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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 297 KB, 700x929, Butler hooks bad books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5383919 No.5383919 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a /lit/ humor thread going?

>> No.5383932


I never understood this weird shame/guilt women feel towards their own gender. Why is bearing children, cooking, passing on traditions and being modest somehow evil and "oppressive" ?

>> No.5383943

Because that isn't women's gender. Try a history of their own for starters, and then read some work on men's gender.

>> No.5383959

>Because that isn't women's gender.

of course it is. what are you talking about?

>> No.5383965

no we can't have a humour thread we've had like three in the past week /lit/ doesn't need anymore

you're not allowed to make this thread OP

>> No.5383966

we're living in a new magical age of make believe

>> No.5383970

"gender" is a word that got hijacked and redefined into oblivion, it's meaningless now.

The important thing to remember is woman's role/purpose/place in nature and the family. Their traditional role is meaningful and good but it got lost on the way, now woman seek to become wage-slaves and consume more than ever, while ignoring their biological reality.

>> No.5383975

thanks dad

>> No.5384123
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>mfw women's gender roles only started reflecting their 'biology' 100-200 years ago

>> No.5384130
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>> No.5384153

>Because that isn't women's gender.

I thought gender was a social construct and that social construct was

>bearing children, cooking, passing on traditions and being modest

Get your story straight, lib arts majors.

>> No.5384160
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>implying women didn't bear and raise children until the 1800s
>implying specific labor roles weren't selected by sex since the Paleolithic era

>> No.5384162

>that pic
Looks like /pol/ really is invading /lit/ after all.

>> No.5384187
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>baseless, uneducated assertions abound

>> No.5384230

>actually having children
>mothers and fathers
>family bonds
>everyone not belonging to everyone
>not being perfect alpha plus civilized people
>being less that a dirty epsilon with their horrible beige suits
My Ford, you're just too dumb. They must have put alcohol in your test tube or somethin.

>> No.5384232



>> No.5384233

no, gender is the socially constructed aspect of sex, and in most western cultures, the activities you name are gendered female.

you were close, but it's one more step. next: can you figure out why all of those steps are important? (hint: it has to do with the mistake you made)

>> No.5384236
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>>everyone not belonging to everyone

Might work if we are talking about ants, but not humans.

>> No.5384246

>implying mediterranean dionysian orgies and nordic solstice orgies weren't all throwbacks to prehistoric communal sex where everybody fucked everybody and raised everybody's kids

the "family" is really just a kind of bdsm situation that some people are "into" but is by no means "normal"

>> No.5384265

oh Emma I just want have dinner and maybe put my head in your lap while you run your fingers through my hair...

>> No.5384269


humans have been around for millenia but somehow only the last 500 years count i guess

>> No.5384276

well the family has been around since private property...it's basically a system for transfer of property rights, so that's more like a few thousand years but yeah, there was 100,000 years of humans before that

>> No.5384328
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Cool humor thread you got yourself going OP.

>people ignoring social construct of traditional gender roles is an extension of evolutionary biology

wee, i'm outta here

>> No.5384421 [DELETED] 


hunter-gatherers had property.
so 50,000 years for the family unit seems about right

but I guess history only started in the 1800s and 1900s when feminism reared it's shriveled head?

>> No.5384438

>hunter-gatherers had property.
Depends on how you define property. If you define as something that you are invested with the right to tell other people they can't use, then no, hunter-gatherers did not have property. They did not have inheritance.

>> No.5384452


hunter-gatherers have been around for over 50,000 years. i

their economics were tied very strongly to their family structure. many communities were small bands constituting an extended family or two. And if u look at modern hunter-gatheres you'll see a similar pattern. they implement division of labor along lines of sex and age, this division of labor is usually less strong than in agricultural societies that followed.
they were also nomadic so they traveled and most likely had to carry their property around and establish new homes as well

>> No.5384459

>If you define as something that you are invested with the right to tell other people they can't use, then no, hunter-gatherers did not have property.

citation needed.
Which hunter-gatherer families are we talking about, which time period and continent?

In modern times the hunter-gatherers we find have some sort of property, like wives, tools, weapons and clothes they consider "theirs".

>> No.5384651

property has a specific technical meaning in social science and you're misusing it.

>> No.5384681

>implying specific labor roles weren't selected by sex since the Paleolithic era
Oh yes, but they where just a means to separate men and women, most of the times they had no biological basis; Men weaving basket or Women making pots.

Read Levi-strauss.

>> No.5384712

The family is found in the majority of human cultures, with or without property rights, you fucking turbo-pleb.

I hate all of this historical "gray-washing". Family is important to child development. Strong bonds are pivotal in the only things humans are special for: language development.

>> No.5384736

not that anon, but
>Strong bonds are pivotal in the only things humans are special for: language development.
and the bourgeois core family is the only way to provide an infant with strong bonds? oh come on, either you lack imagination, or you're trying to sneak some weird fringe ideology into the debate.

>> No.5384769 [DELETED] 

>but they where just a means to separate men and women, most of the times they had no biological basis

of course some were biological others were just better suited for women.

women are physically inferior which would limit their hunting options, so they would specialize in gathering, foraging/scavenging, and maybe hunting smaller animals. Men could simply wait for a woman to cook her food and steal it from her.

Women would then recruit male partners to protect them from thieves. Women also evolved to become increasingly sexually attractive as a means to exploit male interest in investing in her protection.

They would also be incapacitated for 9months. You don't want your woman hunting wild boar, engaging in risky behavior, exploring new settlements when she's carrying your offspring.

So these gender roles slowly found the most logical and natural path to take.

>> No.5384782


Some were biological others just followed logically.
Women being inferior physically are better suited to forage/scavenge than hunt large game.
Pregnancy would also limit their mobility and utility.

Women would depend on men for protection against animals but against other men as well. So they evolved this sort of dependency.

It's not arbitrary that men are typically the hunters and women the gatherers. Naturally women would develop their own skills while men developed theres and the children would follow in their footsteps. The roles would establish themselves naturally.

>> No.5385051

They get mad when their vagina starts bleeding.

What's not to get?

Then they say menopause is a social construct.

>> No.5385067

10 years ago nobody even knew there's something like gender

now it's the hottest buzzword around

what the hell, feminists, do you enjoy brewing shitstorms for giggles?

>> No.5385078

> do women enjoy navel-gazing and getting attention from others

The funny thing is when feminists think they're acting differently or are separating gender from sex when they're really just repeating the same stereotypes that have existed about women since ancient times.

The only thing that has changed is men have gotten weaker, more gullible and more desperate for sex.

>> No.5385218

>Those pictures
Oh my god it's 2008 again

>> No.5385265
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>women stick to housekeeping and taking care of children for thousands of years
>early 20th century group of women revolts, wanting equal rights blah balh
>men agree
>within 60-70 years women are equal, no more social stigma etc etc
>no i don't want to work
>i want to clean and drive kids around

>mfw we have been trolled

>> No.5385267
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just another reminder that /lit/ is majority reactionaries who do not read

>> No.5385272


>> No.5385274

Why are all you faggots so insecure about your "gender"? I've never seen this shit being discussed outside of 4chan.

>> No.5385278

fesminism is going to kill me. and you

>> No.5385287

If that's your opinion, than you deserve to be killed.

>> No.5385299

This is a funny thread.

Congrats OP.

>> No.5385301


don't even bother talking to these people, they're all either trolling or troglodytes from /r9k/ or /pol/

>> No.5386033

Sorry, but this is all /lit/ can manage.

>> No.5386056
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>> No.5386073

You're equivocating on the use of the term.

>> No.5386074
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>> No.5386078 [DELETED] 

Wahhh!! My social justice headnod isn't validating my cultural marxist views with these people.

>> No.5386086

you mean /pol/

>> No.5386091
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>> No.5386098 [DELETED] 

>wahhh, I have no idea what I'm talking about, so I'll spam some buzzwords I found on reddit

>> No.5386104 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little pragmatist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at the french psychoanalytic institute in Siberia, and I’ve been involved with numerous of my patients, and I have over 300 confirmed theories. I am trained in semiotics and I’m the top analyst in the entire psychoanalytical community. You are nothing to me but just another subject. I will surprise you with complex analytical tools the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my superior speech act. You think you can get away with implying that there are contradictions in my theoretical edifice over the Internet? Think again, you locus of signifiers. As we speak I am contacting my academic colleagues across the USA and your psychlogical condition is being analysed right now so you better prepare for the treatment, you piece of radical otherness. The treatment that radically changes the perverse thing you call your life. You’re fucking outside the symbolic order as such, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, theoretically and I can analyze you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in the psychoanalytical field, but I have access to the entire oevre of psychoanalytical writings and I will use it to its full extent to analyze your miserable ass as the superego product of the pre-dominant ideology of the continent, you little object-a. If only you could have known what unholy psychological implications your little “clever” comment was about to reveal about you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re being analyzed, you goddamn psychotic. I will contemplate the Real that seems to lure all over you and which you might, so to speak drown in, if you fail to reproduce a suitable master-signifier. You’re fucking lacking the phallus, kiddo.

>> No.5386105 [DELETED] 

Why do you retards even come to this website? You don't want to be here, we don't want you here, you aren't "changing" or "fighting" anything by being perpetually offended and annoying.

>> No.5386110 [DELETED] 

You must be addressing the wrong post. I'm not the redditor.

>> No.5386114 [DELETED] 

>No, 4chan loves feminism I swear

>> No.5386124 [DELETED] 

I'm not a redditor either. No one here is a redditor. I want to rip on pomo/ leftist views not because I'm a fedora tipping mans rights activist, but because they're ripe for ridicule. You want to rip on biological reductionism because it's ripe for ridicule.

>> No.5386126

Old 4chan used to be much less autistic. We used to have lulz without giving a shit about your retarded reddit topics. Only over the last two years we've been flooded with reddit scum who forced this constant whining about women upon us. You virgin retards already ruined /pol/. Don't metastasize your cancer to /lit/.

>> No.5386129
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>> No.5386130 [DELETED] 

I came into this conversation way later than you're thinking and now that I see what you're getting at I agree

>> No.5386133 [DELETED] 

You put a lot of effort in each sentence, it reads like conceptual poetry with each stanza next to the other.
Sadly tired memes are boring to read through. Good shit, bro.

>> No.5386158
File: 59 KB, 937x667, great gatsby cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386166

People are strange

>> No.5386167

An anti-statist, individualist, libertarian, post-left/right, pacifist professor of law and economics who had written extensively on polycentric legal orders and the principle that ends cannot justify means was teaching a class on Lysander Spooner, known anarchist.
"Before class begins, I noncoercively encourage you to read Max Stirner for yourself and see that his critique of collective entities is the most revolutionary political theory that the individuals composing the world have ever known, even greater than Rawl's Theory of Distributive Justice!"
At this moment, a brave, obedient citizen who had memorized the constitution and had dutifully paid taxes each year of his adult life without taking a single deduction and had served in the Army, Navy, and National Guard before taking a civil service job and volunteering his weekends teaching civics to boy scouts stood up and, with tacit consent from the collective spirit of the class, asked this question:
"How did you get here today in order to give us this lecture?"
The arrogant professor smirked quite independently and smugly replied:
"I drove here in my car designed and built by thousands of spontaneously coordinated minds - without the aid of any central planner or authority."
"Wrong. If government is unjustified and unnecessary coercion, as you say, then in the absence of government, who would build the roads?"
The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and his copy of Society Against the State. He stormed out of the room crying those pacifist crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Murray Friedman, wished he could have been made more than an isolated individualist through public education and a central authority that joins everyone as a cell in a single communal body, but he himself had written to disprove the ethics and utility of such an arrangement.
The students collectively applauded and all joined the civil service that day and accepted the democratic political process and intervention through administrative bureaucracy as the most efficient and just way of structuring society. An eagle named "the National Spirit" flew into the room and perched atop the National Flag and shed a single tear. Hobbes' Leviathan was read aloud several times and Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman showed up to demonstrate how centralized manipulation of interest rates and public works projects can bring the economy out of a recession.
The professor lost his tenure that day and was fired the day after that. He died from using substances that were not approved by the FDA, DEA, USDA, ATF, or EPA and his "books" were banned for all eternity for the greater health of the Nation.
E pluribus unum.

>> No.5386175
File: 170 KB, 1059x593, lit taught me how to be smooth with the ladies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386176

That's not even a good representation. I'm surrounded by talentless fucking hacks.

>> No.5386186


story? what happened to this guy?

>that surprisingly poignant metaphor

>> No.5386187
File: 30 KB, 298x496, The Elements of Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386200

>cleaning up that crazy old scientists from down the road basement full of old junk
>tired, lay down for a bit in an old metal contraption but fall asleep
>broom falls on control panel
>it's a time machine
>oh shit zapped back to the time of Christ
>dazed, stumble out to see the sermon on the mount
>Jesus steps out to the crowd
>ugly as fuck, big clumsy features, neckbeard, hasn't combed his hair
>fat, robes don't fit right, he keeps tugging at them
>opens his mouth, thick accent, slurs, barely intelligible
>"is not the typical, stupid, liberal opinion that 'oh, those who take initiative, strong personalities will get their way'- entirely wrong? My god, is it not the meek, who are forgotten and humble and so on, who will inherit the earth?"
>keeps sniffing, rubbing his nose
>"they say 'thou shalt not committ adultery', blah blah blah,- No! It is precisely the fantasy in which the real adultery is taking place"
>keeps contradicting himself

>> No.5386215
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>> No.5386223
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>> No.5386225

'cause that shit is lame and boring

>> No.5386231

You can't make much of a career writing about how good the status quo is. Things flow. You know that anon.

>> No.5386248
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>> No.5386251

>>that surprisingly poignant metaphor
It's something people said before it became normal to have facebook pages about phrases that inspire and shit.

>> No.5386265

Pretty good. I like the ~SOKAL PAPER~. Maybe you should add something from the pomo generator to the backround of the no dialetics symbol.

>> No.5386271
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>> No.5386274
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>> No.5386366
File: 163 KB, 1226x671, bloom's dilema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386394
File: 428 KB, 1904x3012, bloom vs king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386395

Did he call King that? It seems unfar. As far as I know he has no literary pretensions.

>> No.5386805


>> No.5386831

>see this on reddit
>300 posts of "I call bullshit" and "Yeah, right, he probably didn't say that"

what the fuck am i even doing on this planet

>> No.5386845

>what the fuck am i even doing on this planet
apparently, browsing reddit. see where you went wrong?

>> No.5386873

it's boring as shit.

>> No.5387482

>Thinking queer/feminist texts weren't published in the 80's/90's

>> No.5387525
File: 3.00 MB, 704x400, Union of egoists.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]