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/lit/ - Literature

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5421309 No.5421309 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit.

I keep myself wondering, why does every girl poster, when we get to know by her uncontrolled urge to pronounce herself so, needs to be special? Butterfly and her every post accompanied by a photo(or a gif) and a butterfly icon, for example, and that /sci/ girl with her incessant ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ thingy, etc. What's the psychology behind that? I know that 4chan has a distinction in it's alpha/beta male arrangement, but wouldn't girls fall in these categories even more so? That is, girls like to pretend and dream of highly unlikely things, such as horoscopes, mysticism, Alice-que type wonderlands; /x/ is probably replete with girls. Then there are these "alpha" women, the sorts who notice a spruce, a well groomed man, probably discerns that as an indication of a well being, and then acts, approaches this man with a sole reason to submit to his needs. But these still are always on a endeavor to look themselves unique. Why?

>> No.5421316

/lit/ Is a feminist board, anon.

>> No.5421319

I'm a girl and I never announce my gender on 4chan

>> No.5421328

Not sure there's a point to this thread. Why do people choose to be this or that? Is that it?

>> No.5421336

>every girl poster

>> No.5421337

No, it seems to be a quality noted in their behavior, not distinctly girl behavior( as there are men who more or less do so), but more accentuated by girls.

>> No.5421339

>there is no 'literally'

>> No.5421349

I was going to say "because women are attention whores and men are simply objectively better than women" but then I realized that if I were to post that, I would have to give consideration as to whether I really believed it or not, and make an attempt to reconcile my belief that all peoples are fundamentally equal with my secret deeply entrenched misogyny.
And that's far too much work, so I'm just not going to say anything.

>> No.5421355


it's me expressed my admiration to your logical conclusions

>> No.5421360

>What's the psychology behind that?


>> No.5421363

narcissus was male, even greeks knew what gender is more prone to it

>> No.5421365

You just did it. If this was the first time, though, then I congratulate you for knowing how to behave in an anonymous imageboard.

I've been out of /lit/ for like ten days. Is that arrow girl still here? She's irritating as fuck, specially since she always assumes she knows everything about subjects of which she doesn't actually know anything about. I bet she's only an average scientist who comes here to try to feel 'smart' by talking to people who haven't memorized the facts and procedures she has, because in real life everybody in her lab is smarter than she is.

>> No.5421374

>getting metarused this hard

>> No.5421375

>narcissus was male, even greeks knew what gender is more prone to it

i'm talking about the personality disorder not the greek myth

also into the filter you go, tripfag!

>> No.5421380

you mix desire for attention with egotism
and do you really think it doesn't matter what gender narcissus was?
>also into the filter you go, tripfag

>> No.5421383
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>You just did it. If this was the first time, though, then I congratulate you for knowing how to behave in an anonymous imageboard.

sweet mother of christ

>> No.5421384

What do you mean? She's not a /sci/ girl?

>> No.5421387

>tfw ego and need for validation is so small I need to make a conscious effort to convince myself to post, and most frequently ask myself what I'd be gaining by posting and end up just not posting anything

>> No.5421388

>you mix desire for attention with egotism

things that never happened: the post

try reading about narcissism and what it entails instead of shitposting on /lit/ all day with your shitty trip you narcissist

>> No.5421389

"I'm a girl and I never announce my gender on 4chan" was clearly intended as a joke, or bait.

>> No.5421390

kitty go back to being a regular anon

>> No.5421393

Oh, that.

>> No.5421394

2 borink

>> No.5421395

Then you're probably a bestposter. Good for you.

>> No.5421396

OP here

Stop derailing the thread

>> No.5421397

Why is it that if someone uses a trip the chances of them having something interesting / funny / witty / correct / on-topic to say quickly approaches zero? It's almost a law of nature.

Why do these people feel the need to construct an online identity, or worse yet why do they think anyone gives a shit about their faggy little online identity? Are they not given enough attention in real life so they come here and roleplay in order to escape reality? Are tripfags the loser Second Lifers of 4chan?

>> No.5421404

This thread is not about tripfags

It's about women, especially women. Trips just can be put in a context or an example.

>> No.5421405
File: 13 KB, 391x315, i did not miss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female poster
>if I make a post that'll give away my gender I edit iin order to make it look normal, for instance changing "boyfriend" to "girlfriend" so I can seem like one of the guys
>this is the only time I'll ever mention my gender on 4chan

I really doubt I'm the only grill who does this

>> No.5421407

because females are fragile, insecure, crave validation and attention, and every single one of them secretly thinks they're some kind of fucking princess because daddy said so when she was 5

literally what more do you want? it's a pretty open-shut case

>> No.5421411

In the case of women it's exactly the same as tripfags, except instead of those chances only quickly approaching zero they ARE zero.

>> No.5421413

>Implying there are grills on 4chan who just aren't fat men pretending to have a vagina

>> No.5421415
File: 248 KB, 897x867, sweating intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could be arguing with a qt grill RIGHT NOW

>> No.5421420

Way to overgeneralize shit in here.

>> No.5421423
File: 148 KB, 496x582, 1405960652489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh did a little sand get up in there

>> No.5421430

Pics or it didn't happen man

>> No.5421433

every gril on 4chan is a landwhale

>> No.5421434
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, anon? Don't you want to talk about Žižek with me?

>> No.5421436

sometimes i pretend i am a girl who does this
that's the case with most people (especially on /lit/) not just women.

good namefags
feminister (i hate to admit it because i dislike nietzsche)
perhaps kitty (not sure)

bad namefags
arrows (lately he has gotten better)

make your list and add to mine cause right now i can't remember any others.
sage of course.

>> No.5421437
File: 302 KB, 1309x1006, cartoon.whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5421438
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>> No.5421440

>good namefags
>feminister (i hate to admit it because i dislike nietzsche)
>perhaps kitty (not sure)

>any of those

no and stop defending yourself anonymously

>> No.5421441

wow so funny and epic will you be my gf??

pls respond 'yes' or 'no' (but hopefully yes)


>> No.5421444

i posted that pic because i think that whale is cute, not funny -_- she is even has blush on the cheeks

>> No.5421447

wow you're right! so kawaii!!

so anyway pls answer my question

>> No.5421449
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We could talk for hours! I've just finished Living in the End Times and I found his reflections upon the Chinese Communist Party very interesting, and I'm, well, I'm sure you know a lot more about it than I do. Maybe we can discuss it over some coffee, anon? Oh, then I can show you the draft of my novel I'm working on! It's about sexy male vampires.

>> No.5421453

you are mean ><

>> No.5421454

>"Women inspire us with the desire to do masterpieces and always prevent us from carrying them out."

Females are succubi and will only bring you trouble. Any sane man who has been in relationships and fucked women will tell you this.

>> No.5421457

In an attempt to answer your question seriously and reconcile my beliefs I'd say that while I haven't seen any data on the actual ratio of supposed male/female trips it does seem to lean in favor of supposed females, of whom also do seem more inclined to carve an image of uniqueness by exhibiting some defining trait.
The simple truth is that revealing or hinting that you're a female on virtually any internet community will get you scores of attention, and this can be amplified by establishing an identity so that your persona can be given further attention and discussed and debated about and argued over. The fact that you posted a thread regarding this issue exemplifies this perfectly.
Lots of people like attention; like to be recognized, replied to, talked about, and argued over. It's a small slice of fame in an otherwise mundane existence. Therefore it's easy for me to see why someone would do this. Why females may be (if they indeed actually are) more predisposed to pursuing this is subject to speculation, and answers with any real validity aren't likely to be found on a forum such as this.
On a side note, I'd be interested to see how many posters/trips pretend to be female just for the huge boost in attention.

I daresay this is the most carefully reasoned response you're going to get to your questions. Ya satisfied?

>> No.5421459

no i just really would like a gal-pal to love and cherish 5ever! honest!!

pls will u be my gf? ;-;

>> No.5421465

>all good trips are girls
>butterfly is a good trip
>implying butterfly has made a proper response, rather than few petty lines(mostly contributing nothings and falling in the category of shitpost) that she makes in a variable but high rate.

Feminister was a great trip of recent times. She could make a long, adequate response. Mainly in Stirner threads, though, but nonetheless good posts.
Unfortunate that she got too much attention from insecure autists that couldn't refute anything she said, only scream that she is a trip and make an edgy remark. However, she/he clearly had some problems of her own, but for me it seemed just a minor nuisance, this being an adolescence kawaii anime, alternative music platitude and Hitler appreciation site.

>> No.5421468
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>> No.5421471

>insecure autists that couldn't refute anything she said, only scream that she is a trip and make an edgy remark

He deserved it. If you honestly think that it's necessary to utilize a trip on this website you should fucking kill yourself.

Not to mention he was a neckbeard pretending to be a female on an anonymous imageboard so in retrospect he doubly deserved it.

>> No.5421472

Arrowfag is not a girl. You'd have to be retarded to believe that.

>> No.5421473

We should all filter everyone except anonymous.

>> No.5421475

>If you honestly think that it's necessary to utilize a trip on this website you should fucking kill yourself.

Why not have thread-specific IDs. It would eliminate samefagging but allow enough anonymity to cowardly shitpost with.

>> No.5421482
File: 1.79 MB, 375x296, op.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more to the point, why do YOU feel the need to shit up our board with a thread about profilic posters who may or may not be girls?
also, doesn't this give them further attention?

>> No.5421483

I appreciate that it adds to the thread, and, if the thread continues in no direction or gets deleted, it could even be a final abbreviated sum of it. But it lets not exempt the possibility of more facts, reasonings that could help even further the unraveling of my topic.

>> No.5421486

I've argued for this on several different boards. I think it would be a perfect system.

>> No.5421489

Unlike where this thread is currently going, I was questioning the women in general, not tripfags. I used them only as an example.

>> No.5421491

well, in that case, this shit belongs on /r9k/ and so do you.

>> No.5421493

this is your answer

>> No.5421508

>You just did it. If this was the first time, though, then I congratulate you for knowing how to behave in an anonymous imageboard.

Sometimes I think all these threads are troll posts, but then I read shit like this and I genuinely wonder why the fuck I visit this website in the first place..

>> No.5421518

I actually got banned for saying that.

>> No.5421610

welcome to /lit/

>> No.5421620

why are you assuming the whale in that comic is female?

check your fucking privilege, whore

>> No.5421636

don't be rude

because it had to be female to express my idea

i don't like that animals are 'it' in english and usually call them by w/e gender pronoun i want :3

>> No.5421658
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>> No.5421663

>other beings are just tools to express my "ideas" and I'll call them whatever the fuck I want regardless of their feelings or personhood

oh so you're a sociopath then

please kill yourself tripfag; you're an attention whore and you'll amount to nothing

>> No.5421669

But kitty isn't bad for a namefag

>> No.5421680
File: 21 KB, 418x323, attention whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he/she/it isn't a namefag, he/she/it is a tripfag and therefore he/she/it should be destroyed

also put your trip back on kitty and stop defending yourself anonymously

>> No.5421694

But I'm not kitty.
I just think that s/he isn't so bad for a name fag and from time to time says decent things, unlike some other namefags like butterfly.

>> No.5421708


>> No.5421740

>>other beings are just tools to express my "ideas" and I'll call them whatever the fuck I want regardless of their feelings or personhood

but anon, at least be consistent, how can i know the feelings of a drawn whale?

>> No.5421763

>how can i know the feelings of a drawn whale?

you never will with that attitude

>> No.5421776
File: 323 KB, 1280x960, 1408150865189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you every /lit/ person is a girl and there's only a small minority that showcase it

>> No.5421795

I have been living a lie for all these years.
I am actually a grill ?
Than how did i impregnate my wife

>> No.5421799

There are boobs out there that we can't see? ggnniiiiiii lol

>> No.5421803

Because, girls are pretty.

>> No.5421807

not all of them anon

not all of them