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5335741 No.5335741 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing, I know nothing!

>> No.5335742

Obviously. Even the dumbest person today is smarter than the most intelligent ancient.

>> No.5335811


>> No.5335813

case in point

>> No.5335818

On what grounds?

>> No.5335821


You know nothing.

>> No.5335826
File: 42 KB, 450x308, portraet_antik_tod_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I drink this, will I die?

>> No.5335846

No you will live again...

>> No.5335847

... in me.

>> No.5335849

for you

>> No.5335902

You're a wise guy.

>> No.5335920

Was dying part of your plan?

>> No.5336006

seriously not though
by all measure no

>> No.5336017
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But how can you know that you know nothing if you know nothing?

>> No.5336022


>At least I know that I don't know everything
That's what he was really saying when you stop being so extremely literal and look at whom he was talking to, what they were saying, and all.

>> No.5336107

Depends on how you measure intelligence.

>> No.5336115

⇒how you measure intelligence

The accepted scientific definition is IQ.

>> No.5336126


It isn't.

>> No.5336151

>accepted scientific definition
accepted by whom?, mother science?

>> No.5336166
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>> No.5336177

Yes, it is.

By general scientific consensus.

Of course, in any discussion about intelligence we'll get the contrarian dilettantes claiming that you can't accurately measure intelligence because "what does intelligence, like, even MEAN, man?" or "there are too many factors to measure" and other such rubbish that scientists haven't thought about because, apparently, they're idiots. I think the strong aversion to IQ tests among most people is really due to insecurity.

Some people even hold the outdated notion that modern IQ tests are still culturally biased. This hasn't been true for many years. There are a variety of ways to measure it both fluid intelligence (our ability to learn, reason and solve novel problems, denoted as Gf) and crystallized intelligence (our knowledge, denoted as Gc) - the combination of these make up our overall intelligence (g).

>> No.5336179
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>> No.5336183

From what I recall the common method of IQ testing are those matrices pattern recognition tests. In that case I believe it a falsehood that the dumbest person today would score higher than the smartest ancient Greek or Roman.

>> No.5336187
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>> No.5336868

It doesn't matter what we know. What matters is our plan.

>> No.5338353

When told that the Oracle of Delphi had revealed to one of his friends that Socrates was the wisest man in Athens, he responded not by boasting or celebrating, but by trying to prove the Oracle wrong.

So Socrates decided he would try and find out if anyone knew what was truly worthwhile in life, because anyone who knew that would surely be wiser than him. He set about questioning everyone he could find, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. Instead they all pretended to know something they clearly did not.

Finally he realized the Oracle might be right after all. He was the wisest man in Athens because he alone was prepared to admit his own ignorance rather than pretend to know something he did not.

>> No.5340178

fat boy told it like it is!

>> No.5340198

no shit

>> No.5340363 [DELETED] 

Mexicans are the dumbest race that's a proven fact. They are all the Asians who got kicked out of Asia for being too stupid.

>> No.5340369

>tfw no Gf