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/lit/ - Literature

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5340017 No.5340017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to write?

>> No.5340019

>What motivates you to write?
Starvation and panic. The same as every author.

Spending all your money on gin helps with the first one.

>> No.5340021
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>> No.5340024

I don't have anything better to do.

>> No.5340033


Self-expression as validation of existence, satisfaction of creating something of any value at all, etc

>> No.5340034
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Ther'es this idea. Several of them - dozens, even. They roll around in my head, constantly demanding my attention, never letting me alone. And those are just the ideas, then there are the characters, horrible frankeinsteined-together monsters of people I've met for just the briefest moments mashed up with people I've known and laughed and cried with and they constantly talk and nag at me and do things, just the most ridiculous things.

Then there's the voice laughing somewhere in the black of it all, telling me, "Hah, dude, that's great, you should write it down."

And boy, oh boy, we haven't even gotten into the other guy that lives in my head who's always going "What if..." and I'll leave you to imagine the rest.

It's a terrible state. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>> No.5340035

when did pepe become the mascot of this board?

>> No.5340037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5340047
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Jealousy. When I see bold, interesting artistic expression, I wish it could have been mine.

>> No.5340075


I want to share my talents and gifts with the world to entertain and illuminate

>> No.5340080

>tfw this was my desktop backround for a while

>> No.5340082
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>> No.5340086

Pride. When I make something I am proud of it feels good.

>> No.5340109

I don't.


>> No.5340112
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Pepe is love. Pepe is life.

>> No.5340116

I seek validation.

>> No.5340118

Anybody not saying 'delusion' is lying to themselves.

>> No.5340195

here's a delusion
my dick

>> No.5340199 [DELETED] 
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Pepe is universal

>> No.5340204


1. I write stories as a way to experience things I couldn't in real life.

2. I like to think I'm a good writer.

3. Escapism.

>> No.5340275

Studies have shown that reading and writing can be therapeutic. I still don't think that's why most people write but what kind of insufferable prick [deluded] makes unsubstantiated assumptions about an entire segment of humanity.

>> No.5341126

To actualize my loli fantasies. 2d is love 2d is wife

>> No.5341140

I don't, i just read what other people has written. Making my thoughts to some kind of story would be pointless and futile.

>> No.5341146

Fear of dying without having accomplished anything.

Justification of my self-identification as different, creative, against the grain.

For shits & giggles.

>> No.5341225

I just like to express those minor experiences, feelings, and ideas, the sort of je ne sais quoi little thoughts, or trains of thought, that strike you as interesting while you're staring out a bus window, but then fizzle off because they're so minor. They usually make me wish I could go "HEY, YOU EVER THINK.." to someone, but I know it'd be impossible to explain them simply & straightforwardly, because they're too wrapped up in my own unconscious perspectives, subtle shades of feeling and experience. And also no one would give a fuck. Usually get a couple a day, so I note them down, and try to work them either into poems or short stories.

Often I feel like they could be better expressed in other ways. I wish I could paint, but I have zero talent for art.

>> No.5341267

i like language (n particularly the english language b/c it co opts so much shit from err1 else thats its the funnest bunchiest blighterghast-esque lyrical munchausen-dislousin' recidivist behavior 2 engayge ean) n i like makin cool language combinations w/ narrative semblances concatenatin shazbot

its rly fun 2!!! %^D

>> No.5341300

The hope that some pretentious fags fifty years from now will argue about what that-and-that chapter meant, and then derail into a "death of the author" kind of debate, and then attack each other for only having read translations of my books.

Oh, sorry, I mean: "i write because it hurts / to not write / it is the only reason one sh / ould do so // everything written / for fun / or profit / is shit // i am a true / artiste."

>> No.5341365

The pussy.

>> No.5341385
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>> No.5341416

the mushroom gnomes in my head tell me to do it so I do

>> No.5341441

I try to live as pseudo-hermit but have realized I am much too narcissistic to simply think things and not write them down and have people praise me for them.

>> No.5341451

ideally to make a living off royalties so i could spend most of my time just reading

>> No.5341473

The hope bookish high-school girls and trendy college pseudo-intellectual chicks will use one of my works as a hipster plumb-line to pick who is "in" enough to sleep with.

>> No.5341482

>mfw when i have a passage about this desire
Once it'll get published and translated we can celebrate together artistic vanity and feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.5341591

life, ego, and muh feelings

>> No.5341592

Tried it, doesn't work.