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/lit/ - Literature

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5342746 No.5342746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are all "the Classics" that should be read? I want to be well-read on Western philosophy and tales, but I don't know where to start.

What are the "Classics", an they all be read online, and should I read them in chronological order of when they were written? For example, starting with Aristotle I suppose?

>> No.5342750

They say start with the Greeks but where?

>> No.5342770
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>you will never take the Brown Pill

>> No.5342771

damn why is every thread the same

how do these people literally have no basis in literature?

>> No.5342775

Amerifat education spends a week or two acknowledging that the Greeks and Romans existed, then skips right to the American Revolution and nothing else.

>> No.5342814

My high school had us read
>The Odyssey and Illiad
>Oedipus the King, Antigone
>Edith Hamilton's Mythology
We were really the niggest school in the area, but we were excellent in academics, particularly engineering. You're just a faggot yuropoor who probably few up in Slavic education

>> No.5342904

if you have zero foundation in the classics then take note of what harold bloom suggests you should read as well written lit. he receives a lot of shit on here but his compass for knowing good lit and bad lit is one of the best there is.

>> No.5342912

My British education didn't involve reading anything earlier than Macbeth.

>> No.5342980

The Odyssey and The Iliad to begin with classical (greco-roman) lit.

Epic of Gilgamesh and related works to begin with mythology in general. There might be older works that I'm not aware of but it's a good starting point as any.

>> No.5344275

I started with plato's the republic, then the iliad and finally odyssey.

>> No.5344300


>> No.5344383

That's why I read the Iliad, The Odyssey, Edith Hamilton's Mythology, The Canterbury Tales, Arthurian legends, and one Shakespeare play per year in High School.

>> No.5344390

my nigga.jpeg

>> No.5344446

>you will never experience the Rome TW2 hype again on /vg/

>> No.5344449


>> No.5344453

you're certainly not going to end up well-read if you approach it in the way that you are

>> No.5344467

What does /lit/ think of Stephen Mitchell's translation of The Iliad, is it worth borrowing my dads copy?

>> No.5344498

Bumping with a link to /phil/osophy podcast:

>> No.5344527
File: 12 KB, 337x372, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being hyped for a CA game
>not knowing Rome:TW already proved CA's dangerous and cynical willingness to put hype and selling points like a 3D battle map before actual functionality
>not knowing TW games have had broken strategic AI from Rome onward because CA to this day has not coded sophisticated enough AI to consolidate and manage its troops effectively
>not knowing CA knows this and doesn't care because retards buy their shiny games
>not knowing CA cares so little that even the tactical AI is broken because they don't even bother testing it to an alpha level before release
>not knowing R:TW shipped with numerous tactical AI oversights and bugs to the point of being unplayable, M:TW shipped with remedial errors in tactical AI code like twohanders being totally useless and armies sitting still while they are killed with arrows, E:TW shipped with literally no naval AI because they forgot to do it, etc.
>not knowing CA has a history of releasing deliberately bad products because they know their brand name will carry them
>not knowing you can get Heroic Victories in every single battle
>not noticing or taking issue with the enemy general for five games through five generations plowing headfirst into your pikes after running across the field ahead of his men
>not playing Paradox GSG which is still incompetently made but at least they aren't doing it intentionally