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/lit/ - Literature

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5347592 No.5347592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you majoring in, /lit/?

>> No.5347599


that feel when my life is one big terrible decision

>> No.5347608

pretty much. at least you half-assed by kinda warning yourself

>> No.5347615

Majored in Finance. I like Economics so it fits kind of.

And I get to have a job and make money.

>> No.5347618

Business. My life trajectory isn't so traditional that my degree will even matter, but college acts as a safety net so here I am.

>> No.5347620
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Comparative literature.

Yes, I have a job.

>> No.5347623

Accounting, i swear im not that boring

>> No.5347643

Biology :^)

>> No.5347653

Triple in Philosophy, Linguistics, and Political Science

>> No.5347656

What's your favorite language?

>> No.5347660

I'm mostly interested in theoretical computation languages (especially symbolic logic). When it comes to real languages though, French.

>> No.5347668

Your set for philosophy all around then.

Hope things go well for you.

>> No.5347675

Applied biology

>> No.5347697

double in philosophy and sociology

>> No.5347705

I was a CS major in college.

>> No.5347723

Thanks, we'll see how it goes.

>> No.5347731

I have a degree in psychology from a hippy dippy liberal arts college. Hold me /lit/

>> No.5347732

Database mgmt

I don't know why

>> No.5347735


>> No.5347736


>> No.5347750
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>> No.5347754

Operational Meteorology

>> No.5347757

Mathematics, Philosophy.

Hoping to work in logic.

>> No.5347800


>> No.5347821
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Going for a master's degree in library science.

>> No.5347844

comfy as fuck, right?

>> No.5347849

How is it so far?

I keep considering and reconsidering it. I might do an online one simultaneous to a PhD with only two classes a semester. What's the workload like?

>> No.5347854


>> No.5347864

planning on doing this after my undergrad, do you have any thoughts or recommendations for somebody considering that degree and field?

>> No.5347874
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philosophy isn't a bad major if you have any direction whatsoever, it just requires more ambition than other majors do
biology, on the other hand, is worthless

>> No.5347884

Journalism, but I likely won't be practicing much.

>> No.5347886

fart history

>> No.5347921

Thinking about Writing when I go back in the winter. Somewhat versatile, right?

>> No.5347923

Very. This whole program is the very definition of comfy.

I'm in my first year of graduate school and the workload is a lot heavier than I had anticipated, but nothing I can't handle.

A lot of courses are actually library-focused information technology classes, so if you're into data management/retrieval, you'll enjoy it.

My course map for this semester is critical analysis of literature, advanced reference services, library information technology, data management, and information retrieval.

As far as my recommendations for the field, get a part-time job as an assistant or technician in your local library. Any experience counts. It will give you the breakthrough to getting into the field. I've been working at the city library since my freshman year and as soon as my master's degree is finished, I've been given word that I'll be moving into a full librarian position. Experience and connections are key, remember that.

>> No.5347943

what can you do with this besides librarian?

>> No.5347953

I know in my mind that this is a real thing, and it's actually incredibly important respectable, but the idiot in my head keeps telling me that knowing the dewy decimal system and being able to make clip-art in paint doesn't qualify as a science.

I hope you enjoy your degree, but I just had to get that thought out of my head.

>> No.5347964

You can be a teacher, adjudicator, archivist, curator, publisher, editor, anything dealing with metadata, reference consultant, data manager, access services manager, anything in the IT field, and even some investment banking guys did library science. You aren't confined solely to libraries for work.


There's a lot more to it than that, but I'm sure you've realized this already. Librarians have to be able to manage the vast array of technical and computational databases. It's a very demanding job that requires constant upkeep of information systems. It's kind of like being an IT network administrator, except you also have to deal with thousands of physical pieces of literature and maintain accountability of them.

>> No.5347972


>> No.5347984

It's also a really good precursor to law school due to the philosophy, history, and classical courses involved in the program.

>> No.5347993

Philsophy and Psychology

>> No.5348013
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I simply love that this exists

I've always wanted to be a librarian

>> No.5348035


I haven't entered anything more specific yet

My heart wants to do Fiction or Screenwriting but I'll probably end up in journalism writing book reviews for some paper and reviewing art-films online.

But hey, if I can afford to live off that I'll be more than pleased.

>> No.5348053
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How many hours a week you think journalists put into their craft, including research and planning of the piece they will write?

>> No.5348068
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Best case scenario: I get to be an integral part of the comfiest deptmt at my university

Worst case scenario: I join the military in the inevitable WWIII as a translator

Wild card scenario: Reverse Nabokov

>> No.5348071

Depression and minoring in alcoholism.

Just kidding, I'm majoring in chemical engineering and minoring in economics... I am not kidding.

>> No.5348080
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Double major in Political Science and Economics with a minor in Theology.

>> No.5348082


>> No.5348083

>Reverse Nabokov
Butterflies will collect your genitals?

>> No.5348087

I don't have the slightest idea.

>> No.5348091

I was thinking more: expatriot leaving a despotic regime (US) for greener pastures...

My butterflies would be bats most likely, maybe owls?

>> No.5348092

Me too. Analytic or continental?

>> No.5348107

Theater and English

>> No.5348124

Broadfield Social Sciences and Education.

>> No.5348134

Philosophy and Literature

I am /lit/

>> No.5348141

Public Policy

>> No.5348149

Political science, minors in Chinese studies and educational studies.

>> No.5348161


>> No.5348175


>> No.5348176

>still undergraduate
>over the age of 21


>> No.5348177

hi zizek

>> No.5348181

Social Science, with a focus on History, Economics, and Psychology.

>> No.5348184

Applied Math

>> No.5348185

What are you doing? I'm thinking about going to grad school for comparative lit. I have a couple of professional ideas, but none directly relate to comparative literature, except eventually going into academia (which I'll probably decide against). I'd be interested to know if there are any interesting careers related to it though that I hadn't considered.

I'd also just be happy for the experience though. I'm pretty sure I can get funding, and a big part of the whole thing is that I really like writing, both creatively and essays.

>> No.5348187

and should add
>high school
>over the age of 17

>> No.5348201

Zizek has no academic background in feelum, and it really shows. He admits that his understand of cinema is amateurish, and that he only knows enough to get his philosophical points across.

>> No.5348261

I'm a little late but thank you!

>> No.5348270

Cognitive Science (a mix between CS, Linguistics, Psychology, and Philosophy)
What do you guys think? It's in the dept. of AI

>> No.5348274


>> No.5348283

What had you considered? My eventual goal is also academia, but I realize I need back-up plans. Even adjuncting doesn't make much, truthfully.

I'm an editor for publishers who do translations in my favorite area.

If you've already got your BA, I'd say throw out a few emails to the publishers who are doing things in your favorite fields offering to help out. Or do an editing internship or two to get started. The first surprisingly worked for me - the one publisher took me on right away, the other is taking me conditionally. But I've probably sent out three dozen emails to get those, and I still send some out as I see the need for more work.

Translation is also an obvious one, literary or non. I bet there are publishers looking for submissions in your national literatures of choice! What do you like?

>> No.5348284


>> No.5348298

Computer Science here. This is actually my first time on /lit/ - I usually lurk on /g/.

>> No.5348315
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Film. I know. But I love it.

>> No.5348320

Whatcha coming over here for?

>> No.5348334

Computer programming. I always saw it as romantic; smart people who make a nice living, most others equate what you do with wizardry, and the "lifestyle" encompasses nerd chic while being too introverted/autistic to care about the rat race.

Now I don't know, I'm halfway between STEM and the humanities. I like both equally.

>> No.5348340

I occasionally become interested in reading for a few days at a time. That, and I saw a girl at my job today reading a novel while sitting in a shopping cart.

>> No.5348345

Well I graduated with a BA in Spanish. Right now, I'm about to go into AmeriCorps for a year, working with a non-profit that provides community services to the local hispanic population.

Publishing seems like an interesting field, and it's the kind of thing where I'd like to get my foot in the door. One of my old professors wants me to help him translate a couple of Frederico Garcia Lorca's plays with him that are about to go out of copyright. That is the kind of thing that would look good for publication houses that do translation work, correct?

I really enjoy writing. I'd like to do creative writing to pay bills, but that's a long shot. I've thought about going into magazine work, but that field is kind of cannibalizing itself, because none of the large magazine publishers really know what they're doing adapting to the internet, so I don't know if that's a great idea. I still have a lot of time though. I'm still young. I plan on going to a Spanish speaking country for a year to teach English, but more importantly, to polish up my language skills and hopefully take on some sort of regional set of mannerisms. Right now I speak a horrible mix of Spanish from all kinds of countries, because I have friends from various regions of Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and a couple from other countries too. once I get that worked out, I'll feel more confident doing actual translation work.

>> No.5348352

What kind of books do you like? I could recommend you something nice if you give me some parameters :^)

>> No.5348364

You can still go into magazine work, just stick with online zines. They're massively popular and there are new ones popping up all the time.

The biggest issue is that you shouldn't be focusing in on the "big" publishers of anything. Go with small publishers, small magazines. They offer more variety, they're more available to talk. Most don't really pay less either.

Definitely help out your prof, that sounds like a great thing for your CV!

If you'd like a resource, check out the publishers putting out Spanish language works in the excel charts for the past three years in this blog post:


In case you need more info on that!

>> No.5348368

Philosophy with Pre-med

unorthodox nigga comin thhru

>> No.5348382

For fiction, I have no preference
But for nonfiction:
Topics such as Astronomy, Meteorology, anything relating to the autism spectrum, zombies (yes, zombies), and Geography are what I've found most interesting.

If most math/programming books weren't dry, I'd probably give them a shot too.

>> No.5348388

double in philosophy and music focusing in composition

>> No.5348403


The writer/philosopher/physician schtick is far from "unorthodox". One could almost call it a cliché that goes back thousands of years, including notables like Chekhov, Rabelais, Keats, and William Carlos Williams.

>> No.5348404

Read some Phillip K Dick

>> No.5348407

Cliché is too strong a word. Tradition, I'd like to amend it to.

>> No.5348417
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Aight but that sounds even more awesome... u just tried to shit on me but u made me cooler...damn lol

>> No.5348419

That seems smart. I have been published freelance twice in a woodworking magazine as well, so I imagine that looks good for magazine work too. I guess my only experience with magazine work though is specialized hobby work. What other kind of topics are there to work in?

>> No.5348423


me too >:3

>> No.5348436

>Now I don't know, I'm halfway between STEM and the humanities. I like both equally

>> No.5348439

What are good resources for knowing which magazines to apply for? I'd be interested in editorial work. I already have experience publishing two articles in a hobby magazine freelance.

>> No.5348449

Nobody tried to shit on you. No need to be so defensive.

>> No.5348453

>Most don't really pay less either.


>> No.5348465

Literature has specialized, niche areas too, y'know. I bet your professor could tell you of some Spanish language ones and Spanish literature dedicated ones, if he knows about Lorca's out of print works.

Same guy? It's really the sort of thing you pick up by being interested in the topics they cover, I dunno of any lists. Though I'm sure there are some. I mean, if you care about Irish Supernatural fiction, there's a journal for that. If you care about "transgressive works dealing with madness, sex, death, disease, and the like," there a journal for that.

I meant for editorial work, not submissions. I know all about no-pay submissions.

>> No.5348471

This week i started my education in woodworking.

>> No.5348476
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English with a minor philosophy. Feels bretty gud

>> No.5348518


sweet jesus victim complex

>> No.5348523


technical physics with 1st degree specialization in materials & nanoengineering

>> No.5348571

Thinking of going to University
Will do International Relations but not sure if I want a double degree and do administration or potentially an arts degree.
What do you reckon /lit/

>> No.5348572

Computer science, English, and possibly math (if I have time and/or don't drop out). What tier does that get me to?

>> No.5348590

I like your combo, anon

>> No.5348594

...that's an entire major?

>> No.5348601

A quick bit of reading for you, I found this interesting:

>> No.5348607

Chemical Engineering at a top engineering school.
Just filled out my leave of absence paperwork today and will probably never return.

>> No.5348616

>intelligence, sponsored by diabetes


>> No.5348834

I think you're my nigga.
Any plans for post undergrad? Going to pursue neuropsychology myself.

>> No.5348846

Political science. I started my upper division courses today and they were awful. I'm pretty sure I'm going to change my major soon.

>> No.5348976


the only worthwhile degree for humanities brained people

>> No.5348995

finished a civil engineering degree 2 months ago.

the last english class i took before leaving that god forsaken place left me feeling like i should read books more

>> No.5349001

Math. You guys have fun being unemployed, I'll... uh... slave away in an underpaid job at college? This might not be as satisfying as I thought.

>> No.5349009

i t-think so
i go to a small uni leave me alone

>> No.5349029

4th and last year of law school.

>> No.5349058

History, with a minor in education.
Aiming to be a college teacher, unless I'm amazing at it, then I'd be a uni lecturer.

>> No.5349071
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Western Culture, basically.

>> No.5349072

lol someone's butthurt about not getting a job

>> No.5349137

The Gulag Archipelago is only like 40 years old and that shit is still going on in NK

>> No.5349150

>Plato's Laws
Is it bad that this is my favorite Plato work. It's like readind the last thoughts of the last man of greek polis, while they walk down to the end of the cave of live. That's how I imagine it.

>> No.5349197

Electrical Engineering; I wanted to major in Linguistics, but there are no good Linguistics universities where I live.

>> No.5349215

About to go into my final year of MEng engineering, though I won't say which one.

I get near perfect grades but I know fuck all

>> No.5349223

Philosophy, Film Studies and Literature.

>> No.5349233

Mathematics, it's hard gaining new and expensive tastes so that I'll have something to do with my ENORMOUS pay ducketts after I graduate.

>> No.5349255
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in UK so we don't really 'major'

but I'm dualing Dual Honours Economics/Philosophy, so I get the money making side while still enjoying some deep stuff

gonna go do Msc in Economics or Economic Mathmatics at some London Uni when I finish

>> No.5349260
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I'm undeclared, but considering a French major with a government minor. Hoping to go into translation.

>> No.5349267

>money making

>> No.5349274

My degree is in physics, but I went into finance after graduation because there's no money in pure science.

>> No.5349283

Philosophy and Japanese. Glad to see so many others in this thread

>> No.5349299

You guys, how do I become a stonemason? It is my passion.

>> No.5349330

Is there any worthwhile Japanese philosophy?

>> No.5349339

>working in the panoptilibrary

Fucking lel m8

>> No.5349342

>schedule this semester;
Lin alg, stat, logic, general chem, and intro to literature

19 units fuck yah

>> No.5349368

The Kyoto School. You know, the guys that our nazi overlord ender of metaphysics Heiddeger had a thing for.

>> No.5349372

Math and Applied Math

To be honest I have more fun in the liberal arts classes I'm forced to take though, the only people who interact in my math lectures are the cunts who just want to wave their prior knowledge about.

Apparently my school has a great continental philosophy department too.

>> No.5349376

>people getting BAs in fine arts in 2014
>people getting Masters degrees in fine arts in 2014

Man, I feel really bad for kids once you get out into the real world.

>> No.5349392


For some reason I hate English literature or anything related to that with a burning passion, but I love reading.

I just feel like I want my creative side to stay a hobby and my work to be logical.

>> No.5349401


>> No.5349410

You do realize logic is a broad term that covers many types of argument, right?

Not all logics are deductive syllogisms.

>> No.5349414


>> No.5349419

Math, but I'm only starting and will porbably transfer to another university to do math/economics

>> No.5349927

I meant, does it concern other stuff related to IT/programming as well? Or is it literally only databases?

>> No.5349937

Im 24 and I work in a bar
I can pick up a glass like it's nobody's business

>> No.5349941

>my life is going nowhere

Cool, I guess.

>> No.5349946

I'm writing a PhD thesis on computational methods in relativistic astrothermodymanics. My goal is to simulate the hypothetical collision of celestial bodies under huge differences of temperature.

>> No.5349950
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these things happen

>> No.5349957

Sorry kid, it's all about steel now.

>> No.5349962

Artificial intelligence

>> No.5349972

You think you made bad decisions? I went from a major in Philosophy to a major in Journalism.

>> No.5349978

Construction management

>> No.5349979

>tfw this is exactly what I wanted to do
>tfw there's no major like this in my country
I wish we had majors/minors too.
Currently doing Computer Science and.thinking of specializing in Database or Software Engineering (or AI / computational learning if I like it in the future)

>> No.5349985

CS with some philosophy on the side next year. I'd like to study AI or something Kripkesque like computational linguistics. Maybe just draw some graphs and slack in academia and never going to "real work".

>> No.5349991

I just started an AI course as a part of my CS major. Looks like it'll be mighty interesting.

>> No.5349996

I plan on returning to the university later to have a humanities degree. Just don't know if philosophy, social sciences or psychology

>> No.5350016

I'm just building up my knowledge on graph theory and other stuff before getting deeper into it

>> No.5350028

What do you mean by it requires more ambition? Getting a job with a philosophy degree takes more effort?

>> No.5350071

English Philology
>kill me na0
Plannin on studying Law for a Masters degree abroad though.

>> No.5350102

I do not want money, I just want a pretty wife, to play with stones and to read books.

>> No.5350165


>Philosophy is better than biology when it comes to making money




>> No.5350190

Oh, you were talking more about academic journals than magazines? That would be an interesting field to work in as well, but I imagine you'd need at least a master's and some academically published papers yourself, right?

I'm going to start researching different magazines to apply to. Luckily, I have this whole year to resume build. I'll be publishing another article in a hobby magazine, and I'm going to try my darnedest to get these two academic essays published. One looks good, because it's about a very specific topic, and I found a journal with a call for papers for a special edition on that very topic. The regular acceptance rate for this journal is roughly 20%, but for such a narrow area, it should be a bit higher, and I write relatively well already, so I think I have a good shot.

>> No.5350503

Dual majoring English Lit/Linguistics

>> No.5351124

What's a typical upper division English class like?

>> No.5351306

Public Relations. I'm considering minoring in Bosnian/Croation/Serbian or philosophy

>> No.5351347

aerospace engineering

are you proud of me yet dad

>> No.5351352

I did not see the 'or' so I thought for a second that you were going into Bosnian/Croation/Serbian philosophy.

>> No.5351430

Read something, talk about it, write a paper on it.

>> No.5351459


At least at my school, it seems like most of the English people are in education specialization, so in the later classes while they go off and get credits student teaching and shit you get courses that only have like 4 or 5 people in them.

Basically, in my experience, it all comes down to your classmates. You can have a great professor, but if no one engages in discussion it's a waste of time.

>> No.5351551



>> No.5351567

What kind of paper? I'm asking because I hate super serious research papers. This past spring I took five poli sci courses that fucked me up bad. Pretty much every moment that I wasn't in class, I was reading shit for class or reading a fuck ton of articles and books for my research papers. I have no problem writing papers but I don't want to experience another semester where I spend more time in the library than I do with my friends.

>> No.5351568


>> No.5351579
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>tfw 7x300 level classes last year
>tfw 10+ research papers
>tfw 150 citations each

>> No.5351593

Chemical engineering.

>> No.5351717

Chemical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering minor

>> No.5352064

>How to read and why
such a deceptive title
the book is basically just him saying what he loves about his favorite authors

>> No.5352091

Philosophy and French. God, life is futile.

>> No.5352098


>> No.5352099

Forestry. Minoring in wanting to die. Woe is me. I don't have the courage to kill myself, to hurt my family like that. Why won't something come along and end me?

>> No.5352131
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I'm going to be the next Indiana Jones.

>> No.5352310

Information Systems of course

>> No.5352470
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I just recently got a bachelors of fine arts in jewelry design & fine metalsmithing.

>> No.5352483

fine metalsmithing > bad metalsmithing
prove me wrong badfags.

>> No.5352486

Which is entirely appropriate for a chart on books about books.

I love essays that are just talking about favorites and love of books.

>> No.5352490


Why's that, anon?

>> No.5352492


>> No.5352498

Just finished English.

Did three internships.

Turned down a job cause I'm depressed.

Trying to decide what to do next.

>> No.5352503
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>> No.5352508

>majored in english
>turned down a job
Time for a life of alcohol abused followed by violent suicide.

>> No.5352507

This is a late response, but no, those weren't academic journals. They're literature magazines, you don't need your MA to submit to them.

Though obviously you do need to know what you're talking about to submit reviews or essays.

Sounds like you've already got your plans down though! I actually did know a good site for calls for papers I didn't think of,


For anyone interested.

>> No.5352514

Majoring in Global Studies focus on Latin America
Double Minoring Economics and Spanish

>> No.5352546

How do I into Kyoto school? Any good anthologies or secondary lit?

>> No.5352557

>know Japanese
>take sternuous test
>die from overwork
>shame family
>they commit harakiri

>> No.5352578

Is English really as over-saturated as people make it out to be? At my university almost no one majors in English.

>> No.5352584
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I hope not!

>> No.5352590

What do you mean by "over-saturated"?

>> No.5352599

He means there is no job market for english majors. The best job you will get as an English major is sucking cocks.

>> No.5352648



>> No.5352858

985 here, university of Tampere, Finland.

>> No.5352874

>Read something, talk about it, write a paper on it.
Usually, yes. However, not all classes are created equal there. I'm starting a class this semester called "Theories of language, discourse, and the stage". Interesting as fuck, the professor is awesome, and since most everyone in the class is actually at upper-division English caliber, we actually have intelligent discussions.

>> No.5352884

Electrical Engineering
But now I write books and run my own eBay business.

>> No.5352904

What sorts of books?

>> No.5352916

Technical Communication.

Hoping to go into Instructional Design eventually but idk. It has many applications so I'm not exactly limited. I'm interested in being an entrepreneur too but the time commitment sucks because I love my hobbys.

>> No.5353004

Are you me? I'm basically just killing time in college and studying what interests me on my own anyway. Might as well get something useful with all that money.

It is terrible that you have to seem more competent on paper than real life.

Same. Econ is 'funner' but Finance is higher tier.

>> No.5353016

Philosophy undergraduates make great lawyers bud. You ought to consider a branch of law for a post graduate program.

>> No.5353019

What do you think of Ruby? I'm a PHP developer and I think Ruby isn't as great as their community makes it out to be. Then again, I haven't studied symbolic logic.

>> No.5353029

Hope you live in LA

>> No.5353033

I'm majoring in Environmental Sciences and focusing on Geographic Information Systems


That's exciting, have you taken many physics courses? I plan on studying Optics and Light next semester. (pretty early on here)

>> No.5353034

>still using php
I wish I had the time to dig into ruby, but a python app is taking up all of my time at the moment.

>> No.5353067

I don't use PHP for everything. I just like using it for Laravel. I only work on a campus radio station's site anyway. Python isn't really required.

I've tried Ruby, built a few sites using Ruby on Rails (nothing that launched just experiments) and I just felt like the community was shit, the documentation was shit, and everything was a huge fucking mess. Where as with Laravel and PHP everything is well organized and makes good sense. I would like to learn Python and Django but I just don't have the time with school and everything else. Have you tried Django? I'm mostly interested in the offshoot project 'GeoDjango'. (Environmental Science Major)

>> No.5353068

>Dig bum here I come
Seems romantic but ultimately futile.

>> No.5353092
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(at a real, fine-arts school)

>> No.5353096

Which school? A friend of mine graduated from SUNY (film)

>> No.5353101

From an outsider's perspective, I thought the Ruby on Rails community seemed really cool and interesting, but I suppose it could all be a sham. I haven't done a whole lot with Django specifically, though I've messed with it a bit. It seems very stable and easy to get started with.

I'm currently developing some python apps (two in tandem) on Google App Engine, and while they say it supports Django it was too much of a mess when I tried using it. So right now I'm stuck with a pretty stripped-down web framework, but it's doing the job so far.

GeoDjango looks pretty sweet, I'll have to read into it further!

>> No.5353109

SFAI. Yeah I heard SUNY was a really good school, but I prefer the west coast honestly.

>> No.5353128

Yeah man, as a environmental science major and avid hobbyist web developer it really fits my bill. Most companies that require GIS work want the accuracy/features of ArcGIS but also want the flexibility of mobile and web applications. Must learn Python!!!

>> No.5353269

it does

>> No.5353276

autism studies

>> No.5353303


>> No.5353324

Python isn't bad at all, trust me :) Do you have experience with not-strictly-web/OO languages?

For me, the biggest learning curve has always been the framework, but since you've already had some experience in web frameworks Django should be pretty simple getting started. They've got tons of well-written docs.

>> No.5353343

I don't have a lot of experience with not-strictly-web/OO languages, in fact I've never written a line of code that wasn't meant for the web. I mostly tinker with CMS's and attempt to extend them to serve my needs. I do all of my own web server work on FreeBSD/Ubuntu and I've even survived a few Gentoo builds.

>> No.5353368

bruh if thats all youll do with that math degree you're not smart enough to get it in the first place

>> No.5353374

Is Linguistics a useless field? I'm currently in History but fearing i'll never have a job even with a graduate degree.

>> No.5353375

i did a BA in philosophy, then an MA and now a PhD in history. i'm at a state college and looking for some sort of career path outside academia. my debt is heavy, and i have a serious health issue that will either wriggle me out of paying my loans or slowly incapacitate me while i appear progressively less upstanding to my lenders. my bet is the latter will go on awhile before i get "relief."

>> No.5353383

B.A. English

Starting on an M.A. in English Studies in October.

>> No.5353392

Gotcha, python may feel pretty different then. I highly recommend learning at least some sort of OO programming. Python focuses heavily on brevity and doing a lot without writing a lot, while something like Java is probably simpler to understand out of the box for beginners.

You don't need to memorize the theoretical underpinnings of OOP in order for it to be valuable, either. Once it clicks that you can create custom objects, do things to them, and make them interact with other custom objects, a world of new possibilities opens up.

>> No.5353398

This is 'functional' programming correct?

>> No.5353410


are you that guy who said that he was in HFT?

How much pure maths (like proofs etc.) do you know (and how much do you use for your job)? Or is it only applied maths that you need in finance?

I always wonder whether these finance jobs actually need maths skills, since you can get in with any degree (as long as you're not a Quant)

>> No.5353459


>> No.5353470

Nope, object-oriented. Functional programming is a wholly different beast. Most languages are some combination of functional/object-oriented/etc (not all - Ruby is considered a "pure" object oriented language), but for normal use you'll be thinking about python/java/C++ in an object oriented way.

>> No.5353492

What's the deal with Linguistics? Why do so many people study it?

>> No.5353498


Geology with a minor in Geographic Information Systems.

>> No.5353562


Anyone else /linguistics/ here?

>> No.5353565


Because language is interesting and it's a very broad field.

>> No.5353586

Medicine, I love it but I still struggle with presentations and shit

>> No.5353593

because they all want chomsky dick

>> No.5353645

Social work for my master's (psych was my bachelor's). I will have plenty of low-paying jobs available to keep myself alive with while I slave away on my post-modern magnum opus.

>> No.5353710

Uh, European linguists hate Chomsky passionately. (And the sane American ones too, but there's few of those in the wild.)

>> No.5356130


>> No.5356142
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Double in Cell Biology and Philosophy

>> No.5356178

Media studies.

Wtf am I doing with my life?!

>> No.5356232


For now? Studying media.

>> No.5356247

That is a very true statement. Thank you for enlightening me dear sir

>> No.5356348

You at Carleton?

>> No.5356386

libertarian detected

>> No.5356686

nuclear engineering. btw that's the best storebought lemonade i've had, shits dope.

>> No.5356758
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i'm butthurt about a lot of things but that isn't one
no, but you have to have a plan to do something with your philosophy degree for it to really pan out. you can go into law or medicine, but that's something you need to decide in tandem with the major. you can go into science, but you generally need to have a focus in that science accompanying your major. there are a lot of jobs you can get with just a philo major but these are the same tier that you need, like, a history major for.
>making money
isn't a good metric for the positivity of a decision, though i'm sure i don't need to tell someone as enlightened and confident as you that.
biology is the major for freshmen who think they're really super gosh-danged smart because they had easy-as-fuck bio and chem classes. the worst STEM major by far.

>> No.5356915


>dont bully plz

>> No.5356956


>> No.5357029

History ;___;

>> No.5357045

Look at this carpet muncher.

>> No.5357107


>> No.5357129

I-I have a large bone f-for you
>tfw fit/lit

>> No.5357134


>> No.5357284


>> No.5357370

Going back to school after nearly getting a failing grade in life, currently the "plan" is for me to do CS, but I'm slowly realizing I just don't have the brain for it. Yeah, I can code if you put a gun to my head, but it doesn't come easy to me.

I'm much more of a liberal artsy sort of person, but if I told my family I was majoring in English or something they'd be like "pbbbbth haha no, we won't help you get a useless degree." And as I need their support at the moment, I don't know what to do...

>> No.5357391

Finance, with a math minor. My ultimate goal is to teach and do some microfinancing in poor areas on the side.

>Tfw most of the business professors want their students to be free-market shills who work for jews in widening the gap between the rich and poor.

>> No.5357483
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Double; computer science and philosophy.

I've been beginning to loathe computer science, I thoroughly enjoy coding, but going to school with the sole purpose to get a job seems ludicrous to me now. I could care less what kind of job I acquire after I'm done with my education. I could always lean on commercial fishing if money became an issue. I just want to read, talk to interesting people, and experience cool shit.

>> No.5358521

Masters in mechanical engineering

>tfw shouldn't have left medical school after a month

>> No.5358536

maybe you should consider what you can do for other people bruv, that's the key to a fulfilling life.

>> No.5358541

I'll be starting my Masters in International Security next month

>> No.5358545

Cultural anthropology. Listed as the most useless major by some financial tabloids.

>> No.5358553

pair it with something. get a minor in pre-law or, like me, political science.

>> No.5358561

That's it mane.

>> No.5358562

mah nigga

>> No.5358591


And when I'm done, I'm off to country , with only a library and goats and a garden.

>> No.5358597

Creative Writing

Applying to graduate school for.... Creative Writing.

>> No.5358602

Cloud Computing. Its essentially Web Design + Software development in one

>> No.5358604

What jobs do you guys do?

>> No.5358606
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>> No.5358628

Library & Information Science

>> No.5358806

Stonecutting? You could get a job at a quarry or a monument (headstones etc) company

>> No.5358811

Where from?

>> No.5358839


>> No.5358846

Mech eng masterrace reporting in

>tfw didn't get into aerospace
>tfw never going to build a spaceplane
>tfw my name is on a list somewhere and I'll be lynched by an angry mob when automation starts replacing jobs

>> No.5359581
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>finally check summer grades

>> No.5359589

I wonder if I chose something lit related if that would've given me an opportunity to read books all day.
My junior self only saw dollar signs.

>> No.5359594

>>tfw my name is on a list somewhere and I'll be lynched by an angry mob when automation starts replacing jobs

>not designing the robots that disperse the riots

You are not my trans-human brother-kin.

>> No.5359601
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if you're an american and going to college for more than 10000$ per year, you're a legit fucktard.

atleast serve in the imperial gun guys club for free college or just get a library card.

then get a job in a factory if you really want to benefit society. u dumbass intelligentsia wannabes

>> No.5359602

History of Science

>> No.5359610

> serve society


>> No.5359611

Hey, you just described the kind of person that likes Gummo.

>> No.5359617

no tuition country master race

>> No.5359630

harmony is for working class

leeching is immoral

>> No.5359639

immoral doesn't faze all

also not serving =//= leeching

>> No.5359648

fair enough.
but you're closer to either one or the other.

>> No.5359649

I majored in Japanese so to fuel my current NEET lifestyle of jerking it to cartoons. I feel pretty good about it actually.

>> No.5359654

Why not try to get into translations? Several companies are pushing LNs and Japanese genre fiction, which should be interesting to you. It's slowly blossoming.

>> No.5359655

Journalist here. You don't really stop working until you sleep. Then you dream about working. And you get paid dirt and people treat you like shit.

But live your dreams kids

>> No.5359679

recommend me a /lit/ animu

>> No.5359728

Sword of the Stranger

>> No.5359731

Mononoke (Not Princess Mononoke)

>> No.5359736

There isn't such a thing

>> No.5359754

>The cats watches anime

This is getting more and more hilarious.

>> No.5359778

Night on the Milky Way Railroad.

Then read the story.

>> No.5359860

I "majored" on CS 9 years ago

damn I feel old

>> No.5359862

Anything by Satoshi Kon, I recommend Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent.

shti taste

>> No.5359877

Mathematics, MSc.

It's fun & I enjoy it. I teach it as well to make some extra dosh, but I enjoy learning it more than teaching it. I write on the side, give book reviews/analyses and attempt to read voraciously, even in the summer. Currently, I'm rereading Borges and Kafka's short stories.

>> No.5359929

Not OP but this is how I´m going to finally decide.


>> No.5359930

>always reading on 4chan 'ayy lmao major in epic stem majors like physics and chemistry computer science xd'

fuck you idiots. life isn't a fucking computer game. you think going for a career just because it's going to pay well is a good idea? yeah it's going to be so epic in 40 years when the 60 year old programmer finally kills himself because he derived no pleasure from his 9 to 5 and his salary wasn't enough to fill the gap

fuck you autists. and fuck anybody going to university to get a job. jobs are fucking shit, you don't want one, and you don't need to go to university to get one. your chances are better with trade school. go to university to persue what you enjoy because no fucking job is fun so you might as well enjoy the time you have at university. or take the only way out and go NEET and masturbate to cartoons like me.

>> No.5359948

is this pasta? if not youre a superior gentleman. grow the fuck up and realize that there are people that are smarter and more determined than you, and generally better than you in general, that have certain dreams and aspirations, and these may not fall in line with your complete lack of the same. You are in the lowest bin of worthless people, and while you berate others for what you think will lead them to sadness in life, you will be the one that eventually commits suicide after half of a lifetime of complete and utter loneliness and sadness.

>> No.5359949

Stop projecting your depression and hatred.

I adore my job, and often do it for free on top of doing it to get paid. You can go to school for what you love while also doing it with the purpose of getting a job that you love.

>> No.5359953

Shin Sekai Yori

>> No.5359983

if your dream is to be a career-man i have nothing but pity for you.

what is your job?

>> No.5359989

What kind of math are you specializing in?

>> No.5359990

>i pity you for wanting to learn about and do badass shit and get paid for it
lel ok prince fedora, good luck with your personality disorder and crippling depression, hope you like being confined to the same room for your whole life, by your own faggotry

>> No.5359993

>hating workfags as a neet
>hating neetfags as a worker

The beauty of our efficient society is that there is place for both. Can't we all just get along?

>> No.5359995

>there is a place in society for those that dont contribute to it whatsoever

>> No.5359996


>> No.5360000

i'm not depressed at all though, because i have literally nothing to be depressed about. one of the perks of having no responsibilities.

there is literally nothing taught in any university that could be considered 'badass'. prove me wrong

>> No.5360005

Do you not have anything you're interested in?

To someone without interests, obviously nothing is interesting or "badass."

>> No.5360009

I'm a programmer.

>> No.5360014

heating hydrogen to 100 million degrees so they smash into each other and make energy to supply the world with power for longer than the sun will run. but you can develop bed sores and stink like shit and wallow away in a garbage dump

>> No.5360017

You realise a first world citizen's first social duty is to consume and not to produce, right? We need everyone to consume, but not everyone to work. Work is optional.

If you would take away all the NEETs, a bunch of workers would actually become NEET since there is less of a market for what they are producing. A side effect of efficiency is the need of more consumers than producers.

I'm maintaining jobs here with this beer I'm drinking.

>> No.5360020

>if your dream is to be a career-man i have nothing but pity for you.

If you think that's my dream you're "way off." Yes, part of my dream is to get an excellent career to support my family. I am an ambitious, passionate, audacious go-getter with childlike creativity and love for what I do. I work 60 hour weeks because I know I am making society a better place for both me and my children. Yeah, that's right: children. I'm having children. Dozens of them, too. Well, actually only 8, but my wife and I are considering another. And guess what? As soon as they're 14 I'm making them get a job so they can work their way up just like I did. I've been working for 20 years now. I started off as a bagboy and now I'm next in line to be CEO. Why? Because I believe in the Human Race and the United States of America. Take your childish anti-natalism and neet-ism elsewhere; this is a board for adults.

>> No.5360022

So by the logic, someone who homebrews is awful and destroying society?

>> No.5360024

yes, youre a worthless piece of shit and should become a NEET masterrace because were the real heroes of the world

>> No.5360026

Not even him, but why the hell do you bring anti-natalism into it?

If a couple doesn't want kids, why do you give a shit? It doesn't mean they're childish.

>> No.5360037

i do. i have creative pursuits, none of which have a prerequisite of wasting thousands of dollars (and hours in the case of artificially stunting my learning). nothing you enjoy requires you to attend university either. you might say that getting a job in certain fields requires a major, but like i've said if you want a job i have nothing but pity for you.

vibrating limbs to cause a reaction resulting in the ejaculation of materials which have the ability to create new life

there, now even masturbating sounds awesome.

the reality is you turning knobs for 8 hours a day while machines that are pre-programmed to not fuck up do all the work, not some sci fi race against time adventure you stockholm syndromed piece of shit

>> No.5360043

>I am an ambitious, passionate, audacious go-getter with childlike creativity and love for what I do.
jesus christ i need to put on some vaporwave now

>> No.5360047

who do you think designs the fuel systems, the wall materials, all the "pre-programed" machines, etc. youre just making an ass of yourself, they dont design/produce themselves. stop trying to justify youre shitty NEET lifestyle that youre clearly not satisfied with

>> No.5360052

That's not by that logic at all. I'm just saying that people who consume without producing serve an important person.

Also, homebrewers buy a lot of stuff usually.

>> No.5360056

I think you're under the mistaken impression that everyone is independently wealthy.

If I didn't go to university, I would have never had access to the labs and materials available to me for pursuing my interests.

And because I'm poor, I did it all for free.

>> No.5360057

who do i think does all the snoozefest non-badass stuff? you, of course.

wow bro wall materials fuel systems the options are truly endless i'm fucking having the time of my life here

>> No.5360059


Because neetdom and anti-natalism go "hand-in-hand." NEETs are pathetic losers, and all pathetic losers are anti-natalists.

"Oh boo hoo life is hard and painful." No one said life would be easy. And it's not easy. You have to stare failure in the eyes and conquer it. you have to look into Death and overcome it. When the going gets tough, you have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make a man of yourself. What do NEETs and anti-natalists do? They cower in fear, like the pathetic little half-humans they are, and let themselves be conquered. Both NEETdom and anti-natalism are acknowledgements of grand failure.

You know why NEETs don't want jobs? Because they're afraid of failing. I've failed so many times I can't keep count. But I'm a Winner. Know why? Because when I fail, I pick myself back up, wipe the dirt off, and keep marching on into the future. That's why I have children and that's why I have a job: because I'm a marcher, not a sitter.

>> No.5360065

I'm not even a NEET, I've been employed since I was a teenager...

why the hell did you go off on me?

>> No.5360069

I'm addressing the manchild who's arguing for NEETdom in this thread. You can't miss it; clear as day.

>> No.5360071

you sound like a dumb nigger thats mad at others for their cool opportunities and life choices. sorry bruh, no reparations

>> No.5360072

i'm under the impression that the profession you shoehorned yourself into isn't your greatest or most enjoyable interest and you chose it based on the monetary returns it may or may not net you. if i'm incorrect then more power to you but i've never met anybody who actually fits that description and all i ever see from STEM idiots on 4chan is regret which is the base cause of my shitposting here.

>> No.5360074

But you replied to me, not him.

I just asked about the anger towards people who don't want to have kids.

>> No.5360075

Is this thread still happening?

History major with English minor

Currently in grad school for a master of urban planning

>> No.5360078

I'm not even a STEM person, by STEM standards.

Biology is a soft science to them, somehow.

>> No.5360089

And before you rail on me for my choice, there really isn't any other interest of mine that is better or more fun than mushrooms.

>> No.5360097

You sound like one of those faggot pick up artist/success preachers. Why is it so hard to believe that people actually consider work a shitty deal? We live in the first civilisation that doesn't look down on work, it's hardly a universal sentiment to praise employment.

>> No.5360115

i'm not in the third world over here bro, i have the exact same opportunities as yourself and everyone else in the west. i could sign up for some soulcrushing STEM major tomorrow. your assumptions are baseless.

to be honest, all i ever see on 4chan is regret. stem majors, other majors, neets, everybody seems to regret their choices in life. it's probably true of most everyone. i'm just particularly annoyed with the masturbation over stem degrees on the site because, let's face it, most people are creatively driven, not autistic science nerds. the fact that the highest paying professions are all scientific backs this up - most competitive job markets / least amount of qualified workers because the number of people who enjoy the subject enough to devote their lives to it is small.

but that's quickly changing because all these geniuses think if they go STEM they're gonna make big bucks but in reality the market is more and more over saturated. people should do what they want, not choose a major based on the salary. otherwise they have nothing.

>> No.5360199

> most people are creatively driven

think again

>> No.5360209

please enlighten me on how everybody prefers paperwork over creative interests you first generation android

>> No.5360216

people want to get high, eat good food and fuck. And because you cannot do this things all the time maybe watch a movie or read a book

I don't qualify that as 'creatively driven'

>> No.5360221

I prefer growing mushrooms.

Seriously, not all STEM is about paperwork.

>> No.5360227

if more people were creatively driven wed have a lot more elegant solutions for a lot more things than we do, people find one way to solve a problem and then everyone uses that. in a way some of the engineers and designers are the most creative people, because they keep trying to find newer and better ways to do things and create things. its not like they go to work and their boss say heres a page of 10 problems i want you to work on, its due next friday, get out and experience the real world, and dont just spout about how you think things happen because thats how some tv show or game told you they happen

>> No.5360746


I don't know why you wouldn't think that a STEM major and creativity can't intertwine. I major in physics and a lot of people I meet do it for a genuine love for the creative thinking involved in a mathematics based subject. I'd also say that these people have more interesting creative output than some I meet that actually study something in the arts.