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/lit/ - Literature

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5416294 No.5416294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I read to escape reality

>> No.5416296

No, i read for enjoyment. I smoke crack to escape reality.

>> No.5416298

Perhaps your efforts would be better spent trying to improve your life, just a thought. You seem rather upset with your current life.

>> No.5416318


I am just so fucking fed up with the status quo. I want to leave. I hate having to go to college and force myself through this bullshit. It just makes me depressed.

I want to move to some obscure city, open up a hostel, and just read and write,

I know you don't care, but thanks for noticing?

I come to 4chin to vent, and I read to escape.

Wish you the best.

>> No.5416325

Reality is a spook

>> No.5416330

everyone does

>> No.5416359

⇒everyone does

Nope. I read to gain more knowledge about reality.

>> No.5416366

Where do you live?

>> No.5416369

I go to school in Richmond.

>> No.5416370

Finish college, get job, write as second job or hobby. Nigga's gotta work. don't escape, live in the now, have goals, plan for the future.

You're using reading like a drug. Like a pot head or vidya addict.

>> No.5416377

spoken like someone who's never smoked crack and has no idea what the effects are like

I read to expand my experience beyond my miserable prosaic life

>> No.5416380

Managing a hostel is a pain in the ass. Why not be a NEET?

>> No.5416387

I binge read on the weekends for hours on end. I'll read an entire book in two days and never leave my room.

What's wrong with me? Why am I doing this to myself?

Because I don't want to be a NEET. I have ambitions of sustaining myself and a family, and I would like to start by opening a hostel. I think that it could be quite lucrative. And, besides, it would be so cool! You'd get to meet people from all over the world! I'm thinking about opening one up in San Sebastian, Spain.

>> No.5416392

This is your 6th thread today. You've been flooding /lit/ with threads every day for weeks now. Do you really think we will respect you? You're not gonna make any friends here. Get the fuck out and get a life. One day after you left nobody will remember your retarded name anymore.

>> No.5416394

>I read to relate with the characters

>> No.5416402
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>implying that I don't make the best threads

pic related, it's garcia marquez, you faggot

>> No.5416405

I want to call you a faggot but you're too nice.

>> No.5416409
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>wanting to sustain yourself
>wanting to start a family
>wanting to travel
>wanting to manage a business
>wanting to meet people

You seem too much like a normalfag for someone who is fed up with the status quo to the point of depression. You are the status quo.

>> No.5416430
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pic related

It's been too ingrained into my mind since my years as a child. It's just how the system is-- you can't beat it. But I am cognizant enough to not want to work the 9-to-5 job and move somewhere that's not in fucking America.

Besides, what else would I do with my life?
>wanting to sustain yourself
>wanting to start a family
>wanting to travel
>wanting to manage a business
>wanting to meet people

>> No.5416434

Oh, you're the 'Vote third party' asshole. Why didn't you take your permaban like a champ?

>> No.5416439

He's not nice. He's obnoxious and full of narcissistic self-pity. He's a whiny manchild with a cancerous personality. He belongs on /r9k/.

>> No.5416457

When he requested a permaban, I told him he would come back. And it turned out I was right. He's the kind of person who will be on 4chan forever. When everyone else grew out of 4chan, he will still be here. His 40th birthday he will celebrate with 4chan, the only "friends" he ever had. He actually believes we are his friends. He actually believes he can get our approval by flooding the board with retarded threads while using a retarded name.

>> No.5416461

I tried to become NEET but apparently it's impossible to get autismbux in canada. They just have me gay meds

>> No.5416464
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>It's been too ingrained into my mind since my years as a child. It's just how the system is-- you can't beat it.
Plenty of people do.

>Besides, what else would I do with my life?
Not entrenching yourself irreversibly in a lifetime of dreary dedication to the status quo you claim to hate, of course.

>> No.5416473
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Yeah, you're absolutely right, though.

I came back because I can be the real me on here. I know it sounds lame, but it's the sad truth.

Besides, none of my friends read as much as I do.

Why d-don't you like me, anon?

I can m-make it up to y-you.

>> No.5416478

>I came back because I can be the real me on here

The "real" you is a whiny manchild? You're not welcome here. >>>/r9k/

>> No.5416484
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You've probably been here longer than I have, anon. I'm only 20 and have been here for, like, 3 months.

I'm just getting started.

Besides, I c-can leave whenever I want.

Why don't you leave 4chin? Have you tried to?

>> No.5416495
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>> No.5416501

You can't expect people to respect you for that. This isn't middle school (or maybe it is).

>> No.5416509

where do you live and what happened? i''m also interested in getting autismbux

>> No.5416521

Went to the doctor and pretended to have mild autism. They gave me some bullshit prescription that I threw out. I wanted money I hate my fucking job.

Idk what I'm gonna do now

>> No.5416523

I read to experience reality.

>> No.5416535

I've been on 4chan since 1998.

>> No.5416537

did social assistance reject you?

>> No.5416540

Yes. I'm a white 23 year old male they gave no fucks

>> No.5416542
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>> No.5416544

What is it called when you deliberately seek out and take pleasure in reading books that do the opposite of escapism?

Like the anti-escapism of gestalt therapy and how Fritz Perls would blatantly try to expose all of his patients flaws and problems, rather than indulging them in anything. I find that enjoyable.


>> No.5416572

sometimes i wonder when this site will end

where will all the spergs go?

>> No.5416575

>where will all the spergs go?

to hell

>> No.5416576

Do you go to the University of Richmond? You a spider?

I don't, but I was there a couple weeks ago visiting friends

>> No.5416578

>He's obnoxious
That's why I want I call him a faggot
>and full of narcissistic self-pity.
Almost everyone is

>> No.5416580

all the other chans

>> No.5416583
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r u a cutie3.14?

Richmond is a great place, isn't it?

>> No.5416586

Yes, I'm a girl. Wanna meet? Please tell me you're still a virgin.

>> No.5416589

Yes and yes.
But don't you hate it?

Or are you just whining?

>> No.5416594

Hate what? And, I wouldn't really call it whining. It's just fervent 4chinning.

Let's meet. Please don't rape me.

>> No.5416640
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>please don't rape me
I don't like being told what to do

>> No.5416646

I'm t-throwing a party next w-weekend. You can come, but only if you're a g-grill.

>> No.5416648

Isn't that why most people read?

>> No.5416653

I think to escape reality