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5409290 No.5409290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Taoism or Buddhism?

>> No.5409297


Life isn't about binary choices, so I don't see you should choose between the two

>> No.5409298


>> No.5409308

What are the essential Buddhist texts?

>> No.5409336
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The only reason you're into either Taoism or Buddhism is self-hatred and guilt. Free yourself, embrace the superior faith.

And don't let others make you believe in their childish interpretations. They don't know what they're talking about, at all.

>> No.5409343

I'm not exactly sure how Christian this approach to evangelism is, but OP, it's true enough that Jesus love you.

You should love him back.

>> No.5409354

Taoism for me is problematic because of its connection to chinese folk medicine and geomancy.

Dont you think that its kind of hypocritical to to dismiss those faiths because of "self hatred and guilt" and then go on to recommend one which is based entirely on that premise?

>> No.5409356

>The only reason you're into either Taoism or Buddhism is self-hatred and guilt

what if he's azn?

>> No.5409952


>> No.5409962

In case anyone into budhism passes by I'd also like to know. I know there are many variants and that some contradict each other, like zen going for the absolutes in a manner similar to the tao while others have a strong myth base, so it gets sort of confusing this huge label "buddhism"

>> No.5409969 [DELETED] 

Shouldn't true love be unconditional?

>> No.5409971

It's nice being raised in a christian family, kept the moral values and trashed the beliefs

>> No.5410334

Same situation here bro. Learned a bit about buddhism and taoism in college. Just bought quran for giggles. Organized religion is for plebs :/

>> No.5410373


>> No.5410808

Its different for every sect of buddhism
But overall theres a shit ton of them.
Recommend you check out r/buddhism's sidebar or something cause i dont remember there names or importance. They go by the name of sutras

>> No.5410854

I'll admit I don't know much about either of those but Buddhism seems pretty cool. Most of the sects have their own weird cultural baggage, but there's been a lot of scientific studies about positive effects of meditation and mindfulness. Seems legit.

>> No.5410955 [DELETED] 

The Dhammapada

>> No.5410957

>The Dhammapada

>> No.5410959

Worship of the God Emperor.

>> No.5410966

I don't think that Buddhism is a means to an end, and definitely not Taoism either. Once you see all of Buddhism contradictions, and flaws, you eventually pic, and choose, and then see what you have is no longer Buddhism. If anybody has literature that has done this , I would love to see it.

>> No.5410988

Just drop the pretenses and embrace the weeaboo. Go with Shintoism.

>> No.5410993

Don't go with Shintoism.

>> No.5411007

They are both extremely primitive, literally on the same level with animism and totemism.

>> No.5411010

Taoism seems a little bit less nihilistic. I wouldn't pick either though.

>> No.5411011

Can you point out some of the contradictions your speaking of?

I'm researching zen right now and the idea of contradictions existing within an ideology that contains absolutely no dualism is hard to grasp.

>> No.5411015


>> No.5411020

both and then you make your own

>> No.5411025

Not that anon, but one contradiction I can see is that Buddhism wants to abolish all desire yet, this want is nothing else than a desire itself, a desire to non-desire.
If you have the view that desire is a necessary element of life, then this is not only a contradiction but also an (unaware) approaching of suicide.

>> No.5411030

neo-pyrrhonism. it's basically the same thing as Zhuangzi's dao, but white people came up with it.

>> No.5411047

The whole point of not believing in god is that relies on faith, and then he talks about an afterlife and, karma.

>> No.5411063

That's the point though. That contradiction must be realized before a monk can attain enlightenment. It's definitely a consciously intended point.

There are no gods in buddhism and karma and rebirth exist as leftovers from Hinduism and don't hinder a monk at all if he views them as useful metaphors.

>> No.5411065


I like lots of aspects of Buddhism and Taoism, and even Christianism. However, one of the main problems of every religion is the fact that they are very distant in history and naturally subject to lots of adulterations and posterior interpretations.

The Tao Te Ching, for example, was the book of a wise man, summoning up his life philosophy. It doesn’t have all the connection with deities and mysticism that the Taoist practitioners of the centuries evolved: it is almost as the simpler folk needed a simpler way of guiding their lives, and not the harsh way of truly becoming wise, and so they invented empty rituals and prayers to feel that they were working toward salvation, when in fact their minds were still walking in dark ignorance.

Same with Buddhism. Several interpretations and adulterations polluted the original teachings of Gotama. There is a great biography about him by one of the most important schoolars of Buddhism in Japan (http://www.amazon.com/Gotama-Buddha-Biography-Based-Reliable/dp/4333018935/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1410295882&sr=8-5&keywords=buddha+biography)that study and compare the earliest Pali and Sanskrit texts and cleans the dirt of centuries of addictions. What remains is a much more simple, down-to-earth and straightforward way of leading one’s life. Buddha was always preoccupied in solving the problem of suffering (suffering is not exactly the word: it is something as agony, dissatisfaction, anxiety, uneasiness) here, in this life, in the now. He had nothing to teach about a future existence or about gods and the life in the other realm: his teachings were directed to humanity and dealt with humanity.

As for Christianism I like several aspects of it. I like the total rupture with latter Judaic traditions with the practice of compassion; the abandon of a judging mind (let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone), the understanding of the suffering of others, even enemies; the pacifism and non-violence: I like all of this. But there is a problem: over and over again Christ makes reference to another life and to the fact that suffering on this life will be repaid with peace on the kingdom of heavens. Whenever a major problem arises Christ tend to use God as some sort of solution. I don’t like this, because it makes your efforts empty: you don’t strive to achieve peace and fulfillment here, but instead deposit your works on some sort of bank account on the future life, where you will be finally repaid. That’s way to simplistic, and it seems to me that it works best for lazy people, who don’t want to face the hardships of working on the mind.

>> No.5411069

I don't think Buddhism really has an afterlife as such, as something that is beyond this world. Seems more like a transformation than an after-life.
But I don't know much about Buddhism, so I'm honestly looking for someone to explain me their idea of afterlife here.

>> No.5411071


>> No.5411081

>There are no gods in buddhism and karma and rebirth exist as leftovers from Hinduism and don't hinder a monk at all if he views them as useful metaphors.

So why has there been no changes to the religion?

>> No.5411090

Buddha never wrote anything down.
Lao-Tze's writings are downright funny.

>> No.5411094

>I like the total rupture with latter Judaic traditions
I see Christianity more as a refinement of Judaism. The examples you have given are a bit of an addition, a mask, or sublimation of Judaic perspective on life and the world. Not to say that both Judaism and Christianity were influenced by an even earlier religion of Zoroastrianism.

>> No.5411100


>> No.5411124

Because tradition and the usefulness of the ideas as metaphors (which work whether you believe them literally or not).

Plus buddhism has changed a lot and spawned many schools which all have their own opinion about the rebirth and karma.

Zen is the most secular and can easily be practiced by a staunch atheist.

Enlightenment doesn't rely on a belief in rebirth, gods or karma. All buddhism is about attaining the enlightened state of mind, and they only disagree on (basically) unrelated specifics.

>> No.5411144


>> No.5411149

>There are no gods in buddhism
>rebirth exist as leftovers from Hinduism

>> No.5411173

Taoism is very interesting to think about. The Tao Te Ching, for instance, is more open to interpretation than you might initially realize. With careful study, you can see that great thought was put into it and that it's not meant to be an end-all text, but a springboard for individual thought. I'm not a scholar by any means, but it's great reading.

Buddhism is cool, but I feel like it's too concerned with getting through each day, not enough with asking big questions.

>> No.5411178


The gods in buddhism have noting noting to do with attaining enlightenment.

If you asked a zen monk who had attained enlightenment if there is were gods or not he'd say that he didn't know and it isn't relevant.

I understand some Buddhist schools believe In rebirth, karma and gods literally but those beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with the attainment of enlightenment and they are open and upfront about that.

>> No.5411183

But, orientalism is a part of our identity. If we would stop reappropriating and reducing other cultures, we would simply stop existing as a western society.
Have some compassion for us, please. After all, western civilizations are the ones that made all progress possible, every western historian will tell you that.

>> No.5411492
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I'm not an expert or a buddhist but I saved this and thought you guys might find it relevant

>> No.5411715

That is an interesting book on Gotama, nice.

>> No.5411807

Honestly this. It's always white suburban kids who want to be "rebellious" so they hate Christianity and go for Taoism or Buddhism and think they're "deep" or something. It's hilarious

>> No.5411828

Taoism for interior alchemy.
Buddhism for tantric rituals.

If you just want a generic, "be nice to other people" religion then you might as well stick with Christianity and read Ecclesiastes or something.

>> No.5411851

the question is simple, do you want to live forever or to disappear without a trace?

>> No.5411855

All roads lead to Rome

>> No.5411857

Please kill yourself now. Just fucking do it, already. Please

>> No.5411869

>The only reason you're into either Taoism or Buddhism is self-hatred and guilt.
Seeing as this is how the champions of Christianity always act, I'd say disregard the poisoned branch.

>> No.5411883


>> No.5411884

>If you asked a zen monk who had attained enlightenment
>I understand some Buddhist schools believe In rebirth, karma and gods literally

Just STOP with the posturing you idiots

>> No.5411890

Thankfully, you can turn around and go back to China once you've hit that dead end.

>> No.5411894

It's hilarious how christianity circles around self-hatred and guilt and buddhism/taoism have nothing to do with it. Honestly if you're a christian who isn't living in an abbey devoting all his time to prayer or helping the poor or whatever other traditionally christian things you're just a weak-willed moron who likes to pretend to be religious because mommy likes it when you go to church on christmas and easter and death is scary, you don't deserve any respect from any fellow human being and you're sure as hell not getting any from me. All these modern "christians" are repulsive

>> No.5411913

Neither, you will think you are enlighten in the long run, making you a pretentious asshole that knows the key to life.

Buddhism and Taoism is like sane people trying to become insane by believing in becoming more sane.

Although, some books are very interesting (Like the I Ching one, and the Tao Te Ching), but read them without the fairy bullshit.

>> No.5411914

Naw. You take the road to Rome then to Greece then to Egypt then to Sumer and then you get blown up by a militant in your moment of enlightenment,

>> No.5411921

Stop posting, Sam.

>> No.5411929

>It's hilarious how christianity circles around self-hatred and guilt
it's modern western civilization does, not christianity

>> No.5411967

modern western civilization is just Christianity without its costumes

>> No.5411968

Yes, that is why true christianity has been centered around self-hatred and guilt since its beginning and is actually much much less so in the modern western civilization, where people aren't actually religious as it's inconvenient but they do like to wear crosses and call themselves christian. I don't know where you could even pull out this clueless opinion, have you read something like perhaps The Name of the Rose? How could you possibly think this civilization of self-obsessed petty weak-willed morons who hold no true beliefs and put nothing above their own well being (or the blind consumerism they believe will one day make them feel good, no actual well being will ever be achieved) feels even a fraction of the self-hatred and guilt religious people did at those times

>> No.5412016

stop yelling and articulate an actual thought

>> No.5412023

How can the name of the rose make you hate christians?

ANyway, i'd look into theurgy and theosis and how christianity masterfully susbsumes all the lessons of ye olden pagan faith to the n_+1 degree before judging it so harshly.

>> No.5412027

Are you illiterate? Everything in that post was understandable.

>> No.5412060
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>The only reason you're into either Taoism or Buddhism is self-hatred and guilt.

Aren't those the best reasons to get into Christianity? How can you repent if you don't feel some massive guilt?

>> No.5412253

/lit/, what is the tao?

>> No.5412409

didnt know there were 2hu threads on /lit/!

>> No.5412569

The superior route is the synthesis of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism (Mahayana -> Zen).

Do you even Chinese.

>> No.5412596

Christianity>>>>>>>>Taoism>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else

>> No.5412644

Why? He's right. Are you still a teenager or just retarded. I'm ignostic and agree with him completely.

You've obviously never read the new testament, and if you have you're just retarded.

Don't EVER try to read Joyce.

>> No.5412666

What's wrong with good old Western nihilism?

>> No.5412677

Nothing, but it should be brought to perfection, that is - to nothing.
Also, appropriate trips.

>> No.5412685


>> No.5412723
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Wow, typing all those greater than symbols doesn't seem tryhard or desperate at all! You've totally convinced me.

>> No.5412739

“It is in Christianity that our arts have developed; it is in Christianity that the laws of Europe--until recently--have been rooted. It is against a background of Christianity that all of our thought has significance. An individual European may not believe that the Christian faith is true, and yet what he says, and makes, and does will all spring out of his heritage of Christian culture and depend upon that culture for its meaning...I do not believe that culture of Europe could survive the complete disappearance of the Christian faith. And I am convinced of that, not merely because I am a Christian myself, but as a student of social biology. If Christianity goes, the whole culture goes.” T.S Eliot

>> No.5412789

anything as long as it's not mahayana, which is like protestantism. boring and misses the point

>> No.5412811
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Wow, he was really trying to kiss the church's ass when he wrote that blob of nonsense.

>> No.5412833


Yeah, I'd hate for a religion centered on sitting and attempting to halt all thoughts and desires for prolonged periodes to be "boring".

Give me those scary looking dudes with dozens of arms and a half dozen heads, man. Let's keep it EXCITING.

>> No.5412848
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>halt all thoughts

>implying meditation isn't the most active and dynamic exercise your mind can do

>> No.5412924
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implying animism isn't the one true religion

there's a reason its stuck around for 100,000+ years

>> No.5412959


thanx bro

>> No.5412967

i wouldn't equal humanism and christianity

>> No.5413363
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there's no difference

>> No.5413370

>implying regular exercise isn't the best exercise your mind can do

>> No.5413380

>he thinks Christians need to repent!

>> No.5413408

It's not/it isn't

>> No.5413434

This is really well put, (I am honestly fascinated by the relationship between judaism and christianity, and picked up maimonides' guide to the perplexed a week or so ago)

>> No.5413498
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nordic heathen

>> No.5413544

>implying that the only reason other people are into Taoism or Buddhism is self-hatred and guilt.
>says the Christian.



>> No.5413548
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>> No.5413551
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>>he thinks Christians are without sin!

>> No.5413559
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>he thinks that wordly actions can remove sin!

>> No.5413567
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>he thinks Christian goodness is worldly and not divine!

>> No.5414604
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>> No.5414619

>someone actually spent their time making this and thought it was good enough to post on the internet

How is this any different from copy-pasted reddit comics again?