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/lit/ - Literature

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5371152 No.5371152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rate my most recent haul.

>> No.5371163

bretty good, 5/5

>> No.5371170

Whoah, really good, OP! You're super good at buying books 10/10 give yourself a slap on the hymen.

>> No.5371173

I'm proud of you OP! You bought some books!

>> No.5371182

OPs bullshit aside, where can a nigga cop some cheap second hand books without leaving the safety of his own sex-dungeon? Somewhere in the UK preferably. I want a dirt-cheap copy of Lolita so I can bust a nut like a patrician ephebophile and I know I'll be sweaty arms spaghetti if I buy a copy in-store.

>> No.5371183

Wow, you have such a unique taste! Thank you for gracing this board with your presence.

>> No.5371186

6/10 cover for Lolita, should've got the Penguin Classics version.

AbeBooks, start at literally a couple of bucks.
For that price, get Pale Fire and Ada while you're at it, you'll enjoy them even more

>> No.5371207


>Rate my most recent haul.

i just started reading and i think people actually care about my laughable wannabe antics /10

>> No.5371232

/lit/ - petty materialism

>> No.5371239

Meh, what did I expect from /lit/...
I do most of my reading in German and Italian, so I was wondering if my choice of english books was any good. I guess not.

>> No.5371251
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It's not an especially bad choice of books, it's just that the whole concept of broadcasting your "book hauls" is kind of socially repugnant.

>> No.5371258


>Meh, what did I expect from /lit/...

You acted like an embarrassing entry level poser and you were justifiably BTFO.

Don't act like you're somehow above this pathetic show you just put on here. Learn from this you fucking idiot.

>> No.5371303

Does anyone on this board use the library? All I see is dorks posting the books they buy, bragging about "how much money they saved".

Go to the library, blockhead. That way when you don't end up finishing half of the books you bought to feel smart at least you won't have wasted any money.

>> No.5371317
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>That way when you don't end up finishing half of the books you bought to feel smart -

Ah, nervous projecting. Well this sure is an unexpected sight to see around these parts.

Great post.

>> No.5371323

>No U!

Don't you have a bookshelf thread to post, retard?

>> No.5371328

Not sure if this applies everywhere but my library has
a) shit translations of books
b) other books that are falling apart and are probably dirty as fuck (I like reading in bed)
c) rarely ever has the book I want

Plus I have to leave my house to go there. Why are you so mad that people are using their priorities for their hobbies?

>> No.5371330


Don't get frustrated. Just project less.

It's really simple.

>> No.5371340

Because these are vapid attention whoring threads.

How about you don't be a pseud?

>> No.5371342

Okay, well that makes more sense and I agree.

>> No.5371360


>How about you don't be a pseud?

You were projecting and anon is being a pseud by pointing it out?

Look. It's really simple. There is no need to get this frustrated. Just project less.

>> No.5371366

fuck off with these worthless threads

how about you only make a thread when you've actually read a book and want to discuss it.

>> No.5371368

>Samefagging this obviously

>> No.5371370


I almost wish I was.

This guy is seriously that fragile.

>> No.5371439

When you live in butt-fuck nowhere the libraries don't store anything of note. Mine has popular shit-lit, local history and children's books.

>> No.5371450

Fair enough. I live New York City, so I guess I'm a little spoiled. Local histories are fun though. When I was in the middle of nowhere in England I read a bunch of them at the local library. Interesting stuff.

>> No.5371457
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don't try to reason with a naive kid who thinks that everyone else's situation is the same as his

>> No.5371481

I live in the middle of England and I have no idea why you would find the history of suburban England interesting. Probably tourist fetishism.

>> No.5371493

all libraries are stocked with classic literature. you're obviously a retard who can't use a library

>> No.5371499

Some Dostoyevsky, Dickens and Wolfe. After that you're shit out of luck.

Welcome to Surrey

>> No.5371504

>Probably tourist fetishism.

Nope. I have family there and have been there every year of my life. I was there for a few months last year and got kind of interested in the history, so read a few books.

There was one particularly cool story about this guy who scammed the corporation out of thousands of pounds in bogus bonds by selling them under the authority of the corporation's treasurer. He himself was the treasurer's assistant. The coolest part was he fled to Brittany and got away with it, and everyone who was scammed was reimbursed.