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/lit/ - Literature

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5353557 No.5353557 [Reply] [Original]

>I am struggling to hear the radio report over the industrial roar of an espresso machine and the smooth jazz drifting in through speakers. I am sitting in a hipster café in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The girl at the next table over from me has no idea where Ferguson is, or what is happening there, despite the battle for her country’s soul going on 1,200 miles away in the Midwest. She was unaware, until I brought it up in conversation, that on 9 August, an unarmed African-American teenager had been shot and killed by police. Outside, on a balmy, late-summer morning in a mainly white university town, with no police on the streets, life goes on as normal. Please repeat – this is America.


>> No.5353564



>> No.5353567
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"There is a point of morbid decay and decadence in the history of society when it itself takes sides on behalf of the person who harms it, the criminal, and does so, in fact, seriously and honestly."

>> No.5353568







>> No.5353569

>posts on twitter that she's plotting out a novel
>starts writing prosey, shit-tier articles to lull libtards into thinking she's cool

>> No.5353588

You just don't get it. That's okay.

>> No.5353598

I was going to make a new topic for this but I'll post it here.


IS this being paid for by the no voters?

>> No.5353600


*yes voters

>> No.5353601

>I am struggling to hear the radio report over the industrial roar of an espresso machine and the smooth jazz drifting in through speakers.


>> No.5353603

If you'll recall Genealogy of Morality, you'll also remember that Nietzsche said leniency on criminals is the sign of a strong society.

As for siding with criminals, what exactly was the guy who was shot even charged with? In this case, it is the policeman who is harming society. They lied about the fellow stealing from a store, the store flat out denied the fellow ever stole from them. This is a solidarity of society vs. the state. You are assuming simply wearing an officer's uniform makes you more of a representative of society than thousands of demonstrators.

>> No.5353607

this is dead-on
it should also be a call to all those would-be social critics out there: it isn't that hard
but you have to show you really want it, for years and years
if you start too late, you may have a reason to get a job, then you're fucked

>> No.5353609

>hipster cafe
>smooth jazz drifting in through the speakers


>> No.5353611

Can you see she's in a bloody warzone?!! God, the torture, the horror, the horror.

>> No.5353617

Is Laurie Penny a popular writer or just a /lit/ obsession? If she's actually popular I fail to see why. She brings nothing new to the table in terms of her ideas or her writing style.

It's just mainstream partisan politics wrapped in MFA prose.

>> No.5353623
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oh god butterfly please go away

>> No.5353625

everyone who imagines themselves a social critic wishes they were her
like everyone who imagines themselves an author wishes they were tao lin
both attainable but require years (at least 5) of self-promotion and diligence, and nobody is willing to put in the time so they bitch

>> No.5353626

I am struggling to read the board over the banal roar of an penny lane shitposting and her smooth viral marketing in through the screens. I am sitting in a basement in my parents house, Forever Alone. The Fedora lying at the next table over from me has no idea where 4chan is, or what is happening there, despite the battle for its soul going over 9000 posts away on /lit/. Anon was unaware, until I brought it up in conversation, that on 19th August, an unarmed Richard Dawkins had been euphoric and killed God. Outside, on a balmy, late-summer morning in a mainstream social media, with moderators in the feed, life goes on as normal. Please repeat – this is Internet.

Report and hide Penny Threads.

>> No.5353650


Another clown who has yet to understand a single sentence of Nietzsche.

He is talking about going easy on people who aren't really criminals but are treated as such (THE STRONG). Which is to say he wants us to see they are not really criminals, the retards hindering them are.

Blacks are the criminals in the quote you are responding to i.e. *criminals*.

>> No.5353652

Sorry, pal, I cringe when I look at that post and I would just die out of shame if this shit were published somewhere under my name. I'd rather be the only reader of myself than her.

>> No.5353655

I masturbate to large penises

>> No.5353656

"Battle for the country's soul".

Straight White people are the country's "soul". Everything else is foreign which is to say, not the soul It is soulless lol. Seeing as this bitch is also soulless, it fits!

>> No.5353661

>the battle for her country’s soul
> an unarmed African-American teenager had been shot and killed by police
Some guy died? Fucking stop the presses, breaking fucking news. Protip: everybody dies eventually, get over it.

>> No.5353663

good for you!
6/10, almost took serious.

>> No.5353665

>everybody dies eventually, get over it.
>everybody eventually gets shot by police, get over it.

>> No.5353668

>everybody stops the presses eventually. get over it.

>> No.5353692

>an unarmed person gets shot by police
>it's being investigated

What's the problem? This is a serious question, from what I've read of the story I don't understand the need for/purpose of weeks of rioting.

>> No.5353716

She also piggy backs on whatever the latest bullshit is. She's a disgusting, cynical opportunist. Although maybe "cynical" is too much, I doubt she's that intelligent and self-aware.

>> No.5353749

>I doubt she's that intelligent and self-aware.
You're like that person thinking "everybody is such a sheep but me". Obviously you're not yourself cynical enough or you would realize what sheep we all are, you fucking sheep.

>> No.5353752

>What's the problem?
The problem is that police shouldn't be doing this. Actually, police should serve and protect, to the end that, for example, unarmed people run a lower risk of getting shot.
Some dude shooting another dude is simply not the same as a police officer shooting an unarmed civilian.
That being said, the riots apparently broke out over a distorted account of the event.

>> No.5353765

>another clown
Dude, just shut up. You haven't read jack shit. If you did, you'd know it doesn't make sense to say that thought it was a sign of decay and decadence when society sympathizes with the strong.

>Which is to say he wants us to see they are not really criminals, the retards hindering them are.
Nietzsche says a criminal is a someone who is both strong and *sick*.

This board needs to talk about Nietzsche less and read him more. And by read him, I mean thoroughly, chronologically and slowly. Nietzsche;s style of looking at every concern with "many eyes" makes him one of the worst philosophers to quote.

>Blacks are the criminals in the quote you are responding to i.e. *criminals*.
That entirely depends on the context of the term. When Nietzsche is looking with one eye (this quote included), criminals are "decadent" (a word he actually uses to describe them). With another eye, criminals are barbarians too wild for civilization unless they rule it (such as Napoleon, see Twilight of the Idols, 45).

Really, though, Nietzsche needs to stop being brought up as if any statement he makes can sanctify any viewpoint. Nietzsche is absolutely useless if you read anything of his out of the context of his entire work, and he is playing an immortal joke on everyone who does that.

>> No.5353776

>implying people listen to radios in 2014
>implying coffee machines are that loud
>implying she isn't mentioning jazz because she associates hipsters of 2014 with beatniks of the 50s
>implying anything she write isn't shit

>> No.5353789

Did you not read my second meme arrow? The shooting is being investigated, and if the investigation finds it wasn't justified the officer will presumably face punishment, what more do people want?
I'm not saying cops should kill people but the response to this incident has been way fucking disproportionate. Even if the shooting turns out to be unjustified (not that anyone is waiting for the, you know, professional investigation before jumping that conclusion) you can't riot and loot for weeks every time the world demonstrates that it isn't a perfect place.

>> No.5353797
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"Now every severity, even in justice, begins to disrupt the conscience. A high and stern nobility and self-responsibility is almost an insult and awakens mistrust; “the lamb” and even more “the sheep” gain respect. There is a point of morbid decay and decadence in the history of society when it itself takes sides on behalf of the person who harms it, the criminal, and does so, in fact, seriously and honestly. Punishment: that seems to society somehow or other unreasonable. What’s certain is that the idea of “punishment” and “We should punish” causes it distress, makes it afraid. “Is it not enough to make him un-dangerous? Why punish him as well? To punish is itself dreadful!”—with this question the morality of the herd, the morality of timidity, draws its final conclusion. Assuming people could, in general, do away with the danger, the basis of the fear, then people would have done away with this morality as well: it would no longer be necessary; it would no longer consider itself necessary! Whoever examines the conscience of the contemporary European will always have to pull out from the thousand moral folds and hiding places the same imperative, the imperative of the timidity of the herd: “Our wish is that at some point or other there is nothing more to fear!” At some point or other—nowadays everywhere in Europe the will as well as the way to that point is called “progress.”"

>This is a solidarity of society vs. the state.

"Everything which lifts the individual up over the herd and creates fear in his neighbour from now on is called evil."

>> No.5353825

Then why in God's name is she in a sleepy university town rather than Ferguson? I'd take her seriously were she writing first-hand accounts of the riots. We can happily assume life continues for the hipsters of Cambridge. It's a priori. But that's Penny's way, pushing on the masses, never risking a damn think, cooped up in the same western decadence she's deriding.


>> No.5353837

How long until this falvor of the month kid stops being relevant? like Kobe or #Bringbackourgirls

>> No.5353852

>implying she was relevant in the first place

/lit/ goes through phases, in the last 1 or 2 years it went something like

>Rand threads, all the time
>Mishima threads, all the time
>Tao Lin threads, all the time
>Stoner threads, all the time
>Antinatalism threads, all the time (when that TV show was on)
>Stirner threads, all the time
>Penny threads, all the time

>> No.5353861

It hasn't been long since the last internal scream droned out the pristine revelation that presented itself so clearly before me. As the truth attempts to meander its way back into my consciousness once again it is overwhelmed by the agonizing sound produced by the grocery store clerk:
>Ma'm! Are you going to pay for your groceries or what!?'
>An echo in a cave of despair, I say.
>What are you talking about? C'mon, there's people waiting
>A person died today, do you know that? do you even care? a person got killed today! What kind of world is this, where a person gets killed.. Can you believe it? someone pointed a gun at someone else, and shot him. How can this happen in my country?

He never got me.. Nobody gets me, anyways. How cruel is this world where a black person got killed in our country. Shouldn't these people with guns be out there somewhere in Iraq, killing people who are unrepresented in our society, and therefore not worth a whole lot? They haven't had to suffer slavery and opression for 40000 years.. God, why? How could the black man die..

Am I a journalist yet?

>> No.5353869

Oh, fuck. I forgot to mention:

How could this black man die? There are millionaires driving around in golden cars who made their fortune by talking about how they murdered niggers, and how, if they didn't pop niggaz in dey mouth, they wouldn't be the nigga that they are.. But I thought they were just joking! I mean.. How could these people we idolize for being murderers actually be bad people!? How could one of them die!?

>> No.5353871



>> No.5353924

Whenever I read a 19th century philosopher complaibi g about 'contemporary Europeans' it makes me think of my fellow Americlaps more than anything else.

>> No.5353935

I'll be honest. I fucking hate Laurie Penny, not because, she is a communist and feminist, but, because, she has a vagina and publishing contract.

>> No.5353937

She's right. You'd agree with her if the victim was white. And if the article wasn't written by a female, I imagine.

>> No.5353941

So it's Two Minutes Hate on /lit/ again, is it?

>> No.5353983

There is a problem with the Ferguson issue, and indeed many issues that attempt to garb a black and white coat. The act of a potentially unjust shooting is almost always committed by a police officer, not the average white male.

Consider the police officer's circumstances. He may not be very smart. He may be around a culture of bigotry and corruption. He may be under intense stress to act when information is minimal. Many things may contribute to him making an illogical decision in the pressure of the moment.

And yet, people will try to extrapolate this officer's actions to all white males, and turn this scenario into a racial conflict. I know not of your lives, but I can attest to the fact that in my life I have never even witnessed a racial conflict. Not once. As far as I'm concerned, racial conflicts only happen in the media.

This is not a racial conflict, because the man with the gun was not a white male but a police officer. If this situation has anything to say about anything, it's something about police officers, not white males. Indeed, to try to apply this man's actions to all white males is racist and sexist.

>> No.5353990

Ms. Moneypenny! Please stop posting your bullshit here, we don't care.

>> No.5354016

I agree. Sensationalized bullshit like this, where we're divided into two sides, only serves to perpetuate the racial divide. However, most people advocating for this, preaching about white oppression and what not, are only doing so for personal gain, which comes in the form of money, ratings, or political popularity. They don't give a shit about the consequences, but they'll have to face them eventually. There will long term of effects from all of this and I'm not only talking about the Ferguson incident.

>> No.5354030

>In the weeks after the Tottenham riot, Mark Duggan’s reputation was summarily executed in the British press. Photos of the 29-year-old father with his face set in a thuggish snarl were plastered everywhere. It later emerged that this image had been cropped from a photo of Duggan standing by the grave of his baby daughter. The expression on his face was grief.

holy shit seriously? who the fuck does this? what the fuck is wrong with humanity. exploiting the misfortune of a person's loss in order to assassinate their character? I want to know what goes through someone's head to even remotely come up with this.

>> No.5354035

Can't tell if you're pro-Laurie or not here

>> No.5354038

>Sensationalized bullshit like this, where we're divided into two sides, only serves to...

Oh, come on. You're hands are just as soiled. Take a look at 4chan, we love the fake dichotomies to create a collective feeling of belonging. Why are you so angry that white police victimization of young black males is given any notice? "Heroic 4chan vs the evil reddit fedora atheists," is an obvious one. "Heroic 4chan vs the evil feminist from tumblr," is another. "Heroic 4chan vs the Jewish conspiracy for world domination," there are many of them.

Just because you are not participating in the "white police vs working class black males," and may even feel your little white toes trodden upon by identifying with the 'whites' more, doesn't absolve you of being here and participating in the sensational 'divisions'. Now go and post in a "patrician prose vs pleb genre fiction," or "publishing house vs self-published," or one of the many others.

>> No.5354042

Duggan was from the same estate as my cousin. He was definitely 'no angel' as they say. Not a loss to the world at all.

>> No.5354045

Does he have to have a stance on the author? Can't he just discuss the work?

>> No.5354047

most ridiculous post i've ever read lol

>> No.5354048

Not that guy but any attempt to split the proletariat against itself is evil and should be stopped.

>> No.5354050

"balmy"? In Cambridge? When?

>> No.5354051

>Not that guy but any attempt to split the proletariat against itself is evil and should be stopped.

People who attempt to split the proletariat against itself Vs. the people crying 'evil' and fighting to stop them

>> No.5354055

Get fucked Laurie

>> No.5354057

Most of what I see is trying to extrapolate it to a "Police Officers vs Blacks" issue; quote from someone I know:

"just a reminder that the police exist to maintain the status quo, to protect and serve Capital, and that modern police are derived from slave patrols. Racism, fascistic tendencies, and brutality are not accidents or circumstances or a few bad cops. the police are the enemies of the people and especially people of color."

>> No.5354058

Well Americans are post-Europeans. And Europeans today are americanized. One big family, one big herd.

>> No.5354059

Relating to the current situation, my point was that there is no reason to be a divide in the first place. It sounds cheesy as fuck but it would be better if we were all Americans. I don't hate them for covering the story and I'm certainly not angry. I dislike the way the media covers the story because it only incites further adversity. And since when has 4chan become a collective conscious with one opinion? It's a group of people and opinions differ. Simply being on the board doesn't mean I agree with everything that is said here.

>> No.5354062

>It sounds cheesy as fuck but it would be better if we were all Americans. I don't hate them for covering the story and I'm certainly not angry.
But the author of that article is British.

>> No.5354066

He's referring to American media you autist

Or was that not made clear by "them"

>> No.5354069


Lol, retard who has yet to understand a single sentence of Nietzsche strikes back!


>Nietzsche says a criminal is a someone who is both strong and *sick*.

Sick because of the slaves around them.

>Nietzsche;s style of looking at every concern with "many eyes" makes him one of the worst philosophers to quote

Not, it's why he is the best. A retard like Kant who doesn't think anyone but himself exists is bad to quote.

>With another eye, criminals are barbarians too wild for civilization unless they rule it

Yes retard. Napoleon is not a criminal, he's a superhuman. That's one eye. Dead nigger deserves to be inferior cause his DNA sucks. That's another eye. Unfortunately not all eyes are equal.

>Really, though, Nietzsche needs to stop being brought up as if any statement he makes can sanctify any viewpoint. Nietzsche is absolutely useless if you read anything of his out of the context of his entire work

Yes because his entire work's context is our universe. Outside the universe is contradictio in adjecto.

>he is playing an immortal joke on everyone who does that

Joke's on you, retard.

>> No.5354070

>I know not of your lives, but I can attest to the fact that in my life I have never even witnessed a racial conflict. Not once. As far as I'm concerned, racial conflicts only happen in the media.
Damn and I thought I lived a sheltered life with regards to race issues.

I agree that the racial angle is often overplayed but I've certainly witnessed racism in America. It's still an issue in our country, and you can't outright dismiss the possibility that race played a role in the shooting (we also can't assume it did, at this point in time).

>> No.5354071

No, 'them' seemed to just indicate the media. "I don't hate them for covering the story". I thought that he was including the OP journalist, the one responsible for the thread he posted in, the one who covered the story in this instance, in his disgusting cry for nationalism, not realizing that that the rest of the world contributes to divides he hates.

>> No.5354072

>in his disgusting cry for nationalism

>> No.5354081

I was referring to the American media. It wasn't a very ambiguous sentence. Follow the conversation. Nationalism? Wanting people in my own country to be united under a common sense of patriotism is now a 'disgusting cry for nationalism?' Jesus christ. You're either not from the United States or you don't give a fuck about your country's future.

>> No.5354091

I think there are only two respectable routes to take when it comes to Nationalism; either advocate Civic Nationalism, as anything more extreme than that is dogmatic, or advocate a Marxist Cosmopolitanism for the proletariat, as anything less than that is a sham multiculturalism.

>> No.5354099


>seriously trying to use Nietzsche to justify a strong nation state with police enforcement

lmao wtf are you doing

>> No.5354106

>I was referring to the American media. It wasn't a very ambiguous sentence.
You said "if we were all Americans." followed immediately by "I don't hate them for." Your use of "them" instead of "us" seemed to indicate the media as a whole.

>Wanting people in my own country to be united under a common sense of patriotism is now a 'disgusting cry for nationalism?'
>You're either not from the United States or you don't give a fuck about your country's future.
I'm from the US, born and raised here, unfortunately. My Mother is French and my girlfriend is half-Mexican. I worry a lot about the future of the globe, which is why I hate the loathsome "Fuck yeah, Murrica, USA USA USA" mindset that segregates people by the patch of soil they happened to be born on.

>> No.5354115

>"Fuck yeah, Murrica, USA USA USA" mindset that segregates people by the patch of soil they happened to be born on.

You really think people in Russia, China, or Iraq are thinking "Let us stop all this meaningless fighting; we are all people of one Earth! Let us coexist together, and all play nice."

>> No.5354119

Is that really the only level on which you can operate? That we're either in complete division or overly nationalistic? I want people to identify with each other. It's not about America versus the world. It's not about we're the greatest country in the world. It's not any of that. This must be a misunderstanding on your part. You inferred way too much about my stance on the situation. We're all citizens born in the same soil and we should recognize that. That's all.

>> No.5354124

>I hate the loathsome "Fuck yeah, Murrica, USA USA USA" mindset that segregates people by the patch of soil they happened to be born on.

I agree. Just being online, I find I can identify with random Germans, Britsh, Irish, Danish, Slavs... more than the Pastor of my local church or many random Americans. Just because I was born near to someone means nothing really. Yet i'm supposed to salute a flag and praise a country and hate sweeping groups of people Ive never met because it's patriotic?

>> No.5354128

Ofcourse there are. There are plenty of people, especially in war zones, who just want to live in peace and quiet. But they don't go into the provinces to ask people about that. It doesn't sell, it's not exciting to read about. We want extremisn, death and atrocity on our screen. Not common folks who just want to work their farms and mind their own business.

>> No.5354130

lol good job, Penny! You argue for that fucking thug nigger! But don't worry about the 1400 white girls the labour part sold to paki fucking pedos.

>> No.5354131

was kind of surprised that the cbc was reporting it with interviews from local residents making it out to be not as a black/race issue.
i laughed at the end when the reporter decried people acting like their stereotypes during the riots when he saw black teenagers started beating up white guys and stealing their cellphones

>> No.5354132

>You really think people in Russia, China, or Iraq are thinking "Let us stop all this meaningless fighting; we are all people of one Earth! Let us coexist together, and all play nice."

Of course not, the citizens of those countries have been indoctrinated with patriotism too. There is no difference between a foolish Russian declaring his love for mother Russia and a foolish American chanting USA USA, except they are more likely to detest each other because of it.

>> No.5354134

so this article is "check your white privilege"

>> No.5354136

Yes, plenty of people, but a minority nonetheless. You could argue that they too have drunk of the nationalist koolaid, but cosmopolitanism is impossible. I think the peaceful coexistence of distinct national entities is a more hopeful ideal.

>> No.5354139

top kek m8

cultural differences certainly do not come into play, or national history.

>> No.5354142
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>Napoleon is not a criminal, he's a superhuman.

>> No.5354145
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>mfw Sean Hannity said the best thing to do when being pulled over is to get out of the car, pull up your shirt, and flash your gun at the cop

>mfw approximately 75% of white people are actually this clueless

>> No.5354153

>That we're either in complete division or overly nationalistic?
We're all citizens born in the same soil and we should recognize that. That's all.
Why should we recognize it when, as has been noted, a literature student in New York could easily have more in common with a literature student in Prague, than with a cattle farmer in Texas. What is this arbitrary soil, and why is it important that the NY lit student and the Texan were 'born in it' yet the prague guy gets left out of the treehouse club? And you know full well it goes way beyond acknowledging geographic birth proximity, for whatever reason you deem that important, and causes people to act like barbarians. Have you never seen someone completely consumed by patriotism?

“Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer.” -- James Franco

>> No.5354154

Someone ask her on Twitter to do an article about that. I bet it would be hilarious and infuriating in equal measures.

>> No.5354159

>Just because I was born near to someone means nothing really.
It means a whole fucking lot, actually. You might want it to mean nothing but regardless of what you want nations and geopolitics exist and most definitely mean something.

Until we achieve a single world government (i.e. never) it makes a lot of sense to care about the nation you happen to be born into.

>> No.5354168

I wouldn't know about a minority.
For instance:
With a few exceptions, LA alone knows as many murders a year as US soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet, they only ammount to 500-1000 a year. Ofcourse, this is still 1000 lives, however, looking at the total populations, it's absolutely miniscule and if it wasn't for war, the deaths would be completely irrelevant, yet the news is full of it. They could make the same reports about LA. Does this mean everyone in LA is a psycho murderer?

>> No.5354175

I've never seen you this way before, Capsguy. I like it.

>> No.5354179

>the industrial roar of an espresso machine

this makes it seem like she's in some kind of starbucks warzone

>> No.5354195

She is. She's on twitter, where people can cyber rape you and where you can receive death threats which are pretty much the same thing as being killed.

>> No.5354207
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>> No.5354216


*rolling eyes until they fall onto tracks and i end up in Siberia*

>> No.5354221

Well she's been writing fiction thus far so her novel should be a cinch to write.

>> No.5354222

I assume that's her point. Deliberate hyperbole to make all these hipsters seem petty. She's trying to be ironic.

>> No.5354229

more likely just bad writing. nothing else in the description really fits with your idea.

>> No.5354237

Why are you still crawling around here? Why can't you leave already

>> No.5354245
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>jealousy breeds success

>> No.5354253

i hope all turks die

>> No.5354267
File: 46 KB, 460x287, Kelvin_Easton_and_Mark_Duggan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about Mark Duggan is he actually had a gun

Protip for wannabe London gangsters: If you in a taxi with a Handgun on you and the taxi is surrounded by Police with MP-5 Carbines

the correct thing is to drop the gun into the footwell and put your hands on your head

the incorrect thing is to do what Duggan did and pull the gun from your waistband and run out the door with the gun in hand because that will result in you being filled with lol 9mm and your family coming on national to say "HE DIN DO NUFFIN! HE A GOOD BOY"

>> No.5354273


>Think the rest of the world lets the media digest things for us

go home, Penny.

>> No.5354286


>> No.5354290

She gets attention because she went to Oxbridge and the billions of people around the world who don't understand that all it takes to get into Oxbridge is one or more prominent, wealthy parents think to themselves "she sounds like a fucking idiot, sure, but she went to Oxbridge so surely she can't actually be as retarded as she seems!"

>> No.5354318


It's a little more nuanced than that.

>rich + smart = oxbridge
>rich + dim = russell group
>poor + smart = russell group
>poor + dim = poly

>poor + walks on water = oxbridge

She's probably smart. But if your one-sentence CV doesn't include oxbridge getting into journalism in the UK is tough

>> No.5354324

i knew duggan by reputation before he was even a news story and the man was a lowlife

>> No.5354347

>i knew duggan by reputation

in other words, you heard some gossip and you treat it like fact. congratulations, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.5354353

>The only reason she gets attention is that she is jewish

Corrected for accuracy.

>> No.5354361

the guy did dirt and now he's dead. live by the sword, die by the sword. i rioted and i don't give a fuck about him. neither did any of the other rioters.

>> No.5354392

Go to bed, Laurie.

>> No.5354393

I-is this /lit/'s new qt gf?

>> No.5354395

Why are so many retarded, copy-paste shitposters flooding our board. Do you even know what a book is?

>> No.5354401

Yes, ragelord, I have several hundred. Relax.

>> No.5354409


>> No.5354411

Please fuck off you liberal cunt

>> No.5354419

>Several hundred
No, you definitely don't.
So you're all coming from tumblr/reddit. Good. of course you are.

>> No.5354443


>The content of this popular song/tv programme/ joke is indicative of "muh rape culture". It must be stopped immediately!

>The fact that 1400 girls were raped by, and these crimes were covered up by, members of one culture is irrelevant. You're a bigot!

>> No.5354447
File: 1001 KB, 180x155, 1373951043847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I’ve been awarded a journalism fellowship by the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University

>> No.5354453

Jews are the most vile, conniving and soulless creatures on this Earth

>> No.5354457

Why is Laurie Penny guaranteedreplies.gif?

>> No.5354460

>nieman foundation

Right again!

>> No.5354462

Taking a couple of soda cans outside their liquor store is no crime compared to murder or manslaughter

...wasn't me

>> No.5354472

So to be clear you're okay with criminals doing whatever they would like but stopping them is BADAWFULRACISM. Aren't you from somewhere entirely irrelevant to America like England or Iceland or some bullshit? Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what thug-ass ghetto niggers are like, you're just parroting your (retarded) party line. You don't have an actual, real though in your empty, sarcastic head.

>> No.5354480

the "fake" butterfly is better than the original, please go

>> No.5354483

I bet should would be all for the Ferguson riots in theory, but I doubt she would ever volunteer to live in a real black neighborhood

>> No.5354495

Petty theft isn't worth a bullet.
Did you even see the video?

Thug-asses, are the same around the world. Anyone living in poverty is going to turn out rather dumb and desperate.

I'm from California. And my "party" is anarchist. Fuck off /pol/ist

>> No.5354497

There is one way to prevent both race-riots and racism in general: remove all minorities.

You wouldn't even have to deport or kill them, just sterilize them.

>> No.5354501

She wouldn't even volunteer to have a 5-minute conversation with a black guy from St. Louis, let alone live there.

>> No.5354519

Tru dat, and to make it more lit-related, most up-and-coming literary reviewers are richfags who intern a lot and are now considered cultural experts. Zoe Pilger is one example, daughter of John, who has just published her debut novel and is a cultural critic at some big paper.

I know a guy who does freelance book reviews and he said he's having to compete aganist rich people in their early 20s

>> No.5354540

>My "party" is anarchist

You are a mouthpiece for the most neutral and bleeding-heart of every leftist issue. Honestly, as edgy as this might be or as bad of a precedent people will say it sets for police, I don't care. I hope this happens more often. There is a point where there ridiculous, toxic tumor of a culture needs to be stopped before it goes systemic. We have lost entire metropolitan areas to their retardation and violence. I don't need to tell you how shit rap music is, but it just serves as an example of what their culture is. Glorification of violence, greed and stupidity for their owns sakes. Things that would normally repulse your perpetually offended ass, but you feel badly for the poor wittle animals even though they are gargantuan, felonious beasts.

Non-memetically kill yourself.

>> No.5354578

The best way to rid yourself of a strong inclination for anarchism is to hang around anarchist "communities." You'll see just how well a union of egoists works out there.

>> No.5354583


but wouldn't that just mean the socio-economic system will be making new inferior minorities out of some of the people who helped destroy the old ones

>> No.5354586

Yeah I know it's like millions of people will just sign up for welfare and begin shooting each other because some other ones stopped

>> No.5354595

>Anyone living in poverty is going to turn out rather dumb and desperate.

Nicaragua is the second poorest fucking country in the western hemisphere and yet doesn't have nearly the crime levels of it's neighbors.

And shit like this is an insult to people actually growing up in poverty. No, Michael Brown did not grow up in poverty. He was a fucking idiot, aggressive piece of shit and I think the cop was probably an aggressive idiot piece of shit too so don't pull /pol/ go shit.

>> No.5354597


lol well yeah they would start doing that if they were made into the dispossessed minority

>> No.5354599

You're a bleeding heart for cops
Fucking fascists
Again, poverty of means breeds poverty of mind and you get this kind of culture.

>> No.5354601


I think most clear-minded people agree that both Michael Brown and the cop were probably conditioned by their surroundings to be terrible people.

>> No.5354602

Okay well your entire premise is vague fallacy so stop posting any time.

>> No.5354604
File: 39 KB, 480x431, 1354583345249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, is there anyone who isn't themselves Black that is truly retarded enough to think Mike Brown didn't deserve to be shot?

A good riddance of bad rubbish.

>> No.5354608


capitalist economics, bro.

1. there always needs to be an unneeded level of production 2. there always needs to be a dispossessed group

>> No.5354609

shut up slut

you're willingly joining these shitflings, stop pretending you're impervious

post prolapse

>> No.5354610

That's not a response. I don't really like what the police have become, but for the time being their power is what it is and they are the only tool we have to stop ghetto culture. You're ignoring everything else I said because as we know, you don't like to have to actually try to think about anything -or- you're just the most dedicated and autistic troll that this website has ever seen.

>> No.5354614


why did he deserve to be shot

>> No.5354617

You aren't saying anything. The niggers are what they are because none of them start businesses or do anything but rap, play apehoop and sell crack. If tomorrow every person drawing early SSI or who had lived on welfare for their entire life disappeared then millions of people wouldn't just "fill in" because your bible says it has to happen.

>> No.5354618


>they are the only tool we have to stop ghetto culture

you do know ghetto culture is the result of the corrupt practices of authority right

you do know cops represent said authority right

>> No.5354619
File: 6 KB, 373x134, 1408835244574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you are not a filthy Commiefornia Statist who says she is a Anarchist because it is cool and edgy to be one

>> No.5354622

So korean store owners get robbed and young white couples get killed because cops don't like that blacks do aforementioned criminal activities. Yeah, I don't care. Ice-T is a fucking hypocritical faggot.

>> No.5354623


yeah you're right all everyone needs to do is start businesses and everyone in the world can live well

>> No.5354627
File: 552 KB, 1378x632, IQSES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graph is taken from a new study of more than 11,000 people. You can see that, while increasing SES lowers the risk of incarceration only a little bit, increasing IQ lowers the risk sharply.

>stop ghetto culture

You don't have to beat around the bush. We don't have to pretend that it's anything other than Negro DNA which causes Negro violence. 4chan is a safe space.

>> No.5354630

You are completely robbing disenfranchised people of any means of agency. In fact, your line of reasoning plays exactly into the white savior stereotype of having to bring civilization to these dumb flesh robots with bad programming.

As a "disenfranchised" person with a poverty of means (child of working class mexican and nicraguan parents), fuck off.

>> No.5354631

Because he was a violent criminal.

>> No.5354634


what did he do that made him a violent criminal

>> No.5354636

He committed a strong armed robbery, then chimped out on a police officer.

>> No.5354638

All everyone needs to do is make excuses and be pointlessly snarky and niggers will magically stop sucking even though they have for 160,000 years

>> No.5354640


news flash monkey, most people have next to no real agency.

>> No.5354647


She's smart to be doing that most nonwhites really don't have the ability to exist outside of animal conditioning.

>> No.5354649

Why are you so insistent on stalemating debate, guy with no grammar? Is it because you poorly understand everything but have been told you ought to feel badly?

>> No.5354651


>We don't have to pretend that it's anything other than Negro DNA which causes Negro violence.

Whilst negroes are inherently violent, these traits can be lessened with culture. Think of society one hundred years ago.

>> No.5354658

Post-modern anti-humanist pls go strangle your wife.

>> No.5354665

>i have no idea what i'm talking about

>> No.5354667

Certainly not with White culture.

Maybe in an Islamic country where their hands are cut off for stealing and public decapitations serve as constant reminder to obey the law Negroes would behave.

But they will certainly never shape up in White countries. Whites spoil niggers rotten.

>> No.5354675

They say you can leave a full wallet in downtown dubai and it will stay there until you get back. There must be a degree of exaggeration here, but still.

>> No.5354692

>Posts his picture of him impersonating me
I believe that anarchism is where we want to go, but that it cannot happen over night. The anon above bitching about the way anarchists are now has a bit of a point. The anarchists of the future should not look a thing like those

The rest of GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY /lit/!

>> No.5354703

>Fallacy, right out if the gate

Oops. I too was a kid who thought I would just "become" successful. And here we both are. At least at some point I gained understanding. Good luck.

>> No.5354728

>I’ll return in June 2015. In the meantime, I absolutely promise not to pick up any bizarre American spelling conventions, as long as you all promise not to let the Tories back in. I hope we have a deal.


>I can feel the heat closing in, feel them out there making their moves...


>> No.5354737
File: 50 KB, 800x533, 1405473745427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still seem based on the views you espouse more of a socialist than a anarchist

although the term anarchism is used so often to describe so many radically different position the only thing it really describes is edgy people