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5387119 No.5387119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>[Facebook group which just went from open to closed]

>Frank Hinton

I made a mistake, and it was out of fear and it was a knee-jerk reaction. I've never had anyone send me a "cease and desist" before.
So I made a mistake and went "DELETE" "DELETE" without thinking, reading. I was wholly unaware of the Plainwrap publication (despite seemingly being named in it) and of the depth of the conversation, of the stories of people's lives involved in this, of the numerous posts and publications from all over. So, that's on me. That's my fuck up..."

>> No.5387128
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what is clear now is that this place is more than I thought it was, it's a literary space but also a political one. I think writing is a source of therapy as well as a product of pain and that events, life circumstances and deeply rooted ideas are behind all of those things. It would be ignorant of me to think that such a group wouldn't want to uphold the values of a diverse and socially just community.
So Alt Lit Gossip needs to stand for something more. And while I believe this is a space that should be free of libel and slander, in instances where acts of hatred and sexual violence and harassment are documented and clear this can be a forum for discussion and reflection on those acts, a place to challenge our own ideas and design a community of writers, poets and word lovers that represents the perspectives of all races, genders, sexual orientation, religions etc.
But not only should it represent them, it should defend them. The perspective of the victim must be acknowledged, represented and protected. If Alt Lit is anything it should be a community known to take action against social injustices, speak out against those that make us less than human: through writing, through online networking, through debate and discussion. In truth, these are my personal beliefs, but I never thought this space would grow to espouse them. Believe me when I say I thought this would be stupid links, image macros and chapbook promos all the way.
I did not reflect on this in my actions yesterday, but I've reflected on them now. If I could undelete what I deleted yesterday, I'd undelete. Instead, there are 5 things I will change:
1. This is now a space free to discuss literature, politics, news and topics related to social justice in relation to the world and citizens in the alt lit community
2. There will be a 6 member board compromised of persons representing a diversity of perspectives that serve as moderators and support staff in the management of this page and the altlitgossip.com page
3. Members of this group will be banned in the instance of actions discussions or insinuations to/of sexual violence, abuse, harassment, crime, libel with their actions documented and reported on.
4. Deleted posts and banned members will be discussed by the board prior to action..."

>> No.5387133
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>the finale.

5. Until further notice, this is a private, members-only group. I have no editorial role in its management.
except this editorial note: After actually reading and researching this and speaking with a series of people on here, I support the ideas and opinions as stated by the victims on here and think the idea of using sex and harassing others within this community is deplorable. Using editorial power for sex is wrong, using someone's name without consent in a way that humiliates and degrades is wrong. Sexually harassing and assaulting another human being is atrocious. I don't condone those actions, and will not support any writer or publication associated with such crimes.
Alexandra Naughton, I am truly ashamed and sorry.
- Frank"

Jesus Christ, what is going on with these people? It all seems so toxic and stressful.

>> No.5387159
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And for anyone who is wondering what exactly started this.

Apparently someone who is an authority for mentioned publisher did something to some of the writers.

This led to people calling others out, and those being called out, asking Frank or someone to stop the slander of their name.

This led to the whistle blowers getting pissed at Frank, since Frank took a neutral stance, not knowing what was going on. The whistle blowers got pissed because Frank didnt take their side? Not entirely sure.

>> No.5387175

>Jesus Christ, what is going on with these people? It all seems so toxic and stressful.
Who? What? Where? Why?

>> No.5387189
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>[Facebook group which just went from open to closed]

>Frank Hinton

part of alt lit, essentially

>> No.5388338
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So does this aspect of alt lit not matter?

Is that group not even a representative or major of the group?

>> No.5388375

Those animes suck and are emblematic of what is terrible about the genre as a whole

>> No.5388395
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Anime*, the singular is the same as the plural.

And, since when have the average anime fans spent their time being curious about alt lit and what exactly they are about?

>> No.5388407

I don't see what whether people who watch shitty cartoons also read shitty books has to do with anything

>> No.5388409


>> No.5388415

I don't even have to watch it to know that it's bad.

>> No.5388480
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You should practice your grammar.

Also your rhetoric.

1/10 for response, but you arent fooling anyone.

>> No.5388502

My grammar was correct, and so were my judgments.

>> No.5388532

what the fuck is that gook cartoon even supposed to be doing couldn't they afford a few frames of actual animation?

>> No.5388550
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>I don't see what whether people who


Also your judgments are based on nothing, as you said, so no they aren't. You're just shallow, lazy, or stupid.

>> No.5388556
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No its reversed at one point and then looped, so the animation comes off funny.

Its ok that you're stupid.

>> No.5388588

You have not explained how my grammar was incorrect; you simply dislike it because it sounds bad to you.

My judgments are based on an intimate understanding of the genre cultivated over a decade of enjoying it. Once you have reached my level of critical apprehension, you can often tell without watching an anime if it's going to be bad.

>> No.5388711
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The word whether needs alternatives to make sense, x or x, not agreement, x also x.

Whether we go or not is fine.

Whether we go also not is fine.

The word and can replace also, since there is no need for an alternative to begin with. You are trying to conjoin something, not show alternatives.

>I dont see what people who watch shitty cartoons and read shitty books has to do with anything

>My judgments are based on an intimate understanding of the genre cultivated over a decade of enjoying it. Once you have reached my level of critical apprehension, you can often tell without watching an anime if it's going to be bad.

Right, they are based on nothing. That was pretty easy to do.

>> No.5388757

I left the group once I realized that nobody on there really reads much stuff published before 1980 or so except like Camus and Kafka and Hemingway. Prior to 1850 is rare in that shit.

>> No.5388783
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Its just such cringe worthy stuff going on there.

Its just drowning in a guilt and weighing social capital against one another, while at the same limiting one's self by accepting that one cant cope with whatever it is that is currently difficult.

I never got why people cant do both, try and control the internal and the external.