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/lit/ - Literature

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541739 No.541739 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, /lit/, what is the worst Shakespeare play?

I nominate Julius Caesar.

>> No.541745

much ado about nothing was fucking BORING

>> No.541746

Hamlet, w/o a doubt.

>> No.541748
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>> No.541755

The Tempest

wizard tortures his enemies
couple fall in love literally at first sight
angel asks wizard to stop torturing people
the end

>> No.541756

Postcolonialism motherfucker, do you understand the theory? Tempest rocked.

>> No.541758

i second this, only interesting character was the fool.

>> No.541761

Merchant of Venice

>> No.541762

"Nympho Librarian's Summer Vacation II."

His comic relief characters just aren't up to scruff in it.

>> No.541763


Post-colonialism? In an age before colonial empires? Stop trying to transpose an ism Shakespeare wouldn't recognise onto this work.

>> No.541764

Because Shakespeare's political plays are so much better than Brecht's or Weiss'?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.541782
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>> No.542773


I'm guessing most people in this thread are thinking of plays they've read as set texts. None of these has anything on Titus Andronicus. For ages, some Shakespearean scholars have even been trying to eject it from the canon; but they can't, because Hemynges and Condell knew it as his, and printed it in the First Folio.