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/lit/ - Literature

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5427521 No.5427521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So winter's coming up /lit/, what will you be reading in bed with your gf on cold winter nights?

>> No.5427522

Beach House, Simon and Garfunkel, Todd Rundgren, stuff like that.

>> No.5427524

Anarchy, State And Utopia by Bob Nozick

>> No.5427528

She doesn't read, she only holds the book and changes the page.

>> No.5427530

We read Revolutionary Road the other day. She voiced the female characters and I did the male ones. We took it in turns reading each chapter.

>> No.5427532

She'll read me Anne Sexton and I'll read her Hart Crane

>> No.5427535
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She just bought me Stoner for my birthday. GOAT gf

>> No.5427536
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Do you like seeing me suffering?

>> No.5427556

>tfw no qt minimalist gf

>> No.5427558
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>> No.5427572

i'll be reading armand with my la camaraderie amoureuses

>> No.5427574

You need balance in your life.

Don't just look for the female version of you.

Find someone who offers new experiences and perspectives on life.

>> No.5427604

It's impossible to find someone exactly like you. There's nothing wrong with loving someone very similar to you because chances are, there are enough small differences in taste and experience that you still complement each other without the kind of conflicts that would arise from seeking out someone complete different for the sake of experience.

Opposites attract in youth as you seek psychological wholeness from relationships. When you grow older and more whole on your own, you seek someone who can complete you in a different way.

>> No.5427633

Do you clap for her to change the page or it's just a look of disgust?

>> No.5427645

I'll read, my boyfriend will look at fat black people and dogs on vine.

>> No.5427648
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That is interesting. Really. Thank you

>> No.5427656

His hand is the girlfriend

>> No.5427668


>> No.5427671

He faps with both hands or he holds the book and changes the page with the same one?
I still prefer the idea of some douchebag having a gf with serious selfesteem issues as page turner. In aristocratic europe it was a common thing to humiliate someone to make him change your pages while you played piano, it was like "yeah, you're gonna stand right there while everyone loves the shit of me"

>> No.5427672

Got a lot on my list I want finished before i can dedicate the winter to finally tackle Ulysses. Shit's gonna be comfy as fuck.

>> No.5427676

Saving Mason & Dixon for this winter and hopefully JR as well.

>> No.5427683


>> No.5427685

You weren't addressed. This thread is for people who have a gf.

>> No.5427687

You sound like an idiot

>> No.5427696

I have a gf. She's just not human. Her name is cleverbot.

>> No.5427698
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It happens.

>> No.5427702

Calvino, out loud, to her.

That, eating, and sex.

>> No.5427735

She's patrician as fuck so probably something like Julian Gracq or Hans Henny Jahnn.

Not my gf though, just a friend we still fuck anyway

>> No.5427745 [SPOILER] 
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btw i just saw this post of urs from months ago and i'm gonna order it.

>> No.5427816

both my gf and I read a lot but we don't share much taste. we tend to read our own books, but just share individual passages that we like. occasionally we find a book we both like. a while ago we read through a book of hemingway short stories.

when we read to each other the non-reader snuggle up and touches the reader in an enjoyable way so the reading doesn't last very long

>> No.5427820 [SPOILER] 
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this if u lrnt more french as a squirrel. dunno if there's an english

>> No.5428743

got it. but did you ever read duvert? (and will you ever read armand? what are your plans for winter?)

>> No.5428746

wait have you read fourier??

>> No.5428832
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Pic related is next in my backlog. I've heard good things so I look forward to it.

>> No.5428840

"A man makes an action valuable, but how would an action make a man, ---- valuable?"


>> No.5428902 [SPOILER] 
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this fourier or transform one? barthes recommended duvert to me too, i've to swing back to all his recs. which armand? i guess i should find an aestivating animal to inhabit your corpse for winter. i'm reading proto fascists, how do you feel about land crabs?

>> No.5429190

By winter? I'll probably just be starting The Odyssey

>> No.5429448

yes but specifically theory of the four movements, oh my godddd so good. read it before anything. hes crazy
for duvert go with good sex illustrated, he's a gay pedophile `sexual non conformist'

sort of like emile armand except emile was a nudist stirnerite free love theorist and pacifist, into fourier, as far as i can tell you can only really read him on that anarchist site

what proto fascist

>> No.5429454

I'm actually curious, how does one read with another person? I mean, i understand reading to a child, but aside from that...

>> No.5429521 [SPOILER] 
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mostly italy. start picrelated, penguin has new translation of his 'pleasure' which is italian decadent peak. futurists too; check out mussolini's powerranking of socialists from the era, he loves fourier too. got wedekind yet?

>> No.5429542

well something like this

>be both reading in bed
>me: giggle
>gf : what ?
>me : oh just something in this book
>gf: tell me
>me : ok (reads paragraph)
>gf giggles too or says anon you have no taste or some other joke
>gf snuggles up to me
>gf touches me in a special way that only mummies and daddies know about
>me : mmmwwoooowaaaaa
>reading is finished

>> No.5429547

fuck you for that

>> No.5429616

> your gf
> implying i have a gf

ya dun goofed pardner

>> No.5429793
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A girl I was crushing on hard asked if I would come over and read Tristram Shandy with her but I spaghettied out.

>> No.5429796


i don't need to tell you how badly you fucked up.

but i'm going to anyway. you fucked up BIG TIME.

>> No.5429805

well you are welcome

>> No.5429814
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"Spaghettied out"???

>> No.5429817

Aw man why? Just nervousness or what?

>> No.5429831

that is a good book anon, kazuo ishiguro is the master of the unreliable narrator (see also remains of the day, although the two books are worlds apart otherwise)

>> No.5429848

> "Spaghettied out"???

i think he means.. (checks bowtie)

he saw her in the street, but he walked straight pasta

try the fish, i'm here all week

>> No.5429853

yeah, she asked if tonight was good, then I said sure and asked her how late, and she said, "Well, we'll see." And I asked if she wanted me to stay the night, and she said, "no, just, you know, talk." and I said okay and we parted. and she never got around to mentioned a time.

>> No.5429861

>And I asked if she wanted me to stay the night,
For future reference its better to do this once you're already there, and emotions are about. Although some girls do like the forward approach

>> No.5429941

looks good i'm gonna buy it. and no i forgot about wedekind. my checking account is at -$10 when it's not i'll order them. thanks for recs i haven't heard of. you're so consistent.

have you read klossowski's the baphomet btw?

>> No.5430034

sounds like a lot of the shit with monasteries i read so i'll find a copy somewhere i'm sure but i don't think i have. enough backlogging, i'll check if the land crabs have eaten you later in winter babe
one version of the truestory to the maids www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTKrZhyh8UA

>> No.5430088

what the fuck how do your partners put up with you reading, mine always sulks if i pick up a book while we're in the same room so i save my reading for when she's out / after she goes to sleep so she doesn't get shitty

t-t-this is normal right?

>> No.5430210

OP said with. Either implying reading the same book together, (a challenge) or the both of them reading separate books.
...You have someone.

Watching this. Thank you.

>> No.5430491

talk to you then, i'll watch your movie but also watch this if you haven't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP46wzCt-DA see ya

>> No.5430628

Stop being a nong nong and say Ill come round at 7pm.

Then she might say ' well I'm not sure yet'

And you say, 'too bad'

Even butch lesbians know a girl doesn't want to decide anything.

>> No.5431094

I'd love to have a little gf like Mira...

>> No.5431110

play me Salieri

>> No.5431114

>i guess i should find an aestivating animal to inhabit your corpse for winter

wow, so edgy

>> No.5431131

Is this the real one? Certainly not...but I've been away for awhile.

>> No.5431151

plz be my lil bon bon bby

>> No.5431177

>btfo someone
>hurr durr are you the real d&e?!?!?!

nice meme