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/lit/ - Literature

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5371124 No.5371124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/sci/ is making fun of us again

>> No.5371171

Are they putting it in rhyme?

>> No.5371238
File: 144 KB, 1193x470, i am so high man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about /sci/

They're just as bad as /lit/ for asking stupid, meaningless questions.

>> No.5371253
File: 118 KB, 338x376, good feel frog pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you study physics and engineering at a top university
>tfw you'd rather discuss things with lit than sci

>> No.5371365

This. Computer Engineer here. I love what I do and wouldn't trade it for the world, but Humanities students and such are just more interesting people than my peers.

>> No.5371371

I've been in /g/ and they seem pretty okay guys, way calmer than the usual board.
They have lots of traps, too.

>> No.5371378

They're cool dudes and /g/ is a really fun board, but /lit/ has all the personality and depth that seems to be missing from my peers, which is why I like it so much.

>> No.5371384

Have you considered that maybe /lit/ drinks? Have some friends round for wine to verify.

>> No.5371406

>maybe /lit/ drinks
I thought it was a requirement?

>> No.5371418


>but /lit/ has all the personality and depth


>> No.5371430


/lit/ has very little personality, you go to places like /sp/ for that

but /lit/ definitely has depth. that's pretty much all it has. some of the shittest memes and joke threads ever but a whole lot of depth to go around for whoever is up for it.

>> No.5371435
File: 81 KB, 500x323, 10629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't study lit
>doesn't stydy phil

>> No.5371444


every night i stydy you're mother lol sosorekt

>> No.5371496

Is sosorekt the ugly cousing of zizek?
Can we make zizrekt a meme, please?

>> No.5371536

Not anymore.

>> No.5371548

>look how self-deprecating I am!
Why do all 4chan boards do this? Do people think they gain admiration for acting superior to the place where they spend time?

>> No.5371559


I found the statement amusing

>> No.5371594

Of course not, if the board is shit it's the userbase fault. If someone was so superior he should be making this a superior board or rejecting it all together.

>> No.5371608

It isn't self-deprecation. Since I am saying /lit/ is shit, that proves I am superior to the rest of /lit/, but have deigned to grace you with my presence regardless.

>> No.5371615

my god, it's pure ideology

>> No.5372487


>> No.5372506

You don't have to go the effort of putting the z's with the upside-down circumflexes on them Anonymous

>> No.5372510

Ÿēß î do

>> No.5372695

This. /sci/ might have some smart posters but 99% of them are retarded outside of their area of expertise.

⇒the upside-down circumflex
It's called háček.

>> No.5372933

cs studente here, same shit

>> No.5372984

It's also called an upside-down circumflex non-slavic people

>> No.5373118

It's not self-deprecation. 4chan users are usually more realistic than normal people and realize how shit everything is. Even if you like or enjoy something it's probably still shit in some way.

>> No.5373133

Autism is a terrible disease

>> No.5373137

You mean you don't have ž next to enter?

>> No.5373144


Fuck off

>> No.5373150

I agree, that arrow is a really dumb and annoying posting gimmick, and I wish he (she???) would stop using it

>> No.5373179

But if she used a tripcode instead, more people would filter her posts.

>> No.5373188

I'm studying Mathematics at one of the best Universities (for Mathematics) in the world. I think it's safe to say that I'm smarter than the vast majority of /lit/.

I think you guys are alright. Keep it up.

>> No.5373192


Intelligence is valued through knowledge of the human experience in this turf, nigga. Get out.

>> No.5373207

What level of mathematics? And why do you capitalize Mathematics?

>> No.5373210

I'm doing my graduate thesis on Inter-universal Teichmüller theory.

>> No.5373211

Level 8-B Mathematics. And I capitalize "Mathematics" because the word "Mathematics" is a noun and hence should be capitalized.

>> No.5373212

So why didn't you capitalize World, kraut boy?

>> No.5373215

⇒not doing triple integrals

Step up your game.

>> No.5373219

Because fuck you that's why.

>> No.5373224

What do you mean by "human experience"? Do you mean reading books about fictional characters? Cause that would be pretty stupid to based your experience of humans on fictional character created by some old guy writing in his basement.

>> No.5373225

What is level 8B math?

>> No.5373227

what does it have to do with this thread?

also, if you think that studying at a top university correlates with being smart you aren't that smart (but maybe you don't really think that, maybe you are just baiting)

>> No.5373235

>implying literature and philosophy aren't core parts of the human experience

>> No.5373256

>I am an expert on numbers

Stop with this "intelligence" nonsense. You know a lot of numbers, he knows a lot of words; I prefer the knowledge of books, history, words; you prefer something along those lines with numbers and formulas. Why can't we drop this ego boosting and discuss what we discuss about in our respective boards?

>> No.5373618
File: 38 KB, 549x673, 2012-03-30-mochizuki-shinichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm doing my graduate thesis on Inter-universal Teichmüller theory.
stop the bullshiting.

>> No.5373631

>made this thread and it's opposite on /sci/ 12 hours ago before work
>the /sci/ one was deleted in twenty minutes with zero replies
>the /lit/ is still going strong with 45 replies

Looks like SOMEONES insecure /lit/

>> No.5373659

I remember reading a H.G. Wells story about that scenario on your pic, it was called "the man who could work wonders" or something like that.

>> No.5373688
File: 2.19 MB, 388x218, 1407623536385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /sci/ is not
>hurr, i failed my philosophy class, fuck philosophy shit aint REAL

>> No.5373697

>be STEMfag
>go to /sci/
>some guy asking about free will and quantum mechanics
>say that we shouldn't assume free will exists just because we strongly, intuitively feel like it does in our subjective experience
>/sci/fags jump on me for saying free will exists
>try to explain I'm actually sort of agreeing with them
>same thing happens
>realize they aren't even reading it

/sci/ may have some good posters and some talented sciencebros but honestly it's mostly filled with redditors and armchair "enthusiasts" who don't understand much

i was going to type "so you can't really blame STEM as a whole since it's mostly not even real STEM people" but then i remembered yeah STEM as a whole is pretty much the same thing too, bunch of retards who have read two books in their lives

>> No.5373709

When you have a science related problem (that isn't your homework) then asking yahoo answers is better than going on /sci/.

>> No.5373728

>is a noun and hence should be capitalized.
Proper nouns should be capitalised, but 'banana' is a noun and we don't capitalise it

>> No.5373733

nuclear engineer here, both /lit/ and /sci/ are pretty fucking retarded

>> No.5373737

>anyone failing a philosophy class, ever

is this what /lit/ actually believes?


>> No.5373742

>implying its even possible to fail a philosophy class

>> No.5373805

lit is fun, sci is practicle

>> No.5373823

I don't know why people are even interested in the question of free will

>> No.5373833

Because they were going to get into debt over it any way.

>> No.5373837

This. There's no difference between having free will and not because to see the difference we would have to make the same decision multiple times which is impossible.

>> No.5373895

Actually, the reason why it's so hard to fail it is because it's pretty much mandatory for most degrees and yet non-phil students kept failing shamefully, so universities downgraded the shit out of it to get rid of pplz

>> No.5373907


holy shit i only just got that now
