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5391925 No.5391925 [Reply] [Original]

>A recent USA study that reviewed political views and intelligence has shown that the mean adolescent intelligence of young adults who identify themselves as "very liberal" is 106.4, while that of those who identify themselves as "very conservative" is 94.8.[103] Two other studies conducted in the UK reached similar conclusions.[104][105]

Any theories/hypotheses on the reason for this?

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient#Other_correlations

>> No.5392027


the majority of conservatives live in areas with poorer education due to a variety of reasons. When you take the redneck stereotype, they live in rural/semi-rural areas which globally have worse education and quality of living than in cities.

>> No.5392036

not lit

>> No.5392053

Ignorance etc.


>> No.5392068

Do you think the lack of education informs their politics? I think perhaps the opposite is true in the here in the UK.

>> No.5392070

same reason why working class conservatives are conservative.

>> No.5392101

right winger in denial detected

>> No.5392127

That post was vague. What I meant was in Britain the inner cities are more likely to get sub-standard education from overworked teachers, but the politics don't necessarily follow in suit like >>5392027 implies.

I realise the amount of sweeping statements here, but I find this interesting to hash out.

>> No.5392240

In the UK, poorer working-class areas are Labour (left) 'strongholds'. We also don't really have religion so I'm not sure what views would fit into conservative here.

>> No.5392242

who knows. in reality it is more complex than the OP's citation. for example most people follow the politics of their parents (just as they follow the religion of their parents etc etc etc). also the UK's inner cities are full of immigrants who are never going to vote Conservative

>> No.5392249
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If IQ tests can be improved, how is it a measure of intelligence?

>> No.5392262

I went from an anarcho-syndicalist (when I was 15-20) to a futurist/fascist (20-hitherto).

>> No.5392280

>IQ tests show blacks and aborigines are literally subhuman

Liberals: IQ doesn't mean nuffin', muh oppression, muh structural racism, muh cultural bias.

>IQ tests show contemporary conservatives are on average less intelligent than contemporary liberals

Liberals: Hahaha, conservashits are dumb lol, this proves our ideology is superior.

If IQ tests are designed by inner-city liberal atheists, don't they have an inherent cultural bias against rural, conservative, religious people?

>> No.5392322

>people who just believe whatever authority figure they were born into revering are less intelligent

What a newsflash. Why are you even puzzled by this, OP?

>> No.5392339
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>nothing to do with literature
general /pol/ leakage nothing to worry about people

>> No.5392395

It's as /lit/ related as the 100+ reply Marx thread, it's just based in a much smaller pool of literature.
What are you saying by this? Both liberal and conservative camps have authority figures.

>> No.5392396
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>> No.5392441

>Labour (left)
top kek

>> No.5392457


What a stupid map.

>> No.5392461

>Both liberal and conservative camps have authority figures.

Who's an authority figure for the "liberal camp"? Just as an example.

>> No.5392488

I'm more of a liberal than a conservative but its inevitable that some genetic makeups will perform better in IQ tests and have greater cognitive capabilities.

The subject is extremely taboo however so you can't expect everyone to give their honest opinion on the matter.

>> No.5392507

Chomsky? Some recite him like he were gospel. After he pops his clogs I don't know.

>> No.5392656 [DELETED] 

- IQ testing was designed by Europeans, for Europeans.
- Indigenous people don't have the same knowledge as us, simply because they don't need it
- Some races are less evolved than others

>> No.5392695
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<70 IQ Liberal
70-100 Conservative
100-125 Liberal
>125 Conservative

Subhuman retards = liberals (because they like free shit that liberals give them)
Stupid normalfags = conservatives (because smart normalfags are aligned with subhumans against them trying to expropriate their goods)
Smart normalfags = liberals (idiot hivemind and social pressure and will to power to think they can socially engineer society)

Very Intelligent people = conservatives (because liberals are fucking obnoxious and they want to be left alone)

>> No.5392712
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>> No.5392718

>Very Intelligent people = conservatives (because liberals are fucking obnoxious and they want to be left alone)


very intelligent people = developed political views that are not so easily pigeonholed

>> No.5392772
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What are you implying? You can improve your IQ test score.

>> No.5392796
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>> No.5392809

Name any authority figure for the "conservative" camp and I will give you a "liberal" equivalent.

>> No.5392824

My intuition is that a lot of really dumb people and the very smartest people tend to be right-wing, while the people in between tend to be left-wing.

>> No.5392832

My intuition is that slightly above average people tend to be left wing, average and below average people tend to be right wing, smarter people tend to be farther right wing, and the smartest people tend to be far left.

>> No.5392863



>> No.5392874
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>> No.5392878


Man, that was easy.

>> No.5392887

Conservatives generally are made up of a population of either very intelligent or very unintelligent people, while liberals tend to stay around the middle.

>> No.5392897

Chomsky's not an authority figure. On what? Believe it or not, liberals on the whole don't take anyone like Chomsky seriously. They seriously don't quote him as law.

Granted, he has fanbois, but so does Rush Limbaugh. I wouldn't call Rush Limbaugh an "authority figure". Again, on what?

Just no.

>> No.5392901
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Jesus is a clearly a left-wing authority figure, especially as left-wingers adhere so fanatically to his doctrine of radical egalitarianism. However, in the spirit of your answer, pic related is the response.

>> No.5392906

Up until very intelligent (where I'd say that they tend to have more intricate and varied views that wouldn't be easily categorized) you have it summed up well.

>> No.5392916
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>radical egalitarianism

In a system with total and absolute subservience to god? What astounding insight you hate.

>> No.5392919

I can concede to Marx as an authority figure for the left, so good response there.

Liberals may agree with Jesus's teachings (even more so than the religious right, which just sort of ignores, like, every single major tenets of it) but they don't , on the whole, cite him and adhere to his figure and status as an authority. One could even say liberals look to Gandhi more than they do Jesus--but this is probably only because the religious right misappropriated Jesus as the one they evoke while locking and loading.

>> No.5392920

Ann Coulter
Bill O'Reilly

>> No.5392925

These aren't authorities. They're just jesters squawking obnoxiously.

See: >>5392897

>> No.5392926

>being this ignorant

You realize that contemporary progressivism is simply the latest in a long line of Christian heresies, right?

Rachel Madcow
Paul Krugman

>> No.5392939

maybe there's some truth to this. like each intelligence tier wants to hate on the intelligence tier below, so it alternates in this pattern

>> No.5392940


I don't understand your point.

Heresies against what order?

>> No.5392943

The Catholic order.

>> No.5392947

itt: i don't understand the implications of the reformation

>> No.5392958


people with slightly above average intelligence are just as bad as idiots. anyone who buys into the liberal-conservative political paradigm is a moron

radicals have the highest IQs on average

>> No.5392959


So your argument is the progressive moments were heresies against the catholic church....which in turn makes Jesus a figure of the left? I seriously don't know what you're saying. The catholic church is a church of Christ.

>> No.5392982

>These are the high spots of organized U.S. Protestantism’s super-Protestant new program for a just and durable peace after World War II:

>Ultimately, “a world government of delegated powers.”
>Complete abandonment of US. isolationism.
>Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty.
>International control of all armies & navies.
>“A universal system of money. . so planned as to prevent inflation and deflation.”
>Worldwide freedom of immigration.
>Progressive elimination of all tariff quota restrictions on world trade.
>“Autonomy for all subject and colonial peoples” (with much better treatment for Negroes in the U.S).
>“No punitive reparations, no humiliating decrees of war guilt, no arbitrary dismembennent of nations.”
>A “democratically controlled” international bank “to make development capital available in all parts of the world without the predatory and imperialistic after-math so characteristic of large-scale private and governmental loans.”

Yes, Jesus is a figure of the left. The fact that leftists are not aware of the fact that they are practicing heretical Christianity is amusing but rather irrelevant to their classification. Modern leftism is simply the latest in a long line of Christian heresies. There's a reason hierarchical high rightists have tended to either idealize pagan morality or be traditionalist obscurantist Catholics.

>> No.5392996

Liberals give much less credence to IQ tests than conservatives. Conservatives on the other hand point to these tests as evidence of a racial hierarchy. Liberals lose the ability to gloat, but conservatives assert their own inferiority by invoking IQ

Also, I thought liberals only know how to feelz, not reazon?

>> No.5393006
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So now you've linked an article describing a sect of american Protestants that hold progressive viewpoints.

Exactly how does that make Christ, the figure who preached a system that had man totally subservient to god? This is anti egalitarian to the extreme. It supposes that one being is above and beyond the understanding of mortals, thus mortals must submit and obey to every commandment and every order.

I see Jesus as a "fuck politics" anyway, he didn't seem very concerned about that shit anyway. I don't think the phrase "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God' evokes leftist themes.

>> No.5393026

>a sect of american Protestants

Uh no, basically ALL American Protestants. And you'll notice the Time article mentions that the British Protestants were even more radical.

>Exactly how does that make Christ, the figure who preached a system that had man totally subservient to god? This is anti egalitarian to the extreme. It supposes that one being is above and beyond the understanding of mortals, thus mortals must submit and obey to every commandment and every order.

Have you even read Galatians? I can't believe someone could have such a shallow and wrong understanding of Christ's doctrine, let alone the metaphysics of God.

Christ is a figure of the left because the contemporary left practices heretical Christianity, descended from Protestantism (again, heretical Christianity).

>> No.5393034
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>Have you even read Galatians? I can't believe someone could have such a shallow and wrong understanding of Christ's doctrine, let alone the metaphysics of God.

Can you do ANYTHING other than say "you don't understand". Man is under god, he's a child and god is the father. This much is clear, there's nothing equal or egalitarian about it.

Christ wasn't a figure of the left in any sense, he was beyond all that shit.

>> No.5393069

Critical reasoning skills, what IQ measures, correlates with intelligence. Intelligence and understanding is a form of power that gives confidence in your own thinking which allows you to probe and challenge conventional ideas when it suits you, this on average leads to liberalism of some kind.