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5339272 No.5339272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is shit. It's glorified bible fanfiction where the self-insert main character explores meta-physical bullshit with his favorite dead poet.

>> No.5339279

just please tell me you're kidding so i can sleep tonight knowing that no one semi-literate genuinely believes this

>> No.5339288

Wish I could you deluded cunt, wish I could.

>> No.5339290

Lol, it's allegorical faggot.

>> No.5339297

>bible fanfiction where the self-insert main character explores meta-physical bullshit with his favorite dead poet.

Yes, but have you read it in Italian?

>> No.5339301

lol it's still self-insert Bible fanfiction faggot.

>> No.5339307

Inferno is okay, except all the references to Florentine politics from 13fucking00. How could he have possibly thought anyone would care, even 50 years later?

Paradise Lost is actually the glorified shod worthy of your OP rant. The poetry is pedestrian as fuck, but everyone is scared shitless to say so.

>> No.5339312

German is the only language only spoken in one major country that's worth learning.

>> No.5339332

Inferno is fucking fantastic


Purgatorio is where Dante really shines

>> No.5339358


>> No.5339415

The last cantos of Paradisio are the best. It's a shame that the work is often imagined to be only the inferno as the real reason for its adoration comes from the full work. Too bad plebs can't into Christian discourse and love muh mud more

>> No.5339439

>It's glorified bible fanfiction where the self-insert main character explores meta-physical bullshit with his favorite dead poet.

And? If some brony made himself into a horse and started a sweeping philosophical journey with his favorite spirit animal, you can bet it would be worth reading.

>> No.5339447


>> No.5339476

It would be painful as all hell though.

>> No.5339479
File: 224 KB, 694x489, i've never wanted anything more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the imagery in the Paradiso

Dante was out of his mind. I'd say he was on drugs, but in reality he probably just had a superbly active imagination.

>> No.5339552



This is what happens when a virgin tries to describe beauty and gets attached to a fictional world.

>> No.5339573

meh, troll harder op

>> No.5339587


Lol'd. Milton "glorified shod."

10/10 for "pedestrian."

Thanks for the shits n gigs anon.

>> No.5339604

I read the first two books of the divine comedy and put it down for a couple weeks. I tried to come back and finish the last book but I haven't been enjoying it as much. I liked Purgatorio more than Inferno. How is Paradisio?

>> No.5339731 [DELETED] 


>> No.5339750

1. You're clearly retarded, I'm sorry. 2. You shouldn't be reading just one section of the divine comedy, especially your first time. 3. You should have read it in Italian. Lapsing on (3) is something everyone does but they grow out of it. I don't think you'll be able to grow out of (1) but here's hoping.

>> No.5339797

I read the first two books, then decided to go back and read it all with a companion, to better grasp all the references. I'm not very well-read, obviously. Is there a good one, or should I just look this shit up on wikipedia?

>> No.5339816

Much more dependent on the ecclesiastical, but higher in a way. Purgatorio is the highest I believe because it is the only one for which one could convincingly argue mimesis.

>> No.5339822

While it is pretty funny the way Dante fawns over Virgil as Virgil grabs his hand and leads him into Hell, I find your critique juvenile and made more to provoke than to provide insight.

>> No.5339880

What translation(s) do you recommend? I want to read so badly, but I get into a back and forth crisis about whether to go vernacular or fancy.

>> No.5339892

You sure showed him!

>> No.5339898


>> No.5339906


Now read it in Italian.

>b-but I don't know Italian!

Then you are unqualified to make judgements about poetry and should simply get out of this board and go back to /r/books.

>> No.5339916

The original.

Otherwise, don't even bother. If it's not the original, it's not Dante.

>> No.5339923

>Then you are unqualified to make judgements about poetry and should simply get out of this board and go back to /r/books.
This is what utter plebeians actually believe.

>> No.5339926

> Poetry is made to be judged on something other than the poems
And you're calling other people plebs?

>> No.5340239

Calmati figa

>> No.5340251

OP is totally right, as being a non-christian, this book only tells some bullshit from the bible, which non-christians barely know about the topics, and a complete waste of time for those who is not actually believing that kinda shit.
Dostoyevsky always uses bible too, but he does it correctly. In inferno, it rains bullshit.

>> No.5340279
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>> No.5340282

Honestly the nuances which were spread throughout the video game adaptation, really brought this ancient, perhaps archaic text into the modern day expectations of what constitutes good and original storytelling.

Perhaps try the game if you do not understand the poem?

>> No.5340388
File: 366 KB, 520x680, PTE_MULTIMEDIA_IMMAGINE_12049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when people say that the Comedy was based only on the Bible

Come on guys, at least use an annotated edition or a companion or something. It's not that hard. Also, Paradiso for the win.

>> No.5340393
File: 88 KB, 680x989, Too+big+too+rough+yet+effective+_8b46d9a6f28f496e4999301b3c652964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chan. I've seen plenty of retarded shit.
But this tops all. Son, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.5340855

Go read some best-seller, insect.

>> No.5341872

I understand it just fine.

>> No.5341954

Dante is boring, simply boring. There is no humanity on his work. He mentions several characters, but only in glimpses, and generally criticizing or judging them. None of them is developed. He’s own character is dull, gray, withered: a scarecrow. Even Virgil seems much more like a moralizing professor than a real human being.

>> No.5341958

>being this mad

>> No.5341974

Are you... are you really trying to say that Dante is shit because his "characters" aren't as interesting as novel characters? You're missing his point so hard you're hitting yourself, man.

>> No.5341988

brb goin to fimfiction
maybe the next Dante is actually a horsefucker

>> No.5342001


Not saying he is shit. I just don’t like him. I also don’t like his style. Is too concrete and empty of metaphors (and when he presents metaphors they are generally the same as the ones of Petrarch and several other poets of the time: this is as blue as sapphire; that is as lovely as a rose; this is as pure as crystal; that is as shinning as the sun, etc, etc.).

But I respect him. Just don’t like him: I find him boring and, judging him by his work and by the information’s I read about his life, he was a rather pedantic and obnoxious human being. Who is he, for example, to judge others and condemn them according to his own wishes? He even managed to transform the love of his life in a cold rhetoric-machine of spiting religious sermons.

I prefer Homer, Chaucer and Shakespeare.

>> No.5342028

Well, then I respect your opinion. I don't personally agree with it, but you can argument.

Just a few points: his metaphors and periphrasis are quite stunning, really, if you read it in Vulgar, with annotations. Just saying, he manages to talk about Saint Francis of Assisi's birth-place for twenty lines through geography, astrology and general Christian nonsense without boring you, which is quite the thing.

As for Beatrice well, he actually (in my opinion) tries to make her the most perfect human being possible in the afterlife, which in itself is an act of great love, and the rhetorics are just a quite roundabout and writey way of conveying her "perfectness" and being attuned to the Will of God.

But these are my views or rather, what I read about him.

>> No.5342047

lol at antitranslation fags

the stuff is 99% the same unless you are extremely into metre etc

>> No.5342125

>not watching chinese cartoons in glorious 日本語