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5325017 No.5325017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does one do when they are an unacknowledged genius and they are at the mercy of avarice dumbards?

>> No.5325022

Meet another self-professed "genius".

You'll be so ashamed and repulsed you'll change your MO right quick.

>> No.5325026

Stroke it!!

>> No.5325037

I don't believe I've ever met someone as intelligent as I am.

I've met people who are better specialists, but they are usually only good at that one thing, and never able to expand beyond it, whereas I aspire to be a true renaissance man.

I do archery, inventing/designing, painting, drawing, chess, playing guitar, singing, poetry, etc.

The only thing I haven't done is horse back riding (which I am in the process of sorting out now).

I know no one even close to being like me in anyway.

>> No.5325049

>I don't believe I've ever met someone as intelligent as I am.
>posting on 4chan

>> No.5325065

What else is unacknowledged genius supposed to do?

Where else on the internet is there anonymity, relative free speech, and good traffic?

>> No.5325075
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>Claiming to be a Renaissance man

>> No.5325077

>unacknowledged genius
I have news for you, buddy.

>> No.5325085


>> No.5325088

It's the most appealing cultural archetype for me.
Fuck me right?

What's the news? Geniuses are thrown down the gutter all the time like Nikola Tesla? Yeah I know.

>> No.5325094

Are you good at math and physics? A lot of these self-professed geniuses struggle with those areas, and they're more or less the most important ones

And is your art any good? That part is rather important

Are you physically fit? Are you respected and loved by those who surround you? Do you teach and guide them?

>> No.5325097

No, idiots tend to overestimate their own intelligence. If no one is acknowledging your "genius" it isn't there.

>> No.5325100

You're not a genius. You've thought and done nothing original.

>> No.5325107
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>What else is unacknowledged genius supposed to do?
>posting on 4chan is his answer

>> No.5325112
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Second that shit.
Have you gone out into the real world and actually done something useful?

>> No.5325116

>Are you good at math and physics?
Used to be.

>And is your art any good?
No, but I'm progressing very well.

>Are you physically fit?
I am pretty damn robust--Muscles and cardiovascular conditioning. I have the body of Michelangelo's David.
>Are you respected and loved by those who surround you?
No, weeds would sooner strangle a rose than let them grow beside them.

>Do you teach and guide them?
I've tried, but they prefer instant gratification. I'd love to know people who would think going to the gorge and writing sonnets would be the best day imaginable.

Alas, most of humanity is filth.

>> No.5325123
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>weeds would sooner strangle a rose than let them grow beside them.

>> No.5325125
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>> No.5325130

>narcissist thread
>anons feeding the OP
>no literature discussion in sight

yes it is still summer on /lit/

>> No.5325132

you sound like a complete prick

>> No.5325138
File: 33 KB, 339x422, ATLAS FUGGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now spudro thread

>> No.5325148

>weeds would sooner strangle a rose than let them grow beside them.

Why does someone trying to maximizing his experience on this earth make you think he is a "prick"?


>> No.5325156
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>> No.5325162
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I seriously hope nobody thinks that you can just stop being good at math

>> No.5325163
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>> No.5325191
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>> No.5325192

You don't sound intelligent, you sound cultured.

>> No.5325194
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Alright then, I guess I'll just...

>> No.5325197
File: 115 KB, 400x320, drsteel_for_world_emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Got to /co/
2. Ask them how to become a supervillain
3. Show them
4. Show them all

>> No.5325199

if you think the people around you hate you because you're smart, then for a genius you're pretty fuckin stupid

>> No.5325204

>if you think the people around you hate you because you're smart
Oh because that's never happened eh?

>> No.5325206


OP you need to check your privilege

>> No.5325208
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>> No.5325288

throw shit on the ground

>> No.5325307
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>> No.5325317
File: 71 KB, 1500x957, but I'm different, said the self-proclaimed genius. I'm going to community college first then I'm going to transfer to a better school. NOPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5325320

I went to community college first and then transferred to a top ten school. It happens.

>> No.5325339

You aren't as good as you think you are. We aren't good at comparison when it comes to our own abilities. It is nothing but pride that put you above others when they are better than you at something. Being second best at a lot of things doesn't make you a genius.

>> No.5325365

i went to a cc and a good amount of people in my math courses ended up transferring to columbia gs afterwards
idk if that's top 10 but we

>> No.5325377

columbia GS is the back door method to the ivy leagues

I almost applied there last semester, instead I'm going to University of Vermont which is a public ivy so I should be set for proper ivies if I maintain a good GPA

>> No.5325379

That maze ends, like, right away from entering it, no matter the direction you take.

>> No.5325398

If you want to go supervillain route, I really can't think of anyone better than Nietzsche. I've described some of his ideas to other people their first response was "villain".

>> No.5325404

>Knowledge at our fingertips.
>People professing desires to become polymaths.
>Other people shitting all over them.

I'm used to the abuse that the internet loves to hand out to each other, but this unified self-hatred unveils its own ignorance.

When people claim to seek becoming "renaissance men" there is nothing inherently absurd about it. We are at the threshold of an ideological revolution. If you can't sense that, you're the true sophist.

The only thing absurd about the new generation of self-professed "renaissance men" is that they believe they are the only ones. But their arrogance bumps heads with the absurdity of the self-hatred of the internet. The sad part is that these outlooks are two sides of the same coin. While trying to absolve oneself of the narcissistic obsession with their own uniqueness the internet denizens go out and try to cleanse the world of any shred of self-esteem with abusive language.

I guess my point is, when will you fuckheads stop abusing one another and unite? This thing we share, the internet, is beautiful. Sure I dick around on 4chan for fun, I also download plenty of interesting historical and philosophical literature, and I know I am not alone. We have plenty to be proud of. All of us. We will shake the world, the tremors of this new medium are already beginning to ripple through society, and the old structures don't know how to cope.

So, for fucks sake, be proud.

>> No.5325408

a lot of redditor types don't acknowledge that in addition to delusional lower middling types, there are also people who are smarter, more competent, etc. than those around them and realize it

it's pretty clear when you meet one and it's also pretty clear that they are generally very aware of their own abilities

>> No.5325411
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If you were actually a genius you wouldn't be at the mercy of avarice dumbards.

>> No.5325423

>people believe this

Lel, someone has an idealized/naive view of intelligence.

>> No.5325431

The internet is a bad thing.

A society does not need renaissance men with internet derived inorganic philosophies to prosper, and indeed all the people who are degenerated by the internet are the price you pay for so-called renaissance men that can sprout from it.

The internet provides an outlet for boundless knowledge, but you're naive if you think we as humans will use it for that. Most of us use the internet for funny memes and to reinforce our own egos through social networking and internet activism. It might not sound so bad as such, but consider the importance of bullying and peer pressure, and consider how the internet provides a safe haven for the undesirables of society. Whether you're a furry or a transgender-creature, there's a tumblr where you can find other degenerative freaks from around the world and reaffirm yourself within your own bizarre worldview. There are 4chan boards that fit this description (see: /lgbt)

So, to recap, the internet is tremendously damaging to our social fabric just at a time when increased diversity has it fraying at the edges. It creates a sort of misalignment of culture, with the global (internet) on one hand and the common culture (local, regional) on the other. These things form a stalled dialectic, and it has very real, although opaque, consequences.

>> No.5325443

>caring about the "social fabric"
>believing in spooks

>> No.5325448

ebin, simply ebin

>> No.5325449

Depends on your category of genius.

I'd hang that Lichtenstein

>> No.5325452

What's the capital of Andorra?

>> No.5325457

This idea that we have to 'shake the world' to be proud is what kills it. We need to revert to the thinking of 'contribute, grow, and be a good person' as our proud goal. Only when we embrace the inevitable mediocrity of the average person will we truly be on the path to success. Stop telling people to try and touch the sky when you know they can't reach. Tell them to reach as high as they can and leave it at that, and congratulate them every step of the way.

>> No.5325468

You. If you are fully aware of your intelligence then most likely you lack the intelligence to progress. And stagnation is only a step from spoiling. If you are the OP you need to realize if you don't focus on a subject you excell at you will be one of the tell tales jack of all trades,master of

>> No.5325503

Avarice is a noun, the adjective is avaricious.


>I don't believe I've ever met anyone as intelligent as I am

>met anyone as intelligent as I am

>as intelligent as I am

>I do archery

>> No.5325516
File: 68 KB, 660x845, cobain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5325517

what school did you go to?

what is your vocation, OP?

how much money do you make?

what is your greatest accomplishment?
>mfw OP's answers are going to be super mediocre
>nfw when I'm too lazy to attach a picture

>> No.5325525

>how much money do you make?
income=/= genius.

Try again kiddo.

>> No.5325536


conveniently ignoring all the other questions too top kek

>> No.5325542

Honestly, you just sound like a try-hard cultured bro. There is nothing genius about singing, drawing, painting, etc. A four year old can do those things.

>> No.5325543

I think he meant it more as a measure of success, based on the other questions he asked, meaning of course that he was correlating success, not income, with genius.

>> No.5325545

I'm not the OP.

>If you are fully aware of your intelligence then most likely you lack the intelligence to progress.

I don't think that's true. In fact, I don't know what that's supposed to mean. Someone who spends a lot of time obsessing over their intelligence is likely to overlook his ignorance, which means he won't be able to actively replace that ignorance with knowledge. That I grasp. But that's far from merely "recognizing your intelligence".

I've spent a decent amount of time with others. I'm smarter than most of them, but quite a few are smarter than me too.

Of course I pretend not to know my own intelligence for the sake of a polite level of humility, but in a space like 4chan where I don't have to worry about that, well, I know I'm smart. I'm not going to pretend otherwise.

That being said, my comment (about his naive view of intelligence) has nothing to do with any of this. If he thinks intelligence (even genius) alone is enough to make someone a success, he's just plain wrong.

>> No.5325546

Again, if you're so smart, what's the capital of Andorra?

If you don't know the capital of Andorra, you're not smart. It's my dummy test,

>> No.5325552

To varying fucking degrees man.. a 7 year old can do math... your logic is fucked mate. Absolutely fucked.

>> No.5325557
File: 118 KB, 576x482, flammarion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am surrounded by the blisters of humanity, I have truly been condemned to the first circle of hell, I know it.

*sigh* To live as an unacknowledged genius...


>> No.5325560

OP's narcissistic supply: the thread

>> No.5325565

How specifically are you measuring your intelligence against your peers.

>> No.5325577
File: 88 KB, 688x862, 1390890027061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being confident means someone is narcissistic

Wow, the world has truly become a cesspit.

I long for the days where nobility was admired instead of mired in dung.


>> No.5325585

IQ test

>> No.5325589

You're not nobility, you are a common peasant, and even the genius peasants mired in dung.

Don't fool yourself.

>> No.5325592

>Lel I post picture(sic) of art and le piece of music by Bach me so smart

Kill yourself loser.

>> No.5325608
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Nobility goes beyond class--it is far too complex for a simple flatworm like yourself to understand.


>> No.5325612

wow so cultured

maybe if I suck your cock some of your culture will rub off on me

>> No.5325615
File: 19 KB, 400x335, d997a01f7857ba681e90c64c6934351b_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know with what kind of person I speak to. Nothing you say touches me. Go back to reading pynchon or something.

>> No.5325617

>If you are fully aware of your intelligence then most likely you lack the intelligence to progress.

This person was saying that nobody is ever fully aware of their intelligence, and that if they are, they are deluding themselves (and therefore unintelligent). If you were an incredibly genius, your genius would surpass your ability to fully realise it. Only a very dim-witted person would have such low intelligence that they could know its entire scope.

>> No.5325626

Guys you're all forgetting that OP, by his own proclamation, is unhappy and frustrated. Let's just pretend he is an undiscovered genius, fuck him, he's unhappy and anyone with half a brain would pick being a retarded impoverished African child if it guaranteed a better overall positive emotional lifetime yield than an unhappy, lonely, 'undiscovered' genius.

>> No.5325627

>I'm the perfect gentelman

>> No.5325628

Being smarter than the people around you doesn't make you a genius. That this means anything is still just pride.

>> No.5325630

Let us say that this person was a masterful singer, artist, archer, etc.—would you, could you, call that "genius"?

>> No.5325631
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I just want a like-minded companion.

No sexual intercourse of any kind required, though rigorous discourse is mandatory.

>> No.5325637

I've never read Pynchon, but I hear he ain't bad. Keep posting well known classical music and mediocre art. That'll show us how cultured you are, friend.

>> No.5325638

**incredible genius.

>> No.5325642

If he meant it that way, then he has formulated a literal contradiction. Nothing except nothing could be so stupid as to fully realize itself. He has made a trivial statement.

>> No.5325643

Does anyone else feel incredibly stupid when they read philosophy? I feel like I could never come up with something half as intelligent as Nietzsche, or articulate it as well.

>> No.5325646

I can't believe how stupid you are. I'll ask one last time. What's the capitol of Andorra?

>> No.5325648

Yes, thank you. Not the same guy but I was also saying this in

>> No.5325650

Guy who posted that pic; in that case we're talking about two different things. I'm talking genius as in Bach, Da Vinci. Those guys were good enough to succeed. The genius of IQ tests have no bearing on your success in the world.

If you were so smart you'd find a way to make yourself succeed in the world; or really, you wouldn't give a fucking shit if you were that good. Even calling people avarice dumbards is only going to hold you back. Check your need for recognition.

>> No.5325651

'Artistic genius' is common vernacular.. but besides that I agree with your overall point. If you read my post you'll notice I was addressing his specific train of thought which was 'if a young child can do it, it can't make you a genius'. I think you would agree that premise is pants on head retarded.

>> No.5325659

Well, consider that Nietzsche was one of the most prominent philosophers to come out of modernity. That means his ideas surpassed millions and billions of others.

Only in a narcissistic conceit would measure themselves up to people like Nietzsche.

>> No.5325665
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*sigh* people in this thread really are the dregs.