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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.37 MB, 3896x1436, das book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5404527 No.5404527 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread reached bump limit, pictures can just be retrived from the archive


>"hey /lit/, let's write a book!"
>book is cancer
>"lel, nvm"

fuck you lazy cunts
at least finish your crap

ALSO: voting on the cover reaching its final stages


It's pretty much down to the four listed here

>> No.5404564

>mfw neckbeard gains double the total amount of votes prior to this thread

>> No.5404572

The French one is the most postmodern

>> No.5404577

>Calling a cover with a clear modernist design aching from the start of the 20th century post-modern

Learn design and typography before you spout garbage. There is nothing post-modern with that design.

>> No.5404581
File: 23 KB, 304x400, 124576511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like every collaborative project

>> No.5404582

People don't even know what the neckbeard cover even looks like

probably why it's being chosen

>> No.5404591

then what would be postmodern design?

>> No.5404600

I'm not the project head, but I'm trying out the Lulu service in A5, here's the PDF.


>> No.5404605
File: 99 KB, 4000x2007, 1397127238900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5404667
File: 75 KB, 933x851, 90% done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5404670


>> No.5404675

There's loads of coloured text, we definitely need an option to buy the book in colour.

>> No.5404681

I haven't managed to find a publisher who will do both B&W and colour pages, and a colour book is much, much more expensive.

I feel your pain

>> No.5404697

Barring custom covers (I just chose the only complete one), I think this is done, it's finished.

Any shitty editing is just 'part of the 4chan experience'

>> No.5404717
File: 1.28 MB, 971x1500, 1409632630756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Idiot, You have to show all the fucking options. so we don't wind up with this


>> No.5404723

for additional covers

>> No.5404731

Also, does no one see how easy it is to cheat this pole? You need one person that knows how to spoof an IP address and you've got unlimited votes.

>> No.5404743

>You need one person that knows how to spoof an IP address and you've got unlimited votes.
That would work. Or you can just open it in an incognito window, that would be significantly easier. But your way would probably work too, sure.

>> No.5404745

This poll is bullshit. The cover with the least support in every thread is somehow doubling every other option in vote count. This has got to be a raid or something

>> No.5404754

Shit man, it's not like there's a central authority to enforce this. I've uploaded a B&W copy


>> No.5404761

Why do you think that changes your IP? Have you ever even read the warning when you use incognito mode in chrome. Seriously, try it.

>> No.5404765

Except we're not in the 20th century anymore are we you fuckboy

>> No.5404766

Strawpoll uses cookies you prat. The IP address is irrelevant.

>> No.5404778

Wow, It's worse than I thought.

>> No.5404779

I'm getting a copy for shits and giggles regardless (better-edited ones may pop up), but use the code
to get free mail shipping and save about 8 bucks, expires in a couple of days

>> No.5404806
File: 52 KB, 998x895, What have I done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5404813

I am become /lit/

>> No.5404845 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1146x1055, ss+(2014-09-09+at+12.46.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.5404851

Mate what's that in your google search

>> No.5404856

I read some of the chapter 10...this is kinda good...

>> No.5404857

What the hell? My bit is removed, now i wont buy it.

>> No.5404862
File: 75 KB, 728x540, 1406336486934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People not chosing the Pléiade style cover

>> No.5404874

I just chose the only complete cover

if you want people to use another one then complete the one of your choice

>> No.5404875

the poll's been dickered with

the neckbeard cover got virtually no support in the last thread(s). from the OP image the most popular ones were the first and last. whoever made the neckbeard cover is just voting up his own design.

>> No.5404888

Mate what are you talking about?

>> No.5404893

If you can tell me when you wrote it and where it was I can probably recover it for you.

>> No.5404895

I didn't see nothin mate

>> No.5404900


>> No.5404903
File: 945 KB, 5400x3300, Sans Serif .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people that wanted a Sans Serif font

I have a print quality PNG that I'll host somewhere else if anyone wants it. It's too big for 4chan.

>> No.5404907

This is a momentous day in 4chan's history

the first published collective novel

>> No.5404911


It was a short bit about the opossum´s scrotum in the end of the 10th chapter.

>> No.5404926

5400x3300 isn't print quality?

>> No.5404927

That was my fault, I tried to move it to an earlier chapter and fucked up. I've put it back in the 10th chapter part 2, above 100.10 - Variations on a Theme.

>> No.5404945
File: 3.64 MB, 2516x3300, Sans Serif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could print it but JPG compression leaves artifacts. The background gradient happens in layers instead of being smooth as it is in the PNG I have.

Comapre the front of this with the same section on the JPG.

>> No.5404955

use fascii tundra the neckbeard one is clearly being spammed

>> No.5404956

PS no one buy the lulu copy it's not the final copy or even the "official" one, just some guy trying to make money off it.

>> No.5404982

will the official one go on the site once finished? I definitely do want to buy a copy with the fascii cover.

>> No.5404986

I would assume so. There's no real reason why we can't let people buy it under whichever cover they prefer.

>> No.5404991

There's no one really in charge. I would just wait a month to see if someone somehow something comes of this and then, if no one steps up just print it yourself.

>> No.5405034

Honestly BillionaireMayor. I have now witnessed you making three thousand versions of the so far best version of the cover. And it is so clearly noticeable that you know nothing about design while he does.

First of all this picture you have moved the fasci too far to the left, it seems like you dont know about bleed and margins, neither the golden ratio.

Your tundra is to choppy. Your title way too large and the spacing is just bad. The reason why the original creator have created a small text is because he wants to create a "feeling" of vastness in a naked tundra.

And the author title is just disturbingly bad, altought your best so far.

>> No.5405065
File: 952 KB, 3384x1944, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is >9000 hours in paint with the superior cover

>> No.5405077

You need more bleed at the centre edges.

>> No.5405118


is this done? Cause I need to finish the tale of the wanderer fighting the literary archevils (Epilogue of the shitshow that was chapt2) still.

Or not, but I was planning to and looking forward to it

>> No.5405124

Hurry up and do it and we can put it in.

>> No.5405132 [DELETED] 

>I was planning to and looking forward to it
Hurry up but do it. No one will really read the book, the whole point is making it.

>> No.5405142


>> No.5405183

is it the new tolstoyevski of our generation?

>> No.5405216

Well, I don't have time today, but if it doesn't make it, it's ok

>no one will read the book

b-but I was planning on actually reading it

>> No.5405241
File: 952 KB, 5400x3300, Sans Serif Non Geometric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5405314


Great, thanks alot. People need to read this.

>> No.5405626

poll / thread gives no clear indication of what option refers to what image

Also, some retard is probably voting the neckbeard cover via VPN / Tor / proxies.

I suggest we forget about that poll. Elsewise someone should edit that fucking neckbeard out of the cover and replace it with something else ( like that: http://imgur.com/2kqeUZ8,j50lMS3,N8ndffB,YLuEWW4 ).
I've been suggesting making a poll in earlier threads but obviously it's been rigged. I could just as well proxy-vote another one on top if I knew what the fuck those shortcuts stand for.

>> No.5405710

Some retard is considerably brighter than you.

>> No.5405734
File: 766 KB, 920x1270, 1366722875713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I thought there was someone in charge?

You mean I could take this whole work, edit it to make it cohesive, and then re-upload it for you guys and no one would get pissy about me doing so? (besides them just outright not liking the content).

Honestly this would be the greatest thing to edit and try to make decent. I would editing the fuck out of this thing, I just didnt want to step on someone else's toes who already had the "authority" to do so.

>> No.5405758 [DELETED] 

But you would be missing the point. Go edit your own work, mate.

>> No.5405762

Looks shit

Futura one is better.

>> No.5405768
File: 213 KB, 506x632, 1369940625651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think so.

What exactly is the point? That its collaborative? It would still have that.

>> No.5405786

who wrote this?

>> No.5405799 [DELETED] 

No, the point is the colaboration. No one will really care after it's done, because the work is the process.
I mean, people who didn't care bfore will check and consider it meh; while the people who worked on it will only see their own parts and feel the rest wasn't up to par to their ideas. The only real enjoyment comes from doing.

>> No.5405803
File: 66 KB, 221x325, ABCD-Hausmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it has a cohesive point. It is more a parody of post modernist literature. These covers probably don't actually fit the tone of the book well. If there were actually a philosophical discussion in the book of how society forms a rigid rule set that shapes the ideas expressed and accepted in the public sphere, these would be fine but the actual novel is far more Dadaist than substantive.

A cover similar to this style would probably be more appropriate.

>> No.5405815

We did.

>> No.5405816

I think a problem arises when no one knows really where to buy the finished book. We need a source to be on the website that's like "Real Book Buy Here," so we can avoid some anon trying to make a profit.

>> No.5405854

See the results again.

>> No.5405857

What if we had 4chan collaborate on a cover? We could have anons each draw a section of the cover, or we could use Flockdraw.

>> No.5405875

>>5405816 I think that's what totaliterian.info is about (on that site).
Only possibility is that the admin of the site tries to screw over people a bit.
In that case we need the PDFs and manage to get it printed by ourselves by some print-on-demand service. Shouldn't be too hard.

My idea as well. Asked people to upload their .tif / .pgn / whatever files for other people to expand on their concepts but noone did that yet.
For example I'd actually be for the neckbeard cover if someone replaced that fatass with the image from >>5405626 which is also used in the cover on totaliterian.info

Also I still have no idea what the difference between 1c & 1d is.

>> No.5405878

Start it up

>> No.5405886

>>5405875 Ok well I found the strawpoll link in the old thread so I didn't give much attention to OPs pic.
Then there's still the fascii one with the tiles in the background missing.
And I guess more would be for the c one if "by /lit/" was replaced with "by Anonymous"
You could still get /lit/ on the first page of the book beneath the title...

>> No.5405901

I hope you didn't use a VPN to do that.

>> No.5405915

Why the garbage may may text on the back? Can we at least try to be funny.

>> No.5405925


>> No.5405932

>>5405901 No I used Tor. It's just to make a point that this poll got rigged so this neckbeard-cover Anon doesn't get any legitimacy to his results. I'm too lazy to get a proper Tor / Proxy identity switcher + code the strawpoll voting per its API right now or else I could have gotten something like "Marble cake also the game".

>>5405915 I think we still need a doc on the website for the text on the back.

>> No.5405949

>No I used Tor.
Wow, that must have taken ages. Two reasons you're dumb:
One: You didn't even check to see if strawpoll looks at your IP or uses cookies. It uses cookies, so using incognito mode is enough to get around it.
Two: I already explained that earlier in this thread >>5404766

>> No.5405996

>looks at your IP or uses cookies
I thought it would be using both.
Holy shit why does this site still exist ? It defies the whole purpose of online-polls.
But it didn't take me that long and getting a new Tor identity takes just as long as reopening chrome incognito and as said: I'm too lazy to search & code some stuff for it right now.

So all agree that this poll's legitimacy is gone ? Fine.

>> No.5406034
File: 499 KB, 500x205, 1387860718773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont see how me editing the work wont just continue what youre saying.

Except for the critique on the postmodern. I dont know if I dig that, especially in the way that this book reads. Then it just sounds like youre becoming one of them, saying

>> No.5406085

I only voted for the neckbeard in the first place to demonstrate that strawpoll is exploitable to the point of uselessness.

>> No.5406109 [DELETED] 

You can edit it, but don't take it to your house make your own edition and keep it to yourself, just that. It's not a big issue, it just got out of proportion.

>> No.5406114
File: 49 KB, 765x933, 413241324132432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should add some shit from this i think

>> No.5406115

go away, newfag.

>> No.5406133

those fucking quotes

>> No.5406149

These quotes are indicative of the funny shit in the book, you just got to wade through a sea of shit to get to the good parts.

>> No.5406163

i dont understand "the thing" in the 3th and the 4th

>> No.5406190

i am already on my way to translate it to hebrew.

>> No.5406196


You can't even get the title to be the same everywhere.

>in a tundra
>in the tundra

Fucking morons.

>> No.5406453

Did you post about it in the old thread ? Because people in here and whoever made the thread didn't seem to realize it.

>>5406114 Agree. Not sure if we should take it out of there or copy it. Either way the admin needs to set up a new do for the book's back.

The main reason for why people need to upload their .tif / .whatever files is for enabling us to easily alter the text so that we can decide on it (like what's written as the author and where).

>> No.5406460

No, I assumed you'd figure it out on your own.

>> No.5406472

>>5406460 Well there's a good chance that the admin or whoever has the final decision on the cover doesn't figure it out so I made sure they do.

>> No.5406553

I have the PSD document. I've asked a couple times where people want me to upload it. Let me know.

>> No.5406579

>>5406553 why don't you just upload to multiupload.biz ?

Maybe the admin could even make a new page for the covers.

>> No.5406588

Please post a legitimate "buyhere" link on the site when its available.

planning on getting two copies. One for the local library.

>> No.5406603

Hey fuck you man, 19.59 is the base cost, I don't get anything from it other than the satisfaction of compiling a copy.

>> No.5406654
File: 92 KB, 768x698, _20140909_082846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406672

Let me know if this worked.


>> No.5406760

I'm not sure the librarian will accept

>> No.5406872
File: 8 KB, 235x215, 81aKL2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon whined,
>e said to nobody in particular,
>nobody in particular replied
>he screamed
These are some fanfiction tier descriptions. How cna anyone that legitimately reads books and is interested in writing have the shame to write this plebeian garbage? I doubt that even the twillight books have this this dull and insipid descriptions.
>but mai epik meems I just came froem /b/ 4 months ago and i think dis is funnayh xd
Off yourselves.

>> No.5406875

Nobody in particular is a character you mong.

>> No.5406889

its iron-e chum

>> No.5406955

I'm sure that deviantart fanfictions are ayrownik aswell. The book is ironic, but the writing is pure garbage. Shit writing is not ironic, /b/fag

>> No.5406976

>not getting the irony of my post about irony

This has been an introduction to meta. I know, it's stupid.

>> No.5407006

How is anyone supposed to tell the difference between a moron and a vaguely ironic post?

>> No.5407040

Chapter 8 is a shitstorm

>> No.5407067

title it Darude

>> No.5407544
File: 20 KB, 431x358, spurdo jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'll have a copy within a week

>> No.5408263
File: 1.95 MB, 2816x2112, typewriter-totalitarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5408285

what do i do if I want to contribute? Start near the end or find random pieces of chapters I like and edit/add stuff there.

Or is it already way too late?

>> No.5408312

You print your own version, go wild

>> No.5408318


I just like the idea of having contributed to something someone somewhere might accidentally mistake for a piece of art at some point.

>> No.5408519

how much of this book did tao himself write

>> No.5408561

The whole thing

>> No.5408591

I was going to add at least one unrelated story but wanted to give it a read before doing so. The very first page made me cringe, the part about him drinking his cum, so I changed it to say a very good drink that he made at home. I then suddenly lost interest. Today I reread the first few pages and saw that my edit remained and also that on the second page the opening scene is revisited and this time it says he is drinking his own cum which was alluded to by me very lazily earlier on in an attempt to edit it out as a very good drink he made at home. When I got to that part I cackled. I'm not sure if anyone else would find that funny but I think it justifies the silliness in him drinking his own cum.

read more at: anonsblog.wordpress.com.uk

>> No.5408613

>4 people have bought the lulu edition

We're gonna make it big fellas

>> No.5408619

Who's raking in that dollar?

>> No.5408627


It's the publisher's cost and not one cent more

>> No.5408645

Welcome to postmodernism.

Mock the culture; live the culture.
Live the mockery; mock the livery.

>> No.5408656

if it's not cover one , I'm going to fucking kill all of you

>> No.5408658
File: 59 KB, 768x592, _20140909_154138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among the greats

>> No.5408682

Torrent fucking adobe and make your own cover and print it yourself, asshole.

>> No.5408784

Those that bought it have to post pics of the print quality

>> No.5408798


>> No.5408822

who's got the single pdf file of it?

>> No.5408838

Colour and black and white versions of the current 'lulu' edition


>> No.5409218

So are we accepting the lulu edition as the legit one?

>> No.5409236

We're still editing right.

>> No.5409242

This is a disgrace. Those who assert /lit/ is just /b/ about books needs no other evidence than this garbage.

>> No.5409243

Is it a finished version?

>> No.5409246

the word disgrace went out of fashion somewhere around the same time as your favorite romaticist books.

>> No.5409249

>jeering at a lush, vibrant word like disgrace
>implying I care about romanticism

Without any doubt, you're one of the authors of this "book".

>> No.5409266

Here's why this is shit:

1. You rushed it
2. You represent the least positive things about /lit/ (spamming, shit-tier humour, playing up to the 4chan stereotype)

This could have been something good, a-la-those Itlaian writers who write books collectively. But you fucked it up, and this will be a passing meme that some faggot 16 year old with no friends who "kinda likes" The Stranger will end up paying for and reading in his darkened room while his peers are outside making out and having fun

>> No.5409268


I was under the impression that the editing phase was finished and people were voting on the cover.

Isn't it supposed to be put on Amazon?

>> No.5409284

>look mom, I'm projecting!

>> No.5409285

Did you read it? It is very rich in texture, incredibly simple, yet sincere.

>> No.5409287

So, do we all take turns having the Pulitzer or do you think they'll give us all one?

>> No.5409288

I'm one of the people who had actual editing privileges on the document and I just logged in yesterday to find a bunch of retarded changes made to the book. If anything I'd say get it while it's hot before people ruin it.

>> No.5409296

>implying this book is serious

>> No.5409300

lulu anon here

I slapped together the chapters as they were around 8th september 4AM NY time, did some rough editing (moved some titles from the bottom to the top) and slapped a 96DPI version of the cover on so I could get a copy of my own. You can look at the pdfs posted earlier to see if it's up to your scratch.

I can 'update' the book at any time and I'm sure someone has a better PDF to upload (as long as it follows the A5 template,) It isn't 'official', but it's the only one there is at the moment as far as I know.

Bottom line: the book isn't necessarily finished, just consider this an 'early print'

>> No.5409307

Oh right, and I think I can choose to put it on additional marketplaces (i.e. amazon) if that's convenient for some anons.

>> No.5409350


It is slightly more convenient yes. Thanks.

>> No.5409362

Apparently it requires putting a retail markup on the book as well as a number of other standardisation measures. Sorry

>> No.5409364

underrated post

>> No.5409368
File: 31 KB, 238x233, 1366366419367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are actually paying money to get this shit in physical copy?

>> No.5409374

>stop doing things I don't like

>> No.5409420


>> No.5409475

I saw you buy that book, anon

>> No.5409656

Yes, so that in a year I can post a picture of it and newfags will btfo

>> No.5409668

Haha, the entire poll hijaked by a tripfag who forcibly publishes his entry on lulu.

Guess who takes all the provision... The guy who calls himself BillionaireMayor. Tripfags are always the worst

>> No.5409679

>forcibly publish

What does that even mean?

>> No.5409686

new kind of rape

>> No.5409690

I think we can definitely conclude that /lit/ has managed to rape literature by publishing this

>> No.5409691


>forcibly publish

It's a term for when a publisher publish a book against the authors will because the author no longer owns the rights to it. You think that shit never happens?

>> No.5409692

So is there a place where I can buy a colour version of this masterpiece?

>> No.5409694

I may be wrong, but from what I looked at it's all-or-nothing. You can have a colour copy, but you'll pay for ALL the pages being colour (aka increase the price substantially.)

>> No.5409708
File: 178 KB, 751x315, jdtgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open the book
>It's full of epic memes and baneposting

>> No.5409711

But anon, there's no book to open yet

>> No.5409721

it used to be better, the faggots arrived in around chapter 7 or so

>> No.5409740
File: 67 KB, 658x435, ss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked it out. Hardcover.

>> No.5409748


>> No.5409749
File: 15 KB, 287x288, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.5409752

Yeah, I'm willing to pay $20 for a bookstore-quality copy of my memebook, but $60 is going a bit far

>> No.5409876

I don't know why I'm doing this when I have shit due and I won't be buying it, but here's a (US-produced only unfortunately) reasonably priced colour edition using the colour version of the PDF further above.

It's $21.05 for a lesser-quality but colour edition. Cover is 96 DPI again so upload your own if you've got a better quality deal.


>> No.5409940

That's not entirely unfair. Can you order singles or is it only printed if some threshold number is ordered? Same question for the lulu one....?

>> No.5409963

the lulu thing is printed on-demand

>> No.5410043

Singles can be ordered

>> No.5410057 [DELETED] 

Is that a sort of tolerably finished version?
Aren't we gonna wait a couple of months to see if some anon has anything good to add?

>> No.5410235

>lesser-quality but colour
what does lesser quality mean

>> No.5410414

I look like a retard because I just laughed in the middle of a class when I saw that the novel is posted under "Gay and Lesbian" on lulu.

>> No.5410530

Didn't mean to reply.

>> No.5410558

>>5406672 Thanks. It worked fine. This way we could also easily modify the text on the back.

>> No.5410619

You'd look like a retard regardless anon, sorry to break it to you. There's a reaon that girl with the nice voice and the perfume that smells so good this time of year is sitting way over there and you're over here, with an empty seat either side, laughing at reasonably humorous things on an [insert quirky synonym for '4chan' here]

>> No.5410741

I'm accepting the lulu edition as the official one. Otherwise, people will pile new drek upon previously polished drek and it will never be finished.

will order later this week. Thanks luluanon.

>> No.5411120

Cool, but why don't you wait until it's actually finished ? People are still editing it. There are still tons of spelling errors, missing words, wrong formatting etc etc.

>> No.5411270

Because it will never be finished. People will keep adding things which in turn requires more editing. It would be able to be finished when people got bored, but as soon as someone says, "ok, we're editing bow" people start adding again.

>> No.5411306

>>5411270 How can you say that after such short time? As it's in suggestion mode I guess at some point it's turning into sth like "only spelling / formatting fixes"-mode with any adds getting rejected.
And even if you're right I still would have waited longer cause there's still plenty of essential fixes missing.

>> No.5411316

Fair point. It is probably better to wait.

>> No.5411327

>it means the book is black

But really, it's using the 'value' rather than 'standard' (bookstore) page quality. I have no idea what the actual difference is beyond that abstraction.

>> No.5411337 [DELETED] 

It was an engineering class, no girls.

>> No.5411345

It was an engineering class, no girls.

>> No.5411396
File: 13 KB, 425x408, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5411453

Went through and dealt with all the suggestions.

>> No.5411574

>the suggestions have been 'dealt with'

>> No.5411678

>tfw moot will never acknowledge this momentous development

>> No.5411694

I accepted the large majority of them.

>> No.5411737

How close do you think we are to the next PDF version? The current templates are A5 and 6x9.

Getting a 300dpi version of the cover would also be great if that anon is out there.

>> No.5411773

how long will this be
if it's like 30 pages im thinking of just printing them out on a4 and making myself a makeshift book as a memory of fucking 4chan when i'm not wasting 3/4ths of my time here

>> No.5411780

Nigga it's 500 pages

>> No.5411790
File: 117 KB, 575x1023, s41QZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 pages of shitposting

>> No.5411797

Why the fuck the new title is "Totalitarianism in a Tundra"?.

>> No.5411823

3 pomo 5 u, fagit xDDddDDddDddXxDDD

>> No.5411835

It's just shorthand, the actual title hasn't changed.

>> No.5411846

I dunno I'm just some guy.

>> No.5411882

what's the actual title
this thread is my first time hearing about this book

>> No.5411893

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.5411899

So, this book is the literature equivalent of Freddy Got Fingered, right?

>> No.5411901


>> No.5411902

L'héritage du Totalitarisme dans une toundra

>> No.5411906


>> No.5411916

RIP French title

>> No.5411917

When do we start the viral marketing?

>> No.5411928

Email CNN

>> No.5411953

viral marketing or stealth marketing?

>> No.5411958


>> No.5412385

Underrated post.

>> No.5412407 [DELETED] 

Okay, my dealer is clearly gonna make himself wait so I'm gonna make some coffee and read this. I have high hopes about you guys and I liked chapter 1, let's see how it goes.

>> No.5412417 [DELETED] 

What's up with the changes in 1.3? I wouldn't read all that meme spouting in a 4chan post, it's even less interesting outside of here

>> No.5412435 [DELETED] 

A nice anon linked this and it'sgreat company for the novel.

>> No.5412470

Alien Food
Alien Food
Bake it,
or fry it!

>> No.5412707

Where is Stallion

>> No.5413065

so is this the cover yet?

>> No.5413119

It is if you publish it, babe

>> No.5413134

This post reads like a passage from the book. Just shows you the quality of our self-reflective narrative.

>> No.5413205

i find this comment more condemning of the quality of the book than his tbh

>> No.5413226

This post reads like a passage from the book. Just shows you the quality of our self-reflective narrative.

>> No.5413273

This post reads like a passage from the book. Just shows you the quality of our self-reflective narrative.

>> No.5413286


>> No.5413296

I agree but I also think that's exactly what makes it interesting art

I didn't contribute btw, and I'm never going to read the whole thing (I'm sure it's mostly just really painfully unfunny), but I love the trainwreck.

>> No.5413332

is ANYONE going to read the whole thing?

>> No.5413343

me over the course of several years and ungodly hours spent on the toilet

>> No.5413463

Maybe I will

>> No.5413488

Do you think moot will endorse our book if we email him?

>> No.5413550
File: 45 KB, 475x323, 1360014095250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing is that it's untranslatable

>> No.5413568

Original text:
"It was all too much for Anon, his brain imploded with the force of one zillion pages of Pynchon prose. Liquefied grey matter oozed from anon’s nostrils, staining his already-filthy underpants."

8 translations later, Bing gives us:

"It is the power of prose in the brain now and the collapse of Pynchon of 1 million pages too much. Gray fluid effusion underwear dirty already colored nose is very fast."

>> No.5413619

If everyone gives it 5 stars on lulu or amazon etc with proxy and tor it will become famous.

>> No.5413622


>> No.5413896

If you really have to insert whole new segments, type them out in notepad then paste them in so we don't have to approve every fucking word of it individually because we won't.

>> No.5414215

We've officially sold 5 copies

for some reason 80% of these are from Australia

>> No.5414247

Why are they being printed in Australia?

>> No.5414253

the book is shitposting
guess what australians like

>> No.5414255

It prints near wherever you order it from

except the value edition, that's US only

>> No.5414298


>> No.5415136

Is there a point to this book, or...?

>> No.5415145

I got a point for you.
*unzips dick*

>> No.5415500

where can i buy it?
does it ships internationally?

>> No.5415506

If you can't find a pre-existing version that ships to your location just upload it to your local version of lulu and do your own.

>> No.5415541

i dont know i rather not buy it i dont want to be asociated with this internet sinkhole

>> No.5415878

There are luku links in this thread

>> No.5415905

Is there a download link for the full thing somewhere? I'd love to read it

>> No.5415990

Oh god I bought a copy

>> No.5415999

Where the fuck are my goddamn royalties?

>> No.5416018

and where are my royalties?

>> No.5416378

You get 100% of the profit!
there is no profit

>> No.5416382

there are tempsend links in this thread with the lulu PDFs

>> No.5416489

What version of the text is this being taken from?

>> No.5416503

Downloaded all the documents at 6PM Sydney time (4AM for New York) on the 8th of September.

>> No.5416561

I think we can reach 30 copies by the end of the month

>> No.5416768

Free shipping on the Lulu thing ends by the end of the 11th as a headsup for any anons

>> No.5416885

are people editing right now?
And how do I get the whole thing down as one file?
Yes I'm that stupid

>> No.5416936

? today!

>> No.5416947

Can you upload the pdf of the lulu edition. It seems someone took out a good part of it. Some things are added too as far as I can see, but I don't have the patience to cross read and add the new and the old stuff.

>> No.5416959


>> No.5416961

I don't think you can except manually

>> No.5416966


Thanks, but it's only up for 24 hours, so it's gone now..

>> No.5416974

Oh right

I apologise in that it's missing the greentext quotes on the first page, but everything else is intact.

>> No.5416980

Awesome, thank you dear anon.

>> No.5417008

cover pls

when the last edit is done ofc

>> No.5417014

>he thinks there's ever going to be a final edit

>> No.5417022

>implying this isn't the best one

>> No.5417027

Then finish and post it

>> No.5417045

I'm fighting lulu rigt now to make this

>> No.5417046

what do you mean fighting, the process is pretty simple

>> No.5417080


Here it is: http://www.lulu.com/shop/anonymous/the-legacy-of-totalitarianism-in-a-tundra/paperback/product-21800960.html

Full color.

>> No.5417111


>> No.5417118

just have anonymous, get rid of the "by"
also good font

>> No.5417131

I didn't change anything, but there are many versions of that cover

>> No.5417133

No that is the original font for that cover. Don't even try.

>> No.5417148


>> No.5417158

I'm not >>5417118
But I am the creator of the snowy tundra concept, so I do know.

>> No.5417159

Which version of the text does this use?

>> No.5417182

Does anyone have an epub or mobi copy?

>> No.5417228

>order has been shipped
expect pics in 2-7 days

>> No.5417365

This one >>5416974

>> No.5417470
File: 88 KB, 960x960, JGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We should submit the book to their editorial department.

"Go Pro with Publishing Services

Your book is a labor of love. You want your book to be perfect, and your readers deserve the best possible reading experience you can deliver. From a cover that catches your reader's eye to editing to proofreading and everything in between, Lulu.com’s professional publishing services team will make your book a pleasure to look at, hold and read."

tfw reading/editing

>> No.5417576

500 pages no less

it's like when 4chan ordered all those furry porn mousepads

>> No.5418581

It's literally just helvetica. It's the same font the New York subway uses and it is boring as hell. All these fuckers want the most boring fucking cover.

>> No.5418590

>Implying that strawpoll is valuable in discerning the most popular.

>> No.5418641

Which version should l buy?

>> No.5418704



>> No.5418892

The one you like. These two: >>5417080
Should have the same content, but the first one is in colour and with the pink/green/blue cover whereas the second is b/w with the fasces cover

>> No.5418910


Does the text color matter?

>> No.5418950

Have you looked at the text? It's not essential at all, but you could say that about the book in itself aswell I guess.

>> No.5419022

Some parts reference the color of the text. They make no sense in B&W. But then again, neither does the rest.

>> No.5419256

Any way to get the colour version with the tundra/fascii cover?

>> No.5419275

Yes, upload it yourself.
Please link when you do, I want the same version.

>> No.5419299


Me too

>> No.5419316

Hey, so how can I get a physical copy? Anyone willing to help me out?

>> No.5419388

Are we already printing it?
Does that mean it's done?
Then why are there still people editing it?

Enjoy your unraked strew of words, you plebs

>> No.5419399

I'm uploading one right now, ill give a link in a few minutes.

The text used is>>5416974
i just need to get the cover sorted out

>> No.5419410


Are you gonna leave out the initial greentexts?

>> No.5419430

>someone in charge

clearly you don't understand how it works here

>> No.5419435

People will keep suggesting edits until edits are locked. There has been a significant drop in the number of suggestions in the past few days.

>> No.5419461

Which initial greentext? can't find any in chapter 1 on litwritesabook.com

>> No.5419480


>ch 1


>> No.5419489


There arent any just upload it.

>> No.5419576

fuck this shit. cant make the cover work.

>> No.5419947

Just because I've seen people ask

B&W Fascii


Colour Fascii (value)


>> No.5419975

good work, thank you anon

>> No.5419985

Why is the page count different?

>> No.5419995

there's 30-plus pages missing from the colour one bro

what happened

>> No.5420010

Different page size, one is 5.8x8.26 and the other is 6x9

There is 0% difference between the two other than colour and slightly different formatting for page size

>> No.5420014

got it

>> No.5420018

New thread