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/lit/ - Literature

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5334538 No.5334538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever again be a series as wonderful as Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time?

Let's share our favourite moments from the series and discuss it.

>> No.5334578

I have it on good authority from experts that wheel of time in fact sucks

>> No.5334810

>Will there ever again be a series as wonderful as Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time?

I'm guessing you haven't read much fantasy. Wheel of Time is fairly mediocre, and I say this is as someone who has read the entire series. It becomes bloated and the plot slowly starts to fall apart after book 4. Sanderson tried to get it back on track and TGS was an excellent book, but no human being could rein in the mess that the series had turned into.

Dumai's Wells is still the best thing in the series. That or Rand going insane and nuking a castle.

>> No.5334818

Actually I'm a Tolkien and c s Lewis fan.

Furthermore fantasy and Scifi are the same thing

>> No.5334824

>best scene
>not the last chapter of TGS

>> No.5334833

>Actually I'm a Tolkien and c s Lewis fan.
Your making this statement supports his assumption more than you probably know.

>Furthermore fantasy and Scifi are the same thing
Well, pretending this is relevant - not really. They are often mixed and are very connected, but they are fairly distinct traditions and possess their own conventions.

>> No.5334842

1) good, valid point. You are right. Fantasy is generally pleb level
2) no, they're the same thing. Ie shanara

>> No.5334860

Both sci fi and fantasy may be speculative fiction, but they do have clear divisions that you'd have to be pretty braindead to overlook.

>> No.5334863

bleu tittays

>> No.5334871

Being this unaware of how c s Lewis, Arthur Clarke and Tolkien invented fantasy
Please tell me you're trolling

>> No.5334881

You ain't even trying, son. I can't even muster up the effort to give you a proper response.

>> No.5334889

Disagree with all of that. There's nothing quite like Wheel of Time. The characters and the world were alive in a way that has never been duplicated, in any genre. The closest thing I've read to it is War and Peace.

It never fell apart and Sanderson is a Mormon who didn't read the notes.

Best scene was the girls begrudgingly thanking Mat for saving their necks. No explosions in that one though so it probably doesn't make your cut.

>> No.5334892 [DELETED] 

>blacks building a continent-spanning empire
>blacks domesticating animals

Sorry, could not hold suspension of disbelief after this part and had to drop the series.

>> No.5334943

Their male channelers walked like apes and had no language. Surely that was enjoyable?

>> No.5334961

I'm not OP but would you guys recommend the Wheel of Time? The only genre fiction I've read is ASOIAF, Book of the New Sun, Hobbit, and Hyperion. Would I enjoy WoT?

>> No.5334987

No, it is trash. I have read all 14 books. Please do not allow /lit/ to troll you into trying to read these books the way they have trolled so many retards into forcing themselves to read Joyce, Pynchon, and DFW.

>> No.5334996

Absolutely. It's magnificent and something totally unique to literature. Unforgettable characters, masterfully crafted, their interactions a delight to behold.

>> No.5335000

Subtle. You're a tenacious little faggot, I'll give you that.

>> No.5335045

Case in point. >>5334961, je me veille sur tes meilleurs intérêts, il te fera mieux de m'écouter.


>> No.5335067

>digest post
>quote without direct response
The psychology behind this post is pretty interesting if you're familiar with the science of psychology.

>> No.5335075
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>The psychology behind this post is pretty interesting if you're familiar with the science of psychology.

>> No.5335081


>> No.5335082
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>forcing themselves to read Joyce, Pynchon, and DFW.

Maybe we aren't fucking faggot plebs such as yourself, sorry Ulysses was too hard for you m8, maybe it would help if you grew an iota of intellect.

>> No.5335090
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/lit/ is so deep into the charade at this point that the ride will never end.

But YOU, >>5334961, can still save yourself.

>> No.5335098

I loved it personally, but it gets VERY slow during the middle of the series.

>> No.5335102
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>/lit/ is so deep into the charade at this point that the ride will never end.

Ahh, perhaps you should alert all the professors in a literary field of there misguidedness as well? Perhaps you could write a dissertation about how epic fantasy is?

>> No.5335107
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You know what they say about those who can't...

>> No.5335114
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>> No.5335126
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Few things could be more pleb than posting that image macro. Clearly you are one of the aforementioned retards.

>> No.5335128

What a facile statement, I guess feynman was a garbage physisit then? And your missing the point entirely, I ment anyone well educated in regards to literacy.

>> No.5335135

Why don't you go jack off to your waifu and read some Martin you uneducated twat

>> No.5335140
File: 1.04 MB, 467x541, le loli merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness the angry tears of plebs whose entire worldview has just been shaken to the core

>> No.5335150

Yes, i am crying how did you know? Your non-arguments have really made me reevaluate all that time I spent reading das kapital, I should just be a uneducated weaboo like you correct?

>> No.5335151

I gave up midway through the last book, when it became clear that however the series ends I would be left disappointed, and have to sit through 300 pages of Elayne and Rand bullshit with only smatterings of Lan being a badass and Mat and Perrin being half as entertaining as they were 3 books ago to make up for it. Am I wrong though /lit/, I really want to be, is the ending good enough for me to bother?

>> No.5335160
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>> No.5335168

Yes le ebic may mays and so forth, do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author or am I wasting my time?

>> No.5335169

You know, I just realized my favorite scene in the series takes place IN THE SECOND BOOK.

Man, that peaked early.

Specifically, it's Nyneave's testing to become Accepted in the White Tower. That whole chapter is amazing.

>> No.5335178
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>do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author
>do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author
>do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author
>do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author
>do you have any syllogisms or arguments of substance to author

>> No.5335197

The word functions as a verb you imbecile, enjoy virginity and the lack of respect you will garner in the non-internet world.

>> No.5335205
File: 242 KB, 1600x1067, yazidi qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5335214

>the word functions as a verb
>the word functions as a verb
>the word functions as a verb
>the word functions as a verb
>the word functions as a verb

>you will garner
>you will garner

>> No.5335222
File: 111 KB, 562x1302, 1388292210617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you faggots really will argue about anything

>> No.5335224

It's not very presumptuous to assume a uneducated 4chan user (probably spending most of his time on /a/ or some shit) with an image relevant to any given situation does not garner respect in the real world

>> No.5335235

I don't follow

>> No.5335248


>> No.5335266

Are you implying there is an issue with syntax in those cases?

>> No.5335374

Never mind the third, or fourth, or fifth book being the hide-tide mark for this series, I dropped it after reading the prologue of TEOTW and the opening quotes.

I don't think the term, ''Bad books are intellectual poison,'' has ever felt more appropriate than for this series.

>> No.5335385

Jordan-haters loved the ending. You'd probably like it a lot.

>> No.5335394

i have to agree. that prologue is shit. i don't know why i'm trying to get through this book when i'm also reading diana wynne jones' howl's moving castle, which is so much more enjoyable.

>> No.5335419


i really enjoyed out of the silent planet and perelandra, even though i find cs lewis' apologetics to be stupid, his christian fiction is pretty cool

>> No.5335513

I completely forgot about that one. I always preferred Rand and Mat's journey through Rhuidean in book 4.

>> No.5335723

Are you still in school?

It just seems like a time sink for guys in Highschool over the summers.

>> No.5336799

>They are often mixed but possess distinct traditions and conventions
>no, that's wrong because here's a series that mixes them

Reading comprehension is a useful skill.

Also, Shannara is a shining example of how "science fantasy" (or whatever the fuck you want to call it) should not be done.

Why is Berelain a Na'vi?

>> No.5338655

I could not recommend it.

A friend lent me the first book (he was a huge fan).
I had only heard good things about the series but not in such a way as to make me super hyped about it.

I started reading it and after the first few chapters found myself intensely bored with it.
It wasn't bad, per se, but reading it was like slogging through mud.

Pretty sure the only reasons I finished it was that my friend would want to talk about it and that I was stuck in the boring dorms in a boring college in Idaho during winter.

I have heard that it really picks up in the second book, but if a novel of several hundred pages can't get me invested in a story by the time I finish it, well, I'm not going to waste my time reading the sequels.

>> No.5338950
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>> No.5339179

I'm not in the least bit surprised that the detached, instant gratification era types cannot appreciate Wheel of Time. It's a charming story with a lot of merit, it's just not for this crowd.

Mark Twain would have really enjoyed it.

>> No.5339239
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>> No.5339271
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I just can't. Jordan's writing is so damn dull. I can read Martin, Herbert, Asimov, Heinlein, de Lint, Donaldson, Rice, even Salvatore or Brooks if I'm bored, but not Jordan.

>> No.5339335 [DELETED] 

I would rape that girl.

>> No.5339347


Yukari Waifu dosu. Kawaiii dosu. Letsu Senshado dosu.

>> No.5339349
File: 522 KB, 2000x1482, rn04O236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hardly seems relevant. Besides, she's a friend of mine and I'd really rather you didn't.

>> No.5339356

I read the books so long ago and almost all of it is a blurry haze of dresses and woolheads and braid-tugging and bitching and moaning.

But one scene that stands out really clearly is Rand being stuck in his room naked with maids trying to dress him. I read that when I was twelve or something that it gave me my first fetish

>> No.5339372


Do you have more pics of her feet?

>> No.5339374


This is a blue board, kids.

Take it somewhere else.

>> No.5339393

Sorry, I forgot. I can't delete the older one, but the new one's gone.

>> No.5339507

Nudity =/= pornography. Nudity is allowed on blue boards.

>> No.5339784

Nudity is obscenity, whether or not it is pornography.

>> No.5339825
File: 192 KB, 990x657, Smurfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people think nudity automatically means the woman is a slut-whore and worthy of hatred (and maybe loose enough for them to take advantage...)

Just crazy moralists

>> No.5340481

Hey Butterfly, how are you today, what you thinkin' about, what are you wearing?

>> No.5341759

QED. Sincerity is so last millenium.

>> No.5341787

Why is fantasy pleb level?

>> No.5341790

> what are you wearing?
Nothin but this pearl necklace *wink*

>> No.5341994

Tried reading.
Slogged through book 1, uninterested as fuck.
Tried getting into 2.
Couldn't do it.

>> No.5342284

>Wheel of Time is fairly mediocre
So and what is god/good tiers?
I allrdy readed aosiaf,malzahan,abercrombie and darkness what comes before btw.

>> No.5342444

Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance, Xanth, Pern

>> No.5343464

That's gay, dude.

Unless you're talking about ben wa balls