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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0989[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5335887 No.5335887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf Thread

>> No.5335890
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>> No.5335903
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>> No.5335906

That's a lot of Stephen King.

>> No.5335911

why not? he's the best at what he's doing.

>> No.5335914

You wish.

>> No.5335917


>genre fiction

>> No.5335923

>Talking about the same classics everyone else talks about endlessly

>> No.5335925

It's reddit bait, do a reverse image search

>> No.5335933
File: 3.74 MB, 4288x3216, Bücher II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5335943

I see some interesting stuff there. How is the Völkerkunde?

>> No.5335948

Some of those spines are works of art

>> No.5335952
File: 171 KB, 851x315, banner-bookcases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5335956

all these tasteful Hardcovers

are those Canterbury tales in Middle English? if not what translation and where did you get them?

>> No.5335967


First of all it was published in Germany in 1939, therefore it's more pro white and "old fashioned" than what we deal with today - whether you think that's something negative of positive - it's an interesting document that represents its time and reflects on most of the ethnicities in an interesting manner. I like it.

>> No.5335969
File: 734 KB, 3264x2448, IMAG0079.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone probably knows by now that this is a troll pic but it's just too good not to post it.

>> No.5335971

Ive got a pretty neat little plebcore selection

>> No.5335985
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0991[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're translated by Nevill Coghill. I picked them up from a second-hand bookshop in Buxton

>> No.5335992
File: 43 KB, 745x559, Amazon-Kindle-Paperwhite-745x559-cdb6fbb661a082a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a room full of scrap paper

>> No.5336003

I had a kindle but looking for deals in second hand bookshops is too much fun for me. Also I hate carrying around something so fragile and expensive all the time. A paperback you can replace easily

>> No.5336039

>People like this actually exist
>They share the same Internet with you

>> No.5336043

i got some close up. you want?

>> No.5336047

Sure hit me with it

>> No.5336048

no one here has taste

>> No.5336050
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>> No.5336054
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>looking for deals

You're wasting your life.

>> No.5336058
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>> No.5336061


>> No.5336063
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>> No.5336069

>all those prepackaged shelf-ready tomes

It's like you bought your books by the pound.

>> No.5336070

Y'know, when you have one or two of those B&N hardbacks it can be good, but so many really just kills the appeal

>> No.5336071

>those cheap ass leather books

i think im going to vomit

>> No.5336073

see >>5335969

>> No.5336076

I'd really appreciate if even one of these threads didn't sink to shitposting and circulated images from Reddit.

>> No.5336082

Try r/bookshelf. That's where you find people who take this kind of stuff serious.

>> No.5336083

How could it not? It's people taking photos of books rather than actually discussing the contents of said books.

>> No.5336088

The sad thing is you know who ever owns this monstrosity is really, really proud of it.

>> No.5336089

These threads are inherently shit to begin with. Everyone has the same regurgitated /lit/ recommended material and classics. That being said (I don't mean to be a downer), but at least we can have a laugh together at the pictures posted.

>> No.5336099

not if you enjoy it

>> No.5336100

just read this. no suprise, dude is a brony.

>> No.5336108

Holy shit they have absolutely terrible taste in everything.

>> No.5336113

>[–]Sabresfan747 2 points 1 year ago
>I'm jealous because you have more Barnes and Noble leather bound classics than I do.

Oh my God. Everything they say about Reddit is true.

>> No.5336118

>implying at least half of anons doesn't use reddit

>> No.5336122
File: 644 KB, 534x462, illustrated Don Quixote 1780 4 vols 4to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the genre love broney pleb but having nice hardcovers doesn't mean that you don't read them

I bet you are one of the people post "the spine isn't rekt so you haven't read it"


>implying appreciating nice bindings is a bad thing

>tfw when too pleb to afford to spend $20,000 on a book this pretty

>> No.5336220

>Everyone has the same regurgitated /lit/ recommended material and classics.

>> No.5336227

Fragile? My Kobo with a case gets tossed around all the time and haven't had an issue

>> No.5336249
File: 360 KB, 437x437, 1347398617787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these bait shelves

>> No.5336257

these threads aren't anything but bait for newfags anyway. where's the problem?

>> No.5336266
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>> No.5336270

literally every person who posts in r/bookshelf is a manchild, apparently

>> No.5336303

that's maybe a bit harsh but it's safe to say that most of them are content with okay-tier literature (at best) and can't wait to parade their mediocrity in front of others and expect praise for it.

>> No.5336307
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>> No.5336325

The thing that bothers me the most is the lack of order on the shelves. Why is Stephen King on each shelf? Also those hardcovers in the middle look like those ugly B&N ones.

>> No.5336326
File: 30 KB, 500x334, perfect-scoop-lebovitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


old books shouldn't be open on a table or any other horizontal surface

>> No.5336330

>The thing that bothers me the most is the lack of order on the shelves
it shouldn't really

>> No.5336352

I know about using snakes and wedges for old books

but what does this have to do with anything?

capcha: 420

>> No.5336387
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This one as well. Not mine.

>> No.5336391
File: 61 KB, 328x500, 51Pnz82romL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those Ghormengast books are illustrated, aren't they? I have an all-in-one version of that with a different spine but the cover looks like the illustrations of your Ghormengast versions so I guess it's by the same publisher.
Lots of Folio Society books, must have been expensive.

>> No.5336396
File: 404 KB, 900x1318, DCS_20140117_196473.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, i posted that one last time. this one too.

>> No.5336404

That doesn't look that bad

although I cant make out any titles so they could all be pleb-tier

>> No.5336427

What's wrong with that one?

>> No.5336429

What is that massive thing next to the typewriter?

I'm guessing a compilation of some old journal or legal papers or something

>> No.5336433

>starting your book with the main character waking up

>> No.5336445

>book begins in medias res

>> No.5336457
File: 11 KB, 250x333, 1400298479797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main character is a failed novelist

>> No.5336480
File: 1.45 MB, 4320x1592, IMG_20140824_112223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go ahead and post a non-troll image (I hope)

This is my collection so far. H-how did I do...?

>> No.5336502

>Book of The Five Ring

do you by chance watch anime and have a katana that is folded 6 gorillion times?

other than that breddy gud

>> No.5336525

>Do you watch anime

However, I try to keep a well-rounded approach to philosophy culture-wise, and those two texts are what I've been told are the essentials for Japan.

I suppose I haven't exposed myself to too much Indian thought, though.

>> No.5336540


How is that book on the history of the Persian Empire

>> No.5336626

It is very dense information-wise, which can be a little overwhelming if you aren't already familiar with the basics of middle-eastern ancient history. It was also published in the 1940's, so I'm not sure how much archeology has been done since then.

However, the author very clearly knows his stuff, and it comes with a variety of maps and images that help to visualize some of the ancient sites that are mentioned. The prose is powerful and dignified. Reading it makes you really feel like you have an insight into the lives of the people of the time.

Overall, I would recommend it.

>> No.5336639

>from the 1940s

Unless you are a specialist, disregard. After 70 years no doubt much of the information in the book has been superseded.

>> No.5336661

>glass doors on a bookshelf

I'd understand if they had some classics or rarities, but they have things like the left behind series in there

>> No.5336668

Really? While he may have been wrong/operating on faulty premises about some of the specifics, I doubt the overarching narrative of Persian history has been overturned in the past 70 years.

Most of his sources are primary.

I'm not an archaeologist, though, so I couldn't say for sure.

I am interested in the topic, and would love more to read on it. Do you have a better recommendation?

>> No.5336874

'mirin hard bruder

>> No.5336948

>'cool' art on the wall
>alcohol on display
>gay hat
>old decorative books, haven't been opened for at least a century
>camera collection
can't be real

>> No.5337009

H-hey g-guys it's my first day on /lit/ and I didn't know the B&N hardcovers were pleb tier, what kind of books should I be buying?

>> No.5337025

Could somebody please explain to me what the point of these threads are?

>> No.5337042
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>> No.5337051
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>> No.5337083

Pulling in people like >>5337009 and keeping them occupied.

>> No.5337088

The enjoyment of gathering and presenting books to like-minded people. Do join in, after all, that's one of the aspects of this board.

>> No.5337090

All of them are second hand

>> No.5337094

if you are particularly interested by nice looking books then (barring rare historic bindings) in my opinion the nicest looking books are made by the Folio Society

all their books are beautiful but the binding and illustrations of their Book of Common Prayer are works of art

if only their vellum bound Boethius's De consolatione philosophiae were in the original Latin


books as objects

>> No.5337102
File: 810 KB, 1579x888, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine once more

>> No.5337105

Is that a pissbottle?

>> No.5337108

>The Spanish Inquisition
I didn't expect that.

>> No.5337110


>> No.5337113

i like your house

>> No.5337119
File: 1.73 MB, 882x1391, Bookshelf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not trolling

>> No.5337123
File: 755 KB, 510x903, Bookshelf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have room for these

>> No.5337136
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Wow, I wonder if anyone has ever been trolled this hard by /lit/ before.

>> No.5337137

Where do you keep your ancient and classical texts?

>> No.5337143

Give it up kid

>> No.5337146


>> No.5337152

P&V actually are shit though.

>> No.5337153

M-most of them were good

Whats the good translation of Dostoy if its not P&V?

>> No.5337159

>Whats the good translation of Dostoy if its not P&V?

Not him but Garnett.

>> No.5337167

That looks eerily similar to my collection.

>> No.5337169
File: 2.70 MB, 4160x2340, 20140824_211310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty random

>> No.5337172

And three months ago Garnett was the shittiest pleb translation missing all of the nuances and P&V were the indisputable gods of russian translations on /lit/.

Fucking skinny hipster faggots.

>> No.5337174
File: 305 KB, 387x402, 1408900421519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another retard who got rectally rused by the professional ruse crews of this imageboard.

>> No.5337180

I hope it gets some originality in the next year. This is the obvious result of a collection after one year on /lit/

>> No.5337182
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>> No.5337188
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>> No.5337190

P&V is still the best. You're being trolled by those other fags

>> No.5337191
File: 870 KB, 1900x601, Books_4_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician coming through.

>> No.5337198

> practical magic for beginners

> pleb tier magic

>> No.5337199
File: 48 KB, 469x463, women+so+incapable+of+reason+right+_6f67e31c52471863af16582fedf6cfa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jung + Tolkien = Pure Euphoria

>> No.5337200

Damn, that book is pretty fucking crazy.

>> No.5337204

I'm planning on reading the book of five rings but I haven't heard of Hagakure, is it good?

>> No.5337210

Damn, I'm surprised it took someone so long to notice.

I got that for a quarter at a library book sale, but it was more interesting than I had anticipated. What is patrician-tier magic lit?

>> No.5337213

All those books are not even useful as toilet paper. There's just one book that's truly worth something on your bookshelf. I'll let you guess which one. Btw, I'm this guy:

>> No.5337222

It's good if you like stories about extremely manly men cutting off heads and killing themselves. And then going home to fuck some boipuss. I would recommend it if only to learn more about Feudal Japanese Zen, and other teachings related to strengthening one's will (According to Tsunetomo your will isn't powerful enough until you can still kill your opponent even after you have been beheaded.)

>> No.5337231
File: 602 KB, 1200x1200, G4l5Ob7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on this level of the arcane arts, you novice.

>> No.5337232

a question best asked of /x/

>> No.5337241

Eliphas Lévi is good, or if you want "the silmarillion" of magic read something by Israel Regardie

>> No.5337262

qual é o livro entre vicio inerente e o do calvino?

>> No.5337264

>tai pei tao lin
hook line and SINKER

>> No.5337274


>> No.5337286

>What is patrician-tier magic lit?

Magick in Theory and Practice by Crowley
Book 4 by Crowley
Liber Null by Carroll
The Middle Pillar by Regardie
The Golden Dawn by Regardie
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, The Mage translated by Mathers
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa
The History of Magic by Levi
Initiation Into Hermetics by Bardon

>> No.5337289
File: 38 KB, 288x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good there's two of you little shit-eaters

>> No.5337294

Now THIS is what I'm talking about.

>> No.5337305
File: 106 KB, 780x1200, 1396920303487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this helps?

>> No.5337313

if you want to summon Fedoras and get girls at your highschool to like you then ask /x/

otherwise Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Wilson is an interesting read

>> No.5337327

>Initiation Into Hermetics by Bardon

Only book you really need. You will spend your entire life working with and mastering that system.

>> No.5337334

>You will spend your entire life working with and mastering that system.

lol are you guys serious

>> No.5337340

I've honestly never gotten such good feedback when asking for recommendations on /lit/ before. You guys are bros.

>> No.5337361

Quite serious. There are 10 steps, and getting to step 3 can sometimes take up to 25 years.

>> No.5337364

Why would you study witchcraft? Serious question.

>> No.5337369

based magicbro

>> No.5337390

who says i do? but it never hurts to read stuff you don't know anything about.

>> No.5337408

> it never hurts to read stuff you don't know anything about.

What if it leads you away from the truth?

>> No.5337419
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>> No.5337425

But why pick witchcraft, of all things? Do you read about everything? Do you read about Shinto? Scientology? Bahai? Sikhism? Jehovah's Witness?

Each hour you spend studying paganism, is an hour you could have studied something else, for instance the Bible.

>> No.5337433

Wow dude you sure are hilarious and cool xD

>> No.5337435

Explain why anyone should attempt to justify themselves to you.

>> No.5337436

Sounds pretty bad in a good way, thanks.

>> No.5337440
File: 23 KB, 220x289, 220px-Bi-crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's the thing, you read about it and if you are still interested you keep reading, just like any other theme

>> No.5337443
File: 1.83 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-08-24 16.13.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved in and unpacked. (Sorry for the awkward angle)

>> No.5337446

mirin that retro/sixties with a modern twist decor

>> No.5337447


That's linseed oil, it's used for painting

>> No.5337454

É outro do Calvino, Assunto Encerrado - Ensaios Sobre Literatura

>> No.5337455

no shame here brah, we are all anonymous and besides in the same boat.

>> No.5337456

That is the most uncomfortable looking sofa and chairs I have ever seen

>> No.5337457

You will justify yourself before the Lord your God, not me. Spend your time well, is all I'm saying. You're free to do whatever you want, but that doesn't mean that all you can do is good.

>All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

That does make sense, yes. Why anyone would still study witchcraft ("Western Occultism") after reading a little bit about it on Wikipedia, is beyond me. It takes a few minutes.

>> No.5337462
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>> No.5337463

I have a kindle, and I have shitload of real books. I read both

>> No.5337469
File: 436 KB, 600x456, the hidden merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting the encyclopedic jew

hon hon hon

btw pic related is where your disgusting christianism leads, I eagerly await the day its immorality is purged from the West.

>> No.5337470

mirin the bismuth

>> No.5337479

Homosexuality is considered sinful in the NT. It's not my problem if people choose to ignore that.

>> No.5337480


>> No.5337487
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>> No.5337489

>no true Christian

Yeah OK bub, is this like how communism will TOTALLY work the next it's tried and not lead to mass terror and death like every single time it was tried in the past?

>> No.5337496

> That does make sense, yes. Why anyone would still study witchcraft ("Western Occultism") after reading a little bit about it on Wikipedia, is beyond me. It takes a few minutes.
> Why would anyone study something instead of rejecting after five minutes
damn what a question

>> No.5337513

Metternich used similar argument against Liberals in 1845, you know.

>> No.5337535

Metternich was right about everything and a true hero. However leftism is the necessary end result of Christianism on a societal level once its practitioners are no longer limited to obscurantist Catholics and crypto-pagans. That's why we must root Christianism out in order to re-instate a proper atavistic morality for our civilization.

>> No.5337545
File: 1.99 MB, 400x310, 1402673900097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well done you pair of faggots you have derailed the thread >>>/x/

>> No.5337558
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>> No.5337560
File: 41 KB, 345x420, spice things up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring if someone derails this worthless thread

Almost every single pic so far has been a troll image from previous iterations of this same thread.

>> No.5337564

Reminds me of Too Loud a Solitude.

>> No.5337568
File: 19 KB, 350x495, 1400474450332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody's the best at what they're doing
i don't understand the point of having bookshelves just around your house. all my books are either out and about or in boxes.

>> No.5337572
File: 82 KB, 499x497, 1386911512392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paperbacks in their rightful place

>> No.5337577

Sounds like a great book, thanks for mentioning it.

>> No.5337601

>i don't understand the point of having bookshelves just around your house


>> No.5337620
File: 919 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20140820_192648874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actual books but I don't put shit I'm not going to read once a year or less out on display and the rest is mostly reference.

>> No.5337629

a-are you a girl?

>> No.5337643
File: 1007 KB, 1015x701, a pound of nuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragon dildo

>> No.5337653
File: 79 KB, 500x500, mmmmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-are you a girl?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.5337661

dragon dildo, this thread is over guys

>> No.5337791
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1406657950100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I thought the dragon dildo was a wizard's hat

>> No.5338098

ahh, consumerism

>> No.5338125
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>> No.5338134
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>> No.5338148
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>> No.5338162

So my great grandfather died a week ago, he lives in a different state so I hardly ever saw him, but apparently he has thousands of books that no one has any idea what to do with.

Apparently he was an actual genius (I'm told he was a bigshot barrister) so I'm thinking I might take a trip to where he lived and see what he has.

I feel kind of bad for going down and pretty much looting his corpse, but otherwise the books are just going to be donated.

Maybe I'll take some photos to show /lit/ cause he has three rooms of bookshelves.

>> No.5338166


>> No.5338169

Is Life In a Medieval [...] informative? Outdated?

>> No.5338173

>I feel kind of bad for going down and pretty much looting his corpse,

Right, because he's going to take all those books with him, right? Just waiting for the ghostly U-Haul to show?

The faggot is dead. Go get his stuff.

>> No.5338177
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>> No.5338178

it's cool having based literary grandads. i have one whose 95 and still kicking around, former theologian (well i guess he still is, but near senile), who has like 5,000+ books lying around filled with stickynotes and shit.

>> No.5338181

It's more the fact that I never went to see him but as soon as I found out he's dead and has a ton of books all I could think about was taking them.

>> No.5338187

Here's an idea. Start a new thread, and collect some addresses from fellow /lit/izens. Then, when you go down to his house, buy some flat-rate shipping boxes and ship a box full of books to everyone on the list! Naturally, you should keep the good ones to yourself. This way, you don't have to haul away truckloads of books yourself, and we can have a fun time going through what we discover together.

>> No.5338189

monotonous as shit

>> No.5338194

all of my grandpa's possessions were taken by his Filipino concubine

>> No.5338201

wonderful idea

>> No.5338214

Makes no difference if you saw him never, once, or every day. He's dead.

>> No.5338222

some really neat books

>> No.5338229
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1920, 20140824_154619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all have so many books I only have three!

>> No.5338231

i like how you still have 2 book marks in IJ

>> No.5338362

Everyone is different.

No two people are the same.

Together, through understanding, we can live happily.

>> No.5338379

The only way for us to live happily is to massacre the untermenschen. Starting with les Juifs.

>> No.5338409

Canada is a cool country, run by a good man.

>> No.5338422

Canada is an extremely absurd and shitty "country" populated by self-loathing docile whites and their imported brown pets. Harper is the goodest goy in the history of politics and lives to shill for Israel.

>> No.5338461
File: 80 KB, 498x750, nonornornrnornronrornronrornnronronro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's all just a load of horseshit?

>> No.5338595

It's the only way to read IJ.

>> No.5338614

That katana gets me every time

>> No.5338780
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>> No.5338888

>No Inheritance
Full pleb

>> No.5338901

Is that a used copy of Halo 2 CE?

>> No.5339013
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1406513603344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking see that comic sans.



>> No.5339035

b-b-but it's really import to him


>> No.5339051

Damn, I'd hate to have a daily reminder that my dead dad was a shit graphics designer.

>> No.5339078

Damn you use that much linseed oil? I almost never use any when I paint with oils, although I guess I do have a pretty choppy style so it's kind of unnecessary.

>> No.5339168

Que excelente coleção, anão.

Você cursa letras?

>> No.5339191
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>> No.5339214

Deixe de ser irritante.

Also, por que possui livros-merda (i.e. Murakami) em meio a livros de qualidade?

>> No.5339259

>postando livros pt-br em imageboard anglófono
>macaqueando em pt-br

Oi, anões.

>> No.5339274
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>> No.5339276 [DELETED] 
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>Brazilian mestizos shitposting ITT

/lit/ used to be a white board, when did this trash get let in?

>> No.5339282

>reading books so widely available that they have been formatted for a kindle

and don't even tell me to use project gutenburg. All of their stuff is scanned in and so is riddled with artifacts and poorly formatted.

>> No.5339304

disculpa sinhô

>> No.5339308

I'm really jealous of that pen.

>> No.5339319


>not keeping your books in the fridge

all these other anons doing it wrong

>> No.5339321

>Spend your time well, is all I'm saying

lol ever heard of the parable of the workers in the vineyard m8

>> No.5339373

>Book of Five Rings
Which is the best translation to get for these two? I'm seeing a lot of reviews about translations being shit.

>> No.5339429
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>> No.5339471

It's not giving me a whole lot. Amazon isn't very helpful.

>> No.5339879

See this guy gets it

Books outside of fridge = maximum pleb tier

>> No.5339941

It's Gutenberg. You should know that if you like books.

>> No.5339975

cool cameras

>> No.5340002

Dat Ikea furniture

>> No.5340022

And expensive

>> No.5340041

>spine advertising award for other book

Fuck Michael Chabon.

>> No.5340077
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The quality is bad because of the shitty camera on my phone, but it's all the same because the books are not in English anyway.

>> No.5340094

Is it Bulgarian?

>> No.5340101


>> No.5340103

>reddit-tier thread

wow u guise sure do luv sum reading !!!!

u so intellectual, just like le me :DDDDDDD

want to touch each others buttsss??????

>> No.5340133
File: 644 KB, 1757x1232, shelf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /lit/s view on buying old book that look nice but you have no intention of ever reading? Found a nice-looking book the other day in my local oxfam, early 20th century, multicoloured leather spine and cover. However it's an outdated scientific book about the deep ocean that I know I'll never read. Only costs £4 so I'm tempted to go back and buy it. Thoughts?

Also, my fairly plebian collection.

>> No.5340148

Well, that's rather silly. And I'm saying that as a person who has actually threw books away because they're too torn apart.

>> No.5340258
File: 1.30 MB, 3920x2204, Shelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bookshelves are kind of ghetto, I have to admit. I have to keep a load of books at my parents house simply because I can't be arsed to buy more shelves.

>> No.5340262
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>> No.5340356

not really relevant but does anybody know where to get high quality hardcovers?
also did you learn german, or where is it your first language?

>> No.5340378

Second hand folio society and limited editions club or older bindings

>> No.5340385

makes me physically ill

>> No.5340387
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>> No.5340396


lose that necronomicon it's a fedora eyesore in your collction

>> No.5340403

but it looks really nice

>> No.5340427
File: 21 KB, 155x183, Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5340468

there is something serene about this post

>> No.5340472

It fills my heart with joy to see /lit/ come together just to insult reddit bookcase posts.

>> No.5340824

I also have that Necronomicon and Eldritch Tales(another Leather bound Lovecraft Anthology). While I'm not sold on the 3edgy5me cheap leather Binding They do have nice designs on the Endpapers and they also have some nice Plates

>> No.5340872

It was a gift to me. Frankly, I have no great love for Lovecraft and I've only briefly perused the book itself. It's just been sitting on my shelf gathering dust for a while.

I would have given it away, but my friends are mostly borderline illiterate, and my door doesn't swing shut so I have no need for a doorstop. So...

>> No.5340879

the minimalistic style

>> No.5340914

Something about shoddy displays of consumerism and a poor understanding of cost/value, quality/sentimentality, and the thin line between collecting and compulsive hoarding being breached puts the world in perspective.

It's up there with discussions about the finer points of fast food, vaping, and just about anything on television in reminding you that you took the red pill.

>> No.5340921

go to bed auntie

>> No.5340953

word documents though

until you go full digital hoarding. i have like 3k books in my calibre library.

>> No.5340959

are you a web designer?

>> No.5341015
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>> No.5341059
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>> No.5341076

mfw that corner fitting when they could've had a nice table + plant

>> No.5341081


It's not all withcraft. The Secret Teachings of All Ages is mostly about secret religions and the like.

>> No.5341088

Actually no, specially lately, I've been using a lot of undiluted paint, but I used to do some Braque-ish stuff back then and I just bought that because was cheaper

Não, artes plásticas

Foi um presente, nem achei ruim assim (nem bom, sinceramente)

>> No.5341756
File: 64 KB, 266x289, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses like they're trophies. What do you need it for after you read it

>> No.5341781

Protip, the human refuse posting bookshelf pics don't actually read books.

>> No.5342071

What is rereading

>> No.5342129
File: 42 KB, 540x540, Chivers Vellucent Cranford 1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they want to re-read?

what if they keep they them in bookshelves so they can find them easily?

what if aren't plebs like you and appreciate the beauty of books and the art of book binding?

>there are people who actually think this

>> No.5342131

Another bookshelf thread that begins with an embarrassing fantasy collection

>> No.5342139


Protip, the more you cling to no true scotsman coquetry the more you seem like the one with the complex.

>> No.5342144
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, DSC_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taken from my desk

>> No.5342149
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>> No.5342163

>what if they are plebs like me and appreciate pointless materialism and are consumeristic whores
ftfy m8

>> No.5342212
File: 595 KB, 460x600, 1401602080027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art is pointless materialism

>> No.5342237

clean that mess up, man.

>> No.5342594

Nothing wrong with fantasy, provided it has themes that extend beyond the setting, and a general coherence. Have you read any of the stuff I have? I detest most fantasy, but that doesn't stop me from scouring the genre for stuff at least half good

>> No.5342604

I have one yet I don't use it.
All my books just lay in one giant pile. It's a stacked pile, don't you worry.

>> No.5342646

Bakker is terrible but that doesn't even matter because your disgusting B&N editions of Dante and Homer mark you out as the huge pleb you are.

>> No.5342650
File: 1.07 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20140825_194127900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled out all my /lit/core just for you guys.

>> No.5342653

I t-thought it was just the content that mattered?

>> No.5342743

You thought wrong, hardly surprising for a pleb.

>> No.5342766

Bakker isn't that bad. Sure he writes some of the most disgusting and twisted fiction I've ever come across, and he's a tad repetitive with the whole determinism thing, but the prose is readable at least. The names on the other hand are laughable, certainly not a perfect series.
My Homer is ghastly but it isn't B&N, it says "Canterbury Classics" on the spine and inside cover. Has yank spellings but I bought it because it looked much browner in the images. The Dante was a gift from my parents that I kept because the illustrations aren't so bad, and I had space for it.

>> No.5342772

low quality bait

>> No.5342940

Hobbyist/learning to be

>> No.5343071

How about you fuck off back to tumblr and reddit you pseudo hipster faggot.

>> No.5343282

I don't think you're using those words correctly, but that is alright with me, because I love you.

>> No.5343288

That's a strange selection of Russian lit. Have you read them all or are you more into collecting?

>> No.5343305

I like you. Although the bouldering book may have had more to do with that than anything else. How did you like Banana Yoshimoto?

>> No.5343333

read it again

>> No.5343345
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>> No.5343346
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x1536, 20140825_225806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herr we go

>> No.5343368

I like the Duchamp book

>> No.5343661
File: 2.04 MB, 1936x2592, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parent's bookshelf is enviable.

>> No.5343673

I should mention as well, there's about 10 guns ranging from 12 gauge shot guns to .308 calibre hunting rifles

>> No.5343679

Never owned a single book and I dont regret nuttin

>> No.5343703

please stop, you are of infinite jest

>> No.5343709

Guns and books are always a pleasing combination.

>> No.5345007

I love her short stories, though her style didn't seem to transfer to a longer format.

Interestingly though, whilst I was reading her book, which was about a woman who got a head injury falling down stairs (among other things), I also got a head injury falling down stairs. Due to get the staples out of my head tomorrow.

>> No.5345065


Tolkien's nice but too jelly of Red Book on bookstand. Thanks Anon.

>> No.5345203



>> No.5345206

Where are your 8 volumes of Balzac
Almost in every house i go people have them.

>> No.5346088

what a fucking mess

>> No.5346291

None of it is IKEA furniture.

>> No.5346343
File: 640 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only read the Solzhenitsyn and Dostoyevsky stuff, heres my copies of Crime and Punishment.

>> No.5346352
File: 615 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fuggin' kewwwwwwlllll

>> No.5346387

>not an excel
i just use goodreads for that

>> No.5347040

What do you think of that Postmodern poetry anthology. I really liked the selections for Robert Creely, John Ashbery, Joseph Cervalo and Dennis Cooper

>> No.5347055
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>> No.5347235

Love Solzhenitsyn

Currently reading The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt. Roughly, he found that Hume was pretty spot on when it came to humans being mainly ruled by the their emotions and using their reason to justify whatever they feel.

>> No.5347261

I absolutely love it. I agree with you on their solid selections. Moreover, I really appreciate the short essays on poetics in the back.

>> No.5347512
File: 379 KB, 900x2000, case01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right. Just because the amazing pompous snobbish bullshit here is so amusing, I'm going to post my bookcases. Enjoy.

>> No.5347519
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>> No.5347523
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>> No.5347529
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>> No.5347537
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>> No.5347542

The only good book here isn't even a book.
I'm not counting those tacky B&N monsters because I know he just bought all of them to display.

>> No.5347545
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>> No.5347550

i vomited.

>> No.5347552
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>> No.5347556
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>> No.5347563
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Of course, many of these are double-faced, so you can only see half of them.

>> No.5347569
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>> No.5347584
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>> No.5347586
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>> No.5347595
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The bottom half has the more expensive Morris/private press books, hidden.

>> No.5347606
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Oh yes, the D&D books.

>> No.5347613
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>> No.5347619
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Fortunately I sold a couple thousand books last summer. I only have 5000-ish now, but not enough room to sort them usefully at the moment.

>> No.5347639

Jesus Christ...

>> No.5347641

I wish you faggots would stop buying toy figures and putting them on your bookshelves like some kind of autistic shithead.

>> No.5347655
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>> No.5347658
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>> No.5347662
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>> No.5347667

My collection is quite a bit larger than y'all's.

>> No.5347690

My bookshelf is decorated with Disney princess dolls. Why does that upset you so, chum?

>> No.5347733

Dude where did you get that Moby Dick? Edition too please...thanks

>> No.5347742
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Any specific reason you care? Are you just worried we won't look cool enough when visitors come by?

>> No.5347779

Is that Edward McKay in Fayetteville NC?

>> No.5347796

At best it is some kind of nostalgia about childhood in which case they belong in the attic with the Christmas decorations.

At worst they represent a shitty idolization of something that shouldn't be.

>> No.5347822

It puts me off when graphic designers or anyone with a remotely creative job does it even more. It really reflects the quality of the work they make.

>> No.5347848

Or we might have kids. But the idea that nostalgia belongs "in the attic with the Christmas decorations" is kind of funny, considering the current film industry is based on it. Ah, well.

>> No.5347852
File: 2.83 MB, 4000x3000, Art's Book Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Bernardino
Closed last year, donated it all to the local university.

>> No.5347863

The current film industry belongs in the attic with the Christmas decorations.

>> No.5347893
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We're butterfly buddies :0

>> No.5347901
File: 255 KB, 1100x866, butterflywall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like butterflies? Check out my dining space wall...

>> No.5347938

Oh my sweet fuck, that's amazing.

>> No.5347957
File: 632 KB, 2086x2477, IMG_5089-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having them right out where I can enjoy them every day, even though some have taken sun damage/faded (glasswings especially). Morphos are invulnerable, though (and some of those big birdwings): they have no pigment. That crazy blue is just the angle/sheen of their feathers.

>> No.5347969

those are some sweet ass egg, I envy your life.

>> No.5348047
File: 61 KB, 457x604, 10401165_83656350439_8141_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, my obsessive bric-a-brac collecting. Butterflies, marble eggs, antique keys, books.. my wife is very tolerant.

>> No.5348114

You are the Ubermensch, man.

>> No.5348128

I like collecting old penguin books, drift wood, vinyl records, and obscure music released exclusively on cassette tapes, among other crap. But due to overwhelming existential anxiety I often experience, I consider my hobbies as discrepancies, aside the drift wood of course. The butterflies and eggies you have look so pure and serene.

>> No.5348139

Hopefully my condition will dissipate once I exceed my underage faggotry.

>> No.5348168

the blue one on the right, second shelf, under the purple one is fuckin' amazing.

>> No.5348170

above the purple one, fuck, shit, those are fuckin' aesthetically flawless.

>> No.5348542

I just discovered those essays two days ago. Any favorites? I think I saw a essay by Amiri Baraka on Black Arts, maybe I was hallucinating, but that seems like a good read, which ones did you read.

>> No.5349364
File: 317 KB, 1388x1500, IMG_5114edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the big sodalite egg my ex gave me. Once your friends know you collect something, they'll keep an eye out. I've gotten stone eggs from antique stores, friends who were in Russia, Africa, Brazil...leopard-stone, jade, carnelian, lapis lazuli, even a wooden one and one from a jeweler made of opal dust held together with resin (something he did with the leftover opal from grinding/shaping stones).

>> No.5349418

Ah, after 40+ years, 4 degrees (English doctorate included), 2 kids, and a decade of teaching undergrad lit courses, you don't worry so much about your hobbies or reading choices. Any form of collecting is reasonable exercise for the brain and brings solace to the tired eyes, I find. I used to work on my thesis all day and then read comics or play D&D in the evening.