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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, french in progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5428798 No.5428798 [Reply] [Original]

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>what is that?

4chan's first published novel, by the /lit/ collective

>how did they do it?

10-30 anons got together on google docs and shit this out

>where can I see a preview?


>where can I get a paperback?

Fasces/tundra (standard b&w)

Fasce/tundra cover (colour, value quality)

French cover (standard b&w)

French cover (colour, value quality)

Pink/green cover (colour)

Official and final Amazon release

Here we have an in-progress cover by some anon

Thread question: is there any demand for hardcover?

>> No.5428802

Édition publice?


>> No.5428804
File: 112 KB, 937x401, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5428809

third one is past bump limit
second one is being poop-posted and too old to delete
first one is hopefully a middle-ground where people will talk about the book

>> No.5428810

Stop making threads

>> No.5428811

wheres the ebook?

>> No.5428812

OP you were asked to start a thread with one of the covers people would buy. What you've done here is start a new thread with the previous cover that was put up on totalitarian.info, do you really think we're that thick?
The cover is completely unimportant, why are you being such a twat about it?

>> No.5428818

I believe the amazon release offers an ebook version

billionairemayor literally just dropped this off the other day and people in the thread were fairly interested

>> No.5428828

So /lit/ finally makes some OC, and you're charging for it? Some socialists..

>> No.5428833

No, people were telling him he's a cunt for shilling his cover too. In the very thread he posted it in.
Please, enlighten me because I'm struggling to understand why you're championing the shittiest covers that less than a handful of posters approved. There's no money to be made from this, it's all under a public license. So why the fuck are you being so deliberately obstructive? Are you stupid? Did your reading comprehension fail you? Are you hoping for some measure of personal acclaim for having designed the cover yourself? There's no reason you've given that anyone could sympathise with here.

>> No.5428835

how did it originally get its name? was it from that passage with emperor %# or whatever?

>> No.5428848

>was it from that passage with emperor %# or whatever?


title was determined randomly via dub rolls

that passage was written after

>> No.5428850
File: 239 KB, 1347x953, oui oui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't my cover, I guess I could've posted the revised french cover but it's a bit late for that

here's the revised french cover

>> No.5428854

it's shit

>> No.5428860

>was it from that passage with emperor %# or whatever?

The passage was ulterior.

>> No.5428863
File: 2.32 MB, 3895x2554, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well here's the tundra cover

literally nobody can complain about this one

>> No.5428865

original is better

>> No.5428867


>> No.5428873

well it hasn't sold any copies yet so I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.5428889

when I have grandchildren, I will tell them, I was there, The Great /lit/ Cover Wars 2014

>> No.5428892

I dunno, I think the tundra one is the favourite by far

>> No.5428896

/lit writing a book
>image of parliamentary fight
/lit/ planning a cover
>image of bloody massacre

>> No.5428904

please stop spamming this bullshit.

>> No.5428905

So some faggot is profiting off of this?

>> No.5428917

why do you think film adaptations are so divisive?

everyone has their own fucking retarded version of what they think a film version of a book should look like, and clearly not all visions are created equal

some people just have shit taste

>> No.5428918

I'll include that in the final non-profit version, but please stop bumping this thread and instead bump the non-profit one >>5428654

>> No.5428922
File: 815 KB, 567x709, epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow me to make this into a meme

>> No.5428927 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 448x336, 1410650241146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you guys actually selling this? i thought you'd give this for free. who gets the money? someone with a big nose?

>> No.5428943

every single thread some dumbass will ask this

it's like clockwork

>> No.5428948
File: 186 KB, 1280x768, no dosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, we can just print free books anon

posted from an older thread

>> No.5428951

Wait, so is it finally done or?

>> No.5428957

The totalitarian.info is the lulu work after a week of edits and changes

I don't know what's been put in and what's been taken out, but the formatting might be nicer

>> No.5428959

There's no reason why the ebook can't be free.

>> No.5428964

Make ebooks fags.
>every single thread
explain it again

>> No.5428966

the website is constantly updating. It's version 2.42 now. Joseph knows what he's doing.

>> No.5428970

The totalitarian.info is non-profit.

>> No.5428974

My mistake, I thought you were referring to a paperback

The lulu pdf has been posted previously, here's the latest version anon

>> No.5428975

I remember a week ago OP posted that the base price of the book is 13 ausdollor or something. I'm not so sure why he's trying so hard to prove he's not making a profit

>> No.5428977

>it's totes non-profit that's why we're putting so much effort into making people buy our version it's VERY IMPORTANT

>> No.5428978


there is a free copy online dumbass

>> No.5428981

And here I forget to put the fucking link in

>> No.5428984

The current Australian price is about $20, I was surprised when I saw how much cheaper it was in the US but that's printers for you I guess.

I believe the current US price is $13.

>> No.5428987

sage this thread for trying to rip you off

>> No.5428993

holy shit

you guys are a bunch of fucking self-important faggots

"pls buy my version"

"no my version is official1!!"

"NO buy mine!!!!"

fuck off you probably didn't even write any of it

>> No.5428994

Wait, is it through one of those self-publishers?

>> No.5429001

Anononymous posting when there are sides leads to a lot of shilling, fake-shilling and mistakes. It's dirty.

I believe all versions are via self-publishing

>> No.5429003

This is going to be interesting when the ad starts running

>> No.5429040
File: 74 KB, 646x292, another passage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh

nice book guys

>> No.5429055
File: 57 KB, 151x179, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was at least coherent. If you guys want to write a book in the future, do what this website did:

Now this shit is classic!

>> No.5429128

too classy for /lit/

>> No.5429159
File: 42 KB, 1217x260, it begins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5429176

For the anon(s) who wanted a hardcover version

the page size is somewhat increased so it isn't as expensive as I thought, about an extra 5 bucks


This is the lowest price the lulu wizard has offered me

>> No.5429184


>> No.5429204


>> No.5429206

literally the worst book ever written. i've always knew this board was pretty stupid, but reading this shit makes me wonder how you guys havnt died from pure inability to keep yourselves alive

>> No.5429211

That's the spirit! By jove, look at how he flawlessly engages in the language of the novel. Excellent synthesis, young man.

>> No.5429216

>died from pure inability to keep yourselves alive

dumbest fucking post I've seen all month

>hurr durr I'm surprised you haven't suffocated by stopping yourself from breathing

top kek

>> No.5429217
File: 178 KB, 2546x754, ss+(2014-09-14+at+10.33.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on /pol/ as well.

>> No.5429219

We'll get a pulitzer for sure now

>> No.5429224

it is bad on purpose XD

>> No.5429227

fuck off with this shit its not even funny

>> No.5429235

Why not a poetry collection instead

>> No.5429252

Start a file, open a thread.

>> No.5429531

>>5428798 What version are the files you used (which date) ?

>> No.5429537

7th of september

>> No.5429743

>yfw the only people to buy a copy were authors of the text

>> No.5429784

it's nice to see all the memes in a book.
some of the writers have potential.

>> No.5429875

I assume we're publishing six books a year>?

>> No.5429893

Hey man, we've got an ad campaign and shills!

easily ten a year

>> No.5429989

Has writing for Miami started yet?

>> No.5430007

the first book has been out for literally a week

>> No.5430022

But it's been finished for months.

>> No.5430561

Is our 15 minutes of fame over?

>> No.5430774

Yeah, and it died as soon as it came out

top kek

>> No.5430779

give people time to digest it. the true mark of good literature is how it stands the test of time

>> No.5430781

>100 years from now the book is recognised as being 'ahead of its time'

>> No.5430787

Whenever we end up writing it, The Legacy of Totalitarianism in Miami is gong to be good.
Now that we have a precedent for how everything is going to work, we can write something earnestly while still hitting the "ironicallly bad but not really" angle.

>> No.5430788


>> No.5430791
File: 531 KB, 2411x3300, miami tundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5430804

I want to record the audiobook of Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra. Is there any sort of audiobook recording program that ppl use? Or is it just a one-shot go sort of thing?

Perhaps another option is to have any many ppl as possible read from different parts of the novel and then splice em' all together. Just a thought.

>> No.5430824

just record off of your computer mic and make sure there's no intrusive background noise

I like the idea of having everyone reading individual passages but realistically it will never work

>> No.5430831

Or get that british text to speech to read it

>> No.5430843

>not arab

>> No.5430854

Would you believe that the book doesn't have a single reference to 'arse full of farts'?

>> No.5430881

Chapter I: You had an arse full of farts that night, darling

>> No.5431093

Now, I am not tasteless nor a hypocrite -- my standards of porn are very high: no filthy non-Caucasians; there must be art in the direction, choreography, the rhythm of the grunting and smacking flesh (one recalls Joyce's love letters to Norah as art of the highest calibre -- and again, I am not hypocritical, before you pounce on this, for Joyce's scatology is of more majestic artistic quality than anything you could ever make, you charlatan!)

While watching from the mezzanine Joyce muses, listening to farts from the other room.

and theres a whole subplot about "an ode to nora's shitflap"

>> No.5431100

>tfw all those idiots on goodreads giving it 5 stars


>> No.5431104


Fine concept, but I think it needs some clouds at the top or something.

>> No.5431378

This was done and it sucks. Another thread has chapter 1 but it sucks

>> No.5431522

>reach over to flick through my copy
>first fucking page I open is BOY PUSSY
I hope this doesn't happen in publiv

>> No.5431532


>> No.5431540

those Krautchan spammers unintentionally left some great content behind.

>> No.5432543
File: 106 KB, 1146x566, cover par excelente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this cover be part of the mix ?

>> No.5433502

Anyone got their copy?

>> No.5433592
File: 1.94 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140912_180130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.5433610

It's already over anon

It's already over

>> No.5433729


What is the quality?

>> No.5433739


Not the text, the binding?

>> No.5433757

I like both the french and the fasces covers, can't we get a dustjacket version where one cover is on the printing and the other on the jacker?

>> No.5433784

Where's the drunkard from the nazi cover? He said he was going to post the final version

>> No.5433793

I'm drunk again. I was busy during my sober moments of today, I haven't forgotten. I'll include >>5432543 too if someone responds to this post saying they'd like that.

>> No.5433813

No problem pal, just wanted to know if you were still around, let us know when you post the final version.

>> No.5433832

Hangover permitting I'll probably do it in the next 24 hours.

>> No.5433868

I wonder if monsieur wrote any of this

>> No.5433877

someone update me with the covers thing? I missed the clusterfuck

>> No.5433912

>some anons made a couple different covers besides the fascii
>another anon got angry at them
shitstorm ensued

there are about four different cover versions to pick from now, as long as whomever uploads the book to lulu makes them available

>> No.5433915

I thought we weren't using lulu?

>> No.5433932

>Finally, I'm so glad it's over, The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

come the fuck on /lit/

>> No.5433939

when did that change, what are we using now then?


>> No.5433942

>What's that?
>That, my dear Bilbo, is "The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra™"

>> No.5433957

/tv/ pleb here, this book is pretty good faggots

>> No.5433993

Anons spent ages creating covers and debating which was best. People start buying un-edited versions with the covers they like, but of unedited versions. Joseph Stallion creates his own "official" one which is ugly as fuck and tries to override all the others by saying his is official, one which just so happens to have a profit margin, which he claims he'll donate to some charity.
Some drunk asshole (me) says he'll put in the work to upload all the covers people did like with the final edits for no profit. I'll do it soon, if you have a cover you prefer or want it from somewhere other than lulu tell me now and I'll sort it. If you want to donate, that's your decision.

>> No.5434040

It feels like a regular book, cover feels slightly rough around the edges I guess

>> No.5434052

What's wrong with lulu? The guy on totalitarian.info is just mad that he's a day late and a dollar short

>> No.5434122

Were there any threads on /tv/?

>> No.5434282

>using my cover
oh you

>> No.5434289

my french was always shite, sorry

>> No.5434335

Stop viraling your shitty lolsorandom book. It's a bunch of NEETs copypasting the garbage they write here to troll /b/tards into a word document.

>muh postmodernism

Get fucked.

>> No.5434350

>have one thread on /lit/ discussing the book
>hurr durr stop viralling

>> No.5434354

One too many, retard.

>> No.5434375

that thread-cover bullshit led to three threads at once

Is there actually anyone out there who wants another cover? I only see people going for the fasces one

>> No.5434394

Some people love the French cover, at least, but I haven't seen anyone voicing approval for the so-called official one.

>> No.5434398

I'm going to buy a copy of the fasces version and a copy of the original french cover (the one in OP's pic, not the one some other guy made) once I finally decide where to actually purchase it.

>> No.5434411

I'll make sure to upload the french cover ASAP when the final gets posted then

>> No.5434551

The final has been posted...

>> No.5434553

This book is the perfect encapsulation of 4chan culture. It is 90% boring, unfunny trash crammed with memes and a few gems buried deep within its pages that nobody will ever read because the rest of the book is so terrible. And the entire project is cloaked in the mystique of irony or post-irony or whateverthefuck so nobody can criticize it without falling into some kind of trap where they are the stupid ones for not "getting" it, even though the whole joke is there's nothing to get because it's intentionally made as vacuous shit that's impervious to criticism.

It's the most frustrating thing I've ever read and possible the worst piece of writing in existence.

>> No.5434572

The final in the OP has not been posted in a cover format

>> No.5434573

pretty spot on m8

>> No.5434582

So it's the best piece of 2014 literature?

We should notify the press

>> No.5434596

>It is 90% boring, unfunny trash crammed with memes and a few gems buried deep within its pages that nobody will ever read because the rest of the book is so terrible.
It's great because clearly everyone is divided on which bits are the 10% worth reading.

>> No.5434598

This has to go on the dust cover ofthe hardcover

>> No.5434689

Please tell me this is actually included in the book.

>> No.5434908

I might put it in the lulu edition once I get the French cover

>> No.5435381

Buy on Amazon button still disabled

>> No.5435411

I want the cover in OP's pic.

>> No.5435425

Will the amazon release be paperback or just Kindle?

>> No.5435499

He'll be back eventually

>> No.5435516


>> No.5435520

lulu already has hardcover

>> No.5436454

ded book

ded dream

>> No.5436522

Is there an epub or mobi version?

>> No.5437010


I tried a conversion but it didn't go well.
Anyway, the .pdf reads fine on the Kindle

>> No.5437191


>> No.5437204


Should be called House of Anons.

>> No.5437287

>It's the most frustrating thing I've ever read and possible the worst piece of writing in existence.
thats a cover quote right there

>> No.5437305

The voice is a surprisingly good match. Whoever uploaded it should do the rest of the book as well.

>> No.5437352

it's a software I think

>> No.5437434

You forgot the soundtrack for tLoTiaT2: Miami which I have expanded here

Track 1: The intro, 1987, in which our hero is introduced

Track 2: In which the female lead leaves our hero for Miami, thus calling the hero to adventure

Track 3: A shady Jamaican cabbie offers to be our hero's guide through the treacherous and unkown Miami that lies beyond the doors of the Miami Int'l Airport... but only for a fee.

Track 4: The hero is propositioned by many an enticing offer from prostitutes, drug dealers, and thugs but perseveres to find his love.

Track 5: The hero finds his female lead but she is in a compromising position and beholden to another. Hero be depress.

Track 6: Work out montage as hero gets ready for fight against the big baddie.

Track 7: Hero defeats big baddie. Obligatory sex scene.

Track 8: Hero and female lead head back to airport to board plane back to former lives after tearful goodbye to cabbie, not to mention the ... uh... payment. The plane from Miami flys north into the sunset.

>> No.5437590



>> No.5437639

>forgetting the credits song


>> No.5437847

Is the amazon edition out already?

>> No.5437886


>> No.5437890


>> No.5437940

i smell a hardcover quote

>> No.5438233
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm back, was thinking perhaps we could have also a cover that incorporates both designs?
Also, added the quote on the back of the book.

>> No.5438263

The red doesn't work well with the dark grey.

And I've never liked the blurb on the back talking about it as a "4chan book". It's too self referential and the book should speak for itself.

>> No.5438289

What are the dimensions for a cover on lulu?
I'm trying to make the french cover since none of you faggots can actually fucking finish it.

Also I'm compiling the book based on the most recent edits, as of yesterday.

>> No.5438298

The dimensions are fucking listed in the details.

>> No.5438317

lulu.com won't let me see the dimensions for a cover until I upload a pdf. Am I being a faggot?

>> No.5438332
File: 21 KB, 620x282, b8ad57e97c324ea0366f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5438383

This is the Half Life of literature, with moot as Gaben.

>> No.5438395

I have no problem in finishing it, just waiting for more input and opinions from other anons. Whats the rush?

>> No.5438401

oi, you want the .psd of the OP (the right side) ?

>> No.5438405

I already have it, I'm the one that made the OP

>> No.5438414

This meme book is lame as shit

>> No.5438415

oh, didnt see that you remade mine, thought you just used the png I posted.

>> No.5438420

Would love to know what's the font you used though, couldn't quite nail it down.

>> No.5438455

I would like it!

>> No.5438461

No rush, but I want to be sure the French version I buy
1) looks like not shit
2) is the most up to date version of litwritesabook.com

>> No.5438469



>> No.5438484


has the writing of part two started yet because if so how can I join?
I am a distinguished writer and my internet erotica gets much attention on the deep web

>> No.5438504

Put some more leading on that shit, cover type is too tight. Also the hierarchy is a bit too same same / inelegant. Try a thinner font for the subtitle.

>> No.5438511

Thanks mate!

So do I! That's why I'm waiting for more input on the design. There's not gonna be a single one though, I'll upload some variations so everyone can pick according to their preferences.

I'm gonna be leaving in a while and won't be back at my computer until late Wednesday though, so please have patience. I will log every now and then on my cellphone to check whatever suggestions might appear.

Ok, gonna try, gimme a couple of minits

>> No.5438516

>nothing to get

>> No.5438620

Ok, now it's based on psd of the original french cover.
More ideas? Anyone wants to write something to replace the bullshit in french that's below the title?

Anyone would like me to try another colour scheme?

>> No.5438627
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit, forgot to add the picture

>> No.5438632

The Amazon version is missing 3000 words

>> No.5438639

How come you faggots are already trying to sell the book when there are still people writing bits of it on litwritesabook? Is it over or not after all?

>> No.5438642


This is why I just said fuxk it and bought a lulu copy

>> No.5438645

it will never be over truly, but some are just too anxious to get it even before some edits are made

>> No.5438649

I'm concerned about

>> No.5438663

don't buy it, wait for another lulu version, we don't even know why anyone bothered to send it to amazon (and with the worst cover so far)

>> No.5438676

Another lulu version?

>> No.5438678

hardcover when?
how many people bought this shit? i need an update

>> No.5438692

yeah, wait for a couple of days until a new version with the updated text and covers is uploaded to lulu

>> No.5438694

There's already a hardcover


>> No.5438705

But the updated text is missing content

I can handle bad formatting as part of the experience, but I don't see what I gain from less content

>> No.5438712

but it's b&w

>> No.5438727

Do you realise how expensive a colour hardback would be? Literally around $100

There's a reason all the colour versions are value quality

>> No.5438753

oh didn't know that, hopefully whoever uploads the "final" version, will do so with a non-cut text

>> No.5438760

well u dont have to buy it if you're poor my friend

>> No.5438761

I have an up to date version as of this morning. Where should I upload it to?

>> No.5438775

Is that even possible? There are pretty much only two versions to my knowledge
-Final: edited, some new items, 3000 words less overall
-Lulu: much less editing, higher word count

I don't think there's any halfway unless we have a lot more saved versions than I think we do

>> No.5438792


No idea to be honest, I'm just the guy that's working on the covers, the one that compiles and puts them up in lulu is another person.
Welp, time to leave, catch you guys in a couple of days, keep throwing whatever ideas you've got for the design, I'll make sure to read them and take notes.

>> No.5438807

Is anyone waiting on the final version, i.e. lurking in this thread?

>> No.5438824

Yes, everyone. I want one but don't actually want to do any work.

>> No.5438843

Lulu anon stopping by

If you send it over via a filesharing site then I'll make it the copy for the French edition when we get the cover

>> No.5438850

In fact I may as well make a tundra one too

>> No.5438854

This basically.

>> No.5438875
File: 223 KB, 1600x600, writers circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I'm right.

>> No.5438879


>> No.5438888

I've watched the number of useful edits steadily decline over the course of this week. Some of the chapters had zero edits in the last three days and the edits that were made to the others were either pointless expletives inserted into completed pieces, letters hit at random or otherwise pointless. I don't think anything positive is going to be added at this point and I'm sick of looking at it.
Here's the pdf of all the cover followed by all chapters

>> No.5438942

Alright I'm accepting this as canon final

>> No.5438988

They seriously edited out the BOY PUSSY page?


>> No.5438996

That's still there, page 82.

>> No.5439009

Quads confirm it.

>> No.5439014

Would I be able to get a word doc version of this? Just for nudging things in for final formatting.

Shit like page numbers

>> No.5439040

Yes, go to here http://www.litwritesabook.com/title wait for it to load then click File, Download as, Microsoft Word Document. Then click home, Chapter 1, repeat through to Chapter 10 pt2
I'd do it for you but I only have open office and for some reason it fucks up the fonts, I did try.

>> No.5439052

I'll see if it fits in A5, otherwise I'll piece together another PDF

>> No.5439065

>tfw I wrote one paragraph in chapter ten, and it hasn't been deleted.
My life is complete now.

>> No.5439081

Yeah I'm gonna have to make an A5 version

standy by for final edition

>> No.5439084

It might be a pain but keep in mind most of the work was written to fit on an A4 page. I've seen one of the pdfs someone scaled down to A5 and it looks pretty bad, the font size is ridiculous.
I admit this isn't very useful input.

>> No.5439094

I'm not sure anyone wants a book with A4 sized pages

I'll see what I can do

>> No.5439099

I didn't mean to suggest that. Good luck.

>> No.5439591
File: 11 KB, 932x808, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who formatted the final for columns, but it was a terrible thing for you to do

>> No.5439672

I like this cover, would like to see it on a hardcover.

Seems like the person running totalitarian.info is ded so I'll buy the lulu version.

>> No.5439688

lulu anon here

having trouble getting this from A4 to A5 without the original word doc but we'll see how it goes

>> No.5439821

I swear to god this is the most dogshit formatting, even worse than the original.

Changing the entire thing from A4 to A5 is too troublesome and the editors should have known better.

Just go with the current lulu version, you're not missing out on anything.

>> No.5439950

>hearing this thing say 'qt 3.14 gf'
lost it

>> No.5440230

When are we working on the companion novel "the death of monarchy in a Monsoon."?

>> No.5440823


it's over

everyone go home

I think we sold 40 copies all up

>> No.5440916

It's not over. I'm going to buy a copy as soon as the cover in OP's pic is up for sale as colored value paperback,

>> No.5440942

I mean the real bit is over

We might get 1-2 people buying a copy a week if we're lucky

>> No.5440954

Don't worry. This is definitely not the last book we are writing.

>> No.5440960


>> No.5441441

can this be made in a black and white version?

or must the cover be black and white for that to be possible?

>> No.5441448


Stop spamming your worthless shit.

I've literally never seen a thread about this until now.

Fuck off.

>> No.5441504


Welcome, newfriend

>> No.5441681

It can be but you'll need to wait a day

>> No.5441873
File: 470 KB, 700x775, 1397130860593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not our fault that you apparently haven't been to /lit/ in weeks.

>> No.5441884

How is it spamming if this is the only thread? That doesn't even begin to make sense.

>> No.5442137

It can, but then I'll have to do it later, and get a hold of the "final" ed.

>> No.5442147

>with some of his internet..."friends"

comedy gold!

>> No.5442150

Fellow lulu anon I've looked at the 'final' provided and getting it from A4 to A5 with the way it's formatted is a nightmare unlike the previous version. I advise against it.

>> No.5442170

The previous version wasn't formatted any differently.

>> No.5442175

Well it seems to react quite differently to the A5 template

Perhaps it's the PDF to word effect

>> No.5442178

So download the word files.

>> No.5442181

The latest word files are different and continue to change

>> No.5443714


When is it going to be done-done.


I'm only good at pretentious lit posts, not buying things.

>> No.5443922

It will always be changing, just like 4chan

The lulu version is as 'final' as any

>> No.5445797

I'm going to put a little saged comment in here for the archive

goodnight sweet prince, you were the first