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File: 554 KB, 1296x730, Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5382117 No.5382117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5382158


>> No.5382159

>tfw you compare youtube philoso-sperglers to the intellectuals of the 19th and 18th centuries
>tfw those centuries are full of intellectuals and major movements they immediately spawned
>tfw we get sniffles mcgillicuddy

>> No.5382162


>> No.5382165

>youtube philoso-sperglers
this is zizek, not that bald fuck

>> No.5382172

oh starbucks gives us a guilt-free consumerism? well zizek gives us a thought-free citizenship, where we go buy our starbucks and dont need to do charity, and then go to work/hobby and dont need to think about what we are doing cause we can sit on the couch to read/watch zizek so he tell us about it.

what is next? food that doesnt need to be eaten?

>> No.5382191

"people work for money, and money is controlled by Jews, and so on" - Slavoj Zizek

>> No.5382194
File: 214 KB, 300x232, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in town
>got something to eat
>get some desert from McCafe
>see an add for an Oreo Frapee behind the counter that literally says "Reward yourself - You surely earned it somehow!"
>voice immediately pops into head "Thish *snff* ish of course... ideology *snff* .... at itsh puresht!"

What on earth did you do to me?

>> No.5382195

The Žiž ought to just stick to psychoanalyzing films. The more he talks, the less credence I give his words.

>> No.5382203

>see an add
an ad that is of course

>> No.5382205

You´re eating at McDonald´s, dude. Let´s not pretend you had a brain to wash.

>> No.5382215

Help me, Zizek
someone help me understand what he means about America being under an illusion of freedom as opposed to how China at least knows they aren't

>> No.5382224


>> No.5382226

Americans think they're the freest of the free, so they don't stop to think about the ways in which they aren't free.

China has no pretense of being freedomland, so they see both their freedoms and how they aren't free.

>> No.5382229

I like how he says the first syllables of "ideology" like "idiot". Seems relevant.

>> No.5382239

Yeah... neither should we pretend I didn't expect head-in-arse gonzos like yourself crawl out of their holes the second someone mentions some big franchise.

But to calm your hipster tits: As someone from a country with a shit ton of traditional confectionery shops I can confirm that McCafe is alright...

>> No.5382244

>zizek gives us a thought-free citizenship,
Zizek's entire point is that people need to engage in broad social movements, and common ownership of the means of production, i.e. take real responsibility rather than engage in non-evental shit like those in power promising to save the world through your small-as-possible contribution, a symbolic structural necessity to ensure that things are actually not addressed.
Interesting how nobody that has a real bone with Zizek seems to have even a superficial understanding of the aspects, not even contents, of his work

>> No.5382247

Apart from that fucking american chocolate cake that has like two bars of melt chocolate on it...

Jesus Christ, who the fuck buys those. It's like ordering a heart attack.

>> No.5382248

My brain is insufficient
what in the hell is he talking about how the crucifixion something about Jesus's death representing

>> No.5382251

Quality must be upped in your country. McDonald's is practically sludge in the USA.

>> No.5382264
File: 64 KB, 400x300, mccafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quality must be upped in your country.

Could be.
McCafe always seemed liked austrian confectionary standards coupled with american products.

>> No.5382280

Sludge can be tolerable. That poster never said he liked McDonald's. He only said he was at one.

>> No.5382296

True. I concede to this argument.

>> No.5382320

>tfw i actually like his newspaper articles
i'll have to become a psychoanalyst too

>> No.5382337

Everything he does is good.
I kind of want to become him.

>> No.5382405

remember that video of lacan being attacked by a student?

is there something like that for this hack?

>> No.5382416

Why in the fuck would anyone want to listen to this charlatan?

>> No.5382419

Oh God the hat woman.

>> No.5382436

This is by far the most coherent I've ever seen Zizek, and makes me think I was wrong to dismiss him based on other stuff I've seen.

What should I read or watch if I'd like an introduction to his body of thought, /lit/?

>> No.5382452

His X for Perverts series.
Any collection of his essays, he basically just says the same thing in everything he writes (my god, *shniff* Hegel and Lacan are fucking and the synthesis of this dialectic will surely be...IDEOLOGY!) so if the collection you read is well-edited you should get a pretty well-rounded picture of his body of the mind.

>> No.5382482

what the fuck did he just call my mother?

>> No.5382504

in the "zizek" film a guy comes up and hugs him after a talk
not exactly the same

>> No.5382510

here it is

>> No.5382618

Am I incorrect in assuming Zizek is not in complete agreement with the popular modern left sentiment of multiculturalism?

>> No.5382627

he is clearly not in agreement:


>> No.5382678

why has their been no magnumgate investigation on how Anne Frank (Astra Taylor) and Zizek are connected. I mean the doc film she made on him raises questions, I think.

>> No.5382712

I fucking hated that guy. I wish Slavoj would have at least pushed him off or something.

>> No.5382722

that is actually the opposite of >>5382419

>> No.5382871

>not eating at McDonalds
top lol autist, Big Macs are delicious. I bet it goes something like this:
>Hey anon! Wanna grab a burger from McDonalds today?
>Hah...p.ppeasant...y.you don't have a brain, this guy on youtube s.said..that."
>What anon?
>P..pure idealo-
>Nevermind anon, I'll talk to you later!

>> No.5382938

not him but

>implying i would ever be talking to a person that has mcdonalds as an eating option

>> No.5382966

Read Sublime Object of Ideology, and that's it. If you have a hard time understanding it, watch his Pervert's Guide to Ideology, then reread Sublime Object.

>> No.5382977

He says it is the/a cause of modern day xenophobia and fascism

>> No.5382988

>he thinks McDonalds is an acceptable eating establishment
I'm working class and so are most of my friends but we still manage to avoid that dump.

>> No.5383002


He actually said:

Well, frankly, Hitler would have agreed with it, especially because he would say, "When people serve money, money's controlled by Jews," and so on, no? So either this or some kind of a vague connection, social democracy, or a simple moralistic critique, and so on and so on. So, you know, it's easy to be just formally anti-capitalist, but what does it really mean? It's totally open.

>> No.5383111

I know, I watched the video. I was responding to the actual thing, which I thought was pretty dang good, not the out of context quote.

>> No.5383265


>> No.5383277

Because everything he does is in contradiction to his "message".

>> No.5383283

Big Data says you went at least 10 times last year. So either you are lying on the internet, or Big Data is wrong (it isn't).

>> No.5383295

zizek is an old man who thinks about things and then says them, he isn't jesus christ trying to preach a "message"

>> No.5383361
File: 281 KB, 710x424, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now every time i listen to him this song plays on my mind
