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5327210 No.5327210 [Reply] [Original]

Do novelists actually live the high life?

>> No.5327232


>> No.5327250
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>> No.5327253
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>> No.5327254

A tiny minority of commercially successful ones do. For a while. The blank generation authors were known for living elements of the life they were talking about.

The thing is though, the "high life' isn't compatible with serious literary output. A friend of mine has organized a bunch of SF/F conventions and he says the best and more in-demand writers are the hardest to organize public appearances for because they're always too busy.

>> No.5327260
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>> No.5327281

Too busy with what? Sounds like they're living more of the good life then they might like to admit.

It looks like you have to reach John Green or J.K Rowling's status to really bring in the cash these days. Fuck.

I'm not going to lie, my dream is to make it as a super popular and successful writer. I sort of want to get stopped in the street and be asked to sign an autograph or be in a photo. This may be linked to some deeply stationed superiority complex.

>> No.5329371

>high life
Bourgeois concept. I'm such a cultural critic, hahahahha.

>> No.5329407

i just want to write a successful novel and make enough money from it to lead a vagabond and indolent life, use drugs and get drunk a lot, occasionally produce some other literary works like short stories and another novel every several years, and accept all invitations to give talks etc at universities for the sole purpose of meeting and having sex with undergraduate girls who attend. is this too much to ask?

>> No.5329428

Follow your dream anon. All things are possible.

>> No.5329458

What the fuck that's David Duchovny not Hank Moody what's going on he wrote a book I'm so confused

>> No.5329501

I doubt it
DFW is probably the biggest name in literary fiction of the past 20 years or so and he had to keep up being a college professor right?

>> No.5329644

his net worth was something million

>> No.5329831

This too is my dream. I want to roam the world getting up on stage saying a few words and have the audience go nuts for me.

>> No.5329837

>high rates of suicide
>very high rates of alcoholism
>having a big enough ego to write professionally

No, probably not.

>> No.5330027

Doesn't seem like it, unless you're Rowling, King, Koontz, Martin etc. One of those names that even non-readers recognize or deign to pick up every once in a while. Basically, don't get hopeful until your work gets optioned for film/tv.

I really just want to make enough to live comfortably, maybe go around the world. I'm content with mediocrity, for the most part. It would be nice to be rich. I want some pussy.

>> No.5330064

if that's what you're reaching for you're not gonna make it

>> No.5330072

Your negativity is not appreciated here.

>> No.5330075
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>> No.5330076

it wasn't my intention to be negative at all. i'm just saying it's better not to dream about recognition. no great work will ever come from this.

>> No.5330079

What you're saying is true. There's no doubt about it. But how are you so sure that no great work will ever come from this?

>> No.5330083


Rowling was actually super rich before the film series even began

i think it was because she had a good publishing deal and of course, the books sold like crazy, but i know that isnt enough for every author to be rollin in dough

>> No.5330091


Only a loser wears a ring on his index finger when he has other fingers free.

That's disgusting.

>> No.5330107

because when you're thinking of recognition you're taking into account other peoples' reception of your work. great work comes from the creator, alone, and separated from interpretation (which inevitably comes, hence the audience)

>> No.5330115

Damn, so there's really no easy way into fame. You have to not care about how well received your work is, you just need to be a perfectionist and make it the best piece of work ever. Then maybe, just maybe you can make it into the big leagues.

Then there's no winning here. I need to eliminate this fantasy if I'm ever going to make it.

>> No.5330121

as a struggling hobby artist, I can whole heartedly agree with this.
it took me a while, but I eventually came to terms that I would rather be unpopular and underground, drawing what I want instead of worrying about whether or not my insipid pop culture pieces were mainstream enough to garner attention.

>> No.5330141

art is hard. you have to be self-aware about what you deem as significant though. understand why great art is great

>> No.5330146

then throw all this out the window of course
it makes no sense really
which is why, again
it's hard