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/lit/ - Literature

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5342484 No.5342484 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ever given this a try?

>> No.5342492

>writing in books

>> No.5342493

This Is for plebs

>> No.5342496

Being schizotypal, you mean?

>> No.5342497

Annotating a book in the ugliest possible to way to take photos catered for the feelsy Tumblr audience? Not me.

>> No.5342498

Photocopies, obviously

>> No.5342551

Seems interesting practice. You're given a bunch of contextualized words that seem to limit the possibility of any radically different meaning. But by rearranging the sequence you can see that those limits were mostly just effects of immediate context.
However, the proper challenge is not to allow any jumps like in that image (from "music" to "because" to "reality" to "is ugly").

>> No.5342587
File: 1.42 MB, 2047x1879, foreword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5342588

So the proper order would be solely descending with no "skips" between lines?

>> No.5342593

check your autism at the door

>> No.5342599

/lit/ is gonna shit on this but it's as good as any other method to stimulate one's imagination. I do something similar when I'm writing music - using a beat I like as a "seed" and manipulating it until it's unrecognizable.

>> No.5342605

No, you can ascend as well, just don't jump down or up where no character is in touch with the outline above or below. There shouldn't be any of those empty corridors is what I'm saying.

>> No.5342606
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There's a whole book fulla this shit

>> No.5342617
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>> No.5342623


>> No.5343104
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Like this?

>> No.5343298

why do people care what others do with their own books?

>> No.5343362

just because it's yours now doesn't mean it always will be.
so when stabbed in the throat please try not to bleed all over my new books.

>> No.5343370

Mortimer j adlers how to read a book, read it and understand why your opinion is wrong and shit.

>> No.5343390


>> No.5343398

4chan, home of the shitposting and banal dumbfuckery

>> No.5343403

I agree, why are you wasting your time here? reddit seems like a far better place for classy intellectual discussion.

>> No.5343471

Reddit is the worst of capitalistic society: accumulation of capital based on recognition of established values.
4chan is the worst of anarchistic society: plebeian mob with no refinement in evaluation and interpretation, no taste for nuances.

>> No.5343555


>> No.5343585

Anon is just a moral animal. Replace any mention of wrong and right with good and bad.

>> No.5343609

this is a decent observation, but both offer some of the better aspects of both as well, no?

>> No.5343691

Of course. I can't stand Reddit at all because of its strongly established values and mechanism of keeping them that way. What makes me turn to 4chan is that identity is pushed back (to certain extent - I am still responding as the author of that post above), so I can say whatever I want, no matter how insane it might appear to other members of the "mob", and still stay visible, although the responses will of course usually be quite stupid. I can throw away any produced identity whenever I want (again to certain extent, there are styles of writing through which I may remain identifiable). There are also no clear external mechanisms of power here (e.g. no upvotes/downvotes), almost only raw discourse with its internal powers (e.g. disciplining posters through fedora tipping), which are sometimes quite chaotic without any center and at other times quite structured, depending of the topic discussed.

>> No.5343694

>tips fedora

>> No.5343699

>mechanisms of power

*tips le AIDS-infested bald french faggot*

>> No.5343719
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*tips back*

>> No.5343765

wow! how shocking!!
have you seen the facebook page "offensive memes 18+"?? it's 18+ only but i think you'd like it

>> No.5343784
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>anything i don't like comes from tumblr

>> No.5343788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5343794


>> No.5343803

Right, this is 4chan's attraction to me as well. You can disappear into the mob at the crowded theater to shout FIRE when you want, and when you leave no one will notice or miss you.

Most of the time, though, you'll be drowned out by people shouting even dumber shit >>5343699 >>5343788

>> No.5343864

The 4chan hivemind is worse than Reddit's. Seriously. Practically every "topical" board on 4chan makes a habit of shit-talking a comfortable list of ten-ish authors/bands/vidyas/etc. The only reason to come back is because intelligent discussion will occasionally shine through.

Plus, Reddit doesn't have *nearly* the same preoccupation with fedoras and edgy opinions. I mean, that shit is embarrassing, guys.

>> No.5343891
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Is this Žižek spanking Foucault for thinking he can go beyond Marxism?

But this dumb shit here is pretty playful and innocent and quite funny. Worse is when people try to seriously discredit some post via the most stupid interpretations possible, even just straight dismissing it by calling it crazy or whatever.
And don't be so resentful. When you see it's pointless go read or something and don't waste your time here.

A few quotes form Nietzsche about 4chan...

On necessity of being on 4chan:
>if he were [made for knowledge], he would eventually have to say to himself: “To hell with good taste! The norm is more interesting than the exception – than me, the exception!” – and he would wend his way downwards, and, above all, “inwards.” The long and serious study of the average man requires a great deal of disguise, self-overcoming, confidentiality, bad company (all company is bad company except with your equals); still, this is all a necessary part of the life story of every philosopher, perhaps the least pleasant, most foul-smelling part and the one richest in disappointments.

On not wasting time on 4chan:
>Stand tall, you philosophers and friends of knowledge, and beware of martyrdom! Of suffering “for the sake of truth”! Even of defending yourselves! [...] In the end, you know very well that it does not matter whether you, of all people, are proved right, and furthermore, that no philosopher so far has ever been proved right.
>It would offend their pride, as well as their taste, if their truth were a truth for everyone (which has been the secret wish and hidden meaning of all dogmatic aspirations so far). “My judgment is my judgment: other people don’t have an obvious right to it too” – perhaps this is what such a philosopher of the future will say. We must do away with the bad taste of wanting to be in agreement with the majority.

Reddit seems pretty boring, calm and predictable. 4chan is at least more chaotic even with its hivemind. I can much more easily "plant" a point of view here and see its effects than on Reddit where I have to go to a relevant (and often half-dead) subreddit; the whole subreddit thing is also a way to clean-up the main discourse i.e. "we will tolerate you if you keep away from us".

>> No.5343946


The whole "comfortable list" thing exists simply to lend a basic form of structure to the boards. You shouldn't come here with the intention of actually to learn anything, the site mostly just exists to shoot the shit with people that have vaguely the same interests and background as you. The idea of actually creating content on here is long gone, as most people are unable to rid themselves of the urge to tie every half-decent thing they make to themselves.

Though, I must say, following the lists that most boards produce would elevate your taste above what ~90% of people who present themselves as enthusiasts in whatever that board covers would possess.