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5325349 No.5325349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Bible is a wondrously wrought compendium of some of the most profound and advanced human thought. Unless you've spent several years studying it, you know nothing of the humanities and are, more or less, illiterate.

>> No.5325354
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>> No.5325361

>The Bible is a wondrously wrought compendium of some of the most profound and advanced human thought, unless you've spent several years studying it.

fixed, you accidentally put a period where a comma should be.

>> No.5325362

You can pick it up elsewhere. It is a compendium.

>> No.5325366

Daily reminder that the Latin Vulgate Bible is the only acceptable translation.

>> No.5325371

Perfect. Makes more sense now.

>> No.5325372

Seppo pls go.

>> No.5325374

I never got why you were a Christ-hater, Butterfly
Is it the anti-homo stuff?

>> No.5325378
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>> No.5325388

The whole wasted childhood, (Waiting around for armageddon: Who needs to send the kids to school?) lies from the people I love, lies against the human race and reality, and beg pardon, but muh lost indigenous European culture. It was completely fucked over by this piddly little personality cult of doom.

>> No.5325410
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>muh lost indigenous European culture
This IS a serious issue

>> No.5325429
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>indigenous European culture

This is what our men would look like if they weren't pussified and brainwashed by semitic desert cultists.

>> No.5325432

I'm curious to see how a few inches of flesh would fair against a HP

>> No.5325434

>This is what our men would look like

6'9 @ 400lbs is small.

>> No.5325439


our tech would be superior if we didn't experience roughly 800 years of stagnation.

>> No.5325445

I think we wouldn't have survived the mongol raids without Christianity and Islam

>> No.5325450
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Fellow neo-pagans? I am a Hellenic Heathen.

>> No.5325453
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do you think that there were jews in the norse countries trying to convert the native population to christianity? what the fuck kind of understanding of history do you have

>> No.5325454

And the West wouldn't have survived Islam without Christianity. I'd wager Islam might have appealed to pagan Europe.

>> No.5325458

>germanic below celtic
lmao kiddie

>> No.5325466

There wouldn't have been Islam without Christian

>> No.5325471

>Implying asiatic Hungarian women aren't beautiful

Of course we would have.
I mean why, if wouldbe saint Peter, had died on the road before he could spread his ideas, why would the whole continent suddenly turn into a bunch of cow like people and never raise a thresher and mount a horse or ask aid from their imperialist neighbors. When challenged, people rise to meet it.

>> No.5325475

At least Celtic neo-paganism has some interesting qualities. Germanics only have 'Hail Wotan' and some books written by Catholic monks.

>> No.5325484

I don't know what he mean, but I have no beef with the people's of the middle east, and buy into no conspiracies, but the religions form that area suck.

Thank Allah, if only. Imagine if only Zoroastrianism stayed dominant till a decent secularism took hold.

>> No.5325490

Moby Dick > bible

>> No.5325494

It would have taken its cues from Judaism, at least. Perhaps Zoroastrianism, as well.

>> No.5325507


the converters were semitic culturally, by adopting a semitic religion, not racially.

jews travelled to all sorts of places though, they are a wandering race.

>> No.5325508

Who would've slapped Europe back together after the fall of Rome with no Catholicism and Charlemagne? We'd have been goths, franks, gauls and remnant Romans chimping on each other like retards I think. Slavs wouldn't even be able to read. Our ancestors would be fucked

>> No.5325527

everybody would be 6'3" 150iq germanics with huge uncircumcised dicks and no vision problems and we'd have colonized mars in 1800. this is science

>> No.5325539
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>be 6'3" 150iq germanics with huge uncircumcised dicks and no vision problems

>tfw I already am

>> No.5325561

Paul was the major proselytizer, not Peter.

>> No.5325567
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Thomas Jefferson
It's something we can't know for sure, obviously, but we wouldn't have keeled over and died. But I think the pantheists were on the verge of abandoning all that hokum and their "barbarian" brethren would have followed suit.

>uncircumcised dicks

>> No.5325570

You're absolutely right.
You're absolutely wrong.
You're absolutely altruistic.

>> No.5325578

Like separation of church and state? Why would that happen with no general sectarian and anti-papal buttmad as caused by Western Christendom's petty in-fighting over complete fucking baloney?

>> No.5325580

I get them mixed up.

>> No.5325584


Man will always inescapably be religious.

>> No.5325624

Where the fuck would Islam come from with no Roman christendom? Why would Muhammad have even known who the angel Gabriel even was, let alone know where to find him and what to talk to him about?

>> No.5325633


What is that supposed to mean? I think the Bible contains a lot of insight but I don't consider it particularly advanced in terms of literary ability, psychology, science, or other kinds of knowledge. I suppose the Gospel of John and Revelation are quite sophisticated literary works for their time.

Christian Europe might not have withstood the Mongols if Ogedei hadn't conveniently died.

>> No.5326212

if you actually read the bible and the greeks, you'll realize that 99% of anything anyone ever says about anything is from one of them

>> No.5326233

>he goes to the Bible to become "literate"
>not for truth and wisdom

read it again m8 you missed the point

>> No.5326447

I approve of this reminder.

>> No.5326468

You mean the type of people that went against their gods in their philosophy. Guess now I know the type of idiots that killed Socrates.

>> No.5326477

>uncircumcised dicks
Um, us slavs(Orthodox) and I guess the whole of Europe(Catholics) has this currently. Only muslims are known to be cut. When I went to murrica it seemed bizzare that they had cut dicks. Butterfly confirmed for idiot like always.

>> No.5326500
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>> No.5326534

the bible is probably the stupidest piece of shit i've come across. only on numbers, so still quite a bit of shit to go through.

>> No.5326572


>> No.5326581

Oh are you reading it all the way through? You shouldn't do that, it's not worth it. At least skip Psalms when you get to it.

Anyway, it becomes much better once you get paat the Torah, when it becomes more war-oriented, even though the military claims are definitely specious

>> No.5326591

>skip psalms
>skip the best poetry in the 2,000 page text
why not just skip freaking John while you're at it

the only things that can be justifiably skipped are the 'begats' and the lists of commandments found in Leviticus and Deuteronomy

>> No.5326605

List of commandments? You mean the backbone of the Jewish tradition?

Look buddy, you can safely skip about 1/2 the bible and receive the same overall message. Unless you're reading the KJV, prose doesn't matter. Lets assume it doesn't for a second. The only reason you would read any of the books in between Chronicles and the Torah is if you were interested in specific military details, but these claims are specious, so you shouldn't be. The only reason you would be interested in Psalms is if you wanted to hear 'Praise Yahwsh' over and over. The only reason that you would read ANY of the lesser prophet books except Daniel would be that you just wanted to hear of Israel's apocalyptic future and how they should turn from their ways. And finally, you can safely skip some of the redundant letters of Paul in the New Testament which simply reiterate and reinterpret the germane teachings of Christ. (Romans is very necessary though)

>> No.5326611

>skipping the commandments and not seeing what a dumbfuck Yahweh is

>> No.5326622

so you agree that the begats can be skipped

>> No.5326654

Well I think Chronicles and Genesis are both important books, but if you want to skip begats by all means go ahead, you are the arbiter of your own reading decisions after all.

I think the recap at the beginning of Chronicles is rather refreshing, however, and you won't get another recap like that one until Mark, in the New Testament.

>> No.5327376

So you know about the US adopting this Jewish (doctor) tradition, yet you still call me an idiot? This just an unqualified snipe?

Everyone banding together against a common foe isn't altruism. We all would have done fine without thejesus

>> No.5328628

check your antisemitism

>> No.5328719

Naw man, I'm anti-Israel and anti-theist. Jews are fine.