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/lit/ - Literature

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5329882 No.5329882 [Reply] [Original]

what will you read to your children?

>> No.5329892 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5329895

Lovecraft shit

>> No.5329902

the hobbit.

my dad read that to me when i was a kid and i remember very much enjoying it

>> No.5329905


>> No.5329913

The Little Prince
Animal Farm

>> No.5329926

Gogol's Ukrainian stories
Batman comics

>> No.5329938
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Pippi Långstrump
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
The Little Prince
Wind in the Willows
Calvin and Hobbes
Aesop's Fabels
Winnie the Pooh
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Peter Pan
Treasure Island
The Magic of Reality

>> No.5329941

>batman comics
that sounds nice, i like batman and it's probably easy for young children who can't read very well yet to enjoy comics

i don't know shit about comics, what batman comics would you recommend?
im trying to plan ahead for when i have a child in a million years

>> No.5329973

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

>> No.5329997

Grimms' Fairy Tales

>> No.5330003
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Used to scare the shit out of my when I was a kid, but I learnt my lesson not to go wandering into the woods alone.

>> No.5330023

About to start Narnia with my 6th year old

have to look into it, apparently it was on reading rainbow
>Pippi Långstrump
just purchased a 3 box set of the originals from the 40's (pippi, abroad, south seas)
>The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
>The Little Prince
>Wind in the Willows
>Calvin and Hobbes
its our bathroom books, she started reading those at 3 when she was potty training
>Aesop's Fabels
kindergarten and 1st grade
>Winnie the Pooh
>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
in a few years, due to language
>Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
>Peter Pan
>Treasure Island
in a few years (and then watch disney adaptation)
>The Magic of Reality

>no charlie and the chocolate factory

>> No.5330032

>6th year old
I'm drunk, go to bed

>> No.5330046

Collected Posts From 4chan, By Tao Lin.

>> No.5330069
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Don't you meh the Moomins.

Stellaluna is for the very young. I wasn't raised on Dahl

>> No.5330205

"The Day I chugged a Million Dicks", by O.P.

>> No.5330230

kids love Exodus

>> No.5330318

I'll start with the Greeks

>> No.5330326

I had the coloring book


>> No.5330330



Also Homer,Euripides, Sophocles and Plato.


What the fuck is this shit? Do you want your child to grow into a fag?

>> No.5330353
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>having children

>> No.5330356

Golden Compass / His Dark Materials books
A Wizard of Earthsea trilogy
Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn
Roald Dahl
maybe some tamer Vonnegut

>> No.5330358

>having children
in Ramsdale
>having children
in Beardsley


>> No.5330365

dr seuss
where the sidewalk ends guy
roald dahl
his dark materials guy
maybe some poe
maybe some of terry pratchett's YA stuff
I don't plan on having children

>> No.5330368

the velveteen rabbit

king arthur
wizard of oz
hardy boys
nancy drew
moomin books

thank god harry potter will be long forgotten by then. my kids will think it's ancient twaddle

>> No.5330388

fuck I forgot some stuff
calvin and hobbes
wind in the willows
watership down
maybe some other comics, like that silent one about a war refugee with the white pig thing
diana wynne jones
fuck it they're gonna read what I read through middle school

>> No.5330664

I came here to post exactly this.

I also started reading it to my girlfriend, after gifting her a nice edition with a note in.

I intend on moving her to calvino after.

>> No.5330679

>none if that sissi stuff

Gelfand/Shen, Algebra
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Shnol, Functions and graphs
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Kirillov, The method of coordinates
Cohen, Precalculus with unit circle trigonometry
Euclid's Elements
Geometry Revisited by Coxeter
Calculus Vol I & II by Apostol
Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Strang
Ordinary Differential Equations by Tenenbaum
A Primer of Abstract Mathematics by Ash
Conjecture and Proof by Laczkovich
Calculus by Spivak

>> No.5330690

Plato's Dialogues Simplified.

>> No.5330696


>> No.5330700

do u want ur kids to grow up as fucking retards?
why not just plant them in front of a fucking tv all day so they can watch reality shows and learn more simplified shit lmao

>> No.5330703

Stop copypasting a list of books you never read.

>> No.5330704


You're right. I should just read them Don Quijote in the original spanish. Fuck those monoligual toddlers!

>> No.5330706

charlotte's web mos def

>> No.5330715

hebrew bible, the penguin classics edition

>> No.5330719

spanish would probably a neat language to raise a child in, don quijote, divine comedy and so on would be great fun.
too bad im set on my three languages, adding a dirty language like spanish would probably just have a negative effect on their ability to perform in the better ones.

>> No.5330721

spanish is arguably the most important language to learn if any in america

>> No.5330725

>in america
excuse me?
why the fuck would i raise a child in the us, out of all places?

>> No.5330731


Im gonna teach my children English, Spanish, French and Mandarin.

>> No.5330733

> not raising children in the best country in world
> pleb confirmed

>> No.5330741

>starting with the Greeks
>no the quickest way to turn your child into a fag

Personally I'll take the shortest route and read them Infinite Rest before sleep, Finnegans Wake in the morning and In Search of lost Time after school.

>> No.5330743

oh im sorry that i don't plan on impregnating a detroit based crackwhore and raising a child that exclusively communicates with mexicans anon, good luck with that

>> No.5330774

>Revolting Rhymes
>On the Genealogy of Morals
>Blue of Noon
>Also this >>5329895

>> No.5330779
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>divine comedy

>> No.5330812

If I have children I would probably just read them normal children's books until they were 5 or so I would to try reading them the following:

Treasure Island
Beowulf( Maybe)
Peter Pan
Poetry lots and lots of it
a Children's Illustrated Bible

>inb4 Tedora Fipping

also I would try and teach them Latin from as early an age as possible

>> No.5330828

gee, OP, I never thought about that, but it's an extremely pertinent question. I'll think about it right after I decide what color I want my Maybach and wither I should go for platinum rims or gold.

>> No.5330829
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>a Children's Illustrated Bible
You mean this?
>B-but Jesus didn't have a machinegun
He does in America.

>> No.5330833

>having children

*tips fedora*

>> No.5330836

Platinum, of course. What are you, a pleb?

>> No.5330844

I'm going to read to them encyclopaedias, just like my parents did for me.

>> No.5330848

>a Children's Illustrated Bible

>inb4 Tedora Fipping

Why not give him a choice instead of imposing your doctrines on your kid?

I mean not that it matters, since every new genereantion is going to have exponentially more stupid shit like fedoraism, agnosticism, satanism etc. The chances of your kid remaining a good little christian are gonna be low. Take it from someone whos been there. Its better to let him face the reality early on. Instead of it crashing down on him later on. Its gonna cause him some issues.

>> No.5330850

>bringing a meatbag into the thresher for literally no reason

nah lol

>> No.5330853

Poor anon, what a tough childhood...

>> No.5330857

>Why not give him a choice instead of imposing your doctrines on your kid?
But that's exactly why people have shilcren, anon.

>> No.5330864

humans should be wiped the fuck out ASAP

>> No.5330867

Deleuze - Capitalism and Schizophrenia

>> No.5330881

No, it was good.

But because of that, I have no real interest in reading fiction as an adult.

pls help

>> No.5330885

And thats also exactlt why people shouldnt have children. Parents are supposed to be guides, not some slave masters. Probably the reason why so many children rebell later on

>> No.5330891

Also im really tired si I cant be botheren with spelling...

>> No.5330890

People want to be slave masters though.

>> No.5330896

Everyone wants to be a slave master, nobody wants to be a slave(except in those rare fetishism cases)

I sometimes really hate people(no, not really but I like saying that)

>> No.5330898

a long apology.

>> No.5330901

Children don't rebel that much these day. Teenage rebellion was a staple of the romantic era and the 1960-1990 period.

>> No.5330902

50 shades of grey

>> No.5330909

The Bible and Narnia if I ever have them.

>> No.5330913

probably children's stories from around the world. never the same thing twice

when they have the capacity for creativity i'd probably move on to give them simple prompts and have them tell me a story

stream of consciousness stories from small children are hilarious

>> No.5330918

>implying I'm Christian

I would read children the Bible because:

1.Its an incredibly culturally important book and having a basic understanding of it would help them better understand western history literature

2. It does have a couple good parables in it

>> No.5330928

>have them tell me a story
Now that's a patrician parent.

>> No.5330936

right, just ignore the single most important piece of literature in the world thats influenced oh i dont know billions of people and coming to understand why and how its influenced said people.

>> No.5330942
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You twisted fuck

>> No.5330980

I like this

>> No.5330989

Holy shit thats cringey

>> No.5331007
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This,.. and the grimm stories of course.

>> No.5331022

Cringey? It's surely a joke

>> No.5331032

I remember reading about a dad that adapted D&D to have his kids create collaborative stories every night before bedtime. Like a spoken stream of conciousness choose your own adventure book with some ground rules.

>> No.5331069

My kids (7 & 5) would likely choose these as favourites:

Winnie the Pooh
Little House series
Narnia series (I loathe reading these to them, honestly)
Pippi & anything by Astrid Lindgren, although
Ronja gets special mention. That shit's amazing.
Shel Siverstein
Wind in the Willows
Beatrix Potter
George MacDonald's fairy stories
The Hobbit

Lately I've been reading them Huck Finn (Daddy, what does nigger mean?) and my eldest has been reading Hemmmingway (Old Man & the Big Two Hearted River stories. He's obsessed with fishing.)

We've been reading the Bible with them and are in 1 Kings, have told them them the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey (without actually reading them yet). They also love to hear stories from Icelandic sagas and Norse myth (which they prefer to Greek, but that's only natural). They enjoy ancient history books as well. It's gone well telling the stories from Der Ring des Nibelungen, though have little tolerance for the operas themselves. They are just kids, right?

>> No.5331076

but im going to die alone without children

>> No.5331115


>> No.5331157

Mein Kampf

>> No.5331168
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>most important piece of literature in the world

>> No.5331240

Oh yes His Dark Materials is the best book for young teenagers.

>> No.5331291

Thomas Ligotti - The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been

>> No.5331313

You sound like a cool dad anon, keep it up

>> No.5331450

Raising patricians since 2007

>> No.5331472

> Why not give him a choice instead of imposing your doctrines on your kid?
Giving kid "a choice" is just as ideological and doctrine imposing as not giving them one.

>> No.5331475

I said Aesop's Fabels
I had no particular sex in mind and didn't even think too much about age range.

Ideally, if I have a coconspirator, I'd adopt.

You don't understand, we don't like its influence. It is a *bad* influence. ITT we're talking about telling children stories, but the bible is supposed to be taken as facts, gruesome ugly facts about a murderous primitive god. The villains in many of these stories.
Oh but you'd want to read the cleaned up censored version, the children's bible. Yeah they tried to censor it for me too. No mention of god sanctioned rapes, but first born son deaths and lambs blood smeared on the door frames, that was allowed at Sunday school.
No one should be teaching their kids this shit anymore.

>> No.5331479

My dad did this for me anon, and it made all the difference.

Comparative Mythology at a young age will hopefully lead to Perennialism.

Read some Joseph Campbell dude, you're gonna need it when they start asking hard questions (if you don't have the answers...).

>> No.5331481

That Hell-Bound Train.

>> No.5331484


>> No.5332023

>Its better to let him face the reality early on.

no its not, you dumbass. Thats like telling a kid at the age of 3, "there's no santa." Destroying a child's imagination and wonder at an early age is detrimental to them later in life

you are like the faggot who got circumcised when you were a babby and say, "DON'T CIRCUMCISE THE KIDS, ITS BAD, I KNOW." basically, you just have penis envy

take it from someone who was raised hardcore catholic, turned agnostic when I turned 17, and atheist when 21. I will read the bible and attend church with my kid, if nothing else, but to form a good moral foundation

>> No.5332033

La Fontaine

That's what my mom read to me

>> No.5332076
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>gruesome ugly facts about a murderous primitive god. The villains in many of these stories.

>> No.5332095


when young

>the gruffalo
>we're going on a bear hunt
>little rabbit foo foo
>fox all week
>dont put your finger in the jelly

those are the ultimate patrician books based on personal experience

after that, genre fiction

>> No.5332096

So nice to see you still have your sense of imagination and wonder! Hopefully, though, you lose it before you have kids; it's always troubling when children decide to have children. In fact, most adults choose to not have children. There's that dangerous sense of reality creeping in! Well, just ignore it. I'm sure your kid will be happy to not only have been gratuitously born, but to also have such an understanding, sympathetic, nuanced, complex, compelling, intelligent father.

>> No.5332122

>Hopefully, though, you lose it before you have kids

>ever wanting to lose your childlike sense of wonder and imagination

at themeparks, I sometimes forget that there are people behind the masks

>> No.5332253
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I'm an atheist but:

>being this euphoric
>implying the influence of the Bible was universally bad
>implying it wasn't the church that kept the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans alive in Europe
>implying all the greatest scientists and philosophers of the middle ages weren't members of the clergy

>> No.5332268

Redwall, The Hobbit, Wind in the Willows.
Whimsical fantasy is the best thing for kids, it's like crack for the imagination.

>> No.5332331

I hope to share all the books I loved when I was little with my future kids. I loved HCA fairy tales, Greek and Roman mythology, Roald Dahl, The Velveteen Rabbit when I was really little. I will definitely expose them to comics and even Goosebumps and shit like they get a little older, Lousia May Alcott, Mark Twain, and lots of British lit like Dickens, Bronte, and Austen for when they are entering middle school.

>> No.5332353

Alice in Wonderland
The Tale of Desperaux
Watership Down
The Chronicles of Narnia
Something Wicked This Way Comes

Big comfortable stories that impress upon them the value of storytelling, the exhilaration of life, and leaves the door open for them to discover more fully its terror when the time comes, that they might be better equipped to meet it.

>> No.5332416

Age 9: Old Testament

Age 11: The Illiad

Age 12: The Ring Vedas,

Age 13: Hamlet, The Prince, Oedipus the King.

Age 15: Moby Dick

>> No.5332478

Duh Harry potter obviously

>> No.5332498

You won't read anything to them until they're 9. You're going to fail them.

>> No.5332514


I've read Hero with a Thousand Faces and, while I love the concept and his basic description of the monomyth, I find his writing a chore to get through. Regardless, I agree that Campbell is most useful.

Liberal arts education for the fucking win.

>> No.5332516

>I'm an atheist but
>...not a very good one.

The Bible has been universally bad for humanity. It's been taken as 100% facts for generations and you should know by now what a dangerous delusion that has always been. It's socio-political purpose was to unite the peoples of Europe. It failed that, but it did make them docile good soldiers ready and willing to do anything their divinely ordained leaders told them to do. You're an atheist? A lazy one.
>the church ... kept the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans...
The "church" allowed *some* of our ancient heritage kept safe with varying degrees of success. Implying there would be no such efforts from anyone else to do the same had there been no Christianity
>implying all the greatest scientists and philosophers of the middle ages weren't members of the clergy
YOU COULD NOT BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN AN ARDENT BELIEVER. Even today it's shunned by too many communities. If Obama were to admit he were actually a nonbeliever, there'd be shock and hatred from many corners of this ignorance loving country.

>Age 9: Old Testament

>> No.5332553

Sorry, Dyke. This is a thread for daddies and mommies only.

>> No.5332573

Good lord, this is ironic, right?

>> No.5332582

>The Bible has been universally bad for humanity
I don't think so.

>> No.5332591
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>inb4 Butterthighs replies saying this wasn't actually her and there is no way she's this deluded

>> No.5332592
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On 4chan Poe's law is a thing

>> No.5332609

Oh I just remembered one awesome thing. When I was a kid aside of The Wild Horse, Bible, Grimm Brothers my dad read me his own stories. That was so awesome.

I'd like to say that I'll do the same but my stories are fucking smut.

>> No.5332614

You don't get to be ironic on the Internet. Taking the time to post something retarded is just as bad when done sarcastically, as when done seriously.

>> No.5332625

Then I repeat, good fucking lord.

I've felt pity at the abuse she receives here, but such "ideas" deserve mockery.

>> No.5332632


I just realised that s/he isn't an anon. WTFFFFF

>> No.5332633 [DELETED] 
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Actually this wasn't me.

>> No.5332639

wikipedia's antinatalism entry

>> No.5332647

When does Butterforlunch get doxxed?

>> No.5332659
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>> No.5332664

books on virtue and ethics
books on military strategy
the classics in the original greek and latin

>> No.5332668

how the fuck is harry potter not mentioned?

>> No.5332673

I'll read my children a ton of Tao Lin.

>> No.5332674

>Implying that's deluded.
It's not a full length essay, but where do you think I'm even wrong? (I don't really care though. Let the thread go back on track

It's been mentioned. Not as much as the bible, oddly enough.

>> No.5332679

>where do you think I'm even wrong?
Try your first fucking sentence,
>The Bible has been universally bad for humanity.

>> No.5332689

That's not a wrong statement.

>> No.5332715
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>implying its possible to be better atheist than anyone else. You can't believe in god less than anyone else that doesn't believe in god by revising medieval history

>It's socio-political purpose was to unite the peoples of Europe. It failed that

it did help keep Latin alive as an international lingua franca though

>The "church" allowed *some* of our ancient heritage kept safe with varying degrees of success. Implying there would be no such efforts from anyone else to do the same had there been no Christianity

noone would have been as successful as the church and its many scriptoria hand copying countless manuscripts for centuries

>YOU COULD NOT BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN AN ARDENT BELIEVER. Even today it's shunned by too many communities. If Obama were to admit he were actually a nonbeliever, there'd be shock and hatred from many corners of this ignorance loving country.

Obungo and his religion doesn't change that people like Rodger Bacon and William of Occam were both the Greatest Scientists and philosophers of their age and men of god who preformed their experiments and wrote their great works of philosophy with the full backing of the Church

>> No.5332725 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 600x450, kayla andrews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a very large amount of men who make better girls than Butterfly.

Pic very related.

>> No.5332738

That's a fucking moth.

>> No.5332744

>Posts hot air
Eat your hat, christfag/christfag apologist

>Women are makeup, heels and sandwich making skills
Full "pleb"

>> No.5332752

>Women are makeup, heels and sandwich making skills
Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.5332770 [DELETED] 
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Then what is a woman without those things?

>> No.5332775
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Why try to reason with fedoramasters in the 1st place? Trolling is equaly as fun but more effective.

>> No.5332776 [DELETED] 


>> No.5332780


Lol, yes it is.

>> No.5332787

The other girl is still hotter than you.

But don't worry, she hasn't your eerie uglish charm.

I wanted to post something on the comment you made about the Bible but accidentally deleted it. Since I'm too lazy to type it again, he's a summary: your post betrays a lot of resent and a lack of thorough thinking. There is something wrong at pretty much every sentence. Hating the Bible is no excuse for not presenting a cogent argument. I think the departure of Feminister has taken a toll on your willingness to pursue intellectual ends, and I urge you not to waste the work you've done so far.

Also this post is way too affectionate for 4chan.

>> No.5332794

Someone isn't liked my men is she?

>> No.5332795


>> No.5332799

That's an opinion and so far all we've got back is hats and transexuals. It's as if you've given up.
I accept your resignation already. Let the thread go back to children's books.

>> No.5332800

What he said is sensible, and calling it hot air won't change anything to that.
So far you have provided a cartoonish rant and he has provided two examples. Please show how those examples are irrelevant or bow in shame.

>> No.5332808 [DELETED] 
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What does being natural really get you? This is 2014, you eat manmade food, and shitpost on a manmade machine, inside of a manmade house. You wear manmade clothes. Whats wrong with manmade beauty?

Are you implying that pic related isn't a good person because s/he's more attractive than Butterfly? How do you know s/he isn't a friendly, enjoyable person to spend time with?

>> No.5332809

No, I'm straight, but thanks for you offer, I'm flattered (sort of).

>> No.5332818

Well I think there should be a balance. You know, some makeup and classy clothes but not overdoing it because overdoing it makes the woman look inhuman. Or like a whore.

>> No.5332819
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>Taking shitposting seriously

Also, I'm going to read to my little ones "My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes".

>> No.5332825

Aesop's stories

>> No.5332826
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Just trying to 4chan the post up for you.

>> No.5332828

I will play him or her an audiobook of Thus Spoke Zarathustra every night.

When he or she asks me to read or play something else, I will respond 'yes, we will read/listen to that' and I will proceed to again, play Thus Spoke Zarathustra. When questioned, I will not answer.

This will happen every single night until they break free of the rudimentary chains I have placed on them and purchase or write their own reading material, and they will in that moment understand what it means to transcend.

>> No.5332829

Holes by Louis Sachar
probably Alice in Wonderland
also The Little Prince for sure
Don't know anything else, haven't really given this much thought, maybe some Osamu Dazai

>> No.5332830

Resentment, yes. A lack of thorough thinking? No.
I've read it, and I am not writing an essay on why it's a bad thing. Take it into consideration. It really is a terrible thing to be teaching children. I do not want the status quo of this world to continue. I want better.

A fedora tipper? Sensible? It was hot air.

>> No.5332832
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Whats inhuman about Kayla?
Remember, there's a dick in between those legs.

>> No.5332835
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>Posts hot air

then refute it

refute that the church preserved knowledge by copying and preserving manuscripts for centuries

refute that greatest artists, philosophers, architects and scientists of the middle ages were members of the church who advanced their respective fields with backing of the Church

>> No.5332837
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, tales-from-earthsea-043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Hans Christian Andersen
Earthsea (first three parts for sure)

>> No.5332839

Ah, thanks. I did answer with a post suggesting you're a fag trying to hit on me, so I think we're reached near-average 4chan levels now.

On a side not, how come nobody has mentioned Where the Wild Things Are yet ? It's my favorite children book and it used to be one of /lit's too.

>> No.5332841

Oh not her. She is beautiful. I mean in general.

>> No.5332842
File: 449 KB, 476x475, feels fucking feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not fucking with your kids emotions.

>> No.5332845

No, because if you post a fedora I don't have to argue anymore. I immediately win because fedora posting is shitposting.

Everything you say is just hotair.

>> No.5332848

You forgot law and how they pretty much advanced law and fast forwarded primmitive barbarian laws to something similar we have today by working on and reworking Roman law.

>> No.5332850 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

At least call them she-peen

>> No.5332856 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 480x640, kayla andrews 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10% male, 90% female.

I didn't expect a dyke lesbian to be transphobic.

>> No.5332858

>A lack of thorough thinking? No.
Reread your post. Suggesting the Bible was always taken as 100% fact when it has been the subject of some of the most complex interpretative readings in history is plain misinformation. Fuck, the Bible came into proeminence as a result of a culture of elaborate commentary and interpretation. "Muh literal reading only" is purely an American thing (and it's way more retarded that a literal reading was in the Middle Age, considering the information available to the average person).

>A fedora tipper? Sensible? It was hot air.

You're still not addressing any point.

If s/he had an operation to replace that dick with something that fucks like a pussy I'd be willing to fuck her.

>> No.5332860

>Fuck off.
Why not form a better argument than your impersonator than?

>> No.5332863

>Thomas Ligotti - The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
I've been looking for a copy of this, and unfortunately the entire NYPL system doesn't have a copy, so it looks like I'm going to have to buy it.

Do you know how his fiction is?

>> No.5332866

>something that fucks like a pussy
Thats what the ass is for.

>> No.5332872

>That's an opinion
>Whereas my post was 100% fact

>> No.5332877

Good ideas, pretty solid writing, terrible endings.

>> No.5332879 [DELETED] 

Looks like my dad if he shaved his belly.

>> No.5332881 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 874x960, 10561707_879396378746882_5913816580859488710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait that is a dude?
Well fuck me I need to go puke.

>> No.5332884
File: 231 KB, 1455x1418, blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So yea, I was thinking Roald Dahl, he writes some fantastic children stories.
The illustrations by Quentin Blake are always charming.

>> No.5332891 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 764x1024, asd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet it is.

>> No.5332893 [DELETED] 

Good idea. I'll go back to remembering how my dad wrote his own stories and read them to me.
Also he was inspired by Christianity... No wait don't go there anon.

>> No.5332899 [DELETED] 

So sad. Well I can always go bact to stalking girls on FB.

>> No.5332900

Thanks. What have you read?

>> No.5332901 [DELETED] 

Not phobic. I was raised Christian after all.
So he got his dick inverted is what you're saying?
Nope. More like 75% male.

They're both opinions. How dumb are you?

>> No.5332913

If I recall correctly, Matilda was inspired by his experience of the English public school system.

>> No.5332920 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 480x640, securedownload-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, just thinking aloud. With the dick hidden she's basically indistinguishable from a natural born woman. She looks more woman than man, so the best pronoun is 'She.' She also only likes men and acts girly.

Whereas >>5332659 Butterfly looks more man than woman. Butterfly also only munches carpet (or at least wishes to) and acts fairly masculine. So do you think the proper pronoun to describe Butterfly would be 'He'?

>> No.5332929 [DELETED] 

Are their any gender identity stories aimed at children?

>> No.5332931 [DELETED] 

>Butterthighs will never present an actual argument

>> No.5332940 [DELETED] 

Christians would hate it.

Your logic is pretty shitty, but you aren't hurting my feelings

>> No.5332942
File: 3.47 MB, 2550x2550, MPB_CoverOnly_HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently yes, actually.
I guess I'm not surprised.

>> No.5332948 [DELETED] 

>you aren't hurting my feelings
I would hope not, men are tougher than that.

>> No.5332950 [DELETED] 

>Kek. fedoraists will never accept an argument against the father sky god

>> No.5332952 [DELETED] 

As far fetched it may be I'd call the tranny a he and Butter a she.
Yeah, I know, far fetched.

>> No.5332953 [DELETED] 

drop the percentages, just let people choose the pronouns they want you to refer to them as. i know this sounds like tumblr crap to people who dont actually interact with people in real life, but the normal thing to do is to treat people how they want to be treated. if your desire to be feal to some semi-socially-constructed aspect of biology is greater than your desire to be nice to people, your a dick.

>> No.5332958 [DELETED] 

Why not try us and provide one.

>> No.5332960 [DELETED] 

>not using my trademark GenderNo-Nouns™, such as Xander, XOR, Xpresident, or charlesXavier

>> No.5332964 [DELETED] 

>that sagging tit
My god it looks practically natural.

>> No.5332965
File: 52 KB, 680x612, EXAMPLE_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters be of the hating.

I am in no way surprised by this.
I think from a child's point of view that is pretty innocent. I mean, how many boys haven't tried on mummies shoes at least once?

>> No.5332968 [DELETED] 

This makes me feel emptier than I've ever felt

>> No.5332973 [DELETED] 

Why do you still argue with her? C'mon man there won't be anything coming from that, just wasted time, unless you do it for the lulz and shitty arguments.
Every time someone tips a fedora his/her IQ drops.

>> No.5332976 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5332981 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5332985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5332991 [DELETED] 


>> No.5332992 [DELETED] 

Because this is supposed to be the Queen of /lit/.
I was expecting above average intelligence for a /lit/izen. Instead I get below average intelligence for an /a/non.

>> No.5332998 [DELETED] 

Great 16th century prothestant propaganda you've got there.
We also know its fake because the Church didn't have so much authority when torture started being used in secular courts. Church handled mostly marital law and things concerning it, sometimes a heretic was banned or financially punished, on a few occasions someone was sentenced to death. But of course it would be too much to ask you to try and read a bit about legal history since that would pretty much crush your fedoring dreams of the evil Church torturing massive amounts of people for no reason.

>> No.5333006 [DELETED] 

Really? Man your queen is a shitty one.
Viva la revolution!

>> No.5333012 [DELETED] 

I've just come here a couple of weeks ago.
This seems to be the only board I have been to where trips aren't mercilessly beaten down.

>> No.5333013

Roald Dahl would be more something for them to read for themselves or at least his shorter stories like The Magic Finger, The Enormous Crocodile, Esio Trot ect. are easily read by 5 or 6 year old's

speaking of Quentin Blake I really need to track down a copy of the edition of Animal Farm he illustrated although I don't think I would read a book as depressing as Animal farm to a young chillun

History books would be a good thing to read to children

>> No.5333019 [DELETED] 

I've seen more fedora on /pol/ to be fair. Tho I'm new to 4chan in general. But this board also seems to have a lot of religious people, which suprised me.

>> No.5333022

I remember that series of children animated stories about princes and princesses. There are like 13 of them. Nearly all drawing from old myth and traditional stories (you have Grimm tales, and Egyptian myths for instance). All centered around love/male-female relationship. And the main male and female protagonists were always drawn the same way and voiced by the same actors, so as to create a sense of continuity.

The last story is about a prince and a princess exchanging genders during a frog kissing malfunction. It was funny and smart and not really preachy. The whole series was awesome. I think it's simply called Princes and Princesses. Was released perhaps 6-8 years ago.

Are anime/cartoon /lit approved ? Because I'm definitely having my children watch Kirikou.

>> No.5333026

I think Charlie and the Chocolate factory is good bed time reading.

History is something that needs to be fostered into kids to discover on their own. Reading histories is probably going to bore the shit out of them. However, to that end, Horrible Histories are good fun.

>> No.5333030 [DELETED] 

Okay, cool picture. Looks very historic. Anyway, how about giving a proper response to >>5332835's post?

>> No.5333032 [DELETED] 

I was raised by atheists and I also plan to send my kids(if I ever have kids) to Jewish day school

>> No.5333037 [DELETED] 

>We also know its fake
You know nothing of the kind. Just as you know nothing of the existence of a god, or of anything a guy thought to be called Jesus even said. Accounts have been written back and forth the accusations go, and it's all in the name of the goddamn bible, idiots ITT are threatening to raise their children on. There tons of credible materials I could bring up and back up the notion that this ever splintering religion has caused more hard than good. If you don't know this or accept it, what good is any of my typing it? You already loath me for not buying into your crap. Who are you trying to kid?

>> No.5333040 [DELETED] 

To strenghten your point, the religious law was seprate from the civil law (a bit like martial court is not the same thing as civil court now), and the religious law was the more lenient of the two.

Actually, there was a high proportion of thug-like type among clerks because being one meant you could claim to be under the responsability of religious law, which has softer punishment. That's why a lot of would-be criminal would pursue studies and become part of the clergy.

This explains, for instance, that Villon, primarily a man of letters, became involved with a gang of road thugs.

>> No.5333044 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 469x463, 1386069687175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't refute any of the points I made in this post >>5332835

>> No.5333045 [DELETED] 

I mean, like just anyone who post with a trip for no reason other than to draw attention to themselves.

I'll use /k/ for example. There is a guy, who works for a governmental nuclear policy institute or something, who is really knowledgeable on nuclear warfare. He only uses his trip when making a thread about nuclear warfare and policy, because he has something to offer in that thread.

>> No.5333048 [DELETED] 

"Fedora" are christians pretending to be fellow "fat neck-bearded atheists" tipping their hats. See here >>5333044

So you've been trolled, I take it.

>> No.5333051 [DELETED] 


>christian morality

you want your kid to not steal because he fears a magic sky man who sees all and will send him to hell if he does wrong?

>> No.5333054

I'll read fairy tales to them and drop in constant bible passages as stories, forever asscoiating the idea of falsehoods with mainstream religion.

>> No.5333057 [DELETED] 

People on /lit mostly aren't knowledgeable in anything. So tripfags here rely on dubious rethoric and unwarranted hostility instead. Sometimes it works.

>> No.5333058 [DELETED] 


and don't tell me i'm misudnerstanding christian morality, don't pretend this isn't exactly how christian children understand the situation

>> No.5333067

"Better to never have been", by David Benatar.

>> No.5333069

Like that moth trip.
It has nothing to offer that would distinguish itself from the anon.

>> No.5333076


yeah, i mean the whole transgender acceptance thing is a little out of hand at times but paradoxically i think it's best to approach children with it, and not teens/young adults

children are more capable of the right mindset when approaching this stuff, whereas teens are craving identity and are easily manipulated by such special snowflake theories

>> No.5333080

Finnegan's Wake. I can't possibly understand it, maybe he might.

>> No.5333091

>"Lets get to the children before tumblr does!"

I mean, when I was a kid, my sister used to dress me up as a girl. The old man would have a Hank Hill "bwaaaaa!" moment. I never used to understand why he would react like that. As far as I was concerned, I was just playing dress up, and nothing else.

>> No.5333096
File: 50 KB, 780x437, Butterballs irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am an atheist: I don't believe in god or the supernatural but not the kind of atheist that ignores reason by spouting muh feels and revisionist history without any logic or argument

>> No.5333107

Mods were here, we better drop it.

>> No.5333120
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly is going to be mad at trannies because they prove gender essentialism is real, (and following, Beauvoir is empirically wrong).

I would laugh, but -

Look, I always knew that all emotions were chemicals, but the visceral experience of seeing how easy it is to change someone- it feels bad.

>> No.5333122

I don't know if it was translated to English but there is a wonderful story called The Wild Horse (Divlji Konj in original)
If anyone can find it it's the thing you should read to your kid.

>> No.5333132

So... a tripfagging TERF

>> No.5333163

Most of The Nightmare Factory

>> No.5333132,1 [INTERNAL] 

These are good posts

Yeah, like this comment. How high schooler can you get?

>> No.5333167

Ulysses, from day one until the day they have it memorized.

>> No.5333170

I think they have that at the library. I'll check it out. Also, remove your name, I saw you on /x/ earlier.

>> No.5333174

"The Little Prince"
It was a mindfuck when I was younger, but I learned to appreciate it

>> No.5333176
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>> No.5333180

You really want them to hate ol James Joyce, do you

>> No.5333185

>ITT: Butterthighs so mentally handicapped mods had to clean up the thread

>> No.5333186
File: 94 KB, 640x360, mooomins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia Trip

I used to love the moomins as a kid. Have you seen that moomin cafe they have in Japan?

>> No.5333187

>divine comedy

>> No.5333190

I didn't mean reciting history textbooks at them

I mean reading things like Ladybird picture history books with them

>> No.5333192

Actually the janitor who did this is probably Butterfly him/herself.

>> No.5333195

Not only a feminist but a feminist janitor? Oh, /lit/.

>> No.5333198

Heh, you watched garbage.

>> No.5333200

I think it's a girl. (I hope)

>> No.5333204 [DELETED] 

Delete your shitposts please

>> No.5333207


>> No.5333226

I used to love it too.
Buka was starring in some of my nightmares, that shit was terrifying. But maybe most of my appreciation for moomins comes from not remembering the half of it. I just remember finding it awesome and weird.

>> No.5333241
File: 43 KB, 225x225, 1367997326019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judging taste from one program

>> No.5333253
File: 43 KB, 519x648, The_end_of_the_beginning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite children's book. I still read it every once in a while and I tear up, it's very poignant.

>> No.5333259
File: 487 KB, 440x331, HattiFatti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have nightmares about the hattifatteners

>> No.5333266

me too anon, me too

>> No.5333267

This fucking book. Phantom Tollbooth is similarly great.

>> No.5333284
File: 190 KB, 640x640, 1408567018262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winnie the Poo

>> No.5333299
File: 6 KB, 373x134, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5333303

Has she finally snapped or something?
I've never seen Moth this cancerous.

>> No.5333309

she's like blanche in a streetcar named desire

>> No.5333318

i say this because williams planned to call it 'the moth'

>> No.5333328 [DELETED] 

I deleted it. Could you please let the thread go back to OPs intended topic?

>> No.5333333

captcha: 5333333

>> No.5333335

Butterfly is a menace that needs to be stopped.

>> No.5333336

check the sixes plebs

>> No.5333337 [DELETED] 

Go back to /s4s/

>> No.5333338

You derailed it first, then when you get beat in an argument you sperg out.

>> No.5333354

So. Many. Insects!

>> No.5333360
File: 12 KB, 878x164, lelz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just too rich

>> No.5333361

I saw that Butterfingers, don't think you got away with that samefagging.

>> No.5333370

⇒what will you read to your children?

STEM textbooks

>> No.5333378

If 5333377, Butterfly is a public enemy of /lit/.

>> No.5333384

she's out of control anyway
she must go the way of quentin

>> No.5333388

This Buttermania is going to far.
It's time to put her down.

>> No.5333395

These larger dubs make up for >>5333378's failure.
Butterfly is officially a national threat.

>> No.5333408
File: 63 KB, 444x308, putty-patrollers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone insults the skygod!
>We must dox!
>*Hat-tip hat-tip hat-tip hat-tip hat-tip hat-tip*

>> No.5333416
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>> No.5333424
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>> No.5333426

What the fuck is going on.

>> No.5333435

butterfly doesn't realise that /lit/ is 95% atheists but we hate fedora tippers (of which she is one) more than theists

>> No.5333439

>not reading them the original articles in their original languages

Now that's what I call spoonfeeding.

>> No.5333447

All that was said to ignite her spaz attack was that the Bible and religion in general has had a number of positive effects on human society throughout history.

Instead of refuting like a function-able human being that she just greentexts, raves about skygods, and fedoras.

>> No.5333451

I'd call it "efficiency". I want my kids to become scientists and not fedora tipping pseudo-intellectuals. There is no point in reading old original papers when modern textbooks present the same contents didactically better, with additional info and without the mistakes which were corrected later in history.

>> No.5333473

>Deons't understand what a fedora tipper is
You aren't, you're apologist agnostic. Or not too sharp.

No. All that was said is that I don't think it was ever a good thing, and that we shouldn't raise children on the filth. This is a valid opinion and has plenty to back it up. BUT no one wants to hear it.
Anonymous spazzed out at this opinion.

Delete your posts please

>> No.5333474

No you don't want your children to become scientists.
You don't want them to learn critical skills, or develop the ability to come with their own notations when a problem require it, or to be aware of how science has been and is actually made. You want your children to be pedantic and deluded would-be undergrads abiding by the myth that their easily digestible dumbed down course material is anything like real research product. You want your children to be uncritical idiots who can't spot an error in a reasoning or come with their own solution to a new problem, but simply regurgitate whatever they've read before because they've been raised in an environnment of mindless information-consuming. You're the cancer that is killing the STEM race, sir. I don't salute you, sir. I woefully spit on your cursed genitals, sir.

>> No.5333480

she seemed to imply recently she had a pretty rough upbringing because of religion. Makes sense considering... Well everything about her dumb ass

>> No.5333484

>apologist agnostic
clearly i am an agnostic atheist like most sane people

>> No.5333497

⇒to learn critical skills, or develop the ability to come with their own notations when a problem require it

These skills come naturally while growing up in a STEM environment. They are not to be "learned" separately. Developing them is inevitable and does therefore not require any special attention.

>> No.5333510
File: 20 KB, 237x296, butterthighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't believe in god but don't think that the only thing the church ever did torture puppies then you aren't an atheist


have come up with an answer to my points here>>5332835 yet?

Inb4 she deletes her posts again

>> No.5333524

Your way of raising children doesn't amount to providing a STEM environnment. It amounts to intellectual conformism which is fit to raise janitors, secretaries and kindergarten teachers but not scientists. Your lack of emphasis on the relationship between the choice of works, their delivery to child and the skills developed betrayed you, sir. I'm afaid I will have to spit woefully at your genitals once more, sir.

>> No.5333531

Learn to read, apologist.

>> No.5333548

you said
>The Bible has been universally bad for humanity
this is categorically untrue

>> No.5333553
File: 53 KB, 720x576, 1404309620429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you said in that all you implied was that the bible should not be taught to children

but here>>5332516 "The Bible has been universally bad for humanity"

which I refuted here>>5332835

and you still haven't come up with a rebuttal

>MFW you have spent the entire thread spouting revisionist history and now you are revising history within this thread

>> No.5333562

Alice in Wonderland, appropriate mythology for their age, Aesop's Fables

>> No.5333563

She is a leftist....

>> No.5333564

Just because your Christian daddy diddled you or whatever doesn't mean the effect of religion on history hasn't had it's positive sides.

>> No.5333569

You keep saying that.
How many times do you have to say it before it becomes true?

>> No.5333571




>> No.5333575

Has Butterfly finally snapped or is this just a menstruating thing.

>> No.5333580

I didn't tell you which books I'd choose or how I would read them with my child. Stop projecting your own failure as a parent into me. I will be a good mother.

>> No.5333581

Just because you're a rosary kisser doesn't mean religion hasn't had plenty of negative effects, either

>> No.5333583
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>> No.5333585

No. It's my opinion as that is yours.
It has done more harm to the world than good.
Anytime something positive happened in European history, it's attributed to Christianity because the people were Christians. "What if Christianity never took root?" I'd say, "Then we'd have surely all died out!" I'm assured by the Christian-Fedorists. (And Christian-Trilbyist)

None of you faceless-Fedorists even understand the damage theism does to person, so your "categorically untrue" is wrong in my eyes. You aren't Christians you say? Perhaps you could test yourself till you can see things a little more my way. An ex-christian.

>> No.5333588

I already know they're textbooks, that's enough, for the reasons I exposed. It's not very surprising that someone like you would fail to remember that.

As for the mother thing..I'm afraid you will have to consider adoption. I have woefully spat in your genitals twice now, so you can be sure they're not fit for any procreaion purpose anymore.

>> No.5333596

>It has done more harm to the world than good.
I would agree with this, yet you said "The Bible has been universally bad for humanity" which is an absolute statement suggesting that the Bible has done no good. Which is untrue. Also why you keep assuming I'm a Christian when I wasn't even born into a Christian family is beyond me.
>Anytime something positive happened in European history, it's attributed to Christianity because the people were Christians.
Only retards would say this. What you should acknowledge, however, is that the Church as an organisation allowed for the preservation and proliferation of art and music on a scale which would not have been possible without such an organised central body.

>> No.5333602

>hich is an absolute statement suggesting that the Bible has done no good. Which is untrue.

That's not the logic I would use when interpreting him. No one thinks literally that absolutely not one good thing has been done because of the Bible. Don't deliberately misinterpret people, it makes you look like a jackass

>> No.5333606

well she shouldn't have used the word "universally" then

>> No.5333607

Of course, nobody denied that.
The argument was always against the fact that Butterfly thinks it has ONLY had negative effects.

Also, what the fuck is a rosary kisser? I don't participate in the modern religious debate enough to know all the retarded names you've come up with.

>> No.5333611

>No one thinks literally that absolutely not one good thing has been done because of the Bible.
But this is exactly why we're laughing at Butterfly. Butterfly is delusional enough that she actually believes this.

>> No.5333612

You are faceless. You are either Christian of some degree, agnostic to some degree, a complete idiot, or a troll of some stripe. If you're not a Christian apologist, don't blame me for not seeing this. No one here can see you as a proper person.
In contrast, I am one of the only ones here who stands out as a proud atheist and you can see it.

I have always been an atheist. It is anonymous who has snapped.

Thank you.

>> No.5333614

Once they learned the basics from textbooks, my children can choose freely on their own which papers they want to read.

>> No.5333619

>I have always been an atheist.
I thought you were raised Christian?!

>> No.5333630
File: 31 KB, 604x431, 8YXGcUk765g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Irrelevant shitposting.

I was enjoying the discussion about children lit.

>> No.5333633

>An ex-christian.
Stop acting like you're on some intellectual high ground because you realized God isn't real.
I never had a eureka moment where I realized my religion was false. Why? Because I never had a religion and always knew there wasn't a God.

That doesn't mean I don't think a countless amount of people throughout history have been helped by religion. Hurt too, of course. But also helped. If that makes me a "faceless-Fedoraist", "Agnostic Apologist", or whatever weird moniker you want to throw at me next, then sure. I'm exactly that.

>> No.5333636

butterfly,defending yourself wtih a tripcode is just embarrasing

>> No.5333640

...Always HERE, anon.

I agree.

>> No.5333643

Well if that's what she meant, then yeah, that's pretty stupid

I'm mocking the typical "fedora tipper" meme by comparing embarrassingly awkward "style" with catholic religious tradition

Again, look at how you interpret it. Universally geographically, or universally when comparing abstract scenarios? Of course what she claimed is dubious, but responding to "the earth is flat" with "no, it's triangular" doesn't mean you're right just because you claim it's not flat

>> No.5333647
File: 46 KB, 600x450, 1398704827357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has done more harm to the world than good.

more revisionism and backpedaling >>5332516 "The Bible has been universally bad for humanity"

>Anytime something positive happened in European history, it's attributed to Christianity because the people were Christians

to an extent it still doesn't explain the church undertaking an international effort to copy and preserve manuscripts in age before the printing press and in the process creating standardized calligraphy

>> No.5333651

Mostly Freud, Greek mythology (and various others), and that one book that compiled Zizek's jokes.

>> No.5333664
File: 56 KB, 640x430, seuss-big_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone mentioned pic related yet?
Dr Seuss was surprisingly political.

>> No.5333665

I don't really like butterfly, I'm just pointing out the problems in quantization in language and that you have to be careful interpreting ambiguous statements. Most statements we make are inherently ambiguous, even logic more or less is ambiguous when you shave away the mechanics and look deeply

>> No.5333671
File: 43 KB, 502x126, sure-buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really clever. Your Christian zeal has made you able to believe the most ridiculous stuff, hasn't it?

Please take your "muh samefag" accusations to /s4s/.

>> No.5333680
File: 149 KB, 464x352, check em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5333682

top kek

>> No.5333686
File: 267 KB, 280x226, 1_zps36ef9463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Butterfly being ironic, has she really become a nutter, or is this an impersonator?
I don't even know what the ruse is anymore.

>> No.5333695

i hope the 2nd option
it'll make /lit/ more lively

>> No.5333698

My bad.
Sometimes it is hard to tell on the board.

>> No.5333702
File: 53 KB, 400x292, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Seuss books
Maurice Sendak books
Beatrix Potter books
Pippi Långstrump and other Lindgren books
Moomins and other Jansson books
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
The Little Prince
Wind in the Willows
Calvin and Hobbes
Aesop's Fabels
Winnie the Pooh
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Mathilda and other Roald Dahl books
Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of NIHM
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Peter Pan
Lord of the Rings
Treasure Island
Watership Down

The Magic of Reality and yes, beginner science books.

That's an anon post

>> No.5333703

I should have known. Your agnostic apologist behavior likely comes from watching anime.

>> No.5333707

this feels like buttermuff is using irony to try and get back into our good graces

>> No.5333718
File: 26 KB, 400x293, Disapproval Moomin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. This >>5333702 is me trying to bring the topic back
That >>5333703 is a /s4s/ escapee.

>> No.5333721

Do people think Dr. Seuss is acceptable for children? I don't think it has good values.

>> No.5333730

God forbid you actually shut the fuck up and accept that everyone think you're an idiot

>> No.5333732

God forbid you actually shut the fuck up and get back on topic. Impersonating me won't do you any good.

>> No.5333734

Do we know Butterfly's real name?

>> No.5333738

question that is vaguely on topic

how do you make your babby bi-lingual? do you just talk at it in the second language?

>> No.5333741

The God Delusion
The Moral Landscape
God Is Not Great
The End of Faith
The Selfish Gene
The Blind Watchmaker
On the Origin of Species
The Greatest Show on Earth
The Republic
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Critique of Pure Reason
A Universe from Nothing
Atheism: A Philosophical Justification

>> No.5333742

laurie penny

>> No.5333759

Yeah. Simple as that. Might take longer.

I hear you should do it in doses, long stretches at a time, so that the language doesn't come out like Spanglish gibberish only the parents can decipher

>> No.5333761
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, 1397847614945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le tippy hat

>> No.5333770
File: 78 KB, 401x292, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Seuss books
Maurice Sendak books
Beatrix Potter books
Pippi Långstrump and other Lindgren books
Moomins and other Jansson books
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
The Little Prince
Wind in the Willows
Calvin and Hobbes
Aesop's Fabels
Winnie the Pooh
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Mathilda and other Roald Dahl books
Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of NIHM
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Peter Pan
Lord of the Rings
Treasure Island
Watership Down

The Magic of Reality and yes, beginner science books.

That's an anon post

>> No.5333778

Yeah. Simple as that. Might take longer.

I hear you should do it in doses, long stretches at a time, so that the language doesn't come out like Spanglish gibberish only the parents can decipher

>> No.5333779

I'm actually amazed that people still post fedora shit. It's beyond worn out as a joke, and detracts from discussion in the worst ways. It doesn't even spark intense debate or "troll", it does just enough to make people eye roll. Continuing to post it is to be like that guy who quotes Monty Python loudly, all the time, and in a fake English accent.

>> No.5333790

>or "troll"
You don't know what trolling is then. It pisses off people and thus serves it's purpose.

Disagree? Look at how much of a spaz Butterthighs is being this thread because somebody disagreed with her alongside a picture of a hat.

>> No.5333796

getting a vasectomy next week

>> No.5333797

The putties are a simple people

>It pisses off people and thus serves it's purpose.
You don't even know if you're "pissing off" anyone.
>Look at how much of a spaz
YOU are being spazzes for my opinions.

>> No.5333803

so nothing lol

>> No.5333813

You want books for vasectomy patients?

>> No.5333826

Okay but you're still a broken idiot and a dumb dyke that no one loves.

>> No.5333829

>You don't even know if you're "pissing off" anyone.
You're acting plenty angry.

>> No.5333842

sure if you've got any

>> No.5333843

Exactly this.

>> No.5333855

butterfly's not an idiot btw

>> No.5333860

Butterfly please.

>> No.5333862
File: 496 KB, 500x364, tumblr_static_tumblr_lkr1ku4lou1qc1vpso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awww. He cares.

>You're acting plenty angry.
Not much, really. Been through these sorts of debates with a wall of anonymous trolls (and maybe the sincere) many time before, both as anonymous and named. If it was all a joke, 4/10, not even mad. I like expressing myself (Learning more) so what rating would you give that? Did I upset anyone? I think I did a little.
Sorry to the OP. Not what I was hoping for this thread. Maybe we'll leave the middle eastern cults out of our children's lit thread next time.


>> No.5333865

betterfly's an idiot btw

>> No.5333916

definitely not

>> No.5333923

Some of the Nick Adams stories.

>> No.5333934

Respond again you lonely fucking idiot. Maybe it'll deaden the pain some.

>> No.5333942

im just messing around btw butterfly's pretty bad,don't want you guys to htink i like her or something lomao

>> No.5333946
File: 46 KB, 359x475, Alice in Wonderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333947
File: 44 KB, 460x444, Astrid Lindgren - Pippi Långstrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333950
File: 64 KB, 548x768, Beezus &amp; Ramona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333951
File: 76 KB, 480x360, Dawkins - Magic of Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333954
File: 83 KB, 224x358, Grimm fairy tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye thread.

>> No.5333959
File: 184 KB, 500x590, Bukowski for Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333967

Butterface legitimately just spammed a thread to death to hide her utter fucking retardation. As a bonus she further revealed she pretty much only has knowledge of childrens picture books. This has been a great day.

>> No.5333968
File: 73 KB, 637x627, Richard Scarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5333984
File: 81 KB, 510x743, Two in the Bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dispute your rather retarded judgment.

Kidnapped? Wodehouse? Dickens and
Watership Down? Not all kid lit have pictures.
But you know damn well, most of the greats do.

>> No.5333990
File: 29 KB, 221x300, Mouse Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a cute one. On the same level as the Frog and Toad. Maybe the same artist

>> No.5333994


>> No.5333995

The only books I've ever seen Butterfly talk about are fantasy, sci-fi, and childrends books.

>> No.5333996
File: 143 KB, 464x549, The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5334000

She also has an extensive knowledge of Star Wars novels.

>> No.5334003

I'm sorry but I don't really care that much what the nuances of trolling are. Dysfunctional human interaction is not something I want to be a part of

>> No.5334005
File: 30 KB, 263x400, Bloom - Stories &amp; Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you ignore the other fictions, history, sociopolitical, and biographical materials I've posted about?
I have mostly nonfiction

>> No.5334007

>Dysfunctional human interaction is not something I want to be a part of

>> No.5334009
File: 7 KB, 205x245, me+you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dispute your rather retarded judgment

Learning to read real lit might help you learn to write.

>> No.5334010

>Because you ignore
Ignore? Hardly. I just don't follow you around writing down every book you mention.

I just know for a fact I see you most in threads about fantasy and shit.

>> No.5334018
File: 67 KB, 510x680, The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an opinion of the early books and comics from the 90s.

If this is truly all you see of my posts, than it must be because no one is posting about the nonfiction I have been reading.
Have you read Invisible Man yet? It really is Moby Dick level flawless classic.

>> No.5334025

>Have you read Invisible Man yet?
Wells' or Ellison's?

>> No.5334028
File: 70 KB, 480x330, Tigga please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for a fact I see
>Thinks he needs to repeat this logical fallacy

>> No.5334033
File: 252 KB, 400x482, Scrotie McBoogerballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wells' is The Invisible Man (genre fiction *gasp*)
Ellison's is Invisible Man

>> No.5334179

>the velveteen rabbit
shit. i still have a velveteen rabbit doll that i've had since i was born. i remember finding the book that came along with it when i was about 13-15 and getting major feels reading it.

>> No.5334829

I went as a female cheerleader 3 different years on halloween, and my sisters dressed me up multiple times. my parents never freaked out, they laughed and took pictures

>> No.5335823
File: 89 KB, 500x500, 1380631102090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was the real version of that picture
My whole life has been a lie

>> No.5336059

begin with the greeks, also calculus