus has followed her, and struggles through a newly-opened hole in the floor to reach her family. Mother and father have danced themselves to death while high on drugs, and the fungus is no longer malevolent. realizing she just doesn't care any more, sister commits suicide."

>> No.543537
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>> No.543550

Write about a screenwriter who finds his ideas online. He feels like shit for not being able to come up with anything good and having to source his stuff online.

M Night Shamlyamanan twist: He actually has split personality disorder and the other personalities are the ones posting online, giving him the ideas.

>> No.543567

Just so you know, I don't actually think I'm going to get ideas from 4chan. I already know what I will be writing about, but I needed to be entertained. Besides, "Adaptation" is already a movie about a man failing to write a screenplay.

>> No.543573


Yeah, and it rocks. So do most films about screenwriting and filmmaking now that I think of it (8 1/2, etc.), so just do something in the same vein and it is bound to be awesome.

>> No.543582

what will you be writing about?

>> No.543610

So I'm writing a film about a woman's unlikely rise to power in a Yakuza clan. Her husband is killed (he's the boss of the family) and she is forced to take over. Obviously her rise to power isn't received well due to Japanese customs. That's the main premise.

>> No.543614

sounds dumb

>> No.543613


Sounds like a Tarantino rip-off.

>> No.543620

Good luck with that

I'm still commissioning these;

>> No.543625

If you're talking about the part in Kill Bill, other than the fact that she is indeed a woman yakuza, they're not remotely in the same vain of work.
Thank you.

>> No.543626

What are the rest of your class writing about?
Whats a creative writing class like I might be tempted. Are they well subscribed?

>> No.543632
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are you sure you mean Japanese customs, and not just the fact that the entire world is fucking misogynistic and bites its thumb whenever it sees a woman in a position of authority?

Kind of sick of this lolol AZn so patriarchal bullshit.

>> No.543640

But they are so patriarchal.

>> No.543646

Ask Phillip Taylor, OP.

>> No.543644

Of course I can always go the route of retarded comedy (Bill and Ted style) where 2 guys are magically sucked into the internet and must find their way out. If you guys help me with the narrative arc, I will actually write that screenplay and include walruses.

>> No.543641

I've always been of the opinion that Asian filmmaking is best left to Asians.

>> No.543650

Good luck with all the Burger King applications next year OP

>> No.543653

Any thoughts OP?

>> No.543669

Don't worry dawg, I'm not actually going to be a screenwriter for a living. I'm actually studying business, but me and a few buddies thought screenwriting would be fun. And it is.

>> No.543673

yea..well... good for you... bitch!

>> No.543682
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>> No.543686

Mm, I know one guy is doing a film noir detective film (overused by amateurs I think), I know some girl doing a classic romantic comedy. There's not much original stuff going on. But there is this one guy who's writing this really interesting film that all takes place on a train. It's really meta and hard to describe, but very interesting.

>> No.543694

Screenwriting a good uni experience then?? Its a major option for me atm after a couple of failed year outs.

>> No.543742

Yeah, I'd definitely give it a shot. I'm having a lot of fun. And if your course doesn't have Robert McKee's book "Story" as a required text, you should go pick that up. It's fascinating and really useful.

>> No.543749
