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/lit/ - Literature

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5329447 No.5329447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every well-written book is boring as fuck and every entertaining book has terrible prose.

It seems like no other art form suffers from this problem, only books do. Am I going to have to bridge this gap for once??

>> No.5329449

>blablabla I'm a pleb with no taste


>> No.5329454
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prove him wrung

>> No.5329461

Lo lee ta

>> No.5329469
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Perhaps >>>/tv/ would be more to your taste

>> No.5329473

Gravity's Rainbow
The Sound and the Fury
If you can't appreciate both the stories and prose from these works, wait until you graduate high school and then read them again.

>> No.5329474


nothing happens in that snooze fest...

I want something like Conan, but written by Cormac McCarthy


you gotta return to /b/ first.

>> No.5329478
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>> No.5329481

please go back to whatever board you came from

>> No.5329482
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>Am I going to have to bridge this gap for once??

Meaning what exactly? With your writing? If you can't appreciate the classics, trust me, your own writing is probably garbage.

>> No.5329485


Harlan Ellison is insufferable. Are his books actually readable???

>> No.5329486

The Conan stories actually have a lot of humor in them. So go sit on a dick or something you boring fuck.

>> No.5329490
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>has never read The Hour of the Dragon

don't talk about things you don't know nuffin' about

>> No.5329498
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>If you can't appreciate the classics, trust me, your own writing is probably garbage.

I can appreciate their prose. I can't appreciate their terrible plots and awful pacing.

>> No.5329500

Invisible man is not a great book ..... parts of it undoubtedly are, but large parts of it are shabby

>> No.5329528

Just leave.

>> No.5329535


do you get bored watching old movies too? It's your short attention span that's the problem, not the books.

>> No.5329553

Petersburg is beautiful and the plot is easily one of the most superb concepts in literature

>> No.5329561

This is because you're somebody that cannot imagine themselves living in any time other than the present, so all these allusions of heroism, self-sacrifice and religious virtue are lost on you.

>> No.5329568

Sounds like reading/writing isn't for you!

>> No.5329573


but he likes Conan.

>> No.5329577

which takes place in a fantasy world

>> No.5329578

It's Ralph!

You are as incorrect as one who would call Moby Dick mere pulp fiction.

>> No.5329580

Moby Dick is puke fiction though

>> No.5329605
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fucken hell

>> No.5329611

the joke
you'se head

>> No.5329628

>they had to smash snow into this woman's hair over and over to get this photograph just right

>> No.5329635

>it was snowing outside

>> No.5329639

>I want something like Conan, but written by Cormac McCarthy
Cormac is 2teep4u?

>> No.5329654


if he likes cormac then it isn't t2deep4him

>> No.5329671

Look now, anon, OP created a distinction between content and style.
That post implied Cormac has the style, Conan has the content.
Which implies that Cormac's content is not interesting to him. But what if - it's too deep for him? Cormac is very allegorical and biblical after all.

>> No.5329683
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OP is clearly an idiot, or still in high school.


>> No.5329761

>Which implies that Cormac's content is not interesting to him
>too deep

why is scalping and infanticide too deep? It's Conan tier shit.

>> No.5330051

I think OP wants a great, compelling, thought-provoking story/plot with neat ideas but also written and structured properly.

This is a lot less common than you'd think. I've been reading a shit load of classic sci-fi stories lately and practically all of this prose leaves much to be desired.

It's not so uncommon as to be imaginary though, and if OP thinks he's the one to bridge the gap, he'll be disappointed when he arrives at the Golden Gate holding nothing but a rope and two nails, the cocky twat.

>> No.5330098


I agree with this sentiment, i've been looking for a "fun" and "well written" book all my life. Still hasn't happened, I guess I'll wait for OP to write it.

>> No.5330102

what about some Phillip K Dick like Ubik

fuck if i know what good prose is, but i think the book has an entertaining plot and presents interesting ideas

another book thats not boring but also has interesting things to say is The Once and Future King by TH White

also A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay is good too

>> No.5330116

Haven't you read Seuss in Kindergarden? Not exactly Shakespeare but quaint all the same.

>> No.5330137

Book of the New Sun is what you're looking for.

>> No.5330149

Really? I'll give it a look soon. Thanks.

>> No.5330163


it's good, but confusing.

>> No.5330181

>Cormac is very allegorical and biblical after all.
No he isn't. Your shitty teacher lied to you, and you're wasting all that money going to that clown college.

>> No.5330186

>I only read books about bored socialites, or the great depression

>> No.5330242
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pic related

not-very-challenging mode: identify the irony.

>> No.5330267

>every entertaining book has terrible prose

You've never read Wodehouse, Nabokov, or Evelyn Waugh, have you?

>> No.5330375

>You've never read Wodehouse, Nabokov, or Evelyn Waugh, have you?

he specifically said entertaining.
You're suggesting sleeping pills, grow up.

>> No.5330624

Read some Damasio.

>> No.5332238

Damn nigga, you a thin skinned little pussyboy huh?

>> No.5332260

Just finished Lolita and I have to the last scene is the best death/fight scene I have read in awhile. The dense prose made it almost comedic.

>> No.5332298

Good writing doesn't just magically fly out of your pen. Writers have to spend time obsessively honing and rehoning and rewriting, unless you're a faggot like Kerouac. If you spend too much time doing this, you might reread it and find the sentences are very enjoyable, but the pacing all wrong and the plot too boring. Still, this a valid tradeoff for some. This is also true for plot: you might have an amazing, thrilling story in your head that's also good on paper, but find that the writing is subpar, since you weren't focusing on the writing; and if you try to rehone the writing too much, you'll distract the reader from the story or take away very good aspects and parts you wrote without that much effort. OP is a stupid faggot who doesn't know how hard it is to actually write something good, in terms of either plot or style.

>> No.5332327

>Humor is the only entertaining thing.
Hahahahahahahahaha! Now that IS humor.

>> No.5332340

>Quilty rattling on about letting HH have his house.
>"Drop the gun."
>Quilty running around naked playing the piano and shit.
>"Drop the gun."
>Quilty crawling into bed and hiding under the covers.
>"Drop the gun."
>HH telling Quilty's guests that he killed him and they don't even care.
>"Drop the gun."
That scene was so fucking great.

>> No.5332526

OP, /lit/ is just jerking itself off right now. Tell us what kind of movies you like and we can recommend. /lit/ attracts plenty of sci fi and fantasy readers and some crime fiction readers.

>> No.5332555
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>you gotta return to /b/ first.
You're the one burnt, faggot.

>> No.5332566
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>Every well-written book is boring as fuck
Bad news op, you've been reading shit.

>> No.5332724

>Bad news op, you've been reading shit.

plz explain why all the classics and nobel prize winning novels are "shit"....