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5403212 No.5403212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Jews proclaim themselves to be the "chosen race" that has a privileged relation with God. Isn't this a type of racism?

In many instances they justify genocide of entire nations for worshiping "false pagan Gods". Doesn't this imply a sort of ethnocentrism and religious superiority?

How am I supposed to interpret the Old Testament? Is it metaphorical or historic?

>> No.5403223

Read the JPS Tanakh translations and commentaries

>> No.5403226


whats JPS?

>> No.5403234

>In many instances they justify genocide of entire nations for worshiping "false pagan Gods". Doesn't this imply a sort of ethnocentrism and religious superiority?

Well this wouldn't work today, you need better reasons to go to war.

>> No.5403245

Yea. And Jesus passes this filth to the European tribes and so now here we are. The bitchiest "race" on Earth.
Sand monkey sky gods, man. Hate 'em

>> No.5403247
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>English translation

>> No.5403260

It would be no different if we were still worshipping Wotan and Teiws. At least Jesus doesn't want us to perform human sacrifice.

>> No.5403262


To be fair Jesus was pretty based and sensible. the OT is much harder to support

>> No.5403269

Jewish Publication Society. They have a series of translations and commentaries for each individual book of the Tanakh.

>> No.5403296


Any unbiased sources? Maybe something from the Early Church fathers

>> No.5403302

it is
the current israel is a pretty racist state, it has in fact apartheid like uar used to have back in the mid 20 century, but since israel is an american friend and since hitler killed 6 mln of jews it's ok for them to oppress arabs

>> No.5403311

as for the bible, you should simply read the new testament and the words that
>There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

>> No.5403315

>it has in fact apartheid

how the fuck is it apartheid? have u been there m8?

>> No.5403326


not all of "the jews" believe that crap m80

>> No.5403339


Hendrik Verwoed saw Israel as a fellow apartheid state - he said so in 1961.

>> No.5403368

Well if it were actually true it would be God that's being racist, not the Jews.

That's how a lot of religious stuff goes. Grossly immoral shit gets its buck passed to the deity.

>> No.5403377
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>if it's true

Then it's justified.

>> No.5403386


Yes: humans create gods in their own image.

>> No.5403390

>the current israel is a pretty racist state

You'd think /pol/'d be cool with another apartheid.

>> No.5403392
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>> No.5403394

I just disagree.

We would not have to worship Wotan in this year. ...We would not be we as we know us, but that doesn't even matter.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you probably occurred to a lot of the ancients well before Joesph taught Jesus to swing a hammer.

>> No.5403407

You don't have to worship Jesus, either. We were still conquered by Romans, not much would be different, just Dawkins and his pals complaining about different gods. Criminals would probably be sacrificed to the gods, though.

>> No.5403413

>Do unto others as you would have them do unto you probably occurred to a lot of the ancients

That doesn't diminish it's goodness.

And I can't think of any other ancient who preached and lived by that message in such an influential way.
None of the Greeks that's for sure, maybe Buddha comes close.

>> No.5403420
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The OT is insane and Jesus had to reform it.

>> No.5403451

No no. I still think all this theism was being debated away 2000 years ago and the "Dawkins and pals" group would have come sooner and we'd be well past all this nonsense by now (By a thousand years I'd say)

It has been diminished and and not very influential.

>> No.5403474

I doubt it. The Roman patricians may have, but they would have continued to use religion to control the northern barbarians. It would be exactly the same except Americans would cry about muh baby Donar instead of Jeebus

>> No.5403530

You really, profoundly underestimate how intensely religion is hardwired into the human condition.

But then, most atheists do.

>> No.5403563

You really, profoundly, underestimate a good education. I wouldn't describe it as hardwired either. To civilization yes, but not to the brain.

Yes, I know, only the very wealthy had their education

>> No.5403593

Essentially the purpose of the old testament was to show that man could never be perfect by his own devices (thus the shitload of crazy laws involving no blended fabrics). Jesus then came and said "OK, you're free from this, this, and this restriction, but X restrictions are still pertinent because they reflect the core of what you need to be, as well as these new rules and loving one another.

>> No.5403616

>The Jews proclaim themselves to be the "chosen race" that has a privileged relation with God. Isn't this a type of racism?
Kinda, although they didn't really talk about races in ancient world.

>In many instances they justify genocide of entire nations for worshiping "false pagan Gods". Doesn't this imply a sort of ethnocentrism and religious superiority?
Absolutely. Causes many problems when people today think the Hebrew Bible is the word of a god.

>How am I supposed to interpret the Old Testament? Is it metaphorical or historic?
It's just a book (or actually a collection of books). Interpret in any way you like, but keep in mind that it's been written during several hundreds of years, by dozens of different authors, in different cultural, historical and political settings.

>> No.5404393

Epic thinly veiled anti-semitism thread, /pol/tard.

Go back to your board now, please. :^)

>> No.5404407

Jews had to be racist to survive and create an identity for themselves
They took it too far in the OT that's why god kicked them out.

Jesus came to show them they fun goofed

>> No.5404425
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/pol/ is welcome here to discuss books.

>> No.5404465

>early church fathers

>> No.5404472

Ha ha ha! Foolish OP. It's not racist or ethnocentric at all, >>BECAUSE JEWS REALLY ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE<<

>> No.5404500

e e

>> No.5404513


I don't think you can blame Jesus of this. The religions of the ancient world (including Judaism) could simply not fulfill the new spiritual demands of society. This included dogmatic and antiscientific forms of thought but also universal and humanitarian messages like proclaimed by Jesus or Buddha.

If you want an example of what would happen to a 'heathen' society look at the Hindus. They didn't become atheist did they?

And science is a force in and by itself. It could be hampered by religious dogmatism but could also comfortably live next to it. Atheist tribes in the Amazons nor Mongols or Vikings became known for their scientific progress or great contribution to modern civilization.

>> No.5406240
File: 250 KB, 748x1067, Odin_Nors_Mythology_by_Javid77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even know who the early church fathers were? Basically all were guaranteed to be honest men.

>> No.5406250

>Atheist tribes in the Amazons nor Mongols or Vikings became known for their scientific progress or great contribution to modern civilization.

damn #rekt
ya the materialist/atheist schools in India didn't do shit. And they've been around since Hinduism.

>> No.5406317
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Everyone knows Mein Kampf is just a poor rip off of the bible.

>> No.5408258

>Has complete control of a territory, won't allow political representation, let's it wallow
>Requires religion to be included in IDs
>Is literally founded on racial separation

But a dictionary would have helped you, too.

>> No.5408278

"Do unto others..." is only acceptable in comparison to the "fuck other people" doctrines of the time.

"Do unto others as they would do unto themselves" is much better. You still get empathy and the addition of liberality that is lacking in the original, which commands that you treat me as you think is best, not as I think is best.

>> No.5408289

Are you trying to suppress a conversation because you already have an opinion?

>> No.5408306

>The Jews proclaim themselves to be the "chosen race" that has a privileged relation with God. Isn't this a type of racism?

No. If you convert to Judaism your children will be Jews.

There is a Jewism racism, but like other racisms, it is a byproduct of nineteenth century thinking.

>In many instances they justify genocide of entire nations for worshiping "false pagan Gods".

That is religious intolerance, not racism.

>How am I supposed to interpret the Old Testament?

However you want. Depends on what you're seeking for.

> Is it metaphorical or historic?

It's a clusterfuck of many things. You have myths, old genealogies, religious songs, folk tales, attempt at history. It's a collection of books written and rewritten by different persons for different reasons over various centuries. And then you have two or three rounds of commentaries of the OT built over a millenium. And that's lerely the basis.