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/lit/ - Literature

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5354952 No.5354952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone up to mass migration from /lit/ to somewhere else off 4chan?

People from /pol/, /v/, /sci/, /x/, etc. are starting to get to me. Quality is bucketing down. There are no trips who polish their replies before posting, so to make their reputation better, no argumentative fights between them. Noncontributing "what you read, what are you going to read" threads keeps popping up constantly, same goes for misogyny on popular figures, whom although deserves blame, but not such popularity and reply count.

It's getting bad.

>> No.5354955 [DELETED] 

check them

>> No.5354956

*tips fedora*

>> No.5354958

Wasn't it always like that ? I heard it was even worse in the beginning. The hide shitthreads+apply yourself in reading and posting+occasional inconsequential banter seems to be the usual medicine.

>> No.5354962

I agree. It's really obvious morons from /mu/ /pol/ /tv/ and /v/ have flooded us. Topics disappear in one day where they used to last over a week and this was just a couple of months ago. There's also the huge rise in "le epic mem" meta-ironic retardation and retarded /v/esque >implying anyone even knows how to read idiocy.

There is nothing we can do. This is how boards die. The autistic image spammers and one-line shitposters aren't going to leave. This is why I started attentionwhoring because fuck it.

>> No.5354963

Great idea, I'm in. Where shall we go?

>> No.5354966

Don't destroy another board because this one is shit. Just take this time to get some reading done.

>> No.5354971

7chan allows PDF uploads.

>> No.5354973
File: 62 KB, 300x100, 160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where to go, so I filter the large majority of threads and meme replies in the wait for a decent discussion or coverage of a topic.

Someone mentioned /lit/ on lainchan recently, although it is a very small board and site, I'm keeping an eye on it, thinkin about a thread to make and so on.

>> No.5354981

Make our own sub-reddit?...

>> No.5354985

I don't know, I still like this place, along with the rest of 4chan. Maybe I just have a high tolerance for bullshit.

>> No.5354992

Yes, please go the fuck back to plebbit. I look forward to never experiencing your shitty posts again.

>> No.5355001

Turn it off for once, killer

>> No.5355002

Sounds like a great idea, I'm in.

>> No.5355003

>7chan allows PDF uploads.

But you can upload PDF's here, look.

Nagel's infamous "What Is It Like to Be A Bat?" essay:

>> No.5355005

>Hundreds of chans
>Lets go to le reddit

Okay I take it back, I'm with >>5354992 now.

>> No.5355009

7chans -literature- board allows PDFs you daft, empty-heady cunt.

>> No.5355019

this is the only good thread on /lit/ right now:

>> No.5355042

Yes, there are hundreds of chans, but are they on par with what /lit/ discussion was? Now, when I actually searched for a nice place that I wouldn't particularly mind being slow, I only find discussion mainly about sci-fi, fantasy, and authors in similitude of Martin and Tolkien, like reddit fewer YA. That puts me off, even if they have mesmerizing lack of shitposters comparing to what this place is becoming.

If we start making threads about going to some other place, free from the people I emphasized at the top, eventually there would be a decent sum in congregation aimed at discussing literature.

I agree with this poster >>5354962 . There was a Thomas Bernhard thread that got quickly nudged back out of catalog, mainly by what he said, images with incoherent single-liners.

>> No.5355046

>thinking running away is the best option
/fit/ went through this phase last year, hold on

>> No.5355049

Join the steam group.

>> No.5355051

what happened to the /lit/ secret society?

>> No.5355054

Choked on decoder rings trying to get the last of the cereal.

>> No.5355055

Well you just agreed with me, known cancer. HOW DO YOU FEEL?

>> No.5355056


>> No.5355060

czech these dubs

>> No.5355063

We don't need to move, we need better mods. I'm a frequent poster on /sp/, and it used to be fucking awful a few years ago. Now it's got more attentive mods, and as much as the 'outlaws hate it, they're actually responsible for the return of fun sports discussions and game threads.

/lit/'s grown busy enough that it needs a mod who's a more permanent presence. That's what we need.

>> No.5355064

The best thing would be to start our own subreddit. Let's do that.

>> No.5355072

Or maybe you're an unintelligent immature shitposter so you fit right in. Why do you automatically assume yourself to be above the bullshit and not a part of it?

>> No.5355073

chan aesthetics are infinitely more pleasing

>> No.5355074

Oh, I'm sorry, shithead, are you saying that you can't download this PDF?


And you are on /lit/, yes?

>> No.5355082

You cannot escape 4chan. Every other chan is doomed to be almost dead with one post per week at most. On forums with registration on the other hand you'll have to sacrifice anonymity and thus freedom of speech.

>> No.5355085

reddit or anything else beside a chan will inevitably turn into a circlejerk

>> No.5355090

forum switch-overs never work

>> No.5355113

They really, really don't. However bad 4chan gets, the rest of the internet will always be worse.

Which is actually pretty depressing, come to think of it.

>> No.5355121

I think there's a subconscious urge among anons to post as fast as possible, even on /lit/ where threads move very slowly. Enforcing a limit of one post per 30 or 60 minutes per thread would really help lock things down and force out some quality posting, because the poster would be forced to make sure they have all of their thoughts submitted instead of shitting out multiple one sentence replies.

>> No.5355125

if that's depressing, i can't imagine what your real life is like.

maybe the answer is to get off the fuckin computer, pal

>> No.5355127

Underrated post.

>> No.5355132

Maybe you should just leave 4chan you pathetic normalfag.

>> No.5355139


>> No.5355143

Why do people come up with ideas that would never, ever happen

>> No.5355148

Go ask moot for it.

>> No.5355149

This would discourage back and forth conversation.

>> No.5355152

how did you do that? i get an error

>> No.5355154

good. maybe we'd log off and join a sports team.

>> No.5355162

Want to improve /lit/? Get a fucking tripcode already. There's always someone in every thread shitposting by impersonating you. I'm not even sure if you are really the real butterfly, which makes things even more confusing. Don't try to be humble and avoid the stigma of a trip, because namefagging is no less modest. Either get a trip or stay anonymous

>> No.5355171

Don't teach namefags to get tripcodes, teach anons not to rape names.

>> No.5355173

But then they break the trip... Which may take time...

I'll consider it.

>> No.5355182

This kills the /lit/.

>> No.5355204

>One sentence statements with no reasoning or explanation
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.5355206

No they don't. The only thing I've ever seen to "break trips" is some program that requires a higher graphics card than my shitty computer has and I suspect is a scam. People inadvertently post with their trip embarrassingly or reveal it in screenshots or otherwise.

>> No.5355210

>Doesn't remember night of a thousand D&E's

>> No.5355215

I've had it happen to me once before is all.

>> No.5355216

I like this idea. I don't post any more often than that anyway so it wouldn't change how I use it and it would improve the board.

>> No.5355259

as communities grow, they become shit. this has always been the case in real life and on the internet. The community is founded, it experiences it's golden years, and everything after is simply a cry for help. Sure good things may happen after it's golden years, but they are nothing compared to what once was; moreover, these moments are brief and quickly fade out.

4chan died long ago, most of us stay here because we're in denial.

>> No.5355266

Welcome to internet sociological networks. :)

Welcome to the new age, where we finally realize that the information systems in place define the most important parts of our interactions.

>> No.5355286

>The cats

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, you worthless NEET autist?

>> No.5355316

So lets make private club, now!

Why you want to put up with all these sihtposting non-contributors, whose life revolves around being a stuck up manchild hypocrite? All day we only witness how the quality threads fade away, covert among /sci/ pimpled faces under hat's shade, among endless stream "I want to appear smart, so I act all grumpy and depressed" types of perpetual, ubiquitous posts by fecal-fingers.

We need to flee, leave alone these baby gorillas, leave them with their endless nostril picking.

>> No.5355325

711chan recently restarted, i know the admin there i could have a lit board made

>> No.5355343


sure bro

>> No.5355352

>not knowing [nig]

get a load of this fag newton

>> No.5355356

/out/ is the best, ive already migrated

>> No.5355358


>> No.5355378

>There was a Thomas Bernhard thread that got quickly nudged back out of catalog, mainly by what he said, images with incoherent single-liners.

More likely it 404'd because nobody gives a shit about Thomas Bernhard. Threads live for more than 24 hours here. This is /lit/ and not /b/. If nobody replied to your thread, then that's not the meme posters' fault. It actually tells us how shitty your thread must have been, when it got no replies on a board where even every idiotic troll thread gets close to the bump limit.

>> No.5355385

>start looking at list of chans on Encyclopedia Dramatica to see if they have /lit/ boards
>mfw i came across 64chan's article

i have no fucking face, that place was weird as hell.

>> No.5355444
File: 220 KB, 1024x719, 1278097048648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone mentioned more active mods and I think it's the best option to try and fix the problem.
I would like it if they brought in a bunch of new janitors/mods, sure you need to train them but in the long run it seems like the best and only(?) solution.

Or we can hide away at lainchan,711chan, 7chan.
I will keep and eye of all of those but I would like to stay here.

And lastly, I'm very much against a real forum with user-names of any kind.

>> No.5355458

i would like to see more dubs

>> No.5355463

fuck off, Harry Potter is great

>> No.5355465

>There are no trips who polish their replies before posting, so to make their reputation better
Why do I even browse this shit board anymore when it's filled with retards who actually want more tripfags to shit up the board with their attention whoring?

>> No.5355512
File: 577 KB, 1920x1280, 453436436868567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking my coffee without cream for a week, just letting everyone know.

>> No.5355560

>putting cream in coffee


>> No.5355587

are you out? i've got some cream for you

>> No.5355664
File: 37 KB, 329x405, 1403464070479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join the steam group.
>no link
>oh, okay
>search lit 4chan on Steam
>3 members

>> No.5355711

Yes, I actively hate autistic NEETs for being parasites because I am secretly a NEET. Please keep quoting my posts whenever you see me even though I blatantly attentionwhore and shitpost.

>> No.5355713

That's because just one faggot spammed like 10 "book club" topics for a day and gave up after realizing everyone wasn't kidding and really didn't care.

>> No.5355733

Your social life consists only of 4chan, yet you do your best to ruin every board you post on. How cancerous is your personality?

>> No.5355739
File: 47 KB, 273x240, 1407479776163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate analysis.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.5355743

Just go to Reddit then.

>> No.5355748

Do you really think you're part of our community?

>> No.5355771


>> No.5355797

fuck off jew :D

>> No.5355799

Like this post if you're a oldfage

>> No.5355808

Hello /v/

>> No.5355871


>> No.5355881

I wouldn't say I hold the same animosity to reddit as people from other boards do but it certainly isn't better there. The current problem with this board is that it got too popular. Pardon the "hipster mentality" but in this case it is true. Too many boards mentioned that this is the most intelligent board on the site so people assumed
A. That posting on here would make them seem more well read
B. Everyone that posts regularly on here are pseudo-philosopher atheists with stereotypical neck beard and fedora combo.
I don't think I have a solution for that problem but leaving won't help

>> No.5355892

>posting anonymously on an anonymous board to appear more well read

>> No.5355918

>I wouldn't say I hold the same animosity to reddit as people from other boards

Opinion disregarded.

>> No.5355933

> not going to /tv/ and discussing scripts on the side

>> No.5355947

Upvote this post if you were heiling Hitler and calling Lowtax a faggot in 1996

>> No.5356034

I don't think there's a need for a mass migration. Sure, anti-leddit faggots and dilettantes are coming in greater numbers, but there's enough content on the catalog to appease us usually. When that's not the case I just go on 7chan to the philosophy board. It's not really a big deal for a board like this.

Also, /c/, /u/, /w/, and /e/ are the only other good boards excluding the obscure and artistic ones (/fa/, /ic/, /p/, ect). Avoid the shitty boards OP mentioned, anons.

>> No.5356136

>pseudo-philosopher atheists
Nice try, theists.

>> No.5356141

Friend, 4chan has been in the gutter for years! It represents the dregs of society in many ways

>> No.5356154

>yuri (gay?)
>anime wallpapers
>ecchi (that shit was fucked up)

>> No.5356161

/e/cchi is for:
- Pictures of animu girls featuring either sexy clothing or nudity without sex.
- Masturbation and suggestive touching pictures are allowed as long as it's one girl doing it to herself without use of toys.

>> No.5356171

The same thing happened to /jp/.

>> No.5356203

I don't get why you posted this disparagingly. There's nothing tastless about that, anon.
>yuri (gay?)
Yuri in itself is gay, but it's enjoyed mostly by (including me) heterosexual males. At least it doesn't include women with a bust as big as their entire body getting fucked by 20 dicks (like every other porn board except /e/.
>anime wallpapers
They're suprisingly good. Still, /p/ is better for that sort of thing.
>ecchi (that shit was fucked up)
You wut mate?

Come on bro, they're not that bad.

>> No.5356543

I'm with this guy.

>> No.5356549

We need a mod who deletes:
>religion threads
>philosophy threads

>> No.5356552

Oh. My. God.
Fuck right off.

>> No.5356558

That would prevent lots of interesting conversations that spontaneously arise from two kinds anons finding a like-minded spirit in each other right before running to class after a night spent masturbating on /hm. Minimal required length would perhaps work better.

>> No.5358517

Thank you for improving this board with your meta thread.

>> No.5358745

>Yes, there are hundreds of chans, but are they on par with what /lit/ discussion was?

Top lel

>> No.5358763

how are you so cute? :3

>> No.5358772

You guys are not good at this.

>> No.5360070

Good at what?

>> No.5360159

We should really improve our level of discussion.

I'm not even talking about having an academic, deep, intricate discussion about books, but even something like what /r/truefilm does for movies would be enough. There is a /r/truebooks, if I'm not mistaken, but it's just not popular enough, it has very few users.

What if we go there?


I know it's Reddit, and I know most stuff on Reddit is pretty inane. But I believe we can really make that sub become something different, something better.

So, is anyone else in?

>> No.5360164

that's been tried before

>> No.5360172

That was a hell of a projection anon.

>> No.5360176

I can't shake the feeling that what you guys really want from your literature discussion is, well...orgasm. Some of the back-and-forth on this board already reads like a gay hookup chat, like little wannabe dandies and Oscar Wildes. I'm worried that the next step is "meetups" under the guise of "literary conversation" where we all whisper our favorite passage to each other nude under the sun because "the Greeks did it."

>> No.5360179

It's not even sacrificing anonymity that matters, its' that traditional forums all devolve into gross, internet friend circlejerks.

>> No.5360190

Anonymity is the reason why this place could be great and also the reason why this place is shitty. Well, actually, to be more accurate, we are the reason this place is shitty because of how we use anonymity, which is neutral.

>> No.5360194

you're a pathetic cuck

>> No.5360200

it's also the reason why you find some brilliant posts you can't find in most forums. one often says things he's ashamed of, sometimes they are brilliant sometimes they are retarded

>> No.5360201

Why treat /lit/ like a serious place of literary discussion? I enjoy the occasional serious, well thought out threads we do get but I only really come here out of habit and for the distinctly 4chan atmosphere.

Why don't you guys just snort a bunch of ritalin and send dozens of rambling messages to friends about what you've been reading and thinking about before the inevitable, chesty achy comedown like a normal person?

>> No.5360204

I'm too busy mailing my shit via Nigerian remailers to mid level insurance assessors.