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/lit/ - Literature

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5398166 No.5398166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some red-pilled books I can give my girlfriend to help her stop reading Marx, Zizek, Dworkin and Feminist stuff.

>> No.5398175

The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World - David Icke

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it) - David Icke

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.5398190

she surely has better taste than you - you should be asking her what to read

>> No.5398193

I haven't read The Biggest Secret but the second on on your list is fucking hilarious.

>> No.5398196


she is gullible, but has good intentions

>> No.5398197

The Torah in the original hebrew text

>> No.5398201
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>good taste

>> No.5398217

dworkin is a strange name, i never heard of any good person having it, i know two real persons, a crazy feminist writer andrea dworkin and a crazy orthodox christian writer alexander dworkin (or dvorkin), and one literary hero, dworkin barimen from amber chronicles...

>> No.5398229

The Subjection of Women, by Mill

Will make her realize feminism doesn't have necessarily to be leftist male-bashing, political correctness and victimist crap. Once she realizes that, she will either stop whining and start doing something worthwhile with her life, or else she is already a brainwashed fanatic, in which case you should leave her.

>> No.5398237


>> No.5398240

The Kingdom of God Is Within You, by Tolstoy

>> No.5398247
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>dating a feminist

>> No.5398248


that's a good one

>> No.5398250


fucking normalfags

>> No.5398252

Every girl under the age of 25 calls themself a feminist even if they don't know what it actually means

>> No.5398256

I guarantee neither of you have read Dworkin but probably have some vague idea about what she's like, much of which probably relates to her weight

She's a vigorous thinker and a talented writer. She is not crazy all, but forcing her into that narrative is extremely easy and convenient for people like you

>> No.5398259
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Definitely agree with that. Why would OP's girl read Marx? I can't make the connection.

pic related

>> No.5398260

please explain to us then what feminism means, and also explain how you have a better understanding of it than, say, women

>> No.5398262


i like you you're a good person

>> No.5398267

why wouldn't anyone read Marx? You don't need to be a Marxist to take something away from his books. I'm certainly not but I can see their value even if I don't agree with everything he says or even his approach.

>> No.5398268

Feminism is arguing on Tumblr that white CIS males raped you when they try to charge you 25 cents for a pack of sauce at McDonalds, source I'm a girl.

>> No.5398271


>> No.5398277

Being red pilled is arguing on 4chan that Jews, women, and other minorities are all making your life worse because you aren't brave enough to say that you made your life shit

>> No.5398281
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top, top kek

It's not really attributable to feminism, I guess. So I don't understand what Op's problem with his girl reading Marx is, other than the fact that he's a filthy jew.

>> No.5398285

That's cool I guess, I never asked for the definition of that though.

>> No.5398292
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I have heard her compared to tent revivalists. As they are to Christianity in the United States, she was to feminist activism in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

This comparison does not hold for her writing, which (to me seems) well argued or weird crazy garbage, with little in between.

She was an interesting figure, to say the least. It's too bad she's become a straw person because of her obesity.

>> No.5398297

Strawman for a strawman

>> No.5398300
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>Marx himself was a Jew you epic retard

>> No.5398301
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>She's a vigorous thinker and a talented writer.


>> No.5398302

I'm not from America so I'm not familiar with tent revivalists

I'm basing what I say of her off Intercourse, which is simultaneously a good piece of feminist thought and literary criticism

>> No.5398303


>mfw "red pilled" people too stupid to even understand "know your enemy"

>> No.5398304

I stated that Marx was a Jew.

U wot, m8

>> No.5398311

>still hasn't read her

>> No.5398317

You asked for a definition of feminism so I gave you one, read up what strawman is before you spout it again mindlessly

>> No.5398318
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My reading comprehension goes to hell when I'm drunk. Whoops.

>> No.5398327
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>> No.5398332
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>mfw I was forced to read her in a moral philosophy course

>> No.5398335
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Anon probably interpreted "other than the fact that he's a filthy jew" to mean OP rather than Marx himself

>> No.5398348

Different person asked for the definition. A strawman argument is purposely misrepresenting a person's viewpoints. If you take extreme examples of feminism, blow them up even more, then state that all feminists are that way, that's the very definition of strawman. I wouldn't even consider myself a moderate feminist or a feminist at all, but this constant bickering between feminists/SJWs and redpillers/whatever the fuck people on /pol/ and stormfront and /v/ call themselves, is like children fighting and not wanting to listen to the other side. Congratulations on both being ostracized from society

>> No.5398360
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I don't self-identify as a feminist because I don't deserve the title as a man; it's up to women to judge how feminist I am by my actions, it's their right alone.

>> No.5398365

and you call yourself a man

>> No.5398368
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Yeah, in all fairness, I could have phrased it better.

>> No.5398370

No. I think it's extreme and I disagree with just about every feminist I meet. I can still be friends with them and see them as more complex than a whiny person with a computer. Again these are strawmen.

>> No.5398371
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>mfw sex is just subjective and doesn't really exist

>> No.5398372

I would opress the fuck out of your pic with my patriarchal privilege, if you see what I mean.

>> No.5398378

I agree. If she reads Dworkin, then give her Valerie Solanis' "S.C.U.M. Manifesto." It's available online and is about as red pilled as it gets. Dworkin was disgusting, granted, but the best of us usually are.

>> No.5398379

A strawman is also pretending you know or have access to an individual that meets all your preconceived exagerations, you know, like a straw man you made yurself.

>> No.5398381

What are my preconceived exaggerations?

>> No.5398474
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>The SCUM Manifesto is a radical feminist manifesto written in 1967 by Valerie Solanas. It argues that men have ruined the world and that women should overthrow society and eliminate the male sex

This is the opposite of intelligent writing and what women need. Men and women are symbiotic together, they each have strengths and weaknesses and benefit from one another.

>> No.5398479

I bet you can't enjoy anything that you can't interpret on a literal level

>> No.5398493
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I prefer comedy that is literally funny, not funny hypothetically.

Is SCUM a satire? I didn't look into it much

>> No.5398521

you can interpret it as you please.

I don't read it as satire exactly but I suppose you could try to force it into the Swiftian tradition

>> No.5398526

That's part of the magic, it can be anything you want!
You can make a strawman saying that all little kids like to eat dirt and it's only thanks to their parents that they survive, or that all scientists have no friends and look into nature to find the company they lack in their homes, or anything you like! The sky is the limit!
Come on, try your own, play along!

>> No.5398531


>> No.5398537

Dworkin is a fucking psycho, there are way better feminists, jesus christ

>vigorous thinker

vigorously man-hating and delusional

>> No.5398565

such a man-hater that she had a male partner for most of her life?

what she hated was a male system not male individuals. She would be fine with allies

>> No.5398574
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>such a man-hater that she had a male partner for most of her life?

>I'm not racist, I have black friends!

>> No.5398575

her partner was probably yet another woman trapped in a male body

>> No.5398578

all I'm saying is is she doesn't conform to the same man-hating stereotype you might think

>> No.5398584
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Her partner wrote a book called "Refusing to be a Man' about rejecting the role of a man in society.

You could most charitably say that her partner had a dick, nothing else.

This really doesn't impact any of her philosophy. Grumpy broadsides at her and her partner do not constitute an argument.

>> No.5398589

I'd love to date a woman who hated men

>> No.5398591


she promoted incest vigorously.

>"The taboo about incest sex denies us essential fulfillment with the parents whom we love with our primary energy, forces us to internalize those parents and constantly seek them. The incest taboo does the worst work of the culture ... The destruction of the incest taboo is essential to the development of cooperative human community based on the free-flow of natural androgynous eroticism" - Dworkin, Woman Hating.

>> No.5398593

>You could most charitably say that her partner had a dick, nothing else.

Her last husband self-identified as gay, she identifies as lesbian.

Her male partners are just proxies of some sort, she had mental problems.

>> No.5398595

criticizing traditional concepts of manhood and maleness=/=man-hating

it's the same with Dworkin

>> No.5398605

hmmm, i recall an american sf short story about a planet which lived incredibly happy because they allowed incest while other planets hated them for the same purpose, some of classic sf writers but i dont remember who

>> No.5398607

>criticizing traditional concepts of manhood

it does when that criticizing turns to rabid hate, hate for those qualities and "manhood" itself, specially when lots of men try to cultivate male virtues and manliness.

>> No.5398966


what was it called, sounds terrible

>> No.5398974
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>he consider himself 'red-pilled'

>> No.5398986




also saged and reported

>> No.5398987

Just be happy she reads and is passionate about something.

>> No.5398988
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maybe he is

>> No.5398989

Generally said the problem is that nobody ever really has beat continental philosophers on their own terms.

So no, there is no going back. Maybe accept it?

>> No.5398997
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did someone....trigger you?

>> No.5399003


No, it's just that /pol/ retards who come from your containment board to bitch about subjects you know nothing about, brings the quality of this board to tremendous levels, anyway I hope the mods ban you if they have the good of this board in mind.

red-pilled should be an instaban word on /lit/

>> No.5399014

>red-pilled should be an instaban word on /lit/
this. oh my god, so much this, you very very smart person.

>> No.5399017

lit has no mods
we are doomed to be drowned in shit

op your gf has better taste than you

>> No.5399023

Show her your lehappymerchant folder.

>> No.5399024
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>I prefer an echo chamber of degeneracy and limited points of view

>> No.5399029
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>anyone form /pol/ calling anything echo chamber

>> No.5399032


>anyone who doesn't embrace the same hysterical confirmation bias that I do is a degenerate

You run on the same modes of thought as ISIS and you don't even realise it.

>> No.5399043
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I'd recommend Evola, Nae Ionescu and Mircea Eliade, although they can be quite complicated philosophers.

Marine Le Pen is an intellectual/politician to keep an eye on

>> No.5399051

when did /lit/ become /pol/ ?
is this an ironic thread?

>> No.5399072
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What do you mean? There are many kinds of people on /lit/ and on /pol/ with different literary tastes.

>> No.5399084


The mouthbreathers from /pol/ like to come over here and play patrician just like little girls who grab dolls and play house.

They get bored of it when they realise that they don't know how and they go and find other games to play soon after.

>> No.5399086


take it to /x/ please, if you want to shitpost that racist lunatics face.

>> No.5399089

/pol/tards read anything?!?!? (other than "redpilled" mass media, I mean, and I'm not sure they read it...)

>> No.5399102

How long until this right-wing fad dies on 4chan? It's starting to get annoying.

>> No.5399107

i remembered, it's theodore sturgeon, 'if all men were brothers, would you let one marry your sister?'

>> No.5399112


For real. And these kids who only read a handful of things that specifically support their pre-established notions actually consider themselves critically literate.

/pol/ is a fucking joke.

>> No.5399125
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Pound is great, he was quite red-pilled and it shows in his work.

>> No.5399149
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Enneads is good, but long... The chapter On Love describes homosexual love to be shameful and abnormal, like diseases of degenerate persons "which do not arise from the essence of being and are not the outcome of the development thereof" it's in contradiction with much of enlightened philosophy.

I think Evola got some inspiration from it.

>> No.5399154


thanks too bad sci-fi writers tend to be so degenerate and simple

>> No.5399156
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>reading plotinus for the politics
you sir are an unfathomable abomination

>> No.5399169

wait r u a grill

>> No.5399174

>burning books
i knew you were a nazi ezra. fuck you

>> No.5399196
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I disagree with a lot of their views and purposes, specially the whole Imperialism and trying to conquer all of Europe. But it's hard to deny that they had some good ideas and new what was going on.

It's also true that they are heavily misrepresented...

>> No.5399198

>mfw when every concept created by mankind is subjective and doesn't really exist

>> No.5399203

>But it's hard to deny that they had some good ideas and new what was going on.
I want you, right now, to pick up your copy of Mein Kampf, and post the first good idea, or instance of the author 'nowing what's going on'.

>> No.5399208
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Mein Kampf is regarded as inauthentic by respectable WW2 scholars and Nazi historians.

If you want a look into Hitler's mind read "Hitler's Table Talk"...it's far better and it's genuine.

I enjoyed his analysis of early Christianity, the pros and cons, the role Paul played and the efforts and philosophy of Julian the Apostate.

>> No.5399220
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You've got the wrong approach. Don't tackle this head-on, she'll dig her heals in and then you're fucked. Start off with something completely unrelated that intelligently challenges the culturally accepted view.

I'd suggest something like this:

"Terry Jones' Barbarians" - Alan Ereira, Terry Jones


Hopefully she will start to develop an interest in finding out the "real" truth about things. Then you can take it from there by slowly introducing other topics to her, each time getting closer to what you really want to challenge her ideas on.

>> No.5399221

Entry level is Heinlein
If she can't handle him then dump that Marxist

>> No.5399224
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Cool, thanks, I think I've seen that myself its great

>> No.5399225


Why Heinlein?

>> No.5399227


plz kill self :)

>> No.5399231

>Mein Kampf is regarded as inauthentic by respectable WW2 scholars and Nazi historians
what's that even supposed to mean you fucking retard? that hitler didn't write it, or that it doesn't accrately reflect hs views, even when he did write it? /pol/lacks, i swear. you should be rounded up and taken to protective custody. special treats included.

>> No.5399232

I was thinking Starship Troopers as that was what made me a meritocrat which paved the way for Mosley Fascism.

>> No.5399234


This was actually a TV show so it should be even easier to digest.

>> No.5399240

starship troopers have a good passage of marxist theory of value critics

>> No.5399242

The most redpill book is Society of the Spectacle.

It's written in Hegelian, but it's so true that she'll probably immediately begin to get it.

(No I am not a Situationist.)

>> No.5399244
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It was ghost-written by Hess.

>> No.5399247

not it wasn't. hitler rambled and yelled in his jail cell, hess wrote his ramblings down.

>> No.5399252

Contradiction in terms. Just show her horrible infographics until she leaves you forever.

>> No.5399281
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Maybe he wants his gf to have good traditional values, dignity, etc?

>> No.5399283

⇒traditional values, dignity

He said "red-pilled" and not "blue-pilled". Learn to read, moron.

>> No.5399284

which means that he views her as devoid of value and dignity. the sooner she understands that, the better.

>> No.5399293

If you were red pilled, you wouldn't need to ask.

>> No.5399297

There's nothing wrong with Marx or Zizek, but there's everything wrong with Dworkin and Feminism. Of course, she's a woman so if she were to abandon any two of those four it would be Marx and Zizek.

>> No.5399301

>I was raped a dozen times
>by men!

If she's a talented writer then why does absolutely no one important give a shit about anything she said or did?

>> No.5399305

>marx and zizek

nihilistic materialists
zizek is degenerate and admits it.

>> No.5399308

You don't have a girlfriend OP. Quit lying.

>> No.5399310

ah, poor thing!
did they look at her too wryly?

>> No.5399311

So what's your point? That absolutely nothing coming out of their mouths should be regarded in any capacity by anyone?

Oh, I forgot, I'm speaking to a fucking retard.

>> No.5399317 [DELETED] 

I think your the one who needs to read more m8

>> No.5399319

>marxism still a thing

The ideology is founded upon dismantling functioning countries with sound economies and a consumer working class through violent coercion, manipulation of information, perversion of the family unit, and destruction of the individual.

Read that aloud and tell me you maintain Marxism as a reasonable alternative to 'class struggle.'

>> No.5399320
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A rotten apple: you can examine it but you shouldn't eat it.

>> No.5399324


It's not. It has been a disaster every time it was put into practice.
Yet the wheels of capitalism are still turning, I bet Marx would be shitting himself if he saw the world now.

>> No.5399333

Anything by Milton Friedman, The Myth of the Noble Savage, The Myth of Male Power.

>> No.5399336

There's nothing wrong with Dworkin and feminsim, but there's everything wrong with Marx and Zizek.

>> No.5399337


How can economies with state controlled/owned industries be considered capitalist? How can a banking system that manipulates and distributes worthless currency and changes it value at whim be considered part of a free market?

And Marxism is still around in forms; i.e. Feminism, Globalism, Environmentalism, and Socialism.

>> No.5399338
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>> No.5399342

Femnism and marxism are not related. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.5399345

>How can economies with state controlled/owned industries be considered capitalist?

State control is part of the bourgousie class divide inherent to Capitalism. Without a state there is no private property.

Communism isn't fully realized if there is still a state, class divide, and private property.

>> No.5399350


>> No.5399360

Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production. Once the state interferes with that; there is no longer legitimate Capitalism. Maybe something else that you don't like, but not Capitalism.

Marx is all about the realization of men and women as equal units. Stop talking out your ass, anon.

>> No.5399371
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You see, the first issue to tackle here is your honest usage of 'red-pill'. It appears that you are the intellectually inferior one, and are trying to drag her down into the lake of mud fostering delusions and self-imposed ignorance by way of intellectual dishonesty. That is not to say that her choice of reading is above criticism or anything like that, but merely that you are incapable of improving on it.

>> No.5399382

When you say capitalism, do you mean 'free market'?

>> No.5399397

⇒Marx is all about the realization of men and women as equal units

Marx is all about ruining the economy and significantly lowering the global standards of living through delusional unattainale utopia propaganda. Worse than religitardation. And please learn some logic. Accepting the equality of men and women does not imply accepting retarded marxism. Your claim is as idiotic as claiming you cannot accept "do not murder another person" without being a fundamentalist christian who takes the bible literally.

>> No.5399400

>Once the state interferes with that; there is no longer legitimate Capitalism. Maybe something else that you don't like, but not Capitalism.

1st world countries are Capitalist, even if a small percent of their economy is state owned.

>> No.5399405
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>Marx is all about the realization of men and women as equal units.

That's a false belief though. One that can be discarded easily.

>> No.5399427

Marxists spearheaded Feminism in the early and mid twentieth century. The ideologies are concurrent with each other and without Marxism modern feminism might not exit; surely not in it's current form. I believe this makes it fair to call Feminism a deviation of Marxism.

That is where you are wrong. America (being more reserved in terms of government involvement in the economy) sponsors the monopolization of agricultural production, hosts the Federal Reserve System illegally and unconstitutionally, had no-bid contracts with the inflated military industrial complex, owns the trains and posts state run security (TSA) at all airports. Not to mention many other things.

And you are telling me this shit is the private ownership of the means of production?

To call it Capitalist is dishonest.

>> No.5399432

>Marx is all about the realization of men and women as equal units
if anything capitalism is the thing making them into equal units. marxism only relates to feminism in wanting to remove all subjugation, making the difference between people something to be enjoyed, not feared.

>> No.5399442

⇒The ideologies are concurrent with each other

They are entirely independent of each other. The factual equaity of men and women has absoutely nothing to do with a retarded inhumane hatred against a funcitonal economy. On the contrary, since the former implies common sense, it makes belief in the latter less likely. Why do you talk about things you don't understand?

>> No.5399451

>And you are telling me this shit is the private ownership of the means of production?

Their economies are predominately Capitalist. Gov spending in the USA is around 19%
So 81% is private.

But the government is really just an extension of Corporate interests, it's basically like another large Corporation itself.

>> No.5399453

Men and women cannot be equal just as a fork cannot be equal to a knife. Both serve separate purposes and both are required to eat a meal properly.

Men need women and women need men; just because they make a society doesn't mean that they have some mathematical 1+1=2 equality. More like A equates to A and B equates to B.

>> No.5399456

you probably don't know of marxism much, there was even a huge propaganda about women liberation soon after 1917 revolution in russia it died out later though

>If women’s liberation is unthinkable without communism, then communism is unthinkable without women’s liberation.
(c) one of lenin lovers

>> No.5399458

>Both serve separate purposes
people do not serve purposes. people are ends in themselves, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.5399463


purposes are ends.

>> No.5399467

sure, but liberation doesn't mean becoming equal units. it means becoming unrestricted in both the things everyone has in common and in those that are unique.

>> No.5399468

>Corporate interests

I can see where you are right now; I was there, too. The global paradigm is bigger than some CEO's Christmas bonus. Read up on the Federal Reserve and The Bank of England post Rothschild.

>> No.5399470

sure, so? people are purposes in themselves means, they do not serve a 'higher' purpose.

>> No.5399475

That isn't what I meant to imply.
People are different. Thus, they cannot be equal.

>> No.5399488

I also agree; individualism is rational because no one can truly live vicariously through another. Only I can live my own life; therefore only I can decide its purpose. You are the only one you can know and decide your wants, needs, desires, and morals.

Unfortunately the state is inevitable and compromises must be made if there is going to be any kind of mutual satisfaction on the subject of governing.

That is why the Capitalist ethic is what I hold to.

>> No.5399501

>unrestricted in both the things everyone has in common and in those that are unique

What the hell does this mean? I even read it out loud to make sure my brain didn't fuck up.

Care to explain?

>> No.5399533

Since you don't know what books to suggest it can be assumed that you don't actually know why you believe what you believe, you haven't done your reading, you just saw 'red pill' on /pol/ and jumped on the bandwagon.

She is doing her reading, she is researching, and she is basing opinions from decent sources rather than from a Korean .jpg board.

>> No.5399536
File: 5 KB, 199x242, madmenlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being red-pilled

>> No.5399539

Marx is pretty low tier, though. Don't you think?

>> No.5399541

I think Marx is valuable as a stepping stone. Definitely shouldn't be taken as gospel, but I would always recommend reading Marx to those beginning to try to 'find' themselves.

>> No.5399545

It is worth the read; but there is better. Beginners should stick to the Enlightenment philosophers and work their way up chronologically.

Maybe some guided help, like a text book.

>> No.5399551

(not true, by the way).

>> No.5399554

toppest fucking lel ever lelled by a lelling faggot

>> No.5399555

who cares

>> No.5399557

People simply haven't realized that economics is the study of the past. People don't seem to realize that clever people adapt; the way the top level of the economy acts is always in a new form from the old and we're always behind

the reason Marx is perpetually valid is he's never been taken into the mainstream and thus hasn't fallen into the reaction-analysis structure of economics

>> No.5399567

It's true though.

>> No.5399578

>he's never been taken into the mainstream

Are you mentally retarded? Did you miss the whole fucking cold war?

>> No.5399580

Garbage. Marxism doesn't define a paradigm, it more so criticizes one. Marx cannot be valid because a 'stateless, classless society' isn't an economic system. It is a political philosophy.

>> No.5399592

>Marxism doesn't define a paradigm, it more so criticizes one.

What the fuck are you even saying?

>Marx cannot be valid because a 'stateless, classless society' isn't an economic system. It is a political philosophy.

Moronic shit? I'm talking about Marx's theories on economics

>Are you mentally retarded? Did you miss the whole fucking cold war?
Try reading Lenin and Marx before acting like a no-good shit for brains on Lenin and Marx

No it's not. Dworkin is completely worthless anyway, Zizek and Marx are far more worthwhile

>> No.5399594
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>Since you don't know what books to suggest it can be assumed that you don't actually know why you believe what you believe

That's a strange thing to assume.

>> No.5399597

>Try reading Lenin and Marx
No, thanks. I don't need to read the bible either to figure out why it's shit.

>Dworkin is completely worthless anyway,
She makes some good points.

>Zizek and Marx are far more worthwhile
They have done literally nothing but damage.

>> No.5399601
File: 97 KB, 407x405, 53046533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy alienating your girlfriend with far right psychobabble

>> No.5399605

I'm a male feminist. Cultural gender norms cause all sorts of problems.atgulat

>> No.5399606

Everyone is aware of Marx's 'theories' on economics.

Go to bed anon.

>> No.5399607
File: 25 KB, 600x391, valhalla-rising-one-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not all far-right ideas are red-pilled.
but all red-pilled ideas are far-right.

>> No.5399612

Far right? What even is that?

>> No.5399614

I agree 100%

>> No.5399619

>No, thanks. I don't need to read the bible either to figure out why it's shit.
I don't need to read posts to know you're shit. Go back to /pol/. No one on /lit/ wants your dumbass shit here.

>She makes some good points.
My neighbor's retarded son makes some good points.

>They have done literally nothing but damage.
Don't bother replying.

No you are not. You're aware of stupid western memetic bullshit about Marx. Go to /pol/ if you want to be a complete fucking idiot, you're not welcome on /lit/

>> No.5399621

you know fine rightly, Mr. Rughts-For-White

>> No.5399622

Given how those terms are used nowadays, having traditional values is redpilled. As opposed to riding the cock ferris wheel or whatever they use on /pol/

>> No.5399625

You are the epitome of blue-pilled. I can only laugh at your ignorance.

>> No.5399627

>telling others to go to /pol/

You are the /pol/ cancer. You are not welcome on /lit/.

>> No.5399632

Insults? Seriously? I thought I was talking to an adult ...

>> No.5399634

You know nothing about Marx you fucking retard. Your vast ignorance isn't justification of anything but your need to be more learned or shut the fuck up.

I told you not to reply. You're a worthless human being and have absolutely nothing to add to any discussion I'm a part of. Good bye.

>> No.5399636

>when I can't argue anymore, I'll shitpost and flame instead

This is the underaged /pol/ cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.5399638

I'm just forthright about my insults, I don't obfuscate them in passive aggressive comments like yours, because I'm not a pathetic loser who talks shit out of pure and deep ignorance on a topic.

You haven't read Marx or Lenin, and know about Marx or Lenin. That's a sure sign of a person who deserves nothing but deep and merciless mocking and social brutality. Fuck you, you don't deserve the brain you were given.

>> No.5399640

Corporations as a concept shouldn't exist in a capitalist economy given that they are state interfering with the market by way of creating a shield for investors.

>> No.5399641

Value is defined by supply and demand. Unskilled labor will always be in high supply. Labor surplus is a farce.

>> No.5399642

Post a few more childish insults. You sure are doing a great job convincing me that marxism is a position for mature people like yourself lol

>> No.5399645

Look into a mirror you worthless human being.

You're the one who hasn't read. This board is about reading. They teach you on Sesame Street to identify the shape that doesn't belong, but apparently you were too busy eating dirt to figure out when you have no value.

>> No.5399646

No one mentioned a "higher" purpose, stop moving the goalposts

>> No.5399648

Typical ideologically blinded child resorting to shit flinging when he faces cognitive dissonance upon being told why his ideology is flawed.

>> No.5399649
File: 32 KB, 120x193, 9781621009474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascist cunts that are too autistic to relate to people that aren't well-off, living-at-parents-home, white males.

>insecure losers who think that spouting right wing bullshit makes them powerful

prove me wrong.

>> No.5399656

/lit/'s always had an affinity for fascists

>> No.5399657

>having traditional values is redpilled

You have no idea what redpilled means, do you? Enjoy your blue pill.

>> No.5399661

Keep posting vapid, contentless mocking of a 12 year old. Until you bring the discussion to a topic that's founded in concrete details about the original topics, you're the shitposter, because I've clearly stated an argument that you disagree with out of no evidence. It's your obligation to provide evidence, but since you're incapable of that evidence I'm calling you a complete waste of my fucking time. You're a waste of mine and everyone else's time, because you feign knowledge when you're just ignorant. You're shit. People like you are what make 4chan shit, not the discourse, feigned politeness over an ignorant discussion is worse than torture or eating twinkies. Either get learned or get bent, or fucking kill yourself. Those are the only options that will ever make you a tolerable person.

>> No.5399663

Edgy is thinking that destroying the fabric of society and in the process killing and misplacing millions of people and shattering production is okay if we are making things 'fair.'

Who the fuck decides what is fair and for whom it is fair?

>> No.5399665

You forgot trolls and shitposters who would literally attack anything as long as they can be sure it annoys someone.

>> No.5399669

Those words you are saying don't correlate to a single thing that has been said. You haven't said why anything is flawed, you said that it is and explicitly stated that you have no knowledge on the topic. I need no further proof and anything further you say is complete ignorance. Shut the fuck up, you're embarrassing yourself and it's nothing but your dissonance that won't let you see that.

>> No.5399672

If you think fascism is the ideology of well off people then you are wrong from your first point.

>> No.5399674

Rage harder. I proved you wrong. With my education (which is demonstrably higher than yours) I informed you about the flaws in your ideology. Your cognitive dissonance is hilarious.

>> No.5399679

Does it even matter? The word has completely different meanings depending on the context. There's 4chan's interpretation, reddit's interpretation, etc.

>> No.5399680

Supply and Demand. Value. Individual value based of individual supply and individual demand.

If I decide that your labor is worth shit, and I will only pay you for that, you do not have to work for me.

Sorry, kiddo.

>> No.5399683

You are not even aware of basic facts of history and economics every child learns in school. I almost feel like talking to a creationist, except those would at least pretend to have arguments instead of directly insulting me.

>> No.5399684

the ones pulling the strings are well off enough

>> No.5399690

>If I decide that your labor is worth shit, and I will only pay you for that, you do not have to work for me.
The fact that you think this is how the world works proves you are irrevocably stupid. I'm going to bed, and I'm sorry I even opened this thread to be blasted with the most meaningless discussion I've ever let myself bear.

Fuck you, I hope you die today.

>> No.5399697

Who is pulling strings here? Who's strings are they pulling. If you're ambiguous enough, any vacuous opinion can look clever.

>> No.5399699

>gets proved wrong with an irrefutible argument
>"hurr durr ur stoopid and a poo poo heard"

Please come back when you're 18. Your posts are below kindergarten level.

>> No.5399700

You are the idiot.

I decide what shit is worth and what gold is worth. If I buy shit and not gold, then I think the shit is worth more.


>> No.5399704

>You are not even aware of basic facts of history and economics every child learns in school.
The fact that these words left your mouth without any irony is proof to anyone who's not an idiot that you're not worth the time.

The fact that your ignorance of Marx goes so deeply that you think this phrase could even apply to what I'm talking about just amplifies how trivial it is to show that you're a complete and utter moron.

>> No.5399711

Unlike you I have education. That's why I post arguments and facts instead of insults. How about you go to school and grow up? Then we can talk. Well, then we won't have to talk anymore because you'll figure out why your childish ideology is bullcrap.

>> No.5399712

>being an oblivious dumbfuck about the literature of his POV

Who knew that in the case of ignorant plebs the jokes write themselves.

>> No.5399718
File: 930 KB, 1177x832, jew2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yurope is as redpilled as it gets

>> No.5399721

No, better alternative, you come back after you stop being ignorant, your ignorance is driving every aspect of this debate: your ignorance, the fact that you don't know. Your brain is empty and you pretend it's full and you go through life that way, because putting effort into anything turns out to be a disaster for you. Might as well shitpost out of ignorance on a board that doesn't want me, you say.

>> No.5399743

I am highly educated and well-read. Wish I could say the same about you. I explained to you why you're wrong. You already accepted it rationally but you cannot yet handle it emotionally because you were too dependent on your flawed ideology. Take your time to grow out of it.

>> No.5399744

Marxism always boils down to the infantile notions of what is fair.


I want what I want and no fucking faggot like yourself is going to define that for me. Nobody values your shit. That women's studies degree is only good to be an office clerk? Too bad.

Others don't have the same values as you. Believing in an ideology that tries to change this through coercion only proves your childishness and pedantry.

>> No.5399745

No shit. If you have no food, the. The value of food subjectively skyrockets. So much so, in fact, that people will sell themselves into slave labor if they get hungry enough. If your only source of getting food is from working for an owner, then by limiting your wages he can limit your food and basically exert nearly unlimited control over you (that is, given that France doesn't repeat)

No, your principle is just fucking stupid. It doesn't work on a small or a big level. Employment is effectively a zero sum game on short time scales. You can't "just quit" employers you don't like, and the fact that you said Republican Party cliche propaganda proves EVEN HARDER that you're an ignoramus.

Stop posting. Just stop. Go crack a book for once and fucking read, and stop acting like you have any goddamn knowledge about topics you're ignorant on.

It makes you an airheaded worthless faggot.

>> No.5399746 [DELETED] 


Huh? That's a bizarre assumption to make.

>> No.5399761
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>Asking for recommendations means you don't know anything

>> No.5399766

>Vomit non-sensical jargon disco
>I am highly educated

Back in the days trolls did try.

>> No.5399770

No it fucking doesn't you fucking stupid-ass moron fucking retard asswipe. THE STUPID SHIT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT MARX IS NOT WHAT IM FUCKING TALKING ABOUT.

Dad Kapital isn't a book about equality or social revolution or anything. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT MARX SAID, DID OR WROTE. YOURE FUCKING IGNORANT. STOP POSTING UNTIL YOU LEARN SOMETHING. GO FUCKING READ. Stop posting stupid fucking bullshit! You're fucking stupid and what you just said is IGNORANT! How many times do I have to repeat these words?


You're worthless until you stop being ignorant.

>> No.5399773



>> No.5399783

>implying a vague "what are some anti-feminism books??" doesn't reek of plebianism

Plebs love their ignorance.

>> No.5399784
File: 67 KB, 600x900, 1380756233314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how /lit/ isn't completely blue-pilled, there are actually a lot of smart people here.


>> No.5399786

Yes you can just 'quit.'

We are human being with free will. Free will to decide what we value and how we value it. Can't eat? Can't acquire the means to make or prepare food for yourself? Then you die. Ain't my fault.

Your total incompetence is the fault of only yourself. I do not conform to your needs just as you do not conform to mine.

You are the criminal.

>> No.5399792
File: 83 KB, 386x426, 1364617539267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>challenging my point of view means you're a pleb

le edge

>> No.5399794

>"am smart an complicated"

>> No.5399796

What part of my post did you not understand?

>> No.5399802

This guy's so edged he didn't even bother what's the issue.

>> No.5399806

I thought these ramblings would end after the summer?

>> No.5399809

How come all these /pol/tards are well-spoke and pretty chill while the feminist/marxist in this thread are angry, unclear and have weird knee-jerk reactions to everything??

>> No.5399811

>implying right-wing is red-pilled

top sheeple

>> No.5399813

Id shoot you between the eyes and not care. You have absolutely no idea why everything you believe is demonstrably dumb.

Yes, you. Go live in the world without working for an owner or living on charity. See what happens. You, especially you because you're completely fucking stupid, would die or be coerced or sent to jail. You can't just "leave" the system and your beliefs are all one contradictory, congealed pile of insanity.

You're worthless.

>> No.5399815


The troll is so fixated on his script he can't even counter after his first steps.

>> No.5399818


>Socrates: There is only one good; knowledge, and only one evil; marxism.

>> No.5399819

Marxists are /pol/tards too. They do not belong on /lit/. /lit/ is for literature. Political ideology has no place here. Get it in your head. If you want to talk about your failed economically retarded children's fantasies, then do it on >>>/pol/ and not on /lit/.

>> No.5399820

>How come every thread has the selective /pol/tard fanboy?

>> No.5399822
File: 787 KB, 598x855, Hamsun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend some Hamsun, although he wasn't completely red-pilled

>> No.5399827

You call it "nonsensical jargon" because you don't understand it. Embarrassing.

>> No.5399828

Treating them like serious adults is to give more credence to what they think than they deserve

By the way, shit head, I'm not a Marxist. I don't even like his economic theories. I just really, really hate people who form judgments when they are ignorant, and more than anything I hate people from /pol/ because they thrive in a world of ignorance

>> No.5399832
File: 744 KB, 700x556, 700px-Typical_poltard[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder who wrote that comment

>> No.5399833


I have tried to reason with you. I will try again.
I ask you this: what exactly is your value, what is mine, and what do the both of us deserve?

Please try to calm yourself.

>> No.5399834
File: 39 KB, 398x612, 1380253024996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is for literature.

Literature you disagree with is still fine here.

>> No.5399836

You are talking about marxism. That makes you a /pol/tard. Political ideology has no place outside of /pol/. Go back there and stay there.

>> No.5399843

Rambling nonsense with no relevance whatsoever isn't reason.

>> No.5399844

Political ideologies belong on .>>>/pol/ and not on /lit/. Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.5399846

It wouldn't be any fucking better if I went into a Pynchon thread and shitposted about how he was a hack even though I had never read a single thing he wrote or anything about him that wasn't articulated by a man that hated him.

That's what I'm raging so hard for, it's nothing about Marx, it's the prejudice against Marx that has no basis in anything real and is just plain ignorant.

>> No.5399850

He fucking #rekt you. Get over it and go back to /pol/, kid.

>> No.5399852

/pol/ is about discussing politics in the world. /lit/ is about discussing the books in which politics spring from. Stop trying to enforce an echo chamber. At least /pol/ will respond to posts contrary to their position.

>> No.5399855
File: 58 KB, 488x640, Ezra-Pound2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to chill and read some Pound.

>> No.5399856

We all know how marxism turned out when it was implemented, how hard it failed (as if this wasn't already obvious from the fact that it contradicts human nature). Did you never take a history class in school? You're delusional. Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5399859


Fedora-topping dandy -troll died, just stop trying.

>> No.5399860

I'm not going to ride your semantic bullshit slip and slide. I already told you I'm not going to engage you as a serious person because you're not.

The second you express bigotry and ignorance at Marx with the reasons you gave why, you've outed yourself as a person who doesn't engage in serious intellectual circles or have any basic knowledge about the topic at all. You're not a person who deserves that time or respect.

>> No.5399865

Keep /pol/ shit out of /lit/.

>> No.5399866


>that hair
>that wizardly visage

damn he had style

>> No.5399867

>I have the jpegs to prove it
I chuckled.

>> No.5399868

I haven't said anything about the Marxist ideology

>> No.5399870

You're so fixated on "serving" you don't even know to who or what you're even talking about.

That fucking "kid" -card is a giveaway about a dumb brat shitposting. I'm done.

>> No.5399873

We explained to you what marxism is about and why it is flawed. What more do you want?

>> No.5399877

Political Philosophy is a valid avenue of discussion on /lit/. I will not bow to your attempts to censor the opposition.

>> No.5399879

Are you trying to "troll" by just repeating back the exact lines you think will make me "mad"? Is the typical reaction to you being outed as a clueless moron you reverting to the "I was trolling the whole time!" plan B?

>> No.5399880


ITT: people pretending they have any idea what they're talking about.

>> No.5399882

You are /pol/posting outside of /pol/. Stop it.

>> No.5399884

I am sorry that I offended your sensitive sensibilities. By challenging Marxism, I am not challenging you. You should not treat it as such. The fight-or-flight response completely takes over your reasoning powers and you are unable to perceive the world objectively. Perhaps you have some underlying anger issues to deal with. I understand if you are incapable of responding to my statement.

>> No.5399885

Let me help you: non-sen-si-cal jar-gon

>> No.5399887

>My one specific ephemeral brand of Communism has never been tried before
>Communism is the future and savior of mankind, ignore the bodies

>> No.5399888


Funny how Marx and Zizek books get discussed daily here but the moment dissenting literature appears on /lit/ theres always one or two who start foaming at the mouth

>> No.5399889
File: 15 KB, 300x225, hurdur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even

>> No.5399891

No you didn't.

You couldn't even attempt to define Marxism nor do you even know how that terms in relation to Marx nor do you know the history nor so you even know what Marx said about the revolution.


>> No.5399892
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>> No.5399893


>Keep /pol/ in /pol/.

>> No.5399894


>> No.5399895

Go away, /pol/tard. We are sick of your inane spam.

>> No.5399896


damn is lit getting /based/ ?

>> No.5399899

You're not even talking to the angry guy you fucking imbecile.

>> No.5399902

>being ignorant of history

Why don't you go to school, /pol/ retard?

>> No.5399908

I'm not blathering on about the Jews, libertarianism or any such nonsense. If you seriously think that rule means that any form of politics is banned from anywhere on /pol/ then take your discussions of marxism, feminism, etc there as well.

>> No.5399910

Marx does not belong on /lit/. We have a board for politics shit. >>>/pol/ >>>/pol/

>> No.5399912
File: 84 KB, 325x497, julius-evola-fascism-front_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whole world is moving more to the right after the disasters of liberal progressivism

read this book.

>> No.5399914

If you actually understood Hegel and Marx at the most superficial level, you would know why even thinking in the terms that you are makes zero fucking sense

I just don't get it at this point. You still don't get it. You're in denial of your deep and overwhelming ignorance or something

>> No.5399918

History has proved that marxism is incompatible with human nature. What more proof do you need? You are delusional. Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5399919

You have not made a point
>hur go try to live without employers dur
Many people do: Freelance, contractors, proprietors of businesses, investors, farmers, etc.

This will never be good enough for you. So here is this: your life (everyone's life) is intrinsically worthless and you have no purpose. You don't deserve anything; you have no rights. Make means or don't. That is not my problem, my fault, or my responsibility.

>> No.5399921
File: 31 KB, 271x288, evolatired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5399922

I know much of the world is becoming right wing. How do I know this? I read Zizek.


>> No.5399923

I often see Communists claim that Real Communism ® has never been tried before and that all the examples in history aren't communism due to some infantile reason.

As well Communism is known for killing millions of people.

>> No.5399925

You are blathering on about Marx. Keep it on >>>/pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.5399929

I'm not though? I'm just telling you to stop trying to censor /lit/

You're the one blathering about marx and /pol/ right now. This is probably an illconceived attempt to get marxists to post on /pol/ and get BTFO isn't it

>> No.5399931

There is nothing based about being politically ignorant.

>> No.5399935

Redirecting /pol/ to /pol/ is not censorship. Political shit flinging should stay in its containment board in order to keep up the high quality on other boards.

>> No.5399940


I suppose he means that liberation means the freedom to be what you are, which is not necessarily 'equal' to others in every sense of the word. IIRC, Richard Lipp ran a worldwide survey on career prospects etc., and the results showed that the more social freedoms (e.g., Scandinavia) a country had, the more women aimed at traditionally feminine professions (nursing, teaching, etc.) and the less social freedoms (e.g., some (most?) African countries) a country had the more women aimed at traditionally masculine ones (engineering, business).

>> No.5399945

You don't know what you're talking about.

2+2 does not equal 5 and Marx had no relation to whatever "Marxism" spook you've conjured in your mind.

Let me state one thing very clear for you: Marx thought the classless utopia would be a NECESSARY MATERIAL CONSEQUENCE of the future. He didn't think that was how it "should be". The mere fact that you don't know that Hegel and young hegelians were specifically anti-ethics and stood only to understand, and that you prescribe the newly-coined term "Marxism" which is extremely loosely-defined to begin with but certainly has no direct relation to Karl Marx in its origin, the fact that you know none of this, only shows these things:

You are stupid. You are ignorant. You are devoid and rabid of learning like a rabies victim is of water. You take your lack of even the rudimentary and wear it like a proud badge. You're like the guy in flowers for Algernon before and after.

Do you follow yet? You can't ride the roller coaster because you're too short. You're too dumb to talk to on any level that isn't pure condescension

>> No.5399946
File: 85 KB, 537x612, mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend Varg Vikernes
Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia is good, and his blog of course.

>> No.5399948

Calling anything remotely related to politics /pol/ simply to stamp it out with Global Rule 3 is censorship. Much in the same way hate speech laws are abused to shut people up. Or idiots on tumblr try to use their inane notion of privilege to silence dissent.

>high quality
I'm getting rused so hard right now.

>> No.5399949

If you want to learn about evolution/race read The 10,000 Year Explosion by Harpending.

Great stuff. Shows how races changed significantly in just over the last 10k years

>> No.5399951

I often hear right wingers saying communists say that but I never see communists say that

Isn't that just weird? It's almost as if you go around pretending that your ignorance is an argument

>> No.5399953

>necessary material consequence

Wow, he's even more retarded than I expected.

>> No.5399955

Not really? I've seen it all the time. As well when I was young and a Communist myself I said it quite often.

>> No.5399956

David Icke is the #1 most retarded person on this planet.

>> No.5399958

>The 10,000 Year Explosion by Harpending.

He's a pro and I like that youtube video where he didn't bullshit about race and laughed when it was called "a social construct"

>> No.5399959

Learn your place, /pol/tard. You have your own board. Stay there.

How is this "red pill"? Did you even understand OP's question?

>> No.5399960

Wait till you graduate college and have to pay your own taxes, and let's see how much anarchist cock you will continue to take in the ass, you antifa faggot

>> No.5399963

You are right. Marxism has no definition.

But to say that value is defined by anyone but the individual is pure poppycock.

>> No.5399964

>How is this "red pill"? Did you even understand OP's question?

Being red-pilled usually involves being a "race realist" somehow, admitting races exist, and there are biological differences among them.

Blue-pill is usually liberals chanting "all races are the same, differences are just social products" or they chant "race is imaginary, a social construct" etc etc

>> No.5399965

His political and economic views are incompatible with human nature and caused nothing but suffering. Please take a history class.

>> No.5399969


>> No.5399971

You have no idea what you're talking about. Next you're gonna tell me the insight that snow is white makes you red-pilled. Fucking sheeple. How many more trivialities do you need to spout?

>> No.5399972

>You have your own board
That's the beautiful thing about 4chan, m8. You can follow all your interests through the various boards. I'll discuss literature (including literature about political philosophy) on /lit/ and I'll funpost about current events on /pol/

>> No.5399973
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Are there any far-right or red-pilled Canadian thinkers? Curious

>> No.5399977

At least your retarded analysis is founded in a splinter of more correct knowledge than it was before.

I don't know, I don't tend to hang around communists because they're usually morons like you.

Remember, I'm not pro Marx here, I'm anti you or if not you, whoever the idiots are that make judgments on topics when they are clearly ignorant. That's all I care about.

Yeah, if you want to say communism in Russia sucked, no one sane would disagree. To call it Marxism or to attribute it all to Marx is just ignorant.

>> No.5399986


Zizek said in a video that we should stop people even asking the question "are there racial, physical/intelligence differences between blacks and whites, jews and asians?" he said that simply conducting any tests or experiments is RACIST in itself and should be ridiculed.

That's the type of irrational and close-minded thinking red-pill tries to cure.

>> No.5399989

There's a mistake in that reasoning though. The individual doesn't just "decide" these things independently and from nothing.

Just look at Marx's evaluations of commodities. They're very telling and capture some of the basic problems of classical and modern economics. Reductionist models of human society fail necessarily

>> No.5399991

If you're going to split hairs between marxism and communism you're just as bad as those I decry.

>> No.5399993
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>having monogamous relationships

This is why you'll never be happy.

>> No.5399996

You have no idea what his ideas were.

>> No.5399997
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>human nature

>> No.5399998

Suddenly I have more respect for /pol/ cause of this thread lol

>> No.5400000

I define value. You define value. We all define value!

There, I put it in a fucking song for you. Now refute my point or get the fuck out.

>> No.5400003

Far-right and red-pilled are opposites, you idiot.

>> No.5400004

Link the video.

Less bullshit, more evidence

>> No.5400007
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>> No.5400009


Race is a societal construct though. It's a category, all categories are constructed and based on arbitrary systems.

>> No.5400011

Yeah I shouldn't have bothered. Waste of my goddamn time

>> No.5400012

define redpilled
define far right
identify your position on the left right political spectrum

>> No.5400015
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red pill is the truth pill, the right tends towards the truth.

the left tends towards degeneracy and illusions.

>> No.5400017

What's the matter? Too autistic to understand human nature?

>> No.5400018
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>human nature

>> No.5400020

How do you define value, egghead?

>> No.5400021

A lot of things you do are a waste of your time I'd imagine. Like being a marxist.

>> No.5400022

Yes, actually the individual does decide value.

If I don't use toilet paper, I don't value it. I have no demand for it. Just the same as any electronic device or commodity.

>> No.5400023

Lurk more, idiot.

>identify your position on the left right political spectrum
The whole spectrum is retarded. I'm outside.

>the right tends towards the truth.
It doesn't. It tends towards illusions.

>> No.5400025

I'm not even a Marxist you fucking imbecile.

You're fractals stupid. You're so stupid that you think basic comprehension of Marx at all is Marxism. You're so stupid you break all barriers of what I thought stupid could be

>> No.5400028

>human nature

ya, like you know, humans tend to enjoy food, sex, having families and social relations, women bearing children and being care-givers.

lots of things are ingrained in human nature. Bears have their own nature and instincts and ways to flourish.

>> No.5400030

However I damn well please.

Liberty; it just feels sooo gooood.

>> No.5400031

>taking the b8

>> No.5400033
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>> No.5400032

You must have severe autism if you don't understand human nature. But seeing your picture, you are probably too impaired to understand this reply either.

>> No.5400034

No, I'm not an autist.

>> No.5400035


Not just wrong, the entire metaphysical approach you have to looking at the world is middle school tier shit

>> No.5400040

*delusion of liberty

>> No.5400042

10/10 thread

>> No.5400045
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Color is a societal construct. We cannot accurately determine where one color ends and another begins, red, blue and green are objectively meaningless terms describing the one color of the world.

>> No.5400046

>ya, like you know, humans tend to enjoy food, sex, having families and social relations, women bearing children and being care-givers.

>confusing the metaphysical concept of human nature with biological norms

*Retard Alert*

>believing in dated metaphysics

I bet you think humans are just featherless bipeds too.

>> No.5400050

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it's probably a duck.

>> No.5400053

>>confusing the metaphysical concept of human nature with biological norms

metaphysics subsumes materialism just fine.

>> No.5400056

Human nature is a biological fact and has nothing to do with metaphysics. You are mentally retarded.

>> No.5400057


>the same thing

This is why you're so retarded. You cant even into language.

>> No.5400061


Marxists confirmed for ad hominem spouting shit birds.

I beat you think life is some sacred thing and "ib one children ib saved den its wort it"

Fuck you. I define my own values, demand, purpose, and morals.

>> No.5400062


I think his point was that social constructs can still point to material differences.

Even if those differences have blurry lines sometimes. Like colors. It's a great metaphor.

>> No.5400069

>Human nature is a biological fact and has nothing to do with metaphysics. You are mentally retarded.

>being this brainwashed
>doesnt even know what human nature is

The same way religion does. By expanding the fantasy to incorporate it. It's just a exercise in sophism. That's why contemporary philosophy has moved beyond explicit metaphysical concepts. The only ones to explicitly use it are actually the far left and feminist.

>> No.5400071
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Good job you got it!

>> No.5400079

>philosotard in charge of knowing science

top huehue

>> No.5400081


No, im pretty sure he just confused color woth races like every moron does.

>> No.5400084


>claiming to know anything about science
>still uses the term "human nature"

You're not fooling anyone

>> No.5400089
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>> No.5400096

I'm sorry to hear you're too autistic to understand human nature.

>> No.5400105

Maybe the world is this simple and you are too stupid to grasp that.

>> No.5400110


Im too sorry to hear you're too retarded to think. No child left behind amirite?

>> No.5400125


>ad hominem

Yup, sounds like a typical right winger

>> No.5400132


Marxism. Not even once.

>> No.5400141

>too stuipd for science

And this is why you're studying liberal arts and will never have a decent job.

>> No.5400147

Why do they even try? Their entire worldview is inherently flawed; they cannot even confront a topic with reason. Emotion and ego is what drives these children.

>> No.5400159

>Emotion and ego is what drives these children


>> No.5400163

>calling people autist because you cant defend your position with arguments
>thinking im a marxist

Is funny how pathetic you are.

>they cannot even confront a topic with reason. Emotion and ego is what drives these children.

>entire thread is basically right wingers yelling "autist, you wrong because i said so", "autist, human nature is legit guys.", "austist."

>> No.5400167

Reason is the chariot of the educated mind, friend.

>> No.5400172

What's your name?

>> No.5400177

I defend my position. Value is defined by the individual. You spoke much of my ignorance but completely ignored my statement and chose to name call instead of making an honest refutation.

You are worthless.

>> No.5400182

>they cannot even confront a topic with reason. Emotion and ego is what drives these children.
Ad hominem: 1
Ego: 1

>this is why you're studying liberal arts and will never have a decent job.
Arguments here: 0
Ego: 1

>Marxism. Not even once.
Arguments here: 0

>I'm sorry to hear you're too autistic to understand human nature.
Arguments: 0
Emotions: 1
Ego: 1
Ad hominem: 1

>philosotard in charge of knowing science
>top huehue
Arguments: 0

>Marxists confirmed for ad hominem spouting shit birds.
I beat you think life is some sacred thing and "ib one children ib saved den its wort it"
Arguments: 0
Projecting: 1
>Fuck you. I define my own values, demand, purpose, and morals.
Emotions: 1
Ego: 1

>Human nature is a biological fact and has nothing to do with metaphysics. You are mentally retarded.
Arguemnts: 0
Emotions: 1
Ad homiem: 1

Total arguments so far: 0

Should I keep going up?

>> No.5400191

>Value is defined by the individual

Yet you speak of "human nature".

>> No.5400198

here is my statement
Here is your refutation

You are human garbage

>> No.5400199

>Should I keep going up?

Yes, please. Your contributions are very important to this debate. The internet is serious business and we highly appreciate your autistic pedantery.

>> No.5400202

No I don't.

I am existentialist.

>> No.5400205
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>> No.5400209


Then why are you responding to me during all this time? I've only been arguing agaisnt the use of "human nature".

>> No.5400210

You were implying your position is ego-free, hence the laughing.

And you aren't my friend.

>> No.5400211

>Yes, please. Your contributions are very important to this debate. The internet is serious business and we highly appreciate your autistic pedantery.

Butthurt: 1

>> No.5400218
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shit is real, anon.

I am going to sleep

>> No.5400340


Industries controlled by the state? How does the state control them?
Industries are given huge tax breaks and politicians are bought off in order to privatise institutions that were previously state owned. It reeks of capitalism and corruption.

>> No.5400358

> I just really, really hate people who form judgments when they are ignorant

Come one man, you know where you are.

>> No.5400362

Beta as fuck. I'd be ashamed to carry myself like this through life.

>> No.5400372

Except it is man hating. Concepts of manhood and maleness are what makes a man.

What the fuck is wrong with this board and why is it so infested with SJW whores and their neckbeard whiteknights? And /pol/ too, yelling "DA JOOZ" here and there.

This is what happens when you give every opinionated idiot a platform to speak their feeble minds. Bet none of you have the balls to say that kind of shit IRL.

>> No.5400636

If you don't even have a fucking book recommendation to back-up your "red pill" ideology why in the fuck are you trying to convert someone who has at least put some amount of effort and thought into theirs?

This bitch is reading Marx and Zizek and you can't come up with ONE book to counter that?

You need to pick up a book yourself and your girlfriend needs to stop slumming it with a pleb like yourself.

>> No.5400652

That's 3rd-Wave-Feminism.

It's a bunch of dumb bitches who spend all their time actively searching for ANY tiny thing they can get offended by so they can hit the retweet/reblog/share on their preferred social media outlet and pretend they're activists. They are generally incredibly ignorant about feminist concepts and texts. I hate them just as much as the rest of 4chan.

But feminism as an ideology or school of thought has a pretty simple definition and that is that a woman should have the same number of rights as a man and they should be considered equals within society.

If you disagree with that, then you might as well take it a step further and dislike ALL people that don't have EXACTLY your physical traits.


>> No.5400702

You have no ideas of what 3rd-wave-feminism is about

>> No.5401085

Another word for the insta-ban list
What else?

>> No.5401096
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>nobody ever really has beat continental philosophers on their own terms.


First of all, you cant do that, they offer no ground for disagreement. Continental philosophy lacks falsifiability, doesn't concern itself with logic or anything that actually exists, and refuses to acknowledge that empirically, every attempt to implement their calls to action has lead to a body count in the millions with nothing to show for it except squalor and totalitarianism.

And even if they offered such ground, why would we want to win against them on their own terms? That would require stooping to their level.

>> No.5401118

Has /pol/ suggested any books, or done anything other than loudly repeat their talking points yet?

>> No.5401120

>Actually believing /pol/ is 100% purely composed of stormfags
And that's how you know somebody has never been on /pol/.

>> No.5401228

we are doomed by John derbyshire

>> No.5401540

>hey mam look I'm trolan real good! xD

>> No.5401550


>> No.5401603

Jack Donovan's "The Way of Men" and "A Sky Without Eagles"