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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 638x481, miketyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5397950 No.5397950 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently reading "The Quotable Kierkegaard," edited by Gordon Marino, a collection of awesome quotes from that great Danish philosopher. (He wanted his epitaph to read: "In yet a little while / I shall have won; / Then the whole fight / Will all at once be done.") I love reading philosophy. Most philosophers are so politically incorrect—challenging the status quo, even challenging God. Nietzsche's my favorite. He's just insane. You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him. Apart from philosophy, I'm always reading about history. Someone very wise once said the past is just the present in funny clothes. I read everything about Alexander, so I downloaded "Alexander the Great: The Macedonian Who Conquered the World" by Sean Patrick. Everyone thinks Alexander was this giant, but he was really a runt. "I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity," he said. I so related to that, coming from Brownsville, Brooklyn.

What did I have to look forward to—going in and out of prison, maybe getting shot and killed, or just a life of scuffling around like a common thief? Alexander, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, even a cold pimp like Iceberg Slim—they were all mama's boys. That's why Alexander kept pushing forward. He didn't want to have to go home and be dominated by his mother. In general, I'm a sucker for collections of letters. You think you've got deep feelings? Read Napoleon's love letters to Josephine. It'll make you think that love is a form of insanity. Or read Virginia Woolf's last letter to her husband before she loaded her coat up with stones and drowned herself in a river. I don't really do any light reading, just deep, deep stuff. I'm not a light kind of guy.

>> No.5397962

So what?
Tyson will go down as one of the greatest boxers ever and is now trying to make himself a better guy than the confused angry kid he said he was.
I don't expect anything profound from him, why would anyone?

>> No.5397967

Tyson isn't the idiot a lot of people like to think he is.

That's not to say he's a genius, though.

>> No.5397974

A lot of what he says is pretty profound if you're not one of those people who gets hung up on everything not being expressed precisely and literally and exactly like an aspergers lawyer.

>> No.5397987

oh, i thought the point of the OP was to take the piss out of him, nevermind.

>> No.5397994

No, not at all. Even in interviews, you could tell that he was a smart guy if you were paying attention.

>> No.5398003
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>You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him

I found this adorable.

>> No.5398008
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I had to google this because I really didn't believe it was real. Knowing that Tyson loves Kierkegaard and Woolf just made my week.

Thanks, OP.

>> No.5398022
File: 178 KB, 500x333, Mike Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike Tyson just told us all to step our game up

>> No.5398028

He sounds like a pretty cool guy.

The "deep stuff" comment is probably not as pretentious as it sounds. Most of the things he listed are not for casual entertainment, but more for feels and humbling/stimulating thoughts. "Serious" would probably be closer to the mark. Coming from someone who's rich enough not to need to read books, he has a rather patrician attitude and taste.

>> No.5398046


>The "deep stuff" comment is probably not as pretentious as it sounds.

reads more like an honest guy just being passionate about something he's into to me. he was one of the most feared fighters to ever live and could still annihilate most men. he has no need for those kind of insecurity games.

>> No.5398096
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What would Tyson think of Nietzsche?

>> No.5398102

good god he nearly knocked that man's head off

>> No.5398111
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>Nietzsche's face when his Übermensch ended up being a black guy with a tribal tattoo on his face

>> No.5398117

I don't see what's wrong here... Maybe he's not academically brilliant, but at least the seems genuinely curious about this shit, as opposed to doing it for mage.

>> No.5398139

I thought Ubermensch was the concept of the hyper-individualized human beings instead of an actual person

>> No.5398145


no he was just talking about one guy the whole time

>> No.5398242
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>> No.5398254

I'm actually not sure why anybody's surprised. Retired superstars are probably the closest thing to old aristocracy the US has. Also,
>You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him.
I knew I was too dumb to understand Kerks!

>> No.5398344

yeah i'm pretty sure getting hit by tyson would feel like being in a car accident

>> No.5398385



agreed, seems like he genuinely wants to learn more about philosophy and literature, it just sounds stupid because he's uneducated.

>> No.5398389

>mfw Nietzsch's model for the übermensch eventually turns out to be that loud hobo man down his street

>> No.5398397

Apparently you can't even understand mike tyson's words

>> No.5398417

>I don't really do any light reading, just deep, deep stuff. I'm not a light kind of guy.

Pretty based. I wish I could be that honest and unabashed about what I read. I generally hide behind self-deprecation because I've gotten so much shit for not reading Dean Koontz and Dan Brown.

>> No.5398433

It's easier to be so honest when people are surprised you're even literate, don't take it too badly anon.

>> No.5399424

I think it's interesting in the idea that probably non of us could apply philosophy to the sport of boxing on Tyson's level.

This is the guy who used psychological warfare on his opponents by playing (industrial band) Coil as his intro music and destroyed his opponent in seconds.

Can you even imagine applying Nietzsche to your punches?
What does that even mean, is it possible?
Every single punch with the idea of overcoming your opponent mentally.

>> No.5399495

>they were all mama's boys. That's why Alexander kept pushing forward. He didn't want to have to go home and be dominated by his mother.

If there were justice in this world, this thought would become Tyson's legacy, and thousands of years from now people would point to it as one of the few aphorisms to survive from the great sage Mike Tyson (also, thousands of years from now, philosophy and boxing will have been joined in a single sport, Philosoboxing, the One True Dialectic, and genetically enhanced clones of Schopenhauer will fight spiritually enhanced clones of Hegel for true supremacy).

I read the first half of his autobiography, it was pretty shitty. I figured the greatest boxer of all time would be able to describe a fight in an interesting or innovative way, but it reads like really bad Cormac McCarthy. The dude is better read than about 90% of the American population, though, and when he's fucked up he doesn't seem to have trouble saying, "Yeah, I just completely fucked up. I lost this fight because I was too damn drunk and fat."

>> No.5399498
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>playing (industrial band) Coil as his intro music

I had no idea Tyson was this patrician.

This thread has been revelatory.

>> No.5399503


>> No.5399512

Tyson on rape, prison
"Just a lying, reptilian, monstrous, young lady," Tyson said, shaking his head in dismay. "I just hate her guts. She put me in that state where, I don't know, I really wish I did now. Now I really do want to rape her and her fucking mama."

>> No.5399523

When 90% of the American population is borderline illiterate, this isn't an especially noteworthy feat.

>> No.5399537

hot little meme

>> No.5399538

He encountered Hegel while he was in prison. So maybe the solution is to send more people to jail?

>> No.5399556
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>> No.5399571

shit Tyson confirmed for being based as fuck

>> No.5399575

>Alexander, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, even a cold pimp like Iceberg Slim—they were all mama's boys. That's why Alexander kept pushing forward. He didn't want to have to go home and be dominated by his mother

Honestly this is better than 99% of /lit/

>> No.5399598

top lel

>> No.5399603

I liked him in Cosmos. He's a good astronomy educator. Didn't know he was also into philosophy.

>> No.5399635

I liked him in Cosmos. He's a good astrology dictator.

>> No.5399651

>People thought Tyson was a downer all this time
He's not a genius, but there's far more to boxing than hurrrr who can punch harder. He has a decent brain up there.

>> No.5399664


Tyson's already been there.

This is a pretty cool piece, and I really like its author.

>> No.5399685



>> No.5399731

how the fuck is this real. no fucking way this is real gr8 b8 i already looked it up and determined it was fake

>> No.5399734

I agree with this comment. I am immensely grateful to whoever made that series, and to Mr Tyson for his performance. Helped me fill in a gap withing my education.

>> No.5399799

I like Mike Tyson.

>> No.5399807

>but there's far more to boxing than hurrrr who can punch harder

>> No.5399830

>You will never watch a philoxoboxing tournament with your bros
>You will never see Hegel and Schopenhauer fight to the death and transcend the lord-bondsman relationship they fool themselves into thinking they have

>> No.5399863


>> No.5399901


fuck off

>> No.5400049

>loook aaat mee i'm ssooo smaaaart!!!!
>look mooomm, smaaarteer thaan tyyyssooon!!

>> No.5400128

This isn't about anyone being smart, it's about Tyson being a retard.

>> No.5400144

very cool. this just makes my day

>> No.5400152
File: 66 KB, 630x350, pigin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyson confirmed for the harbinger of New Sincerity.

>> No.5400169

Aspergers detected.

>> No.5400173

Good god you sound like a faggot. Too many autists on /lit/ nowadays.

>> No.5400180

tyson confirmed for the blond beast

>> No.5400207

I'm pretty sure that it was just a joke, brother. I thought that it was a good one.

>> No.5400219

How pathetic are you that on learning that someone famous, who in most people's eyes in a dumbass, actually cares about philosophy and literature and all these kinds of things, it's a fucking despicable perspective to take. I actually want to type this post out in capitals, your post is terrifying, it's completely supercilious. Regardless of how he expresses it - a slip up in the exaggeration of a sentence saying "you need an IQ of 300 to read Nietzsche," oh no! - have you even read what's he's read? Do you even have anything that you care about as much as he cares about (reading, being a "warrior", whatever)? Maybe you do, just one thing though, and that's the exhilaration you get when you find an angle that means someone isn't very clever.

>> No.5400224

Haha shit that was longer that I thought it was, it looks like a damn copypasta

>> No.5400232

>You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him.

Cringing magnificently hard.

Nothing about what he's saying is interesting nor resourceful in any way. Mike Tyson is retarded and this thread is cancerous.

>> No.5400240
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>> No.5400251

What snobs can't handle is sincere enthusiasm about things, especially not if it's expressed in an unsophisticated way. It's too direct, too honest, without any irony proxies or ambivalent language to hide behind. Makes them uncomfortable. Same reason they hate people like Miller or Kerouac.

>> No.5400252

>guy makes a joke

please, spectrumfriends, keep in mind that neurotypicals use humor often

>> No.5400297
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>undisputed heavyweight champion of the world shows an interest in reading philosophy like you do
>your supreme gentleman mind can't deal with him intruding on your super secret club
>try to mock him to make yourself feel better

whatever you need to tell yourself to deal anon, lol

>> No.5400321
File: 140 KB, 287x240, moooot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mike could LITERALLY -- yes, i used that word-- kill everyone on this board at once.

>> No.5400332

>Same reasson they read laureate author referenced and respected to this day 1 and laureate author referenced and respected to this day 2

>> No.5400334

Yeah, 'cause that's all he's good for, right? Beating people? Who's to say he couldn't out-debate everyone on this board in regard existential philosophy?

>> No.5400338

No one's mocking his enthusiasm but dumb statements like:
>You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him.

>> No.5400339

And Mike is also LITERALLY retarded. I'd ask him how Joyce uses scatological humour to make up for what a talentless hack he is and watch as his dumb brain implodes.

>> No.5400353

>implying boxing isn't the most gentlemanly sport in history
>implying that Mike is a gifted intellectual
>Implying that Mike doesn't read the dictionary for pleasure
>Implying that Mike doesn't write books under a different alias

>> No.5400357


>bored and reverting to all out baiting now for attention


>> No.5400365

>"Implying that Mike is a gifted intellectual"
>"Implying that Mike doesn't write books under a different alias"
I don't think you even know the point you were trying to make. Besides, boxing certainly isn't the most gentlemanly sport in history. The most masculine, sure, but not gentlemanly.

>> No.5400369

Dude, you're crazy. There's nothing more gentlemanly than letting your fists do the talking.

>> No.5400370

How can people not like Mike Tyson?

>> No.5400373


>I don't think you even know the point you were trying to make.

he's baiting you simple simon ass motherfucker

>> No.5400387

Well, that's awfully convenient for you, isn't it? To dismiss everything you disagree with as bait, I mean. Just show a little faith in people.

>> No.5400388

how can people not be dumb manchilds?

>> No.5400397
File: 11 KB, 224x183, ayyy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5400398

Christ almighty.

>> No.5400407

>taking the almighty Lord's name in vain you worthless autist
*tips fedora*

>> No.5400409

I'm sorry. We really all are childs under God.

>> No.5400423

daily reminder that mike tyson is the most overrated athlete of all time

>> No.5400468

Shit, I really hate this board sometimes

>> No.5400544

It makes perfect sense that the most capable and confident fighter in his youth turns to the philosophy of great thinkers and conquerors in his twilight years. Tyson perfectly reflects his idols - Alexander, Napoleon and Genghis Khan - and he emulated Nietzsche's ubermensch before he had ever heard of the concept. It is so refreshing to me to see philosophy meet Mike Tyson, because that is exactly what philosophy needs. These great ideas were conjured by men who had the courage to face crippling anxieties every day and do combat with them. Philosophers did not intend to keep us in the state of fear and empty quibbling, but to liberate us from our insecurity so that we may do battle with real demons.

>> No.5400582

During his prison sentence:

I was totally into reading though. There's nothing that'll pass time than reading a whole book. Wayno and I would read to each other in our room every night. One guy would have the book and the other would have a thesaurus or dictionary so that when we came across a word we didn't know, we could look it up. We'd even use the words in sentences so we really got them down.

I really enjoyed Will Durant's The Story of Civilization. I read Mao's book. I read Che. I read Machiavelli, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Marx, Shakespeare, you name it. I read Hemingway, but he was too much of a downer. My favorite was Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo. I really identified with the main character Edmond Dantes. He had been framed by his enemies and sent to jail too. But he didn't just sit there and brood; he prepared for his eventual success and revenge. Whenever I felt lost in prison, I'd read some Dumas.

>> No.5400603

lel, read more Nietzche, individualism was not really content in his philosophy trolley.

>> No.5400610

Holy shit that is too fucking cool. Tyson confirmed for /lit/'s patron saint

>> No.5400616

what a pleb

>> No.5400618

>One guy would have the book and the other would have a thesaurus or dictionary so that when we came across a word we didnt know, we could look it up.
That's so fucking sweet!
Tyson sounds like a pretty cool dude. A lot of harcore people could really get into /lit/ through revolutionary texts and militaristic writers if they get the chance, I guess.

>> No.5401229

New Sincerists don't read books though

>> No.5401232

“I have a favorite book that I read every day. It’s called ‘The World’s Greatest Letters: From Ancient Greece to the Twentieth Century.’ I love connecting the past this way. You learn so much about these people by reading their letters. Some of these people are so self-centered they don’t think that anyone else is capable of loving the way they do. A lot of these guys are control freaks and they get frustrated because their love is not answered quickly enough. What these people are writing is so poetic, the way they express themselves in language is so breathtaking. And sometimes the person they’re writing to doesn't give a shit about them. I read these letters and I cry. You think about Napoleon, this great world leader, and you read a letter where he’s begging to his love Josephine to come to him and she doesn't. "

>> No.5401377

mike tyson is my hero

>> No.5401406

They do after they send them to prison, duh

>> No.5401879

this thread is making me like tyson even more.

>> No.5401995

Yeah, this one guy he once knew. Pretty cool bro.

>> No.5402010

>philosophy and boxing will have been joined in a single sport, Philosoboxing
I need this future ASAP

>> No.5402055

>Wayno and I would read to each other in our room every night. One guy would have the book and the other would have a thesaurus or dictionary so that when we came across a word we didnt know, we could look it up. We'd even use the words in sentences so we really got them down.
I'd really like to hug him.

>> No.5402061


Tyson has always been very interesting.

>> No.5402066

Chess-boxing is the closest that you're going to get to this.

>> No.5402080
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Mike Tyson confirmed patrician

>> No.5402237


kind of edgy, isn't it? a person's worth is determined by their ability to kill others?

I agree it's nice that he shows in interest in these things though, I wouldn't mock him since he's at least trying

>> No.5402473

supply and demand motherfucker

>> No.5402584

You people are the most pathetic types. Practical hero worship at the least bit showing of intellectual masculinity. You all lack the masculine aegis.

>> No.5402658

Sincerity is often cliche. Its both beautiful and disgusting.

>> No.5402666

Tyson confirmed for based. He should post here more often.

>> No.5402720

>mild hyperbole is dumb, I will continuously defend this idea until it becomes practically shitposting!


>> No.5402750

Pretty cool. I don't see why some of you are sperging out. Sounds like he's better-positioned to talk about literature and philosophy than most of /lit/.

>> No.5402768

It's not a hyperbole when he's implying that a whole not needs to happen between your ears to understand Nietzsche, who is babby's first philosopher and always will be. He's clearly found something beyond boxing he's into, but he hasn't mastered the area well enough to make informed statements about it.

>> No.5402786


>> No.5402791

Nietzsche babbies are annoying, but the toddlers who feel like they're beyond Nietzsche like you are even worse. You'll grow out of that as well once you start actually reading him in depth.

>> No.5402851

jesus christ that guy got BTFO

>> No.5402856



>> No.5402970
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A good lad.

>> No.5402996
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Calm yourself, junior.
Calm yourself.

>> No.5403000

Tyson read Mao while in prison, which shouldn't be surprising since Tyson was around for the height of the Black Panthers, which was a Maoist organization. He's an intellectual.

>> No.5403006
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holy shit, what the fuck?
I didn't know Mike Tyson read philosophy. I mean, usually boxers get lots of hits in their heads and that doesn't help.

>mfw tyson posts on /lit/

>> No.5403019

Is this possible?
Tyson is like a greek, mens sans in corpore sans.

>> No.5404943
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>You will never hang out with Mike Tyson

>> No.5404957 [DELETED] 

Tyson is the anon that asks people not to shitpost.

>> No.5404990

Boxers in general seem to be more interesting characters than other athletes.

>> No.5406995

Mens sana in corpore sano

>> No.5407021

hahahahaha tyson truly is the goat

>> No.5407070

fuck rename this board /tyson/

>> No.5407103


I boxed for a while in the same gym of francesco versaci which it's a pretty big name in italy, and some boxers are genuinely interesting and intelligent people.

>> No.5408244

Bumping this thread to make sure everyone recognizes our new king, M. Tyson.

>> No.5408250

better when read in his voice, obviously

>> No.5408264
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The secret to accessing the literary life is to be imprisoned. No other situation allows so much reading time and so much real danger in one space.

>> No.5409051

All the psychological warfare was a one way street for him in the end, however. What his original trainers knew and what ultimately tarnishes his claim to greatest Heavyweight of all time was that Tyson wasn't strong when the heat in the ring started to turn on him. Those he couldn't immediately freeze before climbing through the rope or pummel to submission within a couple of rounds already won, and resulted him getting stopped in his most important fights. He's really making a second life for himself these days in the end, instead of being a drunken novelty muttering around Las Vegas.

>> No.5409085
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>that vid
>that sincere tormented misery

>> No.5410226

g-guys im starting to see the absurd in everything, am i doing it wrong? did i missunderstand what the absurd is?

>> No.5410775 [DELETED] 

I'm a typical Jewish male and I am a little sissy bitch in training for mister black bull Tyson

>> No.5411150

wait, Coil and Tyson, think my trips got even better. Gloria in Excelsis Deo

>> No.5411159

Is this bait?

>> No.5411205
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>> No.5411229 [DELETED] 
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And it couldn't have come in a better time, now that 4chan has reached an all time low. There is a new chan, it´s only 5 months old but it´s already the second fastest english speaking chan, losing only to 4chan. It´s /b/ already gets more than 1k posts a day.How the fuck did it get so popular so fast? Why is this being so hyped? This chan has climbed 2 million alexa ranks in just a few months. How is this possible? Because mchan is the most unique website on the internet right now. It is completely different than 4chan, reddit and so on.

Mchan has a different moderation system designed to allow 100% freedom of speech while at the same time keeping boards organized, and without the need for moderators to delete shit because they power trip and delete what they don't like. Mods will never censor what you want to say again. On top of that, there is no moralfaggotry in mchan. Only true illegal posts get removed. 4chan bans a lot of things that are legal because of moot´s personal ideals.

Fun has been restored to the inernet, rejoice anons. Someone had the balls to make something that doesn't cater to SJW´s and society's moral codes.

[bypass algorithm: 3]

>> No.5411525


I truly can't deal with this.

>> No.5412007

tyson reminds me of bukowski. i could imagine them being m8s

>> No.5412692
File: 69 KB, 450x200, racistPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we pretending this ear-eating rapist is literate?

That he has read a book in his memory?

Let alone a work of Kierkegaard.

Let alone that he would understand such concepts even were they on an mp3 read aloud in his ears while training.

And most ridiculous of all to indulge the impossibility he could have anything significant or insightful to say in response to Kierkegaard.

>> No.5412698

>being this mad that a human pitbull is more well read than you

>> No.5412717


>> No.5412728


>Are we pretending this ear-eating rapist is literate?

Tyson is able to read and write. He is necessarily literate by definition.

What you meant to say was "well read". Not "literate".

But I understand how you could trip over yourself with confusion while you're trying to juggle so many angst and masculinity issues at the same time. It must be a chore.

>> No.5412769


>Are we pretending this ear-eating rapist is literate?

lol i bet you're the kind of anemic ivory tower wannabe loser who would venerate someone like socrates despite the fact that he was a soldier who actually killed people in his day without seeing the hypocrisy in making a statement like this against tyson.

life isn't black and white, no matter how bad a racist like you wants it to be. fuck off, kid.

>> No.5412801


>> No.5412834


To be fair this thread has been surprisingly decent. Could you imagine how a thread like this would turn out on other boards? It would be one big mankid shitfest..

>> No.5412846


He seems like genuine and intelligent person who's aware of his own shortcomings and even publicly adresses them. You don't have to be a pedantic academic to be a smart person, his self awareness is his strong point.

He always going forward and making mistakes along the way.

Based Tyson.

>> No.5412884
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>> No.5412971


Fighters get a bad rap, but having a focused outlet for all the aggression and frustration in life seems to leave a lot of them very chill and thoughtful.

>> No.5412979


>people can't be passionate and excitable

The man clearly loves Kierkegaard, so what are you acting so surprised about?

Stay butthurt, Tyson has lived thrice as much as you would have ever been able to and is thrice the man you'll ever be.

>> No.5412992
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>mfw he still didn't get it

Good show.

>> No.5413004


>but he hasn't mastered the area well enough to make informed statements about it.

Do you really think that you've arrived at a better understanding of Nietzsche's ethos with this kind of intellectual elitism?

And who do you think Nietzsche would personally consider a closer embodiment of it, you or Tyson?

>> No.5413006

we now have the best board hero
who would have thought

>> No.5413019


>who is babby's first philosopher and always will be

you are such a maymay teenager that it's embarrassing. you should leave.

>> No.5413325

I think the "not a light kind of guy" comment was a joke about him being the heavyweight champion.

>> No.5413349


>> No.5413369
File: 89 KB, 613x452, 1409445899427-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the most intelligent guy ever, but he's extremely interesting and sincere. Love reading his interviews.

>> No.5413375

Keep it up, OP.

>> No.5413383

Poetics are for people who lose really bad, duh

>> No.5413396

at least one greek philosopher was a boxer too

>> No.5413674

Tyson's the anon that cites sources

>> No.5413826

All were soldiers. Perhaps there is a book idea here, pictureing the lot as Tysons, his voice and character.
The face of Socrates alone.

>> No.5415068

>When he knocked out Sterling Benjamin he turned to the crowd while the referee counted him out and waved for them to rise to their feet. And when the referee signalled the fight was over, Tyson turned around and helped pick Benjamin off the ground. 'It’s nothing personal. I have to do this to survive.'

>> No.5415088
File: 33 KB, 384x253, keep it together man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's dangerous to hang out in this neighborhood alone
>wants to kill everyone, wants to kill me too
>I hate myself, but I'm making myself proud of myself
>I'm a motherf-- I'm a bad guy
>/I'm not/.

>I will never have the courage to be this honest to anyone, including myself

>> No.5415105
File: 5 KB, 125x126, 1282902252890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'It’s nothing personal. I have to do this to survive.'

>> No.5415144

I know, right?

I think Mike Tyson may be my hero.

>> No.5415175

Tyson confirmed for undisputed champion of /lit/

>> No.5415208

It's really great to see someone successful out in the world who recognizes that literature isn't just about deep in depth study and academia, but about living and uses it in his life. Many people read this stuff too seem intelligent and enhance their cultural capital, but Mike Tyson understands the importance of its actual use in life application

>All hail based tyson.

>> No.5415273
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-it-s-good-to-know-how-to-read-but-it-s-dangerous-to-know-how-to-read-and-not-how-to-interpret-what-mike-tyson-188420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Mike is litcore

>> No.5415274

Awesome topic

>thousanth of feelth to Mike Tyson

>> No.5416040

>"I made Cus proud of me."

Fuck dude, I've seen this before but it hits me right in the feels every time. He really loved Cus and Cus loved him too, was the closest thing he had to a father and turned him from a hoodrat into a fairly intelligent and well spoken individual

>> No.5416146



>> No.5418616


>> No.5418678

All of the best boxers punch with their brain. You need to be able to make quick decisions in order to succeed.

>> No.5418706
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>> No.5418732

except if you read up on him his whole life is a story of insecurity

>> No.5418853

it's a play on words

whether it's intentional or not is debatable but hey we've been through the postmodern age after all