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/lit/ - Literature

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5326239 No.5326239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just started reading this and I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about, I'm like two chapters in and still haven't made a single idea.

>> No.5326243

I abandoned this book - he refers to several different philosophers in every single paragraph and I just haven't read that many of them to keep up with it. Don't feel bad OP.

>> No.5326253

Yeah at least you caught the references, I haven't been able to tie together a
Single sentence.

>> No.5327028
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He is trying to say that the most important philosophical question is whether or not to kill yourself then he says that even though there is no god and life has no transcendent meaning it is better to die unexpectedly in a car crash that to kill yourself.

>> No.5327065

I've heard that the gist of Camus' philosophy of the absurd is that true meaning is not apparent but that the search for meaning is worthwhile anyway. Of course the book is going to be more complicated than that.

>> No.5327147

Because there's no point of intentionally cutting the experience short. Even in life-situations typically associated with suffering, the thinker can still find sensory pleasure in his surroundings and delight in the drama of everyday life.

>> No.5327233

read the last page
>but the point is to live

>> No.5327256

If I knew you personally I would kill you for being this stupid. I am completely serious.

>> No.5327266

Myth is such a fucking retarded essay. Maybe if Sisyphus was getting raped in the ass by a spiky acid dildo as he rolled the boulder it would be a more fitting metaphor for life.

Life is less than meaningless, it's suffering.

>> No.5327267

Camus outright states that he assumes the Absurd as a jumping-off point. Are you already familiar with absurdism? Because if not, the essay won't make any sense.

>> No.5327276

>My life is less than meaningless, it's suffering.

>> No.5327284

epic projection /b/ro

>> No.5327288

No. I'm asking him not to generalize his own feeling upon others, thus I'm the one stopping the projection.

>> No.5327301

Ask the thousands of people that starved to death since this thread was made if pushing the boulder was worth it.

Hell, ask the lab rats if pushing the boulder is worth it.

You people fucking disgust me.

>> No.5327306
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>> No.5327311

Keep reading. Finish it, you'll probably get the jist of it. Then, read some other philosophers, and come back to it in a year or two. You'll have much better understanding of it.

>> No.5327337

lol, you're not.

>> No.5327342


>> No.5329079

le bump

>> No.5329094

I thought his philosophy was basically nothing matters because you're going to die anyway.

>> No.5329097


Try reading him.

>> No.5329110

I don't think you are. If you were the kind of person to be serious about these kind of things you'd be in prison or dead.

>> No.5329124

Probably my favorite philosophical essay. You need some literacy in several Greek myths but I don't think it's too tough going to read. >>5327065 has the general gist and he hasn't even read it.

What do you find confusing or unclear in it?

>> No.5329148

Is The Stranger easier to read than The Myth of Sisyphus?

>> No.5329160

Miles. Miles miles miles.
A whole world easier.

The Stranger is the easiest book I think I've ever read, no shitting.

>> No.5329165

Well that's good news for a half retard like myself.

>> No.5329205

yes, for sure.

>> No.5329207

YA is harder than the stranger

>> No.5329254

Not true. My girlfriend was begging for a "book recommendation" so I suggested the stranger. She's since read 3-4 books about witches, and not more than 20 pages of the stranger.

>> No.5329349

>better to die unexpectedly in a car crash that to kill yourself.
You mean ""unexpectedly""?

>> No.5329365

that doesn't mean it's difficult, she probably just doesn't find it interesting, and that's PERFECTLY FINE

>> No.5329439

>she probably just doesn't find it interesting, and that's PERFECTLY FINE

that's not the /lit/ spirit

>> No.5329443

Life is so absurd that the only thing that makes sense is suicide, that way actually living is an affirmation of life or some shit, basically

I dunno. I don't really do philosophy that much